Imperial CEO's Overbearing Love

Chapter 416

Chapter 416

Everyone was immersed in the joy of the baby's eyes, and for a while he forgot Gu Jin.

Si Li Ting carefully put the baby on her side, Gu Jin another hand has injections, she can only one hand around the baby.

The baby also looked at her curiously. Mother and son were born with a special connection. The baby was more happy to see her smile.

"Wow, it's amazing. The baby knows who you are, and he laughs so happily."

unable to restrain the emotions, Gu Jin as like as two peas on the baby's eyes and the same face as Shi Li Ting, and the face that resembles SHLI ting.

"Uncle, our baby is born!" At this moment, her heart was filled with emotion. Before that, she even thought that the child could not be saved.

The face was gently held up, Si Li Ting stroked the tears on her face with his hand, "it's not good for eyes to sit in a month and cry."

This curtain fell in other people's eyes, how to see all feel a little strange, the bed lying weak woman holding the baby, the man gently wipe her tears.

People who don't know them will think it's a very harmonious family, but the man is Smith, the most mysterious and low-key family.

Before that, he didn't even say a few words to Gu Jin except once in a bar.

Why does a stranger create the illusion that they are a family?

But before Gu Jin and the baby only experienced life and death, the little life was born after difficulties and obstacles. Even strangers would be moved under such circumstances.

Gu Jin weak smile: "yes, I can't cry, I should laugh."

"Xiaojin'er, you are very weak now. You need to rest. If you don't like here, you can leave in a week."

"No, I like it very much. Let's have a baby here, brother. Please arrange it."

"Well, don't worry, but I'd like to talk to Mr. Smith before that." Gu Nancang comforts Gu Jindao.

Gu Jin thinks that the island belongs to Smith, and it will cause trouble for the host to live for a month. It is also polite to communicate well in advance.

Si Li Ting and Gu Nancang leave together, and Nangong Xun also follows. josei

"Mr. Smith, I'm afraid you're going to give us an account of what's going on today." Gu Nancang is no longer gentle in front of Gu Jin.

Nangong Xun's body is cold, purple double pupil lenglenglengleng is staring at this man in front of.

"Account." He only said two words, but the weight of his tone was quite heavy. He would not let anyone hurt Gu Jin.

Si Li Ting was not in the restaurant, so he didn't know what happened. When he heard that Gu Jin was premature, he was scared and almost scattered. He had no time to ask the truth.

"I don't know what you need from me?"

Gu Nancang's face was gloomy. "Jin'er, before coming to the island, I specially asked the doctor to check her body, and all the indicators pointed to normal.

Her condition, the doctor said, would only exceed the due date, and we even made an appointment with the doctor who gave her a C-section.

In the past two days, she was in good health. When we were ready to leave after lunch, she suddenly said that she had a stomachache.

There may be many reasons for premature birth, such as fatigue, hyperthyroidism, stimulation, drugs, and other conjectures are obviously not tenable.

The biggest possibility is that she took the food that was drugged to cause miscarriage. Fortunately, Nangong Mo and okra are making a fuss today. Jin'er patronizes to watch the two fight, so she doesn't eat much.

If she ate more, it would not be premature, but stillbirth! Mr. Smith, all the food here is provided by you.

I'm very grateful to you for letting us go to the island for a visit. Now you can see jin'er's body. She can't move freely within seven days.

If this happens again, who is responsible for the safety of jin'er and Baobao's life? "

Gu Nancang's words are not too heavy, because from what Gu Jin described to him before, this man has no malice towards her.

Originally thought he was interested in Gu Jin, fireworks feast to now, he and Gu Jin have never met.

This time on the island or put forward his own, he is interested in Gu Jin, this can be ruled out.

Just when life was at stake, he was willing to let Gu Jin abuse his hand without saying a word. Gu Nancang's intuition was not what he did.

Even if it's not him, Gu Jin has to recuperate here, and he wants to get rid of all the dangers.

Si Li Ting hears the cause and effect on the face also some surprised color, "do you mean that she ate to cause premature birth?"

"Yes, all the ingredients are provided by you, and we did not have any difference, but she gave birth to a pregnant woman.

I have specially observed before that all the ingredients are edible for pregnant women. It is clear that some people deliberately started to attack jin'er

Si Li Ting thought of the book scattered on the bed last night. He already knew who did it.

His wife and children almost died because of him. At the moment, Si Li Ting's heart became angry because of the arrival of his new life."Mr. Gu, please rest assured that there will be no more problems from now on."

"Mr. Smith, jin'er is not in a hurry now, so I'll send someone from home, so you won't have to interfere with her food in the future.

As for Jiner's parturition on the island, I can pay you according to the price of the moon Center... "

"Gu always thinks I'm short of money? She had an accident on the island, which I will definitely find out. As for the matter of confinement, please rest assured that no one will disturb her rest again. "

"That's good. I believe in Mr. Smith."

Si Li Ting nods to leave, after leaving his face immediately changed an expression.

He specially told the kitchen pregnant women, must pay attention to the problem of diet, in his deliberate command also had a problem, there is only one reason, someone is playing tricks.

Si Li Ting went directly to a person's room and kicked open the door. At the moment, he didn't care about any disguise.

All he knew was that his wife and children almost died because of him, and he didn't know anything like a fool.

There was a strong smell of wine in the room. Alice was wearing a bathrobe and puffing with a cigar in her hand.

She opened her misty eyes and looked at the angry man in front of her, who obviously knew everything.

Alice said with a cold smile: "before that, I had imagined countless times. Today I don't want to see you, but you still come."

If Si Li Ting doesn't come, it will prove that the information is just a coincidence. He is not a Si Li Ting, he is a frail and sick Smith since childhood.

He came with rage, and the answer was clear.

Even if Hua Qing did something so excessive, his anger value was far from reaching the present situation.

A few steps went up to Alice and grabbed her by the neck. "I never do it to women, but you damn it!"

Si Li Ting's voice is as cold as the cold wind in winter.

Alice's throat was choked by smoke, and her throat was pinched by Si Li Ting. Her face turned red with pain.

"Cough You're going to kill me? Because I killed your women and children? "

Si Li Ting has known for a long time, although he has erased everything, but as long as from Gu Jin, he will find out.

So he has been careful not to have too much contact with Gu Jin, that is, he wants to hide from the sky.

I didn't expect that the last thing leaked out was herself. Alice noticed the book about parenting.

If Gu Jin didn't come to the island, then Alice would not think of her.

Everything seems to be a trap deliberately set by God, and he pushes all this in the dark.

One night's time is enough for Alice to find out. What Si Li Ting didn't want to happen happened happened.

"You know it."

Alice's eyes were red. She was crazy and pounded at his chest, "you bastard! Since you already have a sweetheart, why do you want to provoke me? "

Si Li Ting sneered: "Miss Alice, have I provoked you from the beginning to the end?"

Alice thought of their meeting. He didn't even show his true face. He was dressed up in a very ordinary way. At that time, she was still wondering how there was such an ordinary person in the Smiths' family.

Who knows the accident happened, he got wet and went to the bathroom to change his clothes. When she saw his real face, she decided to have this man.

He was estranged from himself in every way, but he pursued him relentlessly.

Yes, he was provoked from the beginning to the end.

But then what, this man she's going to decide!

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