Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042

Marcus was the kind of guy who would try anything, no fear.

But when it came to Comelia’s life, he shouldn’t roll the dice.

Brennen went on, “Marc, have you been feeling chest pains, a decline in vision, and chills recently? Do you know what’s really up?”

Lately, Marcus had been feeling these symptoms. His chest was constantly in discomfort, his vision was deteriorating rapidly, and his body often felt as cold as


He thought it might be the aftermath of a gunshot wound from years ago, but apparently it wasn’t.

Marcus smirked, “When did you slick me?”

Brennen replied coldly, “When you were a kid, about five A buddy of mine developed a deadly drug that can kill without a trace. Once it’s injected, the drug slowly destroys the victim’s organs. In about twenty years or so, the person’s organs would be completely eaten away, leaving only death waiting”

Brennen said such cruel words without a hint of emotion/Marcus seemed unaffected as though he wasn’t the one injected with the lethal drug.

Brennen continued, “Twenty years, that’s a long time. Even if the person who was injected dies a horrible death, nobody would trace it back that far, so no one would find the real killer. He used to test on mice, but their lifespan is too short to last twenty years. He wanted to test on a real human, and that’s where you came in. You were only five then twenty–five in twenty years, it seemed perfect. So, he injected you.”

Marcus stared at the man in front of him. Who could be more cold–blooded than Brennen, willing to kill his own son?

He laughed, “You’re so sure I won’t kill you for spilling the beans?”

Brennen said, “I have nothing left to lose, what’s there to fear?” novelbin

Marcus said, “According to you, I should have been six feet under by twenty–five, but I’m almost twenty–nine now.”

Brennen said, “Lasked my buddy what’s the deal, if the expenment had failed. He told me to be patient, that the drug has different effects on different individuals, a three to five years margin of error is normal. There have been cases of people injected with the drug dying around the twenty–year mark.”

Marcus said, “You guys don’t give a damn about human lives.”

Brennen said. “Don’t make yourself sound so high and mighty. You’ve used extreme measures too. As for murder, as long as it’s traceless, no one can find me. No

one can arrest me.”

Marcus said, “I don’t mind tossing you back in the slammer for a few decades.

Brennen said, “I’m not worried about myself. Whether it’s ten years or several decades in jail, it’s all the same to me. But your wife Cornelia is a different story. I’ve been thinking, if you kick the bucket, could Cornelia handle the responsibility of the entire Hartley Group? How would she deal with all those greedy people outside who want a piece of the Hartley Group?”

Marcus was very familiar with his own health condition. If what Brennen said was true, he might indeed not have much time left.


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