Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

No sooner had he spoken when Marcus started hacking away again, spitting out fresh blood.

“If you don’t wanna spill the beans, fine, don’t get all bent out of shape.” Dr. Lester anxiously grabbed Marcus‘ hand, wanting to check his pulse, only to find it was so weak he could barely feel it, “Marcus, Marcus!”

“Don’t tell Cornelia… Marcus mumbled, plunging once more into the abyss of blackness, leaving Dr. Lester hanging without a reply

Fear began to creep into Dr. Lester, “Drive to the hospital, now, quick!”

“Alright.” Jayden stepped on the gas without a second thought, ignoring traffic lights, hoping to get to the hospital ASAP.

A few minutes later, they made it to the hospital.

Doctors and nurses were already waiting at the entrance. As soon as they arrived, the unconscious Marcus was swiftly moved onto a mobile bed.

Dr. Lester tried to follow, but Jayden stopped him, “Dr. Lester, President Hartley will be okay, right?”

Dr. Lester said, “He’ll pull through! He’s a tough cookie, I’ll find a way to save him. I’ll get in touch with all the top doctors around the world, and we’ll figure something out.”

Dr. Lester’s words were full of conviction, but deep down he knew better than anyone else. If Marcus was indeed injected with Acidbane at the age of five, his fate was sealed.

Death. It was just a matter of sooner or later.

Jayden said, “Dr. Lester, I will go back to Riverton immediately, find Brennen, and make him give up the person who made the drug.”

Dr. Lester was livid at Brennen, “You won’t be able to nail him on your own. Even if you did, knowing him, he’d rather kick the bucket than rat out the person who can make the antidote. He might even off that person.”

Jayden asked, “What can I do now?”

Dr. Lester said, “Wait. Wait for the doctors to run a full check–up on Marcus. Wait for him to wake up.”

Jayden clenched his fists nervously, “Alright”

The Duran family.

The place was lit up like a Christmas tree.

People were chatting and boozing.

News of Augustine recognizing a stranger girl as his granddaughter had spread like wildfire. Practically everyone knew about it now. Tonight’s dinner attracted many big hitters in attendance.

Normally, Augustine would be introducing Cornelia to everyone. But he felt Cornelia had had enough for one day, so he only took her on stage to say a few words, let everyone meet his granddaughter, and didn’t let Cornelia go around greeting everyone alone.

As a result, Cornelia dodged a bullet and now had a chance to dine with Hannah and Rosie.

As always, what Rosie wanted to eat wasn’t up to her. Before she started eating. Lucas had already loaded her plate with what he considered to be nutritious and healthy food.


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