In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

46 The Secret from a Magi

(Warning, this chapter contained some mental health problem, reader please be cautious) josei

Xavier, Vale, and Henry look at each other, confused by Justice’s words.

“Is that something wrong with you?” Asked Henry to Anne directly.

Nervously, Anne took glanced at Justice, he gave her encouragement to speak up about her problem.

“Yes, I have some problem. All of you already realized that I treated Justice’s wound by using herbal medicine, rather than using first aid healing magic.”

“Yes, and the chief healer praised you for your act,” Said Vale, he scratches his head confused, “So, what exactly was the problem?”

“The problem is that it wasn’t intentional. I don’t know that first aid healing will never work against Dryad toxin.” She confessed while biting her nails, her hand still shaken.

“If it wasn’t intentional, why don’t you use the first aid healing, then? That is the basic magica for any healers.” Xavier asked her, curiosity now coming to him.

Anne took a deep breath and said, “Because I don’t have any magica.”


The other three then gasped. In this new world, it is impossible to have no magica inside of you. There are cases where people have ten percent of magica but never go to zero.

“Really? You don’t have any magica? Even one percent of the magica?” Asked Vale, for magi who have almost a hundred percent magica inside, Vale couldn’t believe there is a person who has less than ten percent, let alone none.

“Yes, I don’t have any. First aid healing was my first training to become a healer. That was the first time they noticed that I don’t have magica inside of me.” Said Anne bitterly. The feeling of becoming a failure and making her adopted parents disappointed is lingering.

The feeling that she carried from her previous life, her birth parents’ disappointment, frustration, and desperation. She has to see with her own eyes, her mother felt into desperation, because having a daughter who can never give her true happiness. Day by day, her mental health suffered and the doctor’s visit become more frequent.

Her father hates her. He blamed little Anne as the one who makes everything worse in his life. Little that he knows, his beautiful wife already had a problem with her mental health since her teen years, she cover it up and seeks no professional help. They got married when they were still young, a man in his youth but a rich heir to a beautiful young lady from a prominent family.

They can’t see their own fault and blamed their bundle of joy, if only they can see between their own fa?ade and try to accept their daughter with all the inadequacy. Thankfully, Ed and Martha never blamed Anne. They embraced her and told her there was nothing wrong with having none of the magica. For Ed and Martha, Anne is perfect the way she is.

Anne bravely faced the four of them. She doesn’t know what would happen. Are they reporting her anomaly to the administrator and then making her dismissed from the exam? Or maybe banished the poor girl immediately from the palace because of her anomaly?

“This is indeed never happened before in the Valorian,” Muttered Vale while his fingers tapping his chin. He then glanced at Xavier, “Do you heard something like this before?”

Xavier let out a sigh and shook his head. “No, this is the first time I heard about someone that doesn’t have any magica.”

“We need to do something, maybe tried to increase her magica?” Said, Henry.

Vale massages his temple. “It will be a futile effort because she doesn’t have the magica at all.”

“Then what should we do? The aptitude test is next week.” Xavier asked everyone. His head goes to the left and right.

The four of them discussed the best way to approach the administrator. Xavier even tried to convince Anne to cheat. The only thing inside Anne’s mind is how willing they were. She never thought that instead tried to keep their distance, the four of them tried to help her.

“All of you were not repulsive by my lack of magica?” Asked Anne with a flustered face.

Anne has a point when she asked them, in this world, magica held an important role in everyday life. It is mind-blowing for them to see her with no magica.

Xavier tilted his head. “Why? Because you don’t have any magica? Big deal, it’s not the end of the world.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you. Why do you feel inferior suddenly?” Said Vale, scratching his head.

Henry, the one that sat beside Anne, was poking her nose and gave her a warm smile. “Come on, River Anne, lack of magica is not a shameful thing. It’s unusual, of course, but that’s it!”

