In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1171-1172-1173-1174-1175

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1171-1172-1173-1174-1175

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1171-1172-1173-1174-1175

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Same old, same old.” Emery rolled her eyes. “It’s a pain in the butt having to live with your in-laws. Hunter’s mom is getting especially troublesome. We have so many maids in the house but she still forces me to get up early and make breakfast for Hunter every day. I’ve never had to do that before! Besides, if I have to do all that, then we might as well get rid of our maids.”

Emery was a part of the Moore family after all. She never had to worry about a single thing her whole life. Apart from that, she had a good eye for investments and had more than enough money to spare. Hunter’s parents probably didn’t know that and just treated her like a housewife. Like most parents, they pitied their son for having to work so hard and transferred all the pressure on Emery’s shoulders in an attempt to build a ‘good wife’ for Hunter.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at her story and stood up for her. “Didn’t Hunter speak up for you?”

“Him?” Emery looked strange, as if she didn’t want to talk about him. “I wouldn’t know. We haven’t been talking much lately.”

“Why not? You two got together because you had similar interests in the first place.”

Emery shrugged. “He’s very much into a bunch of academic stuff now. Every day, he heads straight into the study after coming home from school and has meetings with the members of that discussion group. They talk about all this finance and stock market stuff that is honestly pretty boring.”

Without waiting for me to answer, she placed her hands on the bench and sighed. “Still, I know that all men want to be successful. At least I find that drive and determination attractive.”

I laughed, but covered it up with two awkward coughs. “Watch it, you’re about to drool.”

Emery glared at me before quickly changing the subject. “Since I have to come back again tomorrow, I’ll just stay the night.”

“Tomorrow?” I didn’t really get it, but I teased her anyway. “So you sent Summer back just to take her again tomorrow? You really see her as your daughter now, huh?”

“Well, she’s my goddaughter after all.” Emery crossed her legs and placed her hands on her knees casually. Suddenly, she looked at my stomach and became a little serious. “Also, you’re having twins. Everyone would want to come and take in some of your luck.”

I looked down at my stomach. While I felt a little weird under her stare, my whole head was filled with the thought of Jackson coming to take Summer away, so I didn’t look further into it.

Only until tomorrow night did I realize what Emery meant. Cameron and Zachary arrived in full fancy garb. The news of my pregnancy had already gotten spread far and wide. The celebration was supposed to be held earlier, but due to my bar exam and because they were afraid I’d be tired from the pregnancy. That would explain why they only held it today.

At first, I thought they would only invite some close friends and family, but the guests arriving at our door became more and more strange. Apart from Cameron and Zachary, Louis and John naturally had to attend as well. After that, some people of even higher status than Cameron and Zachary arrived. To my surprise, even Channing showed up.

It seemed like everyone I knew who was of some high status showed their faces The celebration miraculously turned the news of my pregnancy into some big event. Only when I laid my eyes upon the crowds of people in my house here to congratulate me on my pregnancy did I finally feel guilty at Jackson’s words.

Macy became nothing more than a black and white photograph stuck on a tombstone forever while I continued to enjoy life and the admiration of many people. It was only reasonable for Jackson to feel

angry by such a large difference.

I did my best to greet everyone before starting to feel worn out. I decided to go upstairs to rest and let Ashton and Emery deal with the guests.

In love, never say never chapter 1172

The moment I reached my bedroom, I heard a loud bang coming from the door. It sounded like someone falling. Without wasting any time, I rushed over curiously while holding my belly. I was startled by the person who was standing at the door. It was Stella, whom I had not met for a long time.

“Why are you here?” I thought since Ashton and Joseph were already here, there should be no need for another assistant.

Stella responded courteously while carefully sorting out her messy hair in front of her forehead. “I am here to deliver these important documents for the manager. I need to hand them over to him personally.”

Upon hearing this, I noticed she was holding a leather suitcase in her hand. It did look like something important, so I reached out my hand to take it. “Alright, give it to me then.”

To my surprise, Stella avoided my hand and backed up a few steps while saying hesitantly, “I am sorry, Mrs. Fuller. But Mr. Fuller emphasized that these documents are classified and should never be given to anyone without his permission. He specifically asked me to treat this uncompromisingly.”

