Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1114

Chapter 1114

Chapter 1114

Chapter 1114

The butler asked, “Am I the only one who thinks you two look alike?”

Grandpa Duran immediately tumed to the others, “Do any of you think Cornelia and I resemble each other?” novelbin

When no one had brought it up, nobody had noticed. But now that it was mentioned, the others looked at the two of them, and they did seem to share some


Steven said, “Grandpa Duran, your facial features aren’t similar, but if you look closely there are some resemblances.”

Grandpa Duran asked, “Where exactly are we alike?”

Steven replied, “Well, Grandpa Duran, if I have to be specific, I’d say your eyes seem similar.”

Whether they really looked alike or not, as long as everyone agreed, Grandpa Duran was very happy, “This must be the connection between Cornelia and me. The first time I saw this little girl, I felt incredibly close to her, as if we’d met somewhere before”

The butler added, “Sir, I’m not just trying to cheer you up. I genuinely think Ms. Stewart has some resemblance to you. If you don’t believe me, you can look in the mirror with her later.”

“Who said I don’t believe you?” Suddenly, an incredible thought flashed through Grandpa Duran’s mind, “Nelly, what was your grandmother’s name?”

Cornelia was about to answer but was interrupted by Grandpa Duran, “You don’t need to tell me now, I’ll ask you later.”

He was wondering if it was possible that Comelia was truly his granddaughter. This could explain why he felt so familiar the first time he met Cornelia, as if he had met her a long time ago.

Could it be?

Grandpa Duran didn’t dare to think further. Over the years, he had imagined more than once that his wife hadn’t committed suicide with their son, but were still alive, living somewhere he couldn’t find. After all, he had searched for days and nights but never found their bodies.

For decades, he had been hoping for a miracle, constantly searching while doing charity work. But decades passed and there was no news. Gradually, he accepted the fact that his wife and child had left this world. But at this moment, he seemed to see hope again.

He desperately wanted this idea to be true, that Cornelia was his granddaughter and through her, he could find her relatives. Because he wanted it so much, he was also afraid to hear the answer. He was afraid that the answer would not be what he wanted to hear

“Butler, please invite everyone in for tea. As soon as it’s time, we’ll start the reunion”

The butler said, “Please follow me inside”

Everyone followed the butler into the house.

Entering the inner courtyard of the Duran family and seeing the lavish decorations, Cornelia realized that Grandpa Duran’s desire to recognize her as his granddaughter was much stronger than she had thought.

Cornelia became more and more puzzled. Why did Grandpa Duran like her at first sight and want to recognize her as his granddaughter?

After all, the Duran family was a powerful family, and what mattered most to them was bloodline. Grandpa Duran’s wife and child had passed away long ago, and he never remarried, leaving him without descendants, while his other children had many.

Grandpa Duran could easily choose a son, daughter, grandson, or granddaughter to inherit the family business, but he had this idea about her, a stranger whom he had only met once. This completely overturned Cornelia’s understanding

Was there a special reason she didn’t know about?


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