In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 230 - 230 The Selective Memory

Chapter 230 - 230 The Selective Memory

230 The Selective Memory

“Brom! Seriously, perfect timing, like ever!” Justice gruntled while Anne snorted, she does feel sorry for him, thinking how hard he was trying to be considerate and then finally asking for intimate time together, it wasn’t easy for him.

Brom just turn his attention to Justice and look surprised, “Your majesty, I didn’t know you were here?!”

Anne just gave him a weak smile. She is one of the people who already get used to Brom’s antic. “Brom, what happened?” She asked him, knowing fully well that he would never leave, even when the crown prince was the one who asked him to leave.

“It’s the midnight monster. They told me something surprising.” He pulled Anne to go inside her hut, while Justice looked at them with a gaping mouth.

“Wait… Wait, Brom, let Justice inside as well!” She held him in the door frame and then pointed at Justice, who stayed behind.

Brom tilted his head, confused at how panicking Anne was. “Of course. I’m not going to lock you up inside. I still value my life.” Said Brom, teasing his best friend.

The three of them go inside. Justice sat in the chair, looking so uncomfortable. After all, he tried to ask her to go inside here, just a couple of minutes ago. She looks at him and felt awkward as well, thinking about how they almost doing the deed inside this small and dingy room if it were not for Brom’s sudden arrival.

“So, what happened, Brom? And where was Darla?” Asked Anne to the eccentric magi.

Brom, just look around the room, “Darla’s already back in her dorm, don’t worry, she knows I will be going here.”


“She probably knew that even though she doesn’t want you to go, you will still go anyway.” Anne was muttering, while Justice chuckled, hearing her rambling and complaining. josei

Brom took a glass of water and sat on the floor, “It was mind-blowing, Anne, they are together and looking at me, and telling me something that both of us never knew before.”

“What was that?” Anne asked him, now getting curious after all.

“That we are related, both of us are born on the same fragment.” He said to me with sparkling eyes, “Anne, maybe we are siblings that come from the same mother!”

“What?!” Anne and Justice shouted at the same time.

Anne shakes her head in disbelief, “No, No! You’re wrong, I know what am I, Brom, I am not born from this world.”

He took her shoulder and hold it. “Are you sure about that? Probably that was just your imagination. I mean, you never know.”

Hearing the opinion of Brom gives hope to Justice, but Anne immediately refused the theory, “No, I know what my previous life is in another world, Brom, and I can assure you, I am not born in this world.”

“Ugh, I mean, I hope so though, but we couldn’t have what we want.” His head looked to the floor, feeling sympathy. Anne embraces her friend.

“I am sorry, Brom if only that was the truth either, but I truly am not, I was a forty-year-old woman who got thrown in this world and gets to relive my life back as a ten-year-old girl.” She smile bitterly and continued her story, “Lucky enough to be adopted by a wonderful couple, and now, have four wonderful partners.”

Justice hold her hand and planted a kiss on her hand, they look at each other deeply, making Brom roll his eyes and groaned.

“What exactly did the night monster say to you?” Asked Justice, while Anne made some warm moomilk for them.

“The midnight monster senses a dark presence from the two of us.” Said Brom blatantly.

“What?! A dark presence?!” Justice was stunned, while Anne stop for a moment, getting intrigued by Brom’s words.

“No, not in an evil kind of… Well, probably evil, but, anyhow, that’s why the midnight monster doesn’t even afraid of me, and they also sense the same dark aura coming from Anne, although not as much as I do.” Brom just explained it to them, and for Justice, all of that was making some sense.

“The two of you could probably relate.” He said it to Anne and Brom, but before Anne tried to speak, he prevented her and explained his theory, “Not in siblings kind of way, but a connection that forms, probably when you’re arriving in this world.”

“A connection?” Brom was genuinely baffled.

Justice, on the other hand, asks for a pencil and a piece of paper. He begins to draw a diagram. “Now, Anne, you arrived in this world ten years ago, right?”

“Yes, on the rainbow crystal river, where Martha and Ed save me and adopted me.” Anne was trying to ask him, with a frown on her face, “I don’t know how… this is…”

“No, please let me make the connection first.” He raises his hand, already invested in his own theory. “Now, Brom, what happened to you ten years ago?”

Brom took a glance at Justice, and shrug his shoulder, “Uhm… just living my life, as usual.”

Taking a sigh, he tried to be patient with this eccentric magi, and almost lose his patience, but instead, he took a deep breath and asked him once again, “Alright, I mean did you have something significant happen to you, ten years ago? Maybe a new power, or a monster trying to eat you.”

“Why? Monsters hate me. They never even tried to like me. Just ask your familiar.” Brom was chuckling, and Justice begin to massage his forehead.

Anne feels bad for him. She scolded his friend, knowing that Brom was actually teasing Justice, “Brom…”

Brom gets annoyed at his best friend but finally gives in, “Fine! I wasn’t lying to you your majesty, I don’t know anything ten years ago, because I really don’t know anything ten years ago.”

“What do you mean?” Anne put the moomilk cups on the small table that she had. She and Justice were waiting so anxiously for his answer.

Brom stared at Anne, and then said something that even Anne never knew before, “Because I lost my memory exactly ten years ago.”

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