Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Comelia quickly checked the auction time for the next day it was due to start at eight in the evening, so hopping on a plane around noon would still get them there on time. Then, she looked up flights from Riverton to Harbor City Both cities were top–tier so there were plenty of flights going back and forth all day

Going by Marcus’s preferences, Cornelia booked a flight for ten in the moming A two hour flight would get them to Harbor City just in time for lunch. She told Marcus, “Mr. Hartley Eve booked a flight for ten Tomorrow morning to Harbor City”

Marcus only wanted to keen Cornelia out of Riverton while Jeremy was in town but didn’t expect his casual comment to set off such a flurry of activity. “You don’t need to prep anything else I’m just going to have a look–see Carry on with your book”

Even though Marcus said not to prep, as his assistant Cornelia had to be prepared. Otherwise, if they showed up at the auction clueless, she might as well kiss her job goodbye

“Marcus, are you and Comelia heading to Harbor City for the auction?” Briana, finally willing to put down her comic book after catching wind of their conversation, asked, “I’ve got nothing on my plate recently, can I tag along?

“If you behave, I might consider it Marcus gestured to her. He thought he was pretty clear, but Briana looked clueless, “What do you want me to do?”

“Don’t you feel hungry? Marcus asked

At his reminder Briana’s stomach instantly growled, “Yeah, I’m actually starving Let’s grab something to eat”

Comelia, engrossed in her book had completely lost track of time and only just realized it was half past twelve. “Mr. Hartley, Ill head out now. See you at the airport tomorrow morning”

“Do you need a ride?” Marcus didnt insist on her staying just gave Briana a meaningful look. This time. Briana got it immediately

Hooking her arm around Comelia’s Briana said, “Where are you off to at lunchtime Cornella? We’re heading to Harbor City together tomorrow Why don’t you stay over tonight, and we can go to the airport together?

It’s much more convenient”

“Br, fm sorry! I have plans this afternoon” Cornelia felt it inappropriate to stay without work–related reasons. Plus, she had an appointment with Trent to look over some interior design plans

“Who are you meeting? Someone important? Briana blinked back tears it’s okay, Comelia. You go ahead. I’ve never been the apple of my parents‘ eye. Due to my status, I don’t have many real friends understand If you dont want to hang out with me Just go

As she spoke, she buried her face in Cornelia’s chest, hugging her tightly, her crying growing more sorrowful.

Briana’s tear–streaked face and red eyes made her look like a wounded bunny, tugging at Cornelia’s heartstrings.

Just as Comelia was about to comfort her Marcus stemmly said, “Briana, you’re old enough to stop crying now. If you want to cry, go back to your room. Don’t act like a child”

His words seemed a bit harsh. Comelia didn’t want him to treat a young girl like this, so she patted Briana’s back gently, “Bri, don’t cry. The person I was supposed to meet isnt that important, Ill sticknovelbin

around and keep you company”

“Really?” Briana wiped her tears and secretly made a victory sign at Marcus. “Cornelia, you’re really the best I like you a lot

Cornelia was a bit taken aback by Briana’s enthusiasm but tried to respond in kind, “I like you too ”

Marcus shot Briana a disgruntled look. He had only asked her to find a way to keep Cornelia around not to have a mutual lovefest.


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