In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

33 The Rumor (Part 3)

“Who is it?”

Anne still trying to figure out who’s the person that came at night just to have a meeting with her.

“I don’t know, an older gentleman. He is waiting. You should hurry.”

Puzzled by it, she went and take a look at the older gentleman, when Anne took a step into the lobby. How surprised she was when the person turn out to be her father, Edward.


Ed’s face immediately lit when he saw his daughter in front of him. He gave her a warm embrace, and a smile bloomed on Anne’s face.

“How are you, sweety?” Edward asked his daughter with a fond remark in his voice.

They were inside a small café near Icarus Dorm. It is a perfect place for Anne right now since almost all the applicants for the exam were partying in another area. The two of them enjoy some Meylatee tea, a type of herbal drink that has the effect of calming the nerves and also prevents insomnia.

Taking a sip of her tea. Anne feels energized and much calmer. “I can feel it already. I will have a good night’s sleep tonight.”


Ed could feel something was wrong with his daughter. She was aloof, and her smile felt forced. He needs to know what is happening to her. Martha will definitely have a fit if he failed to ease their daughter’s mind.

“Something was bothering you, Anne? Would you like to talk about it?” Asked Ed to Anne. His tone was firm but without any pressure.

Anne, sensing that her father already smells the trouble, tries to ease the tension by smiling widely, “Nothing, I... I was tired, you know, today was so...”

Suddenly, Ed grabs his daughter’s hand and holds it, giving her the support that she needs. “Child, I’m your father. I do know if something is wrong. Please tell me what’s happened to you?”

A warm feeling came to her, a feeling of love and care, as she had never had that kind of parental love in her old world. She promised herself that she will never cry because of the trouble. Instead, Anne decided to tell her father everything about her case.

Ed almost choked on his tea, he could never imagine the trouble that his daughter faced at the first exam, “So... you were late for the first exam, and when they gave you a dismissal, five minutes after, they change their mind and let you participate instead?!”

“Yes, I haven’t even pursued them. When I left the building, they instead chased after me and gave me permission to join the others.”

“Oh daughter, you do not know what it meant, do you?”

A frown came to Anne’s face. “Truthfully, I have no idea. Now almost all the applicants are having a field day talking about me.”

“Although I condone such an act, but they have reasons to make a rumor out of it.” Said Anne’s father with a long sigh.

Ed indeed was being reminded of the day when he was a young man with a bright future ahead of him. Ed had a dream of becoming the best healer in the kingdom. The day when he received his silver pass back then was one of the best moments for him. His village even throws an enormous party for the boy who got a silver pass, a reward that he got after successfully treating the illness of the former crown prince.

He was such a na?ve young man, the thought of having the silver pass was already a guarantee for him to become a certified healer. Of course, that was so far from the truth. Nobles got a rumor about a peasant that had been rewarded with a silver pass. It will never set well with most of the nobles when a peasant is rewarded with a silver pass. Ed faced every hurdle that had come from the nobles who bullied him, from smudging his notes to letting him starve all day by locking him in his room. He took it like a champion and never even mentioned anything to his parents.

Sadly, it’s all changing into a nightmare when the third exam begins. Someone changed Ed’s note, which contained information about the location of the third exam. He got lost and when he finally arrived at the third exam location; he was already late. Immediate dismissal happened to him. Thus the story of Ed, who had failed to obtain his dream to become a certified healer.

“Father, I think you know something more about my case than I was.” Said Anne, she was suspicious about how well-informed her father is.

Trying so hard to hide the truth from his beloved daughter, he just smiled at her and shakes his head. Anne couldn’t do anything besides let out a sigh and let it slide. Her father, although the gentle one, was also the most hardheaded in their family. They have such a good time together, and before the night deepens, they said goodbye in front of the Icarus dorm.

“Oh, I almost forgot, this is from your mother.” Ed handed a big box of crates to Anne, the box already inside the lobby before they went to the café.

“Oh, you shouldn’t have. Please say thank you to mother from me.”

“I will, sweety.”

They hug each other once again, but before Anne goes back to her room, Ed suddenly calls for her.

“Yes? Is there something wrong?” Anne looked confused by his sudden call.

“I just wanted to tell you that everything is going to be alright. People will judge you, mock you, even do something beyond your limit, but daughter...” He took another pause and then hold Anne’s hand, “You are one of the strongest young girls that we have known, you survived the raging river, scrutiny by everyone because you have a mysterious background. Yet here you are.”

A smile bloomed on Anne’s face, her tears welled up on her face.

“Oh, father! I...”

“Look, whatever happens, your mother and I will always be proud of you, River Anne.”

They parted ways afterward. Anne saw her father take a road to the nearest central carriage station. She felt content after the encouragement from Edward. The other applicants have flooded the street, which means the party was finally over. Some of them recognize Anne as the girl who got lucky, and some of them refer to her as a cheater of the day.

“Well, well, look who’s standing in front of us right now, Heirim.”

Anne turned her head to see Heirim and her group of nobles. They were standing at the gate staring at her. Heirim’s eyes were full of rage, Anne could see it, and then another thing came into her mind.

“Good evening, lady Heirim.”

“Hey cheater, don’t you even dare to speak to lady Heirim, know your place!” One of Heirim’s entourage was trying to berate Anne.

Anne just gave him a glance and ignore the men completely, “I just wanted to say thank you for your kind gestured to my friends this morning.”

Heirim nervously looked at Anne. “Kind gestured? What do you mean?”

“Oh, you know, when you gave them false information about how I wanted to go alone to the exam, funny, I think I have never asked you for such a favor.” josei

“Do you have proof? Or is this just your way to justify yourself?” Said Heirim. She saunters toward Anne, challenging her or trying to intimidate her.

A smile came to Anne’s face, “No, not at all. Well, I just wanted to say that... two can play this game.”

Heirim abruptly stopped. She realized she got caught by Anne, how far she knew about her plan, only time will tell. She looked at the peasant girl with her purple hair for the last time before he go inside with her friends. From the looks of it, the peasant’s girl means she will fight until her last breath, and she is determined to crush that futile dream of her, in any way possible.

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