In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 227 - 227 A Confession of a Prince (Part 1)

Chapter 227 - 227 A Confession of a Prince (Part 1)

227 A Confession of a Prince (Part 1)

“You should take care of this wound first. How did you expect yourself to treat your patient when you’re in this condition?”

Xavier was in the middle of treating Anne’s wound. He also scolded her after Anne refused to be healed and stubbornly tending all the patients. Only when all of her patients were treated carefully, she gave Xavier permission to treat her injuries.

“I hate to see someone in pain just in front of my eyes.” Said Anne, when she winced at the stings from the salve that Xavier put on her face. “Hey, be careful, it sting.”

He smiles at her, “Don’t be a baby, you make this salve yourself.”

“Yes, but it doesn’t mean I like to put it.” Anne was glaring at her beloved, it seems Xavier was having a good time treating her wound.

He feels so good to see she can depend on him, the thought of protecting her fragile body of her, giving his obsession instinct back louder than ever. She just wanted to put her into a bubble and kept it inside, never letting her be seen by anyone that could harm her.

Xavier touch her face and gave her the crystal earring in her hand. She was gasping when her eyes look into the shining crystal earring. “Xavier, this is?”

“It’s only fair if you put something from me as well. After all, we are going to be together for a long time.” He whispered at her, his hands skillfully putting the earring into her ears. Anne was smiling and even gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Their loving moment got interrupted when Henry came with the injured King Edward. Anne jumped and immediately assembled the healers to help her. After all, she is still dependable on Vale’s bracelet for her supply of magica.


“Everyone who is not injured, go outside, please!” She firmly told the others while she concentrate to heal the king with three other healers. josei

Henry and Xavier, with the other troops waiting outside, were waiting anxiously for the healers to tend to the king’s injuries.

“Don’t you need to go back into the port?” Asked Xavier to Henry.

Henry shakes his head. “No, we are winning already. Justice and Jason followed another trail, supposedly where Javier was located.”

“Hopefully, they found him, God! I hate this, Henry, them to be confronting their own brothers. It is so twisted.” Xavier feels so bad for the princes, he knows Javier, although not as much as Henry. He saw some good in him, even though his own wife said otherwise.

“Sad though, I mean I hate Heirim, sometimes, but it doesn’t mean I never love her as my sister. She is still my dear sibling.” Said Henry while looking into the night sky.

Half an hour went by, and Anne goes out of the healer’s tent. She sat on one of the crates and took a deep breath. Henry and Xavier asked her about King Edward’s condition.

She smiled at them, “He’ll live, don’t worry, the wound wasn’t severed enough to give permanent damage.”

“Thank you, Anne.” Henry gave her a warm hug, feeling how tired she was after treating the king for almost an hour.

“It wasn’t just me; I can’t do this without the others.” She said humbly when Henry’s warm body was still attached to her. “Can I… Lean on you for a while? I need a shoulder right now.” She bashfully asked him, with a meek voice.”

“Sure, my love.” He smiles and kisses her head. He already feels her drift into sleep.

Xavier came and put a blanket on her. “Poor thing, just so exhausted.”

“I saw her head and her face. What happened?” They were speaking in a whisper, don’t want to wake up the tired Anne.

“Enemies happened, the tent got attacked and they need to defend themselves.” Xavier explained everything to Henry while he caressed her face, “I almost killed that b*stards, but she told me to stop. If it wasn’t for her, we probably have fewer enemies right now.”

“Such a shame that she stopped you. Fewer enemies are better anyway.” Muttered Henry, and Xavier agreed.

They were sitting in silence until a screaming coming from the area of the road into the port. Anne got awake immediately, alerted by the screams. They saw Justice and Jason run towards them; they were carrying a bloody Javier, which makes Anne come inside the tent and warned her fellow healers.

“Anne, safe him, safe my brother!” Justice screamed in agony with his body drenched in his brother’s blood.

Anne put her hand on prince Javier’s body, and she shouted to the healers to put him into the patient’s bed. Jason held onto her arm. His face was pale and just like Justice, his body was drenched in Javier’s blood.

“How is he?” Asked Jason to Anne.

Anne took a glance at Javier and then, answering his brother’s question, “I sense his pulse. It’s weak though and he was already losing so much blood. Let me try, but I can’t guarantee anything.”

Jason Nods his head. The brothers then saw Anne taking charge and trying so hard to save Javier’s life. She looks at how bad Javier’s condition is, knowing everything could never have worked for him when she looks at the puncture mark on his stomach. Anne knew what the mark was, and it was not good news.

She goes outside the tent, with blood all over her hands, the princes hoping for good news, which sadly Anne doesn’t have.

“I saw a puncture mark on his stomach. That was from the Gargantua, right?” Asked Anne to them.

“Yes, how do you know about it?” Said, Jason.

Anne took a sigh. “I’m afraid I have bad news. Javier’s body lost so much blood, on top of that, he also got bit with Gargantuan’s venom.”

Justice’s face got hardened. Anne just wanted to give him a hug. “What’s that supposed to mean, Anne?”

Anne looks into the eyes of her beloved crown prince. “He will not make it. I am sorry, Justice, the venom already spreading. He will be lucid for a while, but…”

Justice and Jason shared a glance. He gave her a bittered smile. “That would be enough for us. We just need some answer from him.”

Anne opens the tent for the two of them. “Then, you can ask him now, he already waiting for the two of you.”

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