I had never felt so offended before. Thus I responded rudely, “Do you really think that I will betray my own husband? Or are you saying that I, as a shareholder of this company, is not as trustworthy as you, a mere assistant?”

“No, Mrs. Fuller…” Stella tried to explain; her face paled in nervousness while trembling incessantly. “Please do not overthink. I have no intention at all to suspect you, but Mr. Fuller said…”

Honestly, I used to show no interest whatsoever in these kinds of documents. However, Stella’s reaction completely triggered my curiosity. The more she showed resistance, the more eager I was to find out the content.

I stepped forward abruptly to snatch the suitcase from her. Seeing that I was her superior and that I was pregnant, she did not dare to resist at all. With a reluctant look, she let go of it without any fight. “I will send the documents to the study. No one will find out that you gave it to me, so your job here is completed. You can go back now.”

Stella froze on the spot with a troubled expression, but she could only comply in the end. “Thank you, Mrs. Fuller. Please don’t ever mention that it is from me.”

Before she left, she took a final glance at the suitcase, while a complicated expression loomed over her face.

I could not care less about her feeling, as all my attention was upon those documents. I shut the door gently, opened the suitcase, and took out the documents cautiously.

Fuller Corporation and Winzone Trading Finance Project Agreement

A finance project?

Didn’t Ashton promise me that he will stay low and not jump into any business expansions at the moment?

I initially thought the documents were merely a proposal draft. But, I was astonished to see Ashton’s signature clearly at the bottom of the contract, with the official stamp of our company, which meant this

was actually a fully functional legal contract. My heart skipped a beat the moment I laid my eyes on its date… It was on the day I discovered I was pregnant.

Now I understood why Stella acted so strangely earlier. When I signed the share license agreement, one of the terms was that Fuller Corporation could not launch a finance project within two years. Yet Ashton broke it in less than a month. What is he up to?

Besides this contract, how many more secrets is he hiding from me?

Taking a deep breath to clear my head, I tried my best to remain calm. A moment later, I put those documents back in the suitcase and placed them in the study.

When I walked past the corridor, I stepped towards the fence to check on the living room.

Gazing from high above, I could identify Ashton right away without any difficulty. A group of men surrounding him was seemingly overwhelmed with excitement. I could not hear their conversation, but they were looking at him in a way like staunch believers were worshipping their own god.

Just then, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took out my phone, and it showed a WhatsApp notification from Holden.

In love, never say never chapter 1173

There were two voice messages.

I tapped on the first one, and my heart stirred at a familiar voice – it was Marcus’. “Scar, is Ashton with you? If he… “

The message was cut off abruptly as if someone had interrupted it.

Without hesitating, I quickly tapped on the second one. I felt wrath boiling within me when I heard Holden’s provocative tone. “Well, aren’t I a courteous businessman? I showed you the proof even before we discuss business. But it depends on your sincerity whether you can listen to the rest. However, there is no need for you to worry. Even if the Taylor family masters all the communication base station’s locations, they will be smart enough not to compete with you. You have my words that White Corporation won’t be at any risk. So please make your decision well.”

If he were in front of me at that moment, I would surely have punched him. This man has no bottom line. He even uses others’ life as a bargaining chip.

Nonetheless, I admitted that Holden had made a brilliant move. Since Marcus had vanished for such a long time, the first thing he said was to ask for Ashton. This made me uncontrollably curious about it.

It took me a while to think, and I finally decided to respond with a voice message too. “So does the Taylor family always deal in such petty manner? You want to talk business, yet you only provide an incomplete voice message. Is this what you mean by courtesy?”

Holden’s reply came in no time. “Wow, I must admit your negotiating skill has clearly improved. You must have learned a lot from Ashton, I guess. Alright then, let me throw you another bone.”

Right after that came another message. This time it was the complete version of Marcus’ previous message.

“Scar, is Ashton with you? If he wants White Corporation, just give it to him! Remember that your safety is the first priority! Do not take any risk! And do not try to find me!”

Marcus spoke at such a hurried pace that I needed to listen to it twice. Only then was I sure he was actually asking me to be on guard against Ashton.

