Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153

This time, Brian had no choice but to admit defeat, “I’m sorry”

Cornelia asked, “Who are you apologizing to?”

Brian said, “Cornelia, I’m sorry.”

Comelia asked again. “What did you do wrong?”

Brian replied, “Actually, I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Comelia, puzzled, asked. “Huh?” novelbin

Brian explained. 1 shouldn’t have said you are greedy”

Cornelia told him, “You need to think carefully, and apologize after you’ve figured it out. I won’t accept an insincere apology”

Brian fell silent, couldn’t help but sigh in his heart! Cornelia was a young woman in her twenties, even younger than him, yet she was so organized in her actions. Brian felt like he was trapped.

Cornelia turned to Emily, who showed no fear and didn’t blush, “Nelly, I want a hug.”

She replied, “No hug!”

Emily looked hurt. “Why? Why won’t you hug me? You can’t dislike me because of Brian.”

Cornelia questioned, “You teamed up with them to bully me, didn’t you?”

Emily blinked, “But I’m only four.”

Cornelia quoted Marcus to Emily, “Your four is different from others‘ four.”

She became more convinced of what Marcus said. Emily was extremely intelligent, much above the intelligence of a typical four–year–old.

Cornelia asked, “What else do you guys want to do, just say it.”

Brian suggested, “There’s a great cinema here. The movie effects are really good, very immersive. Shall we go now?”

Cornelia guessed, “Want to scare me with a horror movie?”

They all stared at Cornelia with wide eyes, faces full of disbelief. Could Cornelia read minds?

Brian challenged, “Dare you?”

Cornelia replied, “I’m not afraid. Are you?”

Emily warned. “Nelly, this is really scary. A lot of people cried. You really need to think about this, ‘cause once you’re in, there’s no way out.”

Cornelia firmly said, “It’s okay.”

Then they arrived at the world’s best entertainment center, which was divided into several areas, entertainment, cinema, and games.

Of course, they came to the cinema area. After entering the cinema, Cornelia found it to be very big, several times larger than any she’d been to before. The screen in front was also a giant screen. Standing in front of it, they looked like ants.

Cornelia commented, “This is indeed the largest cinema I’ve ever seen, but I’m not sure if the screening is as good as you said.”

Brian replied, “You’ll find out soon.”

Alexa said, “I’ll take Emily out for a bit

Brian warned him, “You must come back. Don’t think about running.”

Alexa replied, “I know..”

He didn’t want to come back at all, but he had to.

After Alexa took Emily out, they returned to the cinema. Brian was arranging seats, “There are four of us, one in each row. Cornelia, you can choose first.”

Cornelia casually chose a seat. Then she heard Brian say, “Among these four rows, choose the first one.”


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