In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

48 How to charm the purple hair girl

The shining light came from the hovering orbs and the sound of children and adults around the festival. The array of delicious foods, and a melodious tune from the musical instruments. Anne was having the time of her life. She loved the palace ball, but behind all the glamorous places, there were nobles who always took advantage of the peasants but belittled them at the same time.

At this festival, however, all people were equal. Anne could see some nobles from the palace ball were already there, having fun with each other.

“Henry, where are you taking me?” asked Anne. They were still running towards the center of the park.

Henry turned his head to the curious Anne. “You’ll see.”

When they arrived at the center of the park, the girl finally realized they were standing in the center of a stage, a dance stage. A melodious orchestra was playing music in the background and there were people dancing around them. Henry’s hand was holding tightly to Anne’s hand.

He bowed to her with his lips getting closer to her hand, and with his beautiful smile he said, “River Anne from Viora village, would you like to have a dance with me?” and he kissed her hand softly.

Her heart skipped a beat, Henry’s sweet gesture moved her so much, she just nodded her head in approval and the knight captain swoop her from her feet. They glided onto the stage, and Henry led and guided her. The couple was so mesmerizing, everyone around them just instinctively stop dancing and focused on the two of them. The handsome and charming knight, with his elegant and beautiful partner and her enchantingly purple hair.

People were smiling, whispering, and enjoying the scene in front of them. Henry is a good dancer, and he knows how to guide Anne with every melody from the music. She enjoyed the moment so much, Henry hold on her tightly in his arms, his eyes looking at her the whole time, while he danced gracefully with Anne. Minutes after minutes went by, and they dance until the music ends. When they stop, everyone around them clapped their hands.

“Bravo! Bravo!” shouted an older gentleman, who then threw flower petals at Henry and Anne.


Anne looked around. Her body was still in the arms of the handsome knight captain.

“Oh my God! Henry, what happened?” She looked flustered, her breathing still heavy from dancing with Henry on the stage.

“What do you mean, what happened? They were mesmerized by!” Said Henry, a smile came to his face. “Come on, let’s bow to show our appreciation.”

They bow to the audience, and when the two of them walk away from the stage, a little girl presents Anne with a beautiful blue flower.

“This is for you because you dance like a princess.” Said the little girl shyly to Anne.

Anne took the blue flower and smell a very wonderful and elegant aroma coming from the blue flower. “Oh, this is wonderful, thank you,” Anne said gratefully to the little girl with a smile on her face.

The little girl goes to her mother while waving to Anne and Henry. Our heroine’s heart leaped. She spoke to Henry and said thank you to him.

“Don’t thank me yet. There’s plenty of entertainment around,” Henry told her with a wink. He guided her into another area of the festival. “Now, how about a portion of good food? I bet you’re hungry from all the dancing.”

“Not to mention, almost got killed by monsters on the maze,” Muttered Anne.

Laughter came from Henry when he heard her sarcasm about the encounter with various monsters inside the maze. They settled on a bread stand, and while Henry ordered two warm buttered moomilk and berryberry jam bread, Anne looks around for the festival.

The festival is lively; she assumed it is almost midnight, but the children still running around, playing hide and seek or enjoying their days with a family member, there are also couples, walking and having a conversation, or a citizen that just wanted some alone time enjoying the festivities.

“What are you thinking?” Asked Henry to her.

Smiling at him, she answered Henry with a glee tone, “Everything, this festivity, reminds me a lot of my village. Well, not on this scale. My village, after all, is a small and secluded one.”

“You don’t like the palace ball, then?”

“No... not that I don’t like it, it’s just...” She huffed and sip her warm buttered moomilk, refusing to answer Henry further.

Henry got a chuckle, “It’s not you, right?” Said Henry, while he served her a slice of a berryberry jam bread.

“Yes, I am sorry, everyone envied me when they saw me going to the palace ball, wearing an exquisite dress, and having a handsome captain as a partner for the day,” Anne’s eyes go directly to Henry, “But, that wasn’t me.”