Still holding the phone in my hands, I shifted my gaze down towards the direction of Ashton. Looking at him socializing professionally among those men, I could not shake off the insecure emotions within me.

All the evidence told me that Ashton was building a huge web, while all of us were like fish trapped within it. I was no exception to this.

I turned and entered the bedroom. Then, I sat on the couch and let myself sank into deep thoughts. I came back to my sense only after Ashton opened the door and came in. Apparently, all the guests had left.

“Why are you still up?” Ashton asked with a drunken tone while he threw his suits on the couch. He approached me and gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Sleep early.”

I could see that he was in an extremely joyous mood. Upon speaking, he wandered towards the bathroom, getting ready to freshen up.

But before he entered the washroom, I called out to him.

“Ashton, you invited all these people over. Was it to celebrate our soon-to-be-born baby? Or was it an opportunity to build your business network in advance?”

Ashton halted his steps. There was a long silence inside the room as the atmosphere turned suffocatingly tense.

Sometimes, one does not need words to say something; silence is enough to convey the message.

However, I would rather prefer Ashton to cover it up with a joke or something. At this moment, his complete silence was killing me.

It took a long moment before he turned towards me and held my shoulders with both his hands. He looked at me earnestly and said, “Your only priority now is to give birth. Let me handle everything in the

company. There won’t be any problem. Trust me.”

Ultimately, he admitted it.

I furrowed my brows slightly as I recalled Marcus’ intimidated tone talking about Marcus. I bit my lips as I asked, “How about Marcus? Are you really trying to help him, or is he just a part of your plan?”

Ashton’s expression darkened when he heard Marcus’ name, and his arms defensively wrapped around his chest. “As I have said, we should know when to draw a line between personal affairs and work. My acquisition of White Corporation is fully legal and logical, and I have given them the best terms possible. You took part in the attack against the Moore family, so you should know better that there is no partiality in the business world. If I have not acted on them, White Corporation would have been left on the chopping block of others.”

In love, never say never chapter 1174

When I looked into his eyes at that moment, I felt as if we were from two different planets. I have seen this ambitious desire in his eyes before. When we just got married, he dedicated all his attention to the company’s business. Those eyes were always so calm and fearless as if nothing in the world could ever stop him from getting what he wanted. There was no denying I was deeply attracted to that side of him. But as for today, I am starting to find it troubling.

Now I realized he had never let go of his ambition. He knew I would probably have opposed him, so he delicately planned this intrigue by using GW Group to trick me into signing the letter of authorization. His shadow game completely bluffed me. All this while, he has always wanted to collaborate with Winzone Trading.

As thoughts ran wild in my head, I grabbed his arm tightly as I could no longer suppress my worries. “Ashton, could you please tell me what exactly you are doing?”

Hearing this, Ashton wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled at me patiently. “I know that you would get worried easily due to your previous depression and your current pregnancy. That’s why I chose not to tell you. You should not endure too much stress for the sake of our baby.”

I found his explanation hard to believe. “It has nothing to do with my depression or pregnancy. Ashton, you know exactly what I am asking.”

I tried to collect myself, but I could hardly bear his lies anymore. “Why are you keeping so many secrets from me? You were the one who told me that launching in M Country would be like suicide. You said that you didn’t want me to take the risk. Yet you are risking it all now. Why can’t you do it a safer way?”

Right at this instant, I came to comprehend what Jackson had told me. All this while, what I knew was merely a tip of an iceberg.

Fuller Corporation had just moved its headquarters to K City for a year. Thus it would still be immature to enter the international market. Numerous parties had given the same advice to Ashton, yet all had fallen short on his deaf ears.

Right then, the smile on Ashton’s face suddenly vanished. “Who told you about the finance project?”

I was stunned by this unexpected question, and I thought hard to find the most appropriate response. “It doesn’t matter who told me. I am one of the shareholders, so it is just a matter of time before I discover it. Do you really think that you can keep me in the dark forever?”

Ashton was out of words. With that, he headed into the bathroom, and what I heard next was the sound of the running shower. And thus, our communication failed.

I still could not wrap my head around it, while I found myself sitting on the couch waiting anxiously for him to come out.

