Imperial CEO's Overbearing Love

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Even if it was a test, the test came too fast. Su Jinxi had no psychological preparation at all.

"Didn't you say you suffered a lot? So I'll give you this chance, and you'll take the lead Jane glanced at Su Jinxi.

"You're not kidding me, sister Jennie? I'm the first one to go. If I mess up, it will affect your plans later

Su Jinxi is not afraid to consider the overall situation of the company.

"I want you to go, but I don't want you to show your identity. You are a new person with a fresh face. Other people may not pay attention to you."

Jennie pushed her glasses, apparently with a plan.

From what Su Jinxi has just shown, she has a good memory, observation and mind.

Maybe she's the best candidate.

"Sister Jennie, do you mean..." Su Jinxi didn't quite understand.

"Come here and I'll teach you."

"Oh." Su Jinxi had to hurry over.

Others understood Jennie's meaning in an instant. After all, Jennie was able to sit in this position by means of means.

Whether it is good or not, as long as you can achieve the goal is the best.

Su Jinxi followed Jennie to her office. "Sister Jennie, what do you want to teach me?"

Jennie did not speak, but walked around Su Jinxi and looked at her figure.

Su Jinxi was staring at her and said, "sister Jennie, don't look at me like this I'm not used to it. "

"Girl, you are a natural beauty."

How does Su Jinxi feel like a Peking duck that is being smoked and roasted by the fire, and Jennie is holding the hook and spinning her cook?

"Jeanie, I really don't understand."

"Xiao Su, today I will teach you the first lesson of the workplace. Sometimes, in order to achieve the goal, special means are used in special periods."

"What is special means?"

Jennie looked at her eyes, pure as lake water, and touched her face with her fingers.

"You should be glad that God has given you a face that no one else can ask for."

Su Jinxi doesn't know how she pulled her face from the project.

"Sue, you can go and pack up and get off work."

As soon as he heard that he was going to leave work, Su Jinxi thought it was Jennie who didn't want her. He quickly said, "sister Jennie, give me a chance. I'm sure I'll do a good job."

"Silly girl, I'm not firing you. I'll let you pack up and go shopping with me for a while."

"Oh, that's it. I'm scared to death. I'll go out first." Su Jinxi turns to go out.

After she went out, Jennie called the needle in again, "give me the information of President Dihuang."

"Jennie, I can give you any information, but he can't

"Why not?" Jane pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"When I got the project, I looked for his information, but I couldn't find anything."

"What! It's impossible for such a big company to find information about the president. "

As a matter of fact, Jennie had no impression on the president of that company. The name of Dihuang was like thunder, and there was no news about the boss at all.

Before Jennie felt that it was the boss who lived in seclusion and was accustomed to being unfamiliar with herself.

As long as you have a good look, there can be no trace.

"Sister Jennie, this boss can be said to be extremely mysterious, except that some senior management met him at the meeting, ordinary employees could not see him at all."

Small needle helplessly shrugs, with his good professional quality to receive the task, the first time will go to inquire for information.

Jennie was incredulous. "Doesn't he go to work? Not attending any activities? No annual meeting? More than 300 days a year, I don't believe no one sees him! "

"Well, Jeanie, that mysterious president is really like this. As far as I know, there is a gold elevator for him in their company.

Usually he goes directly from the garage to the top floor. By the way, his garage is also independent.

He is very low-key, except for important meetings such as the senior board of directors.

How can a small employee know that he is the president even if he can't see him for ten years, let alone for a year?

His identity information on the Internet has been deliberately erased, and he never accepts any interview invitation, so the president is a mystery.

If you want Su to use the beauty trick, I don't think it will work. We don't even know whether the president is tall or short, young or old. "

Jeanine frowns, no wonder the cooperation with Emperor Huang is always unsuccessful. Who can break the president?

"As long as it is a person, there are shortcomings, especially men. Su is different from other women."

"Well? What's the difference? ""She's clean, and this kind of woman is the most attractive to men, especially those who stand higher.

They are now, must be step by step from the dark to climb up, the heart of the most need is light.

And Xiao Su is the type that can bring hope. None of us can do this task except her. "

The needle looked at her with both eyes shining. "Jeanie, you're good at psychology, but would Su like to do this?"

"I told her that this department is not for ordinary people to do. If she doesn't have this awareness and she is still young, I will teach her well."

"Well, sister Jennie."

"I'm off work first."

"Yes." Little needle looked at Jennie left the back, for a time did not know whether the heart is happy or sad.

As for himself, of course, he hopes to get the business, but if the business is going to pollute a person

He couldn't bear to think of Su Jinxi's bright smile before.

Jennie went to Su Jinxi and said, "are you ready?"

"Well, it's ready, sister Jennie. What do you want me to buy with you?" josei

"You'll know when you get there." Jane took Su Jinxi to the barber's.

Su Jinxi was at a loss, "sister Jennie, don't you want to buy something? How did you come to the barber shop

"Do a hair with me and do it for yourself by the way."

Jennie obviously knew the supervisor here. As soon as they met, they said, "give my sister a good haircut."


Su Jinxi a face at a loss was pulled to wash his hair, "Jennie sister, I, I don't do hair, my hair is very good."

Jennie smiles at her, "little girl, I will make you better, good, listen to my sister's right."

Su Jinxi thinks that she hasn't changed her hair style for a long time, so do it. She doesn't care.

"All right."

After several hours, Su Jinxi came out.

"Sister Jennie, how did you make me look like this?" Su Jinxi looks at himself in the mirror.

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