Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1021

Chapter 1021

Chapter 1021

Chapter 1021

Comelia said, ‘I’m all over the place right now, can’t think straight, and I ain’t no genius. Don’t just go around throwing compliments at me.”

Marcus replied, “If you can’t get your head around it, don’t even try You’ve been busting your chops here for hours, go out and get some air”

Cornelia shook her head and continued reading Granny Rebecca’s diary, “I want to keep reading”

Marcus said. “Ainght, I’ll keep you company”

From the diary, Cornelia found out that Robison was indeed not Granny Rebecca’s biological child. Turned out, Granny Rebecca had an ectopic pregnancy once, which led to a hysterectomy, rendering her unable to have kids.

Her grandpa truly loved her grandma and didn’t mind her infertility, and his love for her didn’t waver. But back then, being childless after years of marriage was deemed a great sin

People started to badmouth her grandma regardless of the reason. What was more, the Stewart family members even advised Cornelia’s grandpa to divorce her grandma They argued that he was the only male in the Stewart lineage, and they couldn’t risk the family line dying out.

Under immense pressure, Granny Rebecca even contemplated divorce, wanting to escape this suffocating environment. But how could Cornelia’s grandpa just stand by and watch his wife being belittled?

He claimed that he was the one infertile, and it had nothing to do with Granny Rebecca Once he said that, everyone around them shut up. The family members who initially advocated for the divorce also changed their attitude towards Granny Rebecca, they were worried that she might leave.

Thanks to Comelia’s grandpa, all the gossip was kept at bay, allowing Granny Rebecca to continue her work at ease and even adopt two kids

After reading these records, Cornelia looked at Marcus beside her, “My grandpa loved my grandma so much.”

Marcus said, “Let me see.”

Comelia handed him the diary and leaned in, “I always thought my grandma was the rock in our family, and my grandpa didn’t have to worry about anything. Now I know, he was just as important to my grandma. When my grandpa admitted he was infertile, it was not only a brave act, but also a promise to my grandma that he would protect her and give her the courage to move forward”

Marcus ruffled Cornelia’s hair and said with a smile, “You should also have the courage to move forward, I’ll protect you.”

“I know” Comelia snuggled into his arms, whispering softly, “Jeremy…

Marcus replied. “I’m here.”

Cornelia snuggled closer and continued, “We should be like my grandparents. No matter what happens, we should discuss and solve it together, and we can’t keep secrets from each other”

Cornelia was hinting at something, Marcus got it. He put down the diary, embraced Cornelia, and kissed her

Soon, Cornelia completely forgot about the task at hand.

Cornelia stayed in Rosenberg for two days, tidying up Granny Rebecca’s belongings. She didn’t hear from Sallie, so she decided to call her.novelbin

To her surprise, Sallie was already back in Riverton…

Cornelia asked, “Didn’t you say you were going to do some charity work for a few days, why did you come back so soon?”

Mentioning this, Sallie got really pissed off, “Cornelia, I was tricked. I thought they genuinely wanted to do something meaningful for women, that’s why I accepted their invitation. But when I got there, I realized they weren’t taking it seriously at all, they just wanted to make a quick buck and gain fame. Seeing their hypocritical faces, I was livid, so I ditched the event ”

Cornelia replied, “After this incident, a lot of people did take advantage of it for publicity Some even claimed to be the victims in the video and started live streaming on some platform, claiming to help more girls. But in reality, they were just crying poor to trick sympathy and money out of people.”


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