His shower was short and sweet like usual. After a short while, he stepped out in his bathrobe, with his hair still dripping wet. Seeing that I was still up, he gave a long sigh and slowly sat down beside me. The next moment, I could feel his gentle hands pulling me into his warm embrace.

It seemed like ages ago when we sat down and spoke our minds. I leaned quietly on his chest, listening to his familiar heartbeat. A while later, Ashton’s low voice echoed in the room. “Don’t you always want to know why I didn’t attend Grandpa’s funeral?”

I got up and looked at him in confusion. “Yeah. Why?”

George was one of the few elders who treated me well. I had always felt bad that Ashton did not attend his funeral.

“Do you know that Nora’s and my parents all died in a car crash?” Ashton said.

“Yes.” I nodded without much thought. “Nora mentioned to me that it was an accident. Did it have anything to do with this?”

In love, never say never chapter 1175

I could see Ashton’s eyes darkened as he lifted his head and gazed out the window. “You only knew both died in a car accident, but you did not know that both happened on the same day, separately in J City and A City. The day before that, they were meeting up for a business deal. What seemed to be two unrelated accidents was actually a long-planned scheme to eliminate the scapegoats.”

I was stunned momentarily in puzzlement. “But what did this have to do with Grandpa?”

Ashton took a deep breath and said, “Why do you think that my parents would be willing to become the scapegoats without any fight?”

He looked at me sternly and revealed all the truths that happened years ago.

Ashton’s parents had signed some important documents due to their close friendship with Nora’s parents. But unbeknownst to them, those were some illegal documents regarding heavy crimes. On the day of the car accident, Ashton would have been in the car too, if not for George, who kept him behind. Three hours after that, Ashton’s parents got killed in a crash from J City to K City. At that same time, George brought Ashton to meet an old friend, whom Ashton later found out to be the mother of the murderer.

Both accidents were carried out so flawlessly that the cops concluded them to be pure accidents even after thorough investigation. With their deaths, the ones who should have paid for their crimes remained at large. And the real culprit went unpunished up till this day.

“A week before the accident, Grandpa had been hanging out with that particular friend. Thus my parents failed to detect any suspicion. They thought it was a deal with a trustworthy friend, so they signed those documents without hesitation. Grandpa, who knew all along about the friend’s criminal background, did not say a word to prevent this. Undeniably he was an accomplice.”

I could hear the malicious hatred in Ashton’s last word of his sentence.

Never would I have thought that George would conduct this kind of secret crime. My brows furrowed as I asked Ashton. “So the reason you are so desperate to expand now is to revenge for your parents?”

However, the more I thought, the more unconvinced I was at Ashton’s plan. “If that’s so, you should be more careful to maintain your power, shouldn’t you? Based on your recent reckless move, anyone can see that you are aiming the skies. Ashton, both of us know perfectly that if you fail this time, you will lose everything. Since you have waited for so long, what do you have to lose to wait a little longer? Please at least wait till our baby is born.”

“I am running out of time.” Ashton shook his head unyieldingly. “I spent five years moving Fuller Corporation to K City. I cannot afford another five, so I’ve got to defeat him within these two years. If all

those officials who were behind this got ranked up, then I’ll lose this chance forever.”

Ashton sounded calm but extraordinarily persuasive. I agreed that if he did not do this now, he might regret it for his whole life. Sometimes opportunity could not stand the test of time.

That night, I hugged Ashton to sleep, but I could not close my eyes the entire night. I was fully aware of the danger my husband was in, yet I failed to find a good reason to stop him. I had never been in such a dilemma, between the fear of losing him and the love to support him. With those train of thoughts in my mind, I dozed off somewhere around dawn.

The moment I woke up, Ashton was not by my side. Mrs. Eriksen said he had gone back to the office.

It had been a long time since I last accompanied Summer to eat breakfast. Even though I hardly had any appetite, I drank a bowl of soup together with her.

I did not expect Jackson would come back again so soon, this time with a lawyer. The two tall men stood in front of me and looked at me with determined expressions. Jackson knew that I would never give up, so he might as well proceed with the judicial process without wasting time.


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