Looking around the room, Anne felt so relieved that she, for one, trusted Justice and let him reveal her secret. Even Clarice never knew about her lack of magica. Only Ed and Martha knew. Anne’s tears came running down her eyes. She cried and sniffled, making all of them look at each other in confusion and panic.

“Hey, do you have to cry now? You know that we still need to help you get through the second exam, right?” Said Justice at Anne, he doesn’t mean to be so rude, but his sharp tongue always goes ahead before connecting with his mind and heart, he looks at her and felt concerned about how rude he was, “Anne, I am so...”

“Yes, you’re right,” Wiping her tears, she put on a brave face and smiled at Justice who tried to ask for an apology, “I am sorry everyone, this is not the time to cry, this is my problem and I am thankful that all of you are willing to help me.”

A warm and fuzzy feeling came to justice. he felt relieved and full of joy; she doesn’t angry, sad, or even offended by how rude he was. This purple hair girl doesn’t mind his sharp tongue and felt a deeper meaning in every word that came from Justice’s mouth.

A very sweet smile came onto his face. “Yes, Anne, we are here for you. Don’t worry.”

She nodded her head, and even took Justice’s hand, Anne whispered to him, a grateful gesture that make her have a clearer head. Henry patted her back and pointed at the living room.

“Let’s go outside. Justice needs some rest.” Said, Henry.

Vale came to them in a hurry. “Wait! Before you go, I need...” Said Vale while holding onto Anne and Henry, “Right... Oh alright, you can go now.” He let go of their hand and go outside before Henry and Anne even reached the door.

“What the hell is wrong with him?” Asked Xavier, who was already standing beside Anne.

Henry just chuckled and shook his head in disbelief, “Well, you know him. Come on, I think I know how we could have approached Anne’s case.”

They said goodbye to Justice, and while the crown prince looks at him in silence, he hold his left hand, the hand that Vale also touched. He knew Vale was into something. Justice is determined to know the reason, and hoping only to hear good news.

Meanwhile, Henry excused himself for a minute. The others sat on the sofa. Vale also excused himself to go onto the terrace. Anne took the time to be comfortable, and Xavier looked into the terrace where Vale was having a conversation with his familiar. Curious, he sneaked into the window and saw the magi captain in the middle of tying a small bottle of pink liquid into Silver Hawk’s feet.

After he saw Silver Hawk was safely gone, Vale took a deep breath and said, “You might want to step out from that lame cover and just confront me.”

“Fine!” Xavier came out from his hiding place with two hands in the air. “Gods! Did you put a spell on the surrounding? How do you know I was there?”

Vale gave him a smirk. “Your humongous b*tt was all over the place.”

“I knew this sexy body of mine will be a hindrance!” Said Xavier, responding to Vale teasing his body, but then, he looks at Vale with a serious expression, “Joking aside, what the f*ck were you doing? What kind of liquid that you gave to Silver Hawk?”

The atmosphere was tense, Vale staring at Xavier and still deciding if he could reveal his plan to him. Xavier is one of his best friends, but then, he needs to be sure before he revealed the information to all of them.

“Do you trust me?” Asked Vale, nervously.

“Of course, you idiot, I am the one who is supposed to ask that question!” Xavier replied, getting a bit more heated than what he actually intended.

Suddenly, a young woman’s voice came from inside. “What are you guys doing here?”

They turned around to see Anne with messy hair and make-up looked so confused at the two of them. Vale and Xavier share a glance, and they both took this argument to another day.

“Nothing.” said the two of them at the same time.

Staring at Xavier and Vale, she knows they were hiding something. “Henry is here. They brought food and books.”

“Hey, what are you doing here? Come on, I know how to help Anne!” Henry was calling from inside the living room.

The two other men step inside in a hurry, followed by Anne. The knight captain was in the middle of reading a book. It turns out to be the book of Valorian law.

“I found it! Anne, this is how we can help you!” With enthusiastic words, Henry pointed at one law that was written in the book.

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