Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Once she got home, Cornelia took a bath and hit the sack right away She planned on getting up early and visiting grandma at Southern Peak

Before drifting off, Comelia had a habit of scrolling through her phone. She saw unread Whatsapp messages from Hannah Cornelia, guess what? The author of the Ashley novel DMd me! She filled my inbox with encouraging words I’m suddenly brimming with confidence]

Comelia replied with a chuckle Who knows maybe you’re the spitting image of Ashley the author has in mind

Hannah replied I think you and the author have a lot in common. She must be as sharp as a tack, just like you. If she wants to be friends, I’m game

Comelia replied Maybe you’re already friends, and you just don’t know it yet]

Hannah replied You’re such a comfort Okay, it’s getting late Im gonna read my script a bit more. You should hit the hay too]

“Nighty night” Comelia texted goodnight but kept staring at Jeremy’s profile picture

Jeremy hadn’t sent her a single message in the past 24 hours. Was he too busy or was it something else?

Waiting around wasn’t fun, and Cornelia didn’t want to be on the back foot in this relationship. So she texted him first Jeremy] she wrote, just his name, waiting for his response.

Time ticked away after she sent the message Cornelia was dead tired, but Jeremy hadn’t replied, so she decided to sleep first.

Waking up bright and early, she grabbed her phone and opened Jeremy’s chat, but still no reply.

Comelia was suddenly worried Was something wrong? From what she knew about Jeremy, he was a man of few words but he never ghosted her.

She texted him again (Jeremy, what’s up? Why didn’t you reply all night“]

Soon after Jeremy texted back (Sorry! I slept early last night, didn’t see your message

Was he really brushing her off because he didn’t see the message?

Cornelia replied, feeling down. [Got it |

Jeremy texted again [You texted late last night. Was something up?]

Cornelia was so pissed off she didn’t even want to answer him.

He claimed to be her husband and wanted to be with her Did a wife need a reason to text her husband?

Cornelia decided to ignore him, packed her bags, and headed to the station. She hopped on the bus and checked her phone, expecting more messages from him. But all she saw was his previous message

Comelia was even more peeved. She shot back [Do I need a reason to text you? Or do you have so many women you can’t keep track of who’s texting you?]

Jeremy replied [Firstly, to answer your question, you dont need a reason to text me. As for your second question, let me make it clear, you’re the only woman in my life |novelbin


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