Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 769

Chapter 769

Chapter 769

Chapter 769

When Marcus heard that Granny Rebecca had fallen into a coma, one of the main reasons being that she was poisoned, he immediately started to investigate.

He quickly sussed out who had poisoned her – it was indeed someone he had arranged to be by Granny Rebecca’s side.

The culprit confessed that she had no choice but to poison Granny Rebecca as her family was held hostage and she was under severe


Marcus knew instantly who was behind this.

At that moment, various images of Cornelia’s possible reactions upon finding out about Granny Rebecca’s poisoning flashed through his mind. He envisioned her blaming him, getting angry with him, and even cutting ties with him…. novelbin

He thought of a million possibilities but never imagined that Cornelia would run over to him, hugging him, telling him that it wasn’t his fault. She was always so kind and considerate, like a little sun lighting up his world, bringing him warmth.

Comelia didn’t know how stirred Marcus was inside. She looked at him and continued, “The person who did it is not you. Even if he is your father by blood, you shouldn’t bear the blame for his actions.”

Marcus was overwhelmed with emotions. It took all his self–discipline not to pull her into his arms and kiss her. “If

Before he could finish, Cornelia interrupted, “No ifs. We’ll face it together.”

Marcus felt his heart pounding uncontrollably. “Cornelia…”

She looked at him with bright eyes, “Now, can you tell me how that person might come at you?”

Marcus tried to hide his emotions, “You don’t need to worry about that. I can handle it.”

He chose to bear all the problems alone, not willing to tell her. Cornelia understood, but she didn’t want their relationship to be like this.

“You said honesty is the most important thing in a marriage. Today, I’ll be honest with you. Granny is my closest family, I deeply care about her health. You’re my husband, and I care about you too, I worry about you… The less I know, the more worried I become. If I know what the other side might do, if I know how you might fight back, perhaps it would put my mind at ease, wouldn’t it?”

Marcus was swayed by her words.

“He’s not capable of much, just good at being sneaky and targeting people around me. This time it was Granny, next time it could be -you…” Marcus paused, looking at her, “Are you scared?”

Cornelia didn’t know much about Brennen, but she knew anyone capable of harming an innocent elderly person wasn’t a good person.

There were all sorts of bad guys. Some showed their evil openly, making it easy to guard against them. Others, like Brennen, pretended to be good while secretly scheming. If you were not careful, you would fall into their trap.

If Comelia said she wasn’t scared at all, that would be a lie. She admitted, “I am a bit scared.”

Marcus wasn’t surprised by her answer. He smiled and gently tousled her hair, “Don’t be scared. As long as I’m here, I won’t let you get hurt.”

“What do you mean ‘as long as you’re here‘? Do you plan on dying? You promised me you would stay alive and accompany me till we’re old. You must keep your word or else I’ll never talk to you again, even in the next life.”

Marcus, “Okay, I won’t say things like that anymore.”


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