Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

“The word “divorce made Marcus’s face go instantly dark, “We will never divorce Don’t ever bring up this taboo topic again”

He was notoriously temperamental and Brana knew she was no match for him, so she backed off, “Tine, I drop it. No need to get your knickers in a twist”

Marcus didn’t respond

“Patricia, is the soup ready?” Brana shot him a glare before turning to find Patricia She took the prepared soup and headed upstairs to Cornelia

“Don’t forget to remind Cornelia to check the soup’s temperature before drinking, don’t burn herself Marcus called after her

“Comelia is not a child, does she really need you to mother her?” Briana didn’t understand why her brother suddenly turned into a nagging nanny, carrying the soup upstairs. “Cornelia, this is the soup Patricia made for you Have some before you rest”

After speaking Briana found the bed empty Turning around, she saw Cornelia coming out of the bathroom, already changed into her own clothes “Cornelia, are you leaving?”

Comelia gave a gentle smile. “Yes, I’m fine now and ready to go home. Sorry for the trouble last night, and thank you for taking care of me”

“It wasn’t me it was my brother who stayed with you all night.” Briana brought the soup to Comelia “If you’re leaving at least finish the soup first”

Cornelia accepted the bowl the aroma wafting up was unmistakeable. It was a delicious slow–cooked soup, making her feel even more uneasy. “Was it President Hartley who stayed by my side last night?”

“Yes, it was my brother who was with you But don’t be surprised, as he was just being nice because you share the same name as my sister in law My brother might be a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to feelings, but once he sets his mind on someone, he’s loyal for life. He must really love my sister–in–law and because you share her name, he’s nice to you” Briana thought her brother was nice to Cornelia because she was a competent assistant

Although Briana wasn’t the apple of their parents‘ eye growing up, with her grandmother, brother, the housekeeper, and Patricia doting on her, she was a spoiled little princess, and quite naive

Unless Marcus explicitly told her, she would never guess that this Comelia was her sister–in–law. novelbin

Cornelia previously thought it was because she shared the same name as the CEO’s wife, and now hearing Briana say this, she thought her hunch must be correct, “Anyway, thank you guys for being so kind to me

Briana said. “You’re my brother’s assistant, and you spend more time with him than I do. We’re practically family. No need to be so formal”

Comelia said, “Okay from now on, I won’t be so formal with you Cornelia playfully pinched Briana’s chubby cheek. “Theard your brother plans to cut off your credit card, and Fil help you sort it out”

Brana said. “My brother said as long as I take good care of you, he won’t cut off my card, and he won’t restrict me like before Briana, oblivious to the concept of confidentiality, casually spilled the beans about her task from Marcus, finally looking at Cornelia with hopeful eyes. “Comelia my mission is to make sure you drink this soup.

Cornella didn’t have an appetite and wasn’t planning on drinking it, but seeing the little girls expectant eyes, her heart softened. Even if the little gul handed her a bowl of poison, she’d still drink it

Cornelia picked up the spoon and gulped it down, “Bri, is there anything else you need me to do?”

Cornelia was just humoring her by drinking the soup, but Briana was so delighted she gave Cornelia a big hug, “Comelia, you’re the best!”

Before, Cornelia felt awkward facing Briana’s enthusiasm, but today that feeling was gone, and she hugged Briana back, “Because you’re a good kid too!”


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