In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

117 The future for her

The sound of galloping horses from afar broke the noon of the Valorian kingdom. Justice, Vale, and Brom were in the middle of going to the capital, Xavier stayed for another day, where he need to attending the needs of the werewolf pack and also his brother. Justice can’t wait to see the face of the girl that he was dreaming about almost every night, he doesn’t even care if it’s the effect of some kind of lethal and forbidden spell.

One hour later, they arrived at the Alchemia tower, where Henry and Amaris already waiting for them.

“Hey, where’s Xavier?” Asked Henry when he saw there were only two of them who got back.

“He will be here tomorrow, need to do something for his pack first.” Answered Justice, he sit on the sofa and lay his head for a moment, it was a tiring day of non-stop riding to the capital for him.

Chief Amaris looked around, hoping for another person to appear, Vale notice her confused face and gave her the answer.

“Brom was already heading to the capital, he wanted to see someone immediately.” Said Vale to chief Amaris.

Surprised by the revelation all she could do is to laugh, “What? this is uncalled for, I never knew that my son could do such an action.”

“Anything for love.” Whispered Henry, making Vale and Justice snort from their seats.

“Would you care to explain something, captain Henry?” Asked chief Amaris with a frown on her face.


“No, nothing chief Amaris... Nothing at all.” Said Henry while clearing his throat.

Don’t want to make the situation worsen, Justice stands up from the sofa and goes to pour everyone a drink, he then asked about the orphanage children.

“How were they? I hope you can take care of them until all of the samples are here to conduct proper research.” Said Justice to chief Amaris.

Chief Amaris gave him a wave of her hand, “Oh nonsense, I can take care of them just fine, we have plenty of rooms and they are actually a darling,” She took a seat opposite Henry and asked the crown prince one more question, “I’ve heard that it will be more of them to come?”

“Yes, Anne and Henry only brought the ailed one, they need intensive care which was not an idealistic way to keep them on the battlefield with us.” Justice explained the situation while he sip on his aggrus.

“Oh, speaking about her, I have finally finished the cure, let me give it to you.” Chief Amaris enthusiastically run towards her room and afterward handed them a small glass vial that contained a neon green liquid.

“This! Is our cure?! Look so disgusting!” Henry wince after he got his portion of the vial.

Looking at the disgusted look of Henry, chief Amaris could only give him a shrug and said, “This is my first time making the cure, and I could tell you with confidence that no other person knew the effect or the taste of the cure for two hundred years.”

Vale piqued with interest, “Wait, did you say, two hundred years? The bewitched spell cure never being brew for two hundred years?!”

“Yes, I’ve researched about the cure before making it,” Said chief Amaris to Vale, she continued to inform the three of them, “The only record that I have obtained is that there’s only one alchemist that successfully brews the cure for a man that have the symptoms of becoming lovesick because of the bewitched spell.”

“Interesting, so there were other victims two hundred years ago,” Vale was muttering, he got the look of a person that was deep in his own thought, “I guess the spell is a powerful one if the only successful attempt is after two hundred years.”

“Or, there’s no need to use the spell after all,” Henry says with a chuckle, “Wicked spell like this was totally unnecessary, and whoever did this to us definitely has their own agenda.”

“Oh, you finally realize it?” Justice raised his eyebrows and gave Henry a smirk, “I knew right from the beginning, there was a cruel joke that has been planted on us.”

Vale went quiet the whole time, as for him, he knows something more than a sinister joke. He actually suspected the culprit of this forbidden spell that has been embedded into them, the question that remains on his mind, was the motive.

“Well, aren’t you going to drink the cure immediately?” Asked chief Amaris, breaking the silence of the room.

Justice put his cure in his deep pocket, “Not for now, I wanted to attend the party and congratulate Anne.”

“You seem certain that she gets her certification, your majesty.” Said chief Amaris with a grin on her face.

“I do actually, I know that she got her certification, I’m the one who signed all of the documents after all.” Justice explained everything to chief Amaris while he prepared to go to the capital.