“River Anne, the beautiful young girl from Viora village, prefers to be in the crowd of peasants rather than to be with the nobles and royalty.” Henry teased her, which makes Anne throw a piece of bread into his face.

They have a great time together until Darla, and David came to greet them.

“Anne? What are you doing here? I thought you were having fun at the palace?” Darla gave her a warm embrace, and her eyes then goes to Henry, “Good afternoon, lord Henry.”

“Good afternoon, Darla and David,” Replied Henry, he took glanced at the clock tower and stands up from his chair. “I think it is my signal to leave. You should have some fun with your friends now.”

“Wait, where are you going?” Asked Anne. She was a bit upset to see him leave right away.

A smile came onto Henry’s face. “I need to go somewhere. Besides, you have them with you. Oh, I asked the carriage driver to wait for you, so you could use it with your friends to go back to the dorm.”

Still, with disappointment on her face, Anne tried as best as she could to smile, “Thank you, Henry, that’s so kind of you.”

With a kiss on Anne’s hand, Henry steps outside the festival, leaving our heroine with Darla and David. Before she could explain everything, her friends already sat at the table with her, Darla was curious, while David was grinning ear to ear.

“So... Care to explain how on Gods you go to the palace ball with Sir Vale, but then end up here in the citizen festival with Lord Henry?” David tried to pry some answers from his friend.

Rolling her eyes to David, Anne tried to answer his question in a much simpler way, “Vale had something that he needs to do. That’s why Henry... Lord Henry offered to take me home.”

“Well, this is not our dorm, though.”

“Yes, David, it wasn’t, but just leave it there, alright?”

Darla was trying so hard to contain her laughter. She knew Anne will never answer them thoroughly. Darla realized the young girl was not the type that loved to be open about anything. She isn’t a quiet girl, but also not a vocal one. A mysterious kind girl with beautiful purple color hair, that’s Anne in Darla’s eyes.

“David, just leave it at that. At least she’s happy,” Darla tried to stop David while trying to order for the two of them.

David sighed and glared at Anne. “Fine! You win, but at least you could tell us more about the palace ball. You can do that, right?”

Smiling and nodding at David, Anne agreed to tell a story about the palace ball, however, her encounter with the mysterious lady and the maze remained untouched. Anne had a good time with her friends until late at night, and as Henry promised, the carriage was waiting for her. The three of them go back to the dorm inside the luxurious carriage with the insignia of Spencer’s family. josei

When the morning come, at the captain’s barracks, Vale was already awake from his restless night. Last night, after he arrived at his room, Silver Hawk was already waiting on his perch near the window.

“So, did Brom get the sample?” Asked Vale to his familiar. He couldn’t contain how nervous he was, even when in the middle of putting off his official uniform.

Silver Hawk stares at his master. ‘Yes, master, mister Brom also said the result will come at six hours, and he also asked for a piece of a cake for his breakfast.’

“Ugh... he always the odd one, cake for breakfast,” Shook his head in disbelief, Vale already knew about Brom’s peculiar taste, he gave a piece of meat to Silver Hawk and brushes his feather, “Thank you Silver Hawk, and have a good night.”

‘Good night, master, sweet dream.’

He never knows if he could have a sleep, let alone a sweet dream. His prediction becomes the truth. He ride his horse into the bakery near his barrack; he bought a cake for Brom and some loaves of bread. His destination is in the outer region of the capital, a place where the magi could conduct an experiment alongside the alchemist. They call it Alchemia Tower. A giant high tower with fifty floors, a structure heavily imbued by magica.

Vale needs to go to the twentieth floor, where Brom and Amaris conduct the test for him. He knocked on the door and immediately open the door before hearing any answer. An older woman, with black and greyish hair, smiled at him.

“Oh, good morning to you, Captain Vale. Care to wait for us to tell you to come in next time?” Said the woman.

“I’m sorry Amaris, forgot my manner there.”

Amaris smiled at him and then patted his back. “I was joking. Anyhow, Brom is still asleep, but I have the result.”

He took a deep breath and nervously looked at Amaris. “So, what’s the result?”

“Your suspicion was right. The four of you are being bewitched.” Said Amaris.

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