Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072

Comella cared the world for Skyler. There was no way she would do anything to embarrass her. Marcus saw through her, “Comelia, don’t sweat what other people think Just go with your gut.” Comelia chuckled a bit, “But opinions matter. We’re in a world where few can really do as they please.”

Could others do it or not? Comelia didn’t know. All she knew was that she couldn’t.

And she guessed Skyler probably couldn’t either.

Marcus said, “Let’s roll.”

“Sure” Cornelia glanced at Ayden.

Ayden had been with Marcus for way longer than she knew him. Because Marcus had always shown her respect, Ayden had treated her the same way

On the other hand, Dr. Dawson, despite being with Marcus for years, got fired for disrespecting him.

Zavier’s bodyguard dared belittle Skyler, disrespect Skyler, which only meant Zavier had never shown Skyler the respect she deserved in front of his subordinates.

At this moment, Cornelia was both heartbroken for Skyler and felt helpless. She wanted to help Skyler, but didn’t know how. Because Zavier was Skyler’s husband, many people saw whatever harm he did to Skyler as their private business, none other’s beeswax. Just like when many victims of domestic violence sought help, people would say it was a family matter, and outsiders shouldn’t poke their noses into it.

Cornelia’s helplessness stemed from this environment.novelbin

They didn’t eat much at dinner, feeling down in the dumps.

On their way home, Marcus asked Cornelia, “You still up for some grub?”

Cornelia had been thinking about Skyler and didn’t have much appetite. But she knew she couldn’t go on like this, so she said, “I’ve got a hankering for Buffalo wings There’s a joint near our place.”

Marcus said, “You navigate, Ill drive.”

Cornelia, “Sure.”


Before long, they reached their destination. Marcus parked the car on the side of the road, then went to the restaurant with Cornelia.

It was past the dinner rush, and the restaurant was about to close. Cornelia quickly ordered two dishes, her favorite Buffalo wings and grilled lobster.

The lobster was not spicy, specially chosen for Marcus. But Marcus barely touched it Feeling a bit awkward, Cornelia said, “You pick the place next time. I’m not fussy, I can chow down on anything”

Marcus said, “I’m just not hungry today. It’s not about the food.”

Cornelia looked at Marcus seriously, “You’ve been looking off–color all night. How about we have Dr. Lester check you out later?”

Marcus said, “I’m fine.”


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