Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053

Comelia was about to put down her phone when another message from Skyler popped up: [Comelia, there’s something I’m not sure if I should tell you or not.

Comelia replied. [We’re besties, right? What can’t you tell me?]

After a while, Skyler sent another message: [] overhead that Zavier seems to be planning something with Brennert, Granger and others to take down President Hartley]

How did you find out?] Comelia asked.

Skyler answered: I stumbled upon their conversation. They even mentioned using your mom to manipulate you, making it easier for them to go against President Hartley]

[Skyler, thank you for letting me know. I’ll be careful not to fall into their trap] Cornelin replied.

Comelia knew she couldn’t really help Marcus, but as long as she protected herself and didn’t become a pawn for others to attack Marcus, that was helping enough

Skyler added [Comelia, I might quit and leave the Hartley Group tomorrow.]

[Why? Comelia asked.

I crave freedom. I’m tired of dealing with numbers all day. I don’t like this monotonous life] Skyler replied.

[Whatever you decide to do, I’m on your side] Comelia responded novelbin

[Comelia] Skyler began.

[Skyler, just spit it out. Don’t hold back] Cornelia replied.

[Let’s call it a night and we can have a good chat after we meet tomorrow night] Skyler suggested.

[Sure] Comelia agreed.

After ending the chat with Skyler, Cornelia found it hard to fall asleep. She thought Marcus had hidden Skyler far away, yet Skyler was actually very close.

As the saying went, the most dangerous place was the safest place. If her mother was still alive, could she be somewhere close too? That thought made Cornelia’s

heart race

She sent another message to Zavier [Mr. Rivera, is what you said true?]

After sending the message, Cornelia waited for a long time, but Zavier didn’t reply What she didn’t know was that Zavier had already fallen asleep. And by Zavier’s bed sat a woman holding Zavier’s phone, staring blankly at the new message. This woman was Skyler

Skyler looked at Comelia’s message, thought of many possible replies. But in the end she didn’t respond. She

gently put Zavier’s phone back.

She sat by Zavier’s bed, quietly looking at him. She had known Zavier for many years In the early years of their marriage, she had wanted to have a good life with Zavier. But every time she tried to make this marnage work, Zavier shattered her dreams. He never treated her as his wife

The more she was disappointed, the colder her heart became. But strangely, after she left, not only did Zavier spend a lot of effort looking for her, he also said he liked her, couldn’t live without her

Was this the classic case of not knowing what they have until it was gone?

Skyler wasn’t sure what Zavier truly felt, but his feelings weren’t important to her. She came this time hoping Zavier would stop, not to fight with Marcus anymore She knew that once she returned to Zavier’s side, she might relive the hellish life.


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