In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 216 - 216 Another girl is changing

Chapter 216 - 216 Another girl is changing

216 Another girl is changing

“They are here! The reinforcement army.” Said Vale to the two of them, and the way he was spoken about it, he was really excited about it.

Brom tried to take a look at the ship from the deck and saw nothing. “There’s nothing there, just an empty channel to the lake.”

“The ship is too big. We are going to go to them instead. Prepare for sail, Anne. You need to go inside.” Vale’s suggestion was agreed on by Anne’s side. She walks back to her room.

Nathan was sitting on his bed, looking at the window, while Leo was busying himself packing his bag. Anne approach her senior, and a smile came into her face. Nathan, however, remains aloof.

“Hey, how are you?” Asked Anne to Nathan.

“I’m fine, Anne. You don’t have to worry about anything all the time.” He gave her a snarky answer. Making Anne and Leo take glanced at each other. When the ship begin to move, Nathan’s eyes went wide from anxiety. “Why are we moving? Is it the enemy?!”

Leo and Anne jump to him at the same time, “No, no, senior, the reinforcement is here, we are going to go out and meet them at the lake.” It was Leo who informed Nathan. Both of them were worried about how Nathan’s worsened every day.

Anne knew what was going on with him, Post Trauma Stress Disorder, or PTSD. Nathan had some mental issues. However, in this world they don’t know anything about mental health which is worrying for her, there’s just a little that she can do for now. Leo asked her to go outside, while Nathan keep staring into the window.

“We need to do something about Nathan. He got worse.” Whispered Leo to Anne. They are outside of the room but need to be careful, as Nathan could easily hear them.


She took a glance at the door and pull Leo away from their room. They settled on the other end of the hall, near the deck door.

“Alright, Leo, we need to be careful. Nathan was unstable, and he only has us for now.” Anne doesn’t want her friend to panic as well. She needs another person to be level-headed as she is.

“I know, I know, I was just… Oh no, Anne, what should we do?” Leo was indeed already exhausted every medicine for Nathan, only meylatee tea that works wonders for Nathan, but there’s only so much that one medicine can do.

“For now, we gave him the meylatee tea in a small dose every six hours, and also tell the other healers that he get an inside infection, but just not to get them the specific.” Said Anne, giving her the input for Leo.

“Yes, you’re right, we need to protect him, and after we go back to the capital, maybe try to find a cure for him.” Finally, Leo seems a bit enthusiastic, which gave Anne a sigh of relief.

“Go and eat something before we reached the other ship. I’ll make the meylatee tea for Nathan.” She gave a squeeze to Leo’s shoulder, giving him the comfort that he need.

Not long after, the small ship is finally met with the reinforcement ship. The enormous size of the ship is giving them an awe expression. King Edward told them that this is a brand new ship, and this is the first time the ship sail into the lake.

“It could hold like two thousand people, easily. Ascend, Leon and I were the ones who design it.” said king Edward full of pride.

They go up inside the ship, leaving only Arthur and Henry to guard the smaller one until they can figure out what they need to do to the prisoners. Anne and Leo carefully hold Nathan, while the others go to the war room and meet with the captain and the other high-rank.

“I’ll see you after the meeting.” Said Justice to Anne, who gave him a slight nodded and a smile.

How surprised they were when they saw a familiar face inside the war room. Prince Jason was there, and he gave a warm embrace to his brother and father.

“I am so glad to see both of you. You know how worried all of us are ?!” He said to them with tears in his eyes.

“Gods, Jason! No need to cry that much. We were fine.” Said Justice to his loving brother.

King Edward, on the other hand, was carried on and talked to three high ranks that also came. He asked them to facilitate the prisoners and also informed them about one of them as the special prisoner. Prince Jason and the others cannot believe it when king Edwards said the name of the special prisoner.

“No! you’re lying, Amelia? Javier’s wife?!” Jason was stunned and look at Justice who prefer to look away.

“What happened, his majesty? How come princess Amelia is involved?” It was Horden. He came as one of the volunteers. josei

King Edward took a sigh, and sit on the chair with a gloomy face. “We believe it wasn’t just Amelia, Javier was also involved.”

Horden and the others were stunned. The old commander then sat beside him and gave a hold of his shoulder. Justice couldn’t even say anything to his brother. Jason went quiet and offer himself to transport the prisoners into the ship.

When he goes to the deck, Jason met with a young woman whom he knew since her childhood. She grabs her arm, and prevents her from going away.

“Heirim? What are you doing here?!” Said Jason, still in disbelief.

Heirim looks around and then settled her gaze on Jason. “I volunteered.” She said to him while sighing.

“You? Volunteered? Why? You always called this a mundane task or waste of time.” Said Jason, and he wasn’t exaggerating, he knows how privileged Heirim’s life was, and to think that she got so much magica and become the elite magic knight captain in just two years, gave Jason the impression that the girl probably thinks herself higher than anyone else.

She pulled her arm from Jason, and somehow, she got nervous and said, “I… I just wanted to help, alright? So, just leave me alone, will you?”

Heirim walks away from him. Jason does wonder if something is changing, and her attitude is not like the Heirim that he used to know. But then, another question came, what exactly happened to her that make her change so much?

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