Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 1172

Chapter 1172

Chapter 1172

Chapter 1172

Cornelia said, “Zack, don’t spout off about stuff you’re not sure about, ok? You got my hopes up for nothing.” Zack quickly replied, “Are you saying I let you down? Actually, there’s even better stuff on the horizon for us.”

Cornelia asked, “What stuff?”

Zack answered, “Check your WhatsApp. I sent you a screenshot.”

Cornelia looked and saw a chat log between Zack and several others.

Zack continued, “You see?”

Cornelia exclaimed in surprise, “Hannah’s influence is huge!”

Zack replied, “In just a short while, several well-known production companies have approached us, wanting to buy the film rights to your comic. This includes Forver Entertainment, who we’ve worked with before. They all seem very sincere, what do you guys think?”

Abigail said, “1 feel like, apart from Foriver Entertainment, the others are just interested because of Hannah’s fame. Online, a lot of people are saying Hannah wants to collaborate with Cornelia again. If they can secure the rights, it’s like they’ve got half of Hannah’s influence.”

Cornelia agreed with Abigail’s point of view, “I agree with Abigail. We should wait and see. Once the hype dies down, if companies are still interested, they must genuinely like our work.”

Zack said, “But if the hype dies down, we might not get as much for the film rights. Once the buzz is over, there might not be many companies interested


Cornelia replied, “I’d rather not sell than sell to an irresponsible production company.”

Zack said, “Alright, it’s your work. We’ll follow your lead.”

Abigail asked, “Cornelia, do you think Hannah really wants to work with you again?”

Cornelia said, “Even though she’s a big star, without that label, she’s just like us – a regular person. She might just like the comic, with no ulterior motives.”

Zack said, “Whether she has a motive or not doesn’t matter, she’s a public figure and her every move is scrutinized. And often, big stars’ moves have motives.”

Abigail said, “Could it be for publicity? Hannah’s new show, The Story of Nesiona, is about to air. Drumming up some excitement beforehand isn’t out of the question.”

Cornelia said, “Many production companies and stars do that, but I believe Hannah wouldn’t. Did I ever tell you guys I know Hannah?”

Abigail replied, “Did you? I don’t remember.”

Zack said, “I can’t remember either.”

Cornelia said, “Well, now I’m telling you. Hannah and I have known each other for a while, and we’re good friends.”

Abigail joked, “Cornelia, you’re cheating on me with other women. You naughty girl!”

Cornelia replied, “Not just Hannah, there’s also one named Skyler, and another named Rosie.

Abigail said, “Stop it! I’m so mad, I’m not the only girl in Cornelia’s life anymore.” novelbin

Zack said, “Now there are more people trying to snatch Nelly from me.”

Cornelia asked, “Aren’t we discussing serious matters? Can you two focus?”

Abigail said, “Okay, let’s talk about serious things. Has Hannah found out you’re ‘Nelly Belly’ yet? Whether or not she really wants to work with you again, we should let the rumors spread online. We can use this to increase our exposure and profit.”

Zack said, “I agree.


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