“I forgot about your duty sometimes...” Muttered chief Amaris, she was a bit reluctant to ask the crown prince one more question, but she asked him anyway, “So... What are you going to do if something happened after all of you drink the cure?” josei

The three of them looked at chief Amaris with confusion on their face, “What do you mean?” Asked Justice to chief Amaris.

“I mean, what about the girl? Are you going to leave her alone now? Or do all of you have some grand plan for her? I mean, you’re the crown prince, you have your duty for the kingdom.” Chief Amaris’ words send a shockwave to all of them.

Her words ring some truth in them, Justice needs to think this through, his duty as the crown prince needs to be his priority over anything, although he doesn’t want to betray his heart. The three of them excused themselves from chief Amaris, they descended to the ground floor of the tower with a lot on their mind.

“What are you going to do?” Vale asks Justice, after they jump on their horses, ready to go to the capital.

Hearing Vale’s question, Justice can only give him a vague answer, “I will take care of this, but for now, let us go back to the capital, the dance party will begin in one hour.”

Vale and Henry looked into Justice who was already leaving the alchemia tower in a hurry, the knight captain then took a glance at Vale, “As usual, he doesn’t even give us a satisfying answer.”

“Knowing Justice, he probably thinking of something radical right now,” Henry gave his opinion, and then together with Vale they follow Justice to the capital.

They arrived at the capital almost two hours later, Justice suggested that the three of them go immediately to the dance hall, and Vale and Henry agreed with his proposition, after all, they want to see Anne’s face immediately. The dance hall is located on C street, where all kinds of rented buildings are located.

The dance hall was already filled with people, it seems the excitement from the announcement at lunchtime still gave them a high spirit. The three gentlemen were standing in front of the dance hall awkwardly.

“Well, should we enter the dance hall, immediately, or what?” Asked Vale to Henry and Justice.

The other two glared at him, “Does it looks like we have the solution either?” Said Justice and Henry at the same time.

There’s one person that recognized the three of them, he grabs Vale’s shoulder and grins at the three of them, “Captains? Your majesty? What are you doing standing in front of the dance hall?”

Vale almost jumped from the ground, until he recognized the source of the voice, “Brom? What are you doing here?”

“I’m going to meet with Darla inside, what about the three of you?” Asked Brom with his usual uninterest expression on his face.

Justice saw this as an opportunity, he took Brom’s arms and they walked together inside the dance hall, Vale and Henry were following from behind. Inside the dance hall are filled with white orbs that flow around the room, with an orchestra on the right side, and an array of foods on the right and left corner, people with partners already flock to the dance floor, with the melodious tune of the music from the orchestra.

The three gentlemen were looking around the room, trying to find a beautiful girl with purple hair color. Anne was nowhere to be found, instead, Darla came to their side and smiled ear to ear with Brom.

“Hey, you’re finally here!” Darla said to Brom with a very enthusiastic voice, she then twirled to give Brom his first look at her dress, “So, what do you think?”

“Oh, yes, very good.” Said Brom with an approving nod to Darla.

Henry almost face-palming himself, whispered to Vale, “I really need to teach your subordinate about how to woe a woman.”

Vale chuckles at Henry, “I don’t think you need to.” Said Vale pointing at how Darla was blushing right now.

“Excuse me, miss, I need to know where Anne is right now.” Justice, who doesn’t even care about the romantic atmosphere around Darla and Brom, straight into asking Darla about Anne.

Darla, who finally realized there were three other men besides Brom, gave them a quick smile, “I am so sorry your majesty, doesn’t realize that Brom wasn’t alone.”

“Oh wow, that’s a first for me.” Muttered Henry, making Vale roll his eyes.

Justice was ignoring his friend, and still waiting for Darla’s answer.

Darla finally gave him the answer that Justice wanted, although it wasn’t a very satisfying answer from Darla. “Anne is not here right now.” Said Darla to Justice.

Justice, Vale, and Henry were surprised by Darla’s answers.

“What do you mean she is not here?” Asked Justice frantically at Darla.

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