Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

Seeing that high–and–mighty WhatsApp reply. Comelia slowly understood why Natalia was so hell bent on marrying Marcus.

With such a snobbish mother and distorted values instilled in her from a young age, it was pretty impressive that Natalia was able to stay the way she was.

Cornelia let out a laugh and immediately blocked the number She’d never thought about brown nosing anyone, let alone Natalia She’d only reached out to Natalia this time because after seeing Marcus last night, especially when he suddenly woke up from his stupor, calling her name and tightly holding her hand, she had her doubts.

Maybe Marcus wasn’t lying to her, and he genuinely wanted to spend his life with her as Jeremy.

He really seemed to want to spend his life with her and knowing him after a year, he wouldn’t mess around with other women.

So, that day when Marcus slept with Natalia, it could have been under unclear consciousness or some other special circumstances. As for the exact reason, the other person involved, Zavier, should know best…

After some thought, Cornelia dialed Zavier’s number. As soon as the call went through, he picked up almost immediately, like he’d been waiting for her call, “Ms. Stewart, what can I do for you?”

He guessed her intentions, which saved her a lot of trouble, “Mr. Rivera, what exactly did you do to my President Hartley at Riverside Terrace Club that night? That made him sleep with Natalia in an unclear state of mind.”

Zavier chuckled, “Oh, my President Hartley‘, quite a personal term.”

Cornelia, “Mr. Rivera, I’m asking you a serious question.”

Zavier, “Was your President Hartley out of his mind that night? Did you see or hear anything off about him?”

Cornelia, “Mr. Rivera, did you do something to him?”

Zavier, “What did I do? Please enlighten me, Ms Stewart I have no idea what I’ve done.”

Zavier was wasting Cornelia’s time by playing dumb. She cut to the chase, ‘Did you drug my President Hartley that night?”

Zavier, “Tell me where Skyler is, and I’ll tell you what I did to Marc that night.”

Cornelia, “I don’t know where Skyler is. Mr. Rivera, if you truly love Skyler, let her be free, don’t imprison her like a pet”

Zavier’s voice dropped, clearly not pleased, “Since when is it your place to tell me what to do?”

Cornelia, “Alright, if you won’t talk, that’s fine. I’ll just ask my President Hartley directly

Zavier, “Ask your President Hartley? You’re just his assistant, not his wife. Does he owe you an explanation about his affairs?”

Zavier knew Cornelia’s straightforward style. If she decided to do something, she might directly ask Marcus. His mission was to prevent Cornelia from seeking Marcus. Otherwise, his plans would be wasted.

Without giving Cornelia any time to respond, he asked, “Why do you believe that Marc’s relationship with Natalia occurred when he was not sober?”

Cornelia replied, “I’ve been with him for a year, I understand his personality.”

Zavier said, “I’m really envious that Marc has a friend and assistant like you. You’re so beautiful and always by Marc’s side, doesn’t his wife feel threatened?”

Cornelia said, “That’s none of your concern. If you don’t want to tell me, I’ll hang up.”

Zavier said, ‘It’s not a secret. Since you want to know, I’ll tell you.”

Cornelia didn’t respond, waiting for him to talk.

Zavier said, “That night, I gave Marc some drugs. The dosage was heavy, making him lose control of himself, and he ended up with the woman I arranged.”

Cornelia asked, “Did Natalia willingly sleep with him, or were you forcing her?”

Zavier said, “Natalia’s feelings for Marc are nothing new. Why would I force her? If she’s willing to sleep with him, there are plenty of women lining up to do the same. I’m not that evil to force a weak woman”


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