Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 909

Chapter 909

Chapter 909

Chapter 909

“Am I happy? Depends on what I’m after” Clair said with a faint smile “Granger cant give me the love I want, but I didn’t expect love from him anyway. What I’m

after is his social status and wealth.”

The man said. “You haven’t changed a bit over the years. You’re always crystal clear about what you want, never hiding your thoughts”

Clair said. “You’re the one who knows me best, the one who helped me stand in the sun and enjoy the glory. What have I got to hide from you? I truly thank you. Without you, I might still be sharing an identity with that wretched woman”

The man knew what Clair was talking about, but did not continue the topic. “Granny Rebecca has passed away due to illness, did you know?”

Clair asked. “When did this happen?”

The man said. “Comelia recently brought Granny Rebecca’s ashes back to Rosenberg. As for when exactly Granny Rebecca passed away, I’m not really sure.”

Clair said, “Better she’s gone. No one can recognize me now.”

The man said. “The one to pity is Hawthome Stewart, the man is all heart. He probably can’t figure out why his wife divorced him, why the woman he loved so much would leave him and their daughter”

Clair said. “Serves him right. I have something else to tell you.”

The man asked, “What is it?”

Clair said, “Hawthome has another daughter…”

The man immediately got excited upon hearing that, “What?”

“Let’s call it a day. I’ll fill you in when you come to Riverton.” With that, Clair hung up.

Even without Clair saying, the man could guess what was going on.

Who would have thought that after all these years, this woman could still surprise him.

After Hannah expressed her support for Cornelia, more and more celebrities and internet influencers came forward to back the girl in the Video Incident, encouraging all victims to bravely step forward.

One internet influencer said, “Last month, someone took upskirt photos of me, and not long after, I received the pictures and a blackmailing message. I was terrified, afraid that they would expose my photos, so I chose to pay and didn’t call the police. Then they demanded more money, and in the end, I decided to report it. I hope all girls who have experienced the same thing can seek help from the police in time, don’t choose to stay silent because you feel ashamed.”

The support from these influencers helped spread the Video Incident further online. Most netizens sided with the victim, demanding that the suspect be severely punished

The incident received significant attention, and the police attached great importance to it, swiftly arresting the suspect and launching an investigation, even issuing an emergency notice. Their response was swift.

In the video, the suspect merely rendered the girl unconscious. His wife came back and stopped him from further committing the crime. So technically, it was attempted crime

This charge of attempted crime might only lead to him being detained for a few days before being released.

Hearing of such a light punishment, many netizens expressed dissatisfaction and continued to seek justice online.

As the public’s anger grew, another girl reported to the police claiming she had been violated by Orlando, and she had surveillance footage as evidence.

The police quickly confirmed the situation.novelbin


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