Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

What if one day they actually meet in person and his conversation is nothing like his WhatsApp chats? What if his worldview is completely different from hers? What should she do then? But thinking about it right now was like counting chickens before they hatch

Rubbing her sore neck, she realized it was already past midnight

Comelia get up to wash her face in the bathroom, went through her skincare nsutine, and then settled comfortably in bed, preparing to check out the newn for a bit

Usually she’s all over the current affairs and financial news, hantly ever dipping into the entertainment stuff

Today, she noticed that topping the social media trend list was someone she knew, Hannah Dixon Intrigued, she clicked on the trending hashtag #annahöÃshley

Ashley is the main character of a romance comic series Cornelia emated and a hugely popular character in the comic world

Typically, big–name actresses shy away from roles in popular comic adaptations, fearing criticism

And Hannah being the selective actress she is, why on earth would she take on this role?

Comelia clicked on a video interview of Hannah discussing her new role

Many stars usually said they took the job because someone recommended the script to them, but Hannah, known for her sincerity in the industry, gave a simple and direct answer “Because I loved the original work Tve been following the news since I heard it was being adapted. When I heard they were

casting for the lead, I put myself forward, and they agreed quickly. Most importantly, I believe I can do justice to this


Such authenticity reached Cornelia She was tempted to comment, telling Hannah that she was the only one who could bring the author’s vision of Ashley to life.

However, scrolling through the comments section, she saw a barrage of enticism, especially from diehard fans of the original work.

They were whining about how the comic shouldn’t be turned into a live action series, saying Hannah couldn’t embody Ashley’s essence and that shed ruin the original work.

But if the author can barely make ends meet by selling their rights, how can they possibly create better work?

Those who claim to be advocating for the author–do they care for the author?

All they’re doing is satisfying their own desires, thinking that the original work is somehow superior to any adaptation

Cornelia reached for her phone, wanting to send Hannah a WhatsApp message, telling her not to let the online comments get to her. novelbin

But then she thought, Hannah has been in the entertainment industry for years and has faced all sorts of challenges. This wouldnt be the one to bring her down.

Before she could send a message, Hannah beat her to it. It was as if they were on the same wavelength.

“Cornelia, you’re probably asleep by now, but I need someone to talk to, and you’re the only one I can think of.”

Cornelia replied. Tve got the day off tomorrow from President Hartley. Im still up. What’s on your mind?”

Hannah, “Can you talk on the phone right now?”

Cornelia. “Sure”

Then Hannah called, “Cornelia, I signed on to a new show today it’s a role I wanted and one that I love but I’m warned I won’t be able to do it justice”

Cornelia, having seen Hannah’s confidence in the video, was surprised to hear her express such wornes. It seemed everyone put up a front: “Hannah, why would you have such doubts?”

“I don’t know why I’m having these doubts. I never had them when i started. Maybe I love the character too much. I want to bring Ashley to life and make her more vivid, but I’m scared 1 mess it up

I asked the producers for the author’s contact information so I could discuss my understanding of the character But they said the author isn’t big on socializing, soil cant confirm whether my interpretation of Ashley aligns with the author’s”

Hannah went on and on, seeming more like she was talking to herself, but Comelia patiently listened


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