Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 714

Chapter 714

Chapter 714

Chapter 714 novelbin

Two old ladies were standing on either side of the door, craning their necks and pressing their ears against the door.

If it wasn’t for Cornelia’s gentle door opening, they’d have surely lost balance and taken a tumble. At their age, a bad fall could be fatal. The mere thought of it sent chills down Cornelia’s


But the grannies acted like nothing happened, “Nelly, you and Marc haven’t gone to bed yet? We made some juice, wanna come downstairs and have a drink? Or should we send some up?”

They were eager to see their grandchild, Cornelia could understand. They could make a fuss all they wanted, but she couldn’t allow them to do anything risky.

She couldn’t bear the pain of losing a loved one again.

She sternly said, “Grannies, what on earth are you doing? At your age, can’t you be more careful? If you fall and get hurt, what am I supposed to do?”

Granny Luisa shrunk back a bit, “Nelly, I…”

Granny Rebecca also lowered her head, “Nelly…”

Cornelia said, “Don’t speak, just listen. Have you ever thought about what would’ve happened if I’d swung the door open and you guys stumbled?”

The grannies hung their heads like two kids caught in the act, “Nelly, we’re sorry, don’t be mad, don’t blame us.”

Cornelia said, “You know you’re in the wrong, but you won’t change?”

The grannies snuck a peek at her, and seeing her still stern, they said, “We won’t upset you anymore. We’ll change. No more dangerous stuff again.”

Seeing their repentant attitude, Cornelia’s heart softened immediately, “Alright, I’ll let it slide. this time, but there can’t be a next time.”

The old ladies obediently nodded, “There won’t be a next time.”

Cornelia said, “Okay, let me escort you downstairs to rest.”

Both grannies lived on the first floor because they had mobility issues. Cornelia held one in each arm, carefully guiding them downstairs.

Granny Luisa clung to Cornelia’s arm, pleading, “Nelly, don’t be mad at us, don’t ignore us, and don’t hate us…”

Cornelia gently rested her head on Granny Luisa’s shoulder, “Granny, I’m not mad at you guys, I won’t be ignoring you, and I definitely don’t hate you for this. The reason I got angry was because I was worried about you getting hurt. I lost my cool and spoke too loudly, now I apologize, can you forgive me?”




Both grannies said in unison, “We forgive you.”

Cornelia smiled, “Thank you, grannies.”

Granny Luisa asked again, “Did you get mad at me for speaking too loudly earlier?”

“Granny, I’m not overly sensitive. Please watch your step, and we can chat after we get to the first floor, okay?” Cornelia was careful with each step, fearing she would slip, but the grannies seemed unfazed and walked steadily.

Once they safely reached the first floor, Cornelia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Granny Luisa said, “We made some juice, will you have a drink with us first?”

“Sure.” Cornelia suddenly hugged Granny Rebecca, “Granny, it’s been a long time since we slept together, can I sleep with you tonight?”

If she stayed overnight at the Hartley’s, she would definitely share a room with Marcus, that was the unspoken rule, so there was no guest room for her.

She was not scared to share a room with Marcus, as they had already spent a night together in a hotel the previous night.

Marcus wasn’t feeling well last night, so they didn’t do anything, and just peacefully passed the night.


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