In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Simple Life No More (part 2)

The four men were together, inside the clinic, eating the porridge together. if only that’s the only thing that they are doing, they also having a conversation, while the other patients want to take their much-needed rest. Anne begins to feel a headache is coming, thinking that she needs to take care of overnight patients, and now, a bunch of unknown men were bothering the patients.

Anne took a deep breath, walked toward them, and made sure to use her relaxed face. Dealing with this kind of level of ignorant, she needs to use gentleness rather than strictness.

“Uhm... It’s time for the three of you to get out of here, you’re bothering the other patients.” Said Anne with a very sweet smile.

Henry glances at Anne, and feels so guilty for his behavior, “She’s right, you should go back to the inn, and I need to take some rest, as well.”

“Oh, we are so sorry, Anne, that’s what happened when the four of us met.” Said Xavier, while he put all the chairs in the corner, the guy is so strong, Anne remembered when he carried the Minotaur’s horn in just one arm.

Vale seems trying to avoid Anne, while Justice just walks away without even saying goodbye. She didn’t care, as long as she could do her duty, the patients are her priority, more than some arrogant men, who don’t have manners. She had her fair share of that kind of men in her previous life, and one thing she learned from it, was just to ignore it, and never give them power over her.

She check on every patient, including Henry, who then holds his hand and whispered, “I’m, sorry, I should let them go before they bothered the other patients. I forgot that I’m here with other patients.”


“I can see that you never got treated in a small clinic, before?”

“I do, but the clinic has private rooms, so...”

Anne, knew exactly what he means, even though she already figured as much. The fact that four of these mysterious men are nobles, by their hidden silk shirts, or the manner, only nobles are the answered of what exactly they are. Doesn’t want to get involved with them any further, so she chooses to be gullible.

“Ah, yes, my apology we couldn’t offer a private room, the only private rooms around are my parents and my room.” Anne jokingly said to Henry.

“Oh, would you let me use your room, then?”

“What?! Uhm... I mean.” Anne gasped at Henry’s request.

Henry, on the other hand, chuckles, and smiles at Anne, “I was joking, you need to be laid back once in a while, miss healer.”

She smiled was bitter, “I’m not a healer, as you can see.”

“You are to me, you’re skillful and caring, a trait of a skillful healer.”

Henry smiled at her, and his eyes begin to close. Sleep came to him, Anne tuck his blanket, and she also goes to her room to get some much-needed rest. She imagined what kind of headache that will be presented by the four men tomorrow.

Just like Anne predicted, the sun rises not too long ago, but in front of her, there’s Justice, with his arrogant face, looking at her.

“You, I want you to accompany me to the administration office. I need to see someone.” Justice points at Anne, and seems doesn’t take no for an answer.

Anne will prove him wrong, “I’m sorry, I’m busy in the clinic, you should just ask villagers around to give you a direction to the administration office.” josei

“Your parents are here, surely you can lend, some of your time?”

“No, I can’t.” and of course, Anne doesn’t want to.

She got fed up with him, and just wanted some peaceful time, away from Justice and possibly the others. She asked one of her school friends to visit the clinic today, she wanted to make some excuse to go away from the clinic until the noon comes.

Having Justice here will surely be blown her excuse. She glances at the clock on the wall, her friends will be here, soon. She needs to do something to drawn Justice away.

“Hey, are you even listening?”

She focused her attention back on Justice. “Yes, I’m sorry, like I said, I was so busy.”

“Busy? You have already given them their breakfast, tending to their wound, what else that you need to do?” Asked Justice, impatiently to Anne.

“Look here, sir! My job doesn’t end when they were full and their wound is being taken care of. You never know when someone is in the need of an emergency, and those medicines, they aren’t going to be made by themselves!” Anne said it to Justice, with a face that challenged his authority.

Justice got taken aback by how brave Anne was in his demand. Somehow, it makes him get more excited. He is a person that never hears a no as an answer, every demand, every wish, he got it all. Not in front of this girl, somehow.

“You... You rejected my request?”

Anne squinted her eyes and stare at Justice, “Yes, do you need me to say it, for the third time?”

“Uhm... well... I don’t know why, but I do... So, yes please.” Said Justice, but this time a smile came to his face, a smile full of adoration.

“Wha... what?! why are you smiling?”

“Well, why not? So, where’s the rejection from before? Like I said, I wanted to hear it, once more.”

Anne tilted her head, she feel amused at Justice’s reaction, “It seems to me that you never got any rejection, whatsoever.”

Justice stare at her, with his beautiful ruby red eyes, and said, “You got it right.”

“What? that’s impossible...”


Before she could finish her words, a young lady came in from the outside, it is Clarice, her friend from the school day. She is a cute, petite girl, with exquisite blonde hair. They hug each other in front of Justice.

“Oh, Clarice, so nice to see you.” Anne cheerfully said to her friend.

“Anne, you’re becoming prettier, oh wow, we had our graduation three months ago. Look at you.”

“Oh, you’re just graduating from school? So... Seventeen?” Asked Justice, seems like he listened to their conversation.

Clarice noticed Justice and her eyes widen, she was smitten by the handsome red hair man, in an instant.

“Oh, wow, Anne, who is this fellow?”

“Err... this is Justice. He is visiting his friend, who got treated at the clinic.”

Anne introduced Justice to Clarice, even though the young man never turned his face to Clarice.

“You’re young, but your knowledge is remarkable.” Said Justice, with a face of admiration towards Anne.

Her heart skipped a bit, Justice blatantly praised her, in front of Clarice. The room felt a bit warm, and she almost fanning herself, instead, she tried to put a smile at Justice.

“Uhm... thanks,” Anne said to him, she then pulled her friend away from Justice, “Come on Clarice, we are going to be late.”

Justice grabs her arm, “Hey, where are you going?”

“I have a prior engagement with my school friends.”

“So, you couldn’t accompany me to the administrator’s office?”

Clarice clasp her hands, enthusiastically, “Oh, you wanted to go to the administrator’s office of the village? Why don’t you say so, let us take you there, I have my carriage, outside.”

“What?!” Anne and Justice said it at the same time.

She wanted to go away from the man, but It seems, fate likes to play with Anne, and there’s nothing she can do to avoid it.

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