In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

72 The Cellar

Anne, with her big eyes, and a blushed cheek, came to inform the others about what she was just found earlier.

“I think this is the location of the mansion, the Beyor mansion.” Said Anne to the others.

Justice is flustered and looks at Anne with a frown on his face. “What? that was impossible. The record never gave a specific location of the mansion.” josei

“Exactly! Remembered the story, the mansion burned down, reduced to ashes, but not the smallest part of the mansion,” Anne grabbed the hand of Justice, and pulled him into the location where she found the black stone, already buried on the ground, she pointed at the name engraved on the stone, “Look, this is the stone part of the mansion is using the traditional style, by using stones for the ground level and woods for the upper level. I knew this because my friend’s mansion in my village still uses this traditional style.”

Xavier and the rest of them followed the two of them, he looks around and muttered, “So, this is...”

“This is the Beyor mansion, and somehow, they built the cemetery right above that once glorious mansion,” Justice replied, while he touch the stone slab of the mansion, the remnant of the past. “I think this is the builder or the maker’s engraver, it was damaged beyond repair so we couldn’t determine the specific year, I’m afraid.”

“But at least we know the location of the mansion...” Xavier then thought something, “I got to admit, the person that builds the cemetery above the mansion ruin where people are being slaughtered was not right in the head.”

“Agreed, Gods, this is sick!” Justice shook his head in disbelief. “No wonder this place is cursed. This is not a proper final resting place for anyone.”

Andy looked around and seems trying to find something. Anne goes to him and asked the librarian directly, “What’s on your mind?”


“If my hunch was right, the Doomen tome is somewhere around here, I saw the aksara depicted of a hidden place beneath us,” He crouched and feel every inch of the ground, if it wasn’t for the pressing circumstances, Anne would laugh seeing the awkward Andy with her bottom raised and a comical expression on his face.

She goes back to Justice and Xavier, explaining about Andy that assumed a secret place.

“Are you sure it was not inside the mausoleum?” Asked Justice.

Nodding her head, Anne pointed at Andy. “He told me about another aksara that depicted an underground place, a tunnel or...”

“A cellar, a mansion like this must have a vast cellar beneath the ground,” Said Justice, his eyes wandering around the area trying to locate any entryway.

Running in the other direction, Xavier was trying to search for the entryway in another area, Anne and Justice stayed with Andy when one of the guards call for him from another area.

“Your majesty, I think we have found the entryway.” Said the guard to Justice.

“Alright, I’ll follow you,” Justice nodded his head and turned around to Andy, “Andy, call Xavier back, asked him if we found the entryway.”

“At once, your majesty.”

The librarian run as fast as he could, calling for Xavier, while Justice and Anne go with the guard. The entryway was located on the surrounding dead trees; they need to lift the iron door together, the two guards, Justice and Xavier need to work together to open the iron door. The musty air engulfed everyone. No one knows how many years the cellar was closed.

They lighted their small orb, and finally see the inside of the cellar. The room is filled with shelves and a big table that occupy the middle section, there’s dust and a layer of spiderwebs occupying the room.

“It seems we need to find another secret door, great!” Xavier’s frustration goes to everyone, they wanted this to end immediately, but it seems it will need a lot more than just getting the book at the altar.

“Let me search for another clue. I might be able to find it here somewhere.” Andy looked around the room and tried to find any Aksara.

Meanwhile, Anne felt a pair of eyes, watching her from behind, the force that coming from behind her make her uncomfortable. Her pale face got noticed by Xavier, he took her hand, and asked her calmly and with a soothing voice.

“Hey, what happened? You looked so uncomfortable right now.” Anne’s eyes went wild. She tried to look at behind her, beside her, but there was nothing, only the void, and emptiness. Xavier hold into her shoulder, concerned about how unresponsive Anne was. “Anne, are you listening to me? Anne, answer me.”

Justice looks at Xavier and Anne. He then holds her hand while asking Xavier, “Xavier, what’s the matter? What happened to her?”

Shaking his head to Justice, Xavier couldn’t muster any words. Anne still looks like she was not with them right now until her eyes begin to flutter and she passed out in Xavier’s arms. The two of them screamed, and not long after, all of the hovering orbs flickered and the lights out from every orb. Andy was screaming. Justice and Xavier were panicking, only darkness and the echoes of their own voice inside the room.

“Xavier, call for Ageha,” Justice trying to call for Xavier, his eyes were trying to adjust to the surrounding darkness. He waited for an answer, but only silence came from Xavier, he tried to reach for his friend, and thankfully, a hand was connected to his, “Xavier is that you?!”

The owner of the hand whispered to Justice, with a slight giggle, “No.”

The unfamiliar voice for Justice, he pushed the body away and called for his flame sword, the room lit by his soaring flame, his eyes grew wide at the entity in front of him, a man with long red hair and black onyx eyes, smiling at Justice.

“Well, hello there, your majesty.”

“Who are you?!” Justice screamed at the person in front of him.

Without answering his question, the mysterious person disappeared into thin air. Justice looked around and noticed he wasn’t inside the cellar anymore, and he was alone. “F*ck! Where am I? Xavier? Andy? Where are you?!” He then looked around the room and noticed something, this is a mausoleum, where a single stone crypt was placed in the middle of the room.

“Hello? Anyone here? Answered me!” He shouted while cautiously walking around the mausoleum.

Suddenly, the stone crypt begin to move, and the grounding of the two stones slowly moved, where the crown prince stand and was ready with his flame sword, waiting for anything that was coming from inside the stone crypt. His heart beat faster. When a hand appear from the crypt, he was ready to slash the entity but stopped immediately after the head with purple color hair appeared.

“Anne?!” Said Justice with his sword ready to attack.

Looking at Justice, Anne then let out a sigh of relief, “Oh thank God! It was you. I thought it was that creepy man again. Please help me get out of here.” She extended her arm.

“Creepy man? What do you mean?” Asked Justice while he helped Anne get out of the crypt.

“I’ve met with him at the moonlight town, and when we entered the cellar, I saw him in the room’s corner, standing, waiting,” Anne spoke about the man that he has met in the town, as the same man that Justice encountered earlier.

He located the mausoleum door, and pry it open. Justice took Anne’s cold hand, and with the light from the flame sword, they walk through the intricate underground tunnel. The sound of the water dripping and the stench of the water gave him the idea of where they were right now.

“We are inside the underground sewer right now. Who would have thought that there was a mausoleum inside a sewer? Must be the least favorite person in the family.” Justice trying to make a light joke to ease the tension. Although Anne didn’t seem so impressed, she was quiet the whole time they were together.

“He was the one that put you inside the crypt?” Justice tried another tactic. By asking a question, Anne’s cold hand was holding into his hand tightly.

“Uhm... yes... he was.” The reply was short and simple.

He was curious to see her, and also worried about her well-being, Justice wanted to see if she was fine, and look so glad to see a light, a golden light, an indication that it was already an afternoon, time passing by quickly when they reached the end of the sewer, a voice calling for his name. It was Xavier running towards him, waving his hand.

“Justice! Oh, thank God! I was so...” His smile turned into a rage when he saw another person behind Justice, “Who are you?! Why do you holding my friend’s hand?!” Shouter Xavier.

The hair on the back of Justice raised. He slowly looked behind him, and there he was, the man with red long hair and black onyx eyes, smiling ear to ear to him.

“Well, hello again, your majesty.”

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