Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Chapter 294

No matter how desperate she was for money, the won’t accept any dough with a shady past. She lived within her means, earning and spending based on her own abilities, which gave her life more dignity Comelia said with a smile, “Mr Hartles, this gift is too extravagant. I cant accept it. But really appreciate your kindness‘

Marcus replied. “This manuscript is nothing but trash to me if you don’t want it. i just toss it in the bin

Comelia responded, “Mr Hartley, it’s your stuff, you’re free to do whatever you want with it. As your assistant, it’s not my place to interfere”

“Then help me throw it away” Marcus said convinced that Comelia wouldn’t have the heart to do it. But to his surprise, she took the box without hesitation and tossed it into the trash bin Mr Hartley, I need to go back to my room to prepam some documents” she said

Marcus thought to himself, “What’s gotten into her today? How dare she act like this towards me?”

He bent down to pick up the box she’d thrown in the trash Even if she could throw it away, he couldn’t.

Back in her room, Cornelia slapped her hand, regretting her decision How could she let him just throw away something so valuable?

At two in the afternoon, Comelia and Marcus arrived at the art exhibition, where she finally met the legendary artist Nimon

Nimon in his thirties, was not only handsome but also talented

Comelia was surprised to leam that Marcus and Nimon were friends

As always the Frenchman was warm and friendly Upon seeing Marcus, Nimon gave him a hearty hug and said, “Marc, long time no see”

“Long time no see!” Marcus replied, turning to Comelia, “This is Cornelia)

Comelia stepped forward, “Nice to meet you, Mr Nimon!”

Nimon gave her a friendly hug. “Mrs Hartley you look beautiful!”

Comelia quickly clarified, “Mr Nimon, you’ve misunderstood. Im Cornelia, Mi Hartley’s assistant, not his wife. We just share the same name”

Nimon was confused, “You’re not Marc’s wife?”

Marcus intervened, but he spoke in French, which Cornelia didn’t understand.

Comelia had no idea what Marcus was saying, but every time he spoke, Nimon would look at her and laugh.

Unable to understand, Comelia could only respond with a silly smile

They chatted in French for a while before switching to English to discuss the business at hand.

Marcus was clear about his intentions, “I want to buy your Arc de Triomphe painting”

“What? You want my Arc de Triomphe? Nimon was confused, “You’re a fan of ancient art, why would you want it?”

“Just tell me the price” Marcus always dominated the negotiations His words carried a powerful sense of pressure

Nimon made a number gesture with his hand, Ill give you a friendly price, what do you think?”

“Others buy your painting for five million, yet I have to pay ten million. You’re a real friend, Marcus retorted. He didn’t lack money, but not everyone could make him splash the cash


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