Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 575

Chapter 575

Chapter 575

Chapter 575

Just because she was his wife?

Comelia silently asked herself this question in her heart, and quickly found an answer.

The answer was a definite yes.

Because Cornelia was Marcus‘ wife, he would go out of his way to protect her, keeping her safe from harm.

All the things that had puzzled Cornelia before now had clear answers.

She had used her vacation to go to Nice to find Skyler, but was intercepted by Zavier when she returned to Paris. Marcus and Ayden, who were supposed to be in Paris. suddenly appeared in Nice and rescued her from Zavier.

She used to think that Marcus‘ appearance in Nice was just a coincidence, and never thought that Marcus had flown from Paris to Nice specifically for her

At this moment, Cornelia finally understood. Marcus must have known that Zavier was watching Skyler in Nice. Whatever she had said to Skyler, Zavier would know Marcus had rushed over specifically to help her out of the predicament.

Because she didn’t want Skyler to be taken away by Zavier, Marcus knew he would offend Zavier, but for her, he chose to help Skyler escape from Zavier anyway

Also, a few days ago, she had flown to Woodpine in the middle of the night because she was worried about Hannah.

When she woke up the next day, Marcus, Steven, Lucas, and Zavier were all there.

These were all wealthy and powerful men, making millions every minute. How could they have so much leisure time to travel around. Their sudden gathering must have been for something important to them.

Could it be possible that because Zavier knew she was Marcus‘ wife and wanted to use her to get Skyler back, he had been following her to Woodpine?

Did Marcus rush to Woodpine with Ayden after learning about the situation, fearing that she would be controlled by Zavier?

Cornelia thought it was possible.

If Zavier didn’t know she was Marcus” wife, he would never go to such lengths to set up a big show, then call her over and let her see Marcus and Natalia together.

Zavier wanted her to see their intimacy, with the intention of making her misunderstand Marcus, and leave Jeremy when she found out that Marcus was Jeremy. She almost fell into Zavier’s trap, but thankfully she woke up in time and didn’t make a bigger mistake.

The tourism project in Woodpine didn’t actually need Marcus to be in charge himself. To make her believe that their meeting in Woodpine was a coincidence, he even invited her to inspect the tourism project together.

He said it was to inspect the tourism project, but in fact, he drove her around Sapphire Lake for her to enjoy.

If it weren’t for the human traffickers they encountered halfway, he would definitely have driven her around Sapphire Lake,

Later, after dealing with the human traffickers, he accompanied her to buy clothes, and even ate snacks that he usually didn’t eat.

He said that all this was for his wife. Because she also came from Rosenberg, he even learned to cook Rosenberg cuisine from her. When they went to the Capital, he had her play his wife to meet his friends.

If it weren’t for the fact that she was his actual wife, how could a man like him, who was not close to women, always kept his own innocence and never got too close to other women, ask another woman play his wife to meet his old friends.

All her doubts were answered. Turned out, Marcus had done far more for her in silence than she had imagined.

Thinking of this, Cornelia’s eyes reddened again

“I’m not testing the medicine for you, don’t be upset.” Seeing Cornelia’s eyes well up with tears, Marcus‘ heart seemed to break, “Cornelia, can you not be upset?”

After saying this, Marcus felt it was inappropriate. If she was upset but forced herself not to cry, it might be even more upsetting, “If you want to cry, just let it out. Don’t hold it in I won’t laugh at you”


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