Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

“Alright, I get to work as soon as I’m done cleaning the kitchen Cornelia did feel a bit bummed about not being able to enjoy thu snowy night, but this was trivial compared to the importance of work

“Marcus, how come you’re working instead of spending this beautiful night with your wife Hrana was pretty licked off, “Cornelia can’t you just say no to him for once? You’re not an unstoppable machine. You guys are working every day of the 365 days a year what the point of living like this? Hasnt anyone ever told you that we work to live not live to work?”

Comeira knew full well the importance of work. She believed nothing was more important than making money. We need to make money first, and then we can spend it ”

Are you bees Theng tops me off on purpose? Fine. I’m out. I dont want to disturb your precious work” Briana stormed upstails complaining loudly as she went, “People your age should be enjoying life, not working their butts off Keep working but when you guys drop dead from exhaustion. I’ll happily spend the money you cant take with you”

Cometra didnt have an answer for that. She stole a glance at Marcus in all the time she had worked with him, he rarely ever had any free time to spend with his wife Not to mention, he didn’t have kids. What a waste of good genes. Marcus was also looking at Cornelia, he never thought about having kids before, but if it was with Cornelia, he would give it a shot

Just as he was staring at Comelia, she noticed his gaze Could it be that he also wanted to have kids with her?

This absurd thought that popped into her head scared the bejesus out of her She immediately stood up, making an excuse to leave. “President Hartley Ill go wash the dishes now”

Marcus stopped her. “We have to go work outside later Go change into something warm, the thicker the better lil wash the dishes

Marcus wasn’t new to dong the dishes Whenever he said he wanted to do it, Cornelia couldn’t stop him, so she didn’t try this time. “Then fl leave the kitchen cleanup to you President Hartley”

Marcus replied. “Of course” novelbin

Without saying anything else. Cornelia went upstairs and put on a thermal underwear and warm pants. Then she dug out her warmest down jet from her suitcase and put it on. She was wrapped up tight, working in below aro temperatures wouldn’t make her cold

After getting dressed Cornelia went downstairs to find Marcus

Marcus was washing dishes faster than she imagined. She didnt spend much time getting dressed, but by the time the went downstairs. Marcus had already cleaned up the kitchen.

He looked at her excitedly like a kid showing off. “I did a good job didn’t 195

“it’s not just good it’s fantastic” Cornelia had to praise Marcus‘ attitude for always doing his best, no matter what. He wouldnt slack off just because it was chores like cooking and cleaning the kitchen. Getting praise from Cornelia had Marcus raising an eyebrow A smile of joy appeared on his face, clearly delighted. “Give me two minutes, I go change and we can head out

“Okay” Cornelia went to the door, and put on her comfortable snow boots. As soon as she finished, Marcus appeared behind her, once again catching her by surprise with his speed “You’re so fast?” Marcus glanced at his watch “We’re running out of time. Let’s go


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