Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 920

Chapter 920

Chapter 920

Chapter 920

Even though they were hoping Marcus wouldn’t win, they had to admit, he did Conscientiously, they each poured a glass of wine and drank it down.

This kind of booze could quickly get one tipsy, and Roy’s face started to turn red. He said, “Kid, you got some luck on you.”

Marcus replied, “Thanks for letting me win.”

Roy said. “We wanted to beat you, not let you win.”

Allen said, “Lad, you had some good luck last round, better watch out this one” novelbin

Marcus said, “Sure thing”

Cornelia remained silent

The two men probably didn’t realize that the lad was just being modest. They were definitely going to regret it.

The game continued and before long, Marcus won again. The two men downed another glass of wine

Maybe his consecutive wins were due to good luck. But when he won the third and fourth rounds, it was more than just luck

Having had too much to drink, Allen glared at Marcus angrily, “You know how to play cards. You tricked us““”

Roy burped, “Nelly, he tricked us!”

Marcus said, “Don’t be mad, I honestly didn’t know how to play cards before, but after playing one round with you guys, I kind of got the hang of it.”

Getting the hang of it after one round and then beating them four times in a row, who would believe that?

Roy and Allen didn’t buy that, “Nelly, what do you have to say about this?”

Cornelia said, “I can vouch for the fact that he didn’t know how to play cards before. He just picks things up faster than most people.”

Both men were drunk, “Another round then. We refuse to believe you’re always this lucky.”

Then they played a few more rounds, and Marcus won consecutively again. The two men were getting anxious, “Nelly, he must’ve cheated”

Zack laughed, “You two are the elders here. Getting upset because you lost, doesn’t that embarrass you a bit? You know this reflects on Nelly’s image, right?”

Roy said, “Who’s getting upset?”

Allen said, “We’re just questioning.”

Marcus remained calm through it all, “If you guys want to drink with me, wait till my stomach’s better. I’ll come over to Rosenberg and drink with you, or you can come to Riverton, drinks are on me. If you have any questions today, just ask me directly.”

Roy burped again, “Who wants to drink with you? We just wanted to get you drunk, see what you’re like when you’re hammered. Because people only show their true colors when they’re under the influence of alcohol. We don’t want Nelly to be fooled by you.”

Allen nodded in agreement, “Nelly’s like our own daughter, and we watched her grow up. Her daddy passed away early, but she still has us, we’re her family too. Mr. Artis, Cornelia’s not alone. If you ever dare hurt her, we won’t let you off easy”

Even in their drunken state, they were still thinking about Cornelia. Marcus was grateful they cared so much for Cornelia, giving her a sense of family warmth. He raised his glass, “To Comelia’s happiness, cheers!”

Roy immediately stopped him, “Cornelia said your stomach’s not good, you need to listen to her, don’t drink. If you get sick from drinking too much, the one who’d be upset is Cornelia.”


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