In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 184 - 184 The handsome magic knight

Chapter 184 - 184 The handsome magic knight

184 The handsome magic knight

“Anne, good to see you back.”

Andy was thrilled to see her again at the main hospital. It was almost noon when Anne met with Andy at the canteen; she has some time to get a meal before she checks on the patients. Anne gave him a warm hug, and they sat at the table together to enjoy the hot lunch of creamy meat soup with pastries.

“So, I’ve heard that you’re one of the heroes that uncovered chief Clara’s insidious plot!”

All eyes are on them instantly, Anne winced and tried to calm Andy down, “Alright Andy, that was enough, I am not a hero, all of us just helping the people as best as I can, besides…” She look around the room and whispered, “Tomorrow is the funeral of our fallen comrades, so please do have some compassion.”

“Oh, I forgot about that, my apology.” He apologizes, finally realizing his fault. “Are you going to the funeral?”

“Yes, we got special permission. All of Nathan’s team, I mean, all of us are going to the funeral.” Anne said to Andy while she munched her food faster. She doesn’t have a lot of time. An older patient just came this morning. She got a hard time breathing and has terrible allergies. Anne needs to see her condition after applying some cream and oral medicine for her.

Andy was amazed by how fast she was eating her food. “Anne, you need to chew the food a bit slower. Your patient can wait for another ten minutes.”

She doesn’t even intend to listen to Andy, “I am sorry Andy, I have some emergency patients that I need to check.”

She waves goodbye to her friends and begins her round, checking on the sick baby with a cold in the maternity ward, continuing to the other building, and checking on the elder woman that was coming this morning. She open the curtain and saw a familiar person inside the room with the elderly lady.


“Arthur? What are you doing here?” Asked Anne when she looks at the big man who was sitting beside the elder lady.

“Anne, oh yes, you’re working today. Uhm… this is my former nanny who was living with us.” Arthur stood up from his seat and looked genuinely surprised.

Anne looks at him with some amazement. “Oh, I don’t know that you’re a noble.”

“Just a country noble, and it doesn’t even matter to me.” Said, Arthur. He sat back in his seat when Anne begin to check on the elderly lady.

Anne was smiling. She could see that he was genuinely humble with her. She looks at the elderly lady again. “Alright, so, miss…”

“Miss Della, my name is Della, miss healer.” The elderly woman looked at Anne and a warm smile came to her face.

Anne reciprocates her smile, with her hold on miss Della, “Nice to meet you, miss Della. My name is Anne. I am your healer that will treat your illness.”

“Oh, what a beautiful healer. So lucky to have you as my healer.” The nice elderly woman patted Anne’s hand, and then turn to Arthur for a moment, “Aren’t we, Arthur?”

“Yes, we do, Nana Della,” Arthur said to her nanny, calling her with his term of endearment. Anne snorted when she heard Arthur calling his former nanny with a term of endearment. The man noticed and put his hands on his hips, “Oh, come on, I maybe an adult, but she will always be my nana.”

“Alright, fair assessment. Now, would you let us alone for now? I need, uhm… to check on miss Della’s body.” Said Anne slowly, she open the room door and called for the helper that will assist her with the examination.

“She… she will be alright?” Arthur asked her with his jacket on his arm. Anne gave him a smile and nodded to convince the young man, “I will wait outside, then.”

Anne chuckles when she looks at how awkward Arthur was, when she turned around, miss Della smiling and said, “I never saw Arthur like that before, I mean he was always confident in front of young women, but not in front of you.”

“Oh, he was just embarrassed that I asked him to go outside, that was all.” Anne was trying to evade the obvious questions from missing Della. For Anne, right now wasn’t a good time for a new romance, especially when her heart was already being taken by four remarkable men who she can’t even have.

After the examination, Anne calls for Arthur to go inside, the two of them eager to hear the verdict from her.

“Well, good news. It was definitely some kind of allergic reaction, and the medicine already working. We still need to observe you for a couple of days.” Anne informed the two of them, and gave her helper some note, “Because we need to determine what is that you’re allergic to.”

“In this old age of mine, I never thought that I still had some kind of allergic.” Miss Della was baffled, and so does Arthur.

“I don’t think nana was eating something new in the past few days though.” Said Arthur to Anne.

Anne smiled at the two of them. “Allergic reaction wasn’t only coming from food, even touching something that you’re allergic to will trigger your body’s immune into a protection mode.”

“Wow, that was amazing, this is the first time I have heard this.” Arthur was indeed amazed by it, and his eyes were looking at Anne with adoration, “That was wonderful, miss Anne, thank you to explain all of this to me.” josei

Miss Della saw how smitten Arthur was with her healer. “Arthur, you should come here when you have some free time, alright? You know I hate to be alone.” Whispered miss Della to him.

Anne just smile and excused herself from the two of them. After checking on her patient, Anne was tempted to take a nap on her bed, but before she reached her room, a helper came and asked her to follow him.

“What happened?” Asked Anne to the helper.

“Chief Hale is calling for you, miss healer.” Said the helper.

She was a bit surprised by this summons, but need to follow through, a bit curious about why chief Hale wanted to meet with her. When she arrived at his room, chief Hale was smiling and asked her to sit in the chair in front of his desk.

“Did you receive the special permission to leave tomorrow?” Asked chief Hale to her.

Anne nodded her head to the chief, thinking that this was the news that she needs to hear. “Yes, All of us receive the letter. Thank you for the special permission, chief… So, I guess that was…”

“No… No, miss Anne, I have another piece of news for you,” Chief Hale said to her. His hand clasped on the table while he spoke to her, “So, you remember about your pay cut? The pay cut actually came from chief Carla, and as we all know that she become a prime suspect in a heinous crime, the chiefs will rebuke the pay cut. You will get your full salary starting next month.”

Anne was so happy to hear the news. She was strapped on coins for a moment, and this news couldn’t come early for her. “Oh, thank you so much, chief Hale! You don’t know how happy I am right now.”

“Wait, I still have one more news for you.” Said chief Hale, while raising his right hand.

“What? Uhm… Please don’t give me bad news after the good news.” Anne’s shoulders dropped, and her heart become heavy with anticipation.

Chief Hale handed her a pin, along with a wax-sealed letter, Anne looks at the pin and was gasping, chief Hale then said, “Congratulations, as your major contribution to fighting the false infection and helping to put the criminals, we are decided to raise your rank. So, miss Anne, you’re now a junior healer of a second rank.”

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