In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1226-1227-1228-1229-1230

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1226-1227-1228-1229-1230

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1226-1227-1228-1229-1230

Why would he ask when he knew the truth?

Instinctively, my hands clenched into fists. The sight of his hypocritical expression left me with a burning desire to slice him in half.

Yet, I had to exercise restraint.

There was a ninety percent chance that my child was under Ezra’s possession. If I angered him, my child would be the one who suffers in this exchange.

Sensing my mood shift, John placed his hand over my fists in an attempt to deter any rash movement.

Gritting my teeth, I took a deep breath and painted a forceful smile across my face. “Thank you for your concern. My children are fine.”

Ezra nodded good-naturedly. “I heard that you gave birth to twins. Finally, the Fullers are blessed with a healthy son. Though, I’m afraid that it may be hard to win custody of your child. If you’d like, I can help you smoothen things over at the court by pulling a few strings.”

The sight of his kind and gentle expression would have fooled me if I didn’t know about his merciless involvement with Ashton’s parents.

I opened my mouth and prepared to reject his offer. Yet, John beat me to it. “It seems that the office has nothing much going on. Seeing such a dignified person like you running around idly, it’s no wonder that they have nothing better to do. They even dared to launch an investigation against Uncle Louis. They will be doomed once I take action,” John said as an ominous aura seemed to surge from his body.

“Mr. Grant, you should remind them of their limits. If they continue to meddle with Uncle Louis, you shouldn’t blame me for taking things too far!” he laughed coldly. John’s manner of speech had taken a dramatic turn.

Louis was an upright and righteous official; he was very proud of his achievements and held no fear when the investigations began. He even forbade John from using the connections within the Stovall family to help him. Due to his stubbornness, we have not received news about him in over a month.

Although it was a good trait to obey the rules, having such a stubborn mindset could invoke countless troubles. Such problems would even cause the loved ones to worry. Yet, these things paled in comparison to having to look Ezra in the face. He was a wicked man who held no shame for his actions!

John was a man who grew up with strict principles and rules. It was no doubt that his impactful words were a form of warning to Ezra.

Ezra seemed to jolt in shock before he rose to his feet. Nonchalantly, he patted his jacket. “Anyway, I’ve tried to deliver my offer to help. Feel free to contact me if you have any problems. I’ll take my leave first. You do not need to trouble yourself by escorting me,” Ezra said calmly.

After he spoke, he strode out of the living room.

As Ezra’s figure vanished into the distance, I began to speculate about the situation.

I couldn’t believe that he made an effort to prove his innocence by paying us a visit. He must have seen the power behind the Stovall and Moore family. If he wanted our support, he would not make a move against my child.

Yet, who else would it be if it wasn’t him?

All of a sudden, my phone began to ring on the table. As I glanced towards the screen, it indicated that an unregistered number was calling me.

Even if the call could put me in grave danger, I would have picked it up anyway. Without hesitation, I picked my phone and answered the call before lifting it to my ear. “Hello, who is this?”

A familiar voice drifted through the call. “Letty,” the voice called out.

The voice belonged to Marcus!

Unconsciously, I gripped the phone a little tighter. “Marcus, where are you?” my voice wavered with a hint of worry.

“Let’s save that for later. I saw them carrying a newborn child at the airport, is the baby yours…” he cut me off in a hurry.

His words caused my body to seize up. Instinctively, I inhaled deeply as my grasp on the phone tightened.

F*ck! How could I be so careless that I forgot about GW Group?

For the sake of the children, Fuller Corporation had canceled the alliance with GW Group. Before he left, Sean brooded over the cancellation for a long time. If they were the ones who staged the kidnapping, it would make perfect sense!

“Marcus, where are you? Have you found Camelia and Toby? Where did the men bring them? Do you remember the location?” I rambled on in panic.

“No,” Marcus rasped, “I’ve been searching for a year but failed to discover any leads. This time, someone leaked the news on purpose. They revealed the locations where GW Group frequents. Coincidentally, I bumped into the child at one of those locations.”

In love, never say never chapter 1227

I pursed my lips and swallowed. “Is Baby alright?”

“They outnumbered me, so I dared not get close to them. I don’t think they will harm your baby, so don’t worry—”

I cut in. “Why wouldn’t I be worried? Marcus, Baby was born prematurely. If he didn’t get proper care and nutrients, he might suffer later. Tell me where you are,” I urged. “I’ll go to your now.”

“You can’t come. It’s too dangerous for you. I’m going to find Camelia and the others, so just leave it to me. I will…”

The line was cut all of a sudden.

It took me a while to realize what was going on. “Marcus?” I called. “Marcus, are you still there?”

I could only hear static.

Glancing at my phone’s screen, I noticed the line was disconnected. It was already 4 p.m. by now.

That means it was still dawn in M Country. Marcus called me at this hour and the line suddenly got disconnected, so I couldn’t help but worry about his safety.

Now, I had to leave the country.

“What’s wrong? Did Marcus find your son?” asked John.

Instead of replying to him, I dialed the number again indifferently.

“Sorry, the number you’ve dialed is not available. Please call again later.”

I canceled and retried several times to the same effect.

Flinging the phone aside, I slumped onto the sofa dejectedly. Staring at the ceiling, I fell into deep thought.

Perhaps Marcus called me at this hour because this was the only time he had access to his phone. We only spoke for a while before the line got cut abruptly, probably because someone barged in and cut the line.

However, one thing was for sure. Marcus was still alive.

I didn’t know why those people led Marcus to M Country, but at least they didn’t harm him until now.

Why is he against me going to M Country?

He told me where my child was but insists on handling everything alone. Does he have a split personality?

Marcus knew where my child was, but he risked his life even though it was dangerous. I couldn’t help but wondered what his plan was.

Perhaps something else besides my child caused him to stop me from going to M Country.

I knew I must be right.

The only reason Marcus stopped me from going to M Country was that those people were after me.

I wondered if I could get any information from that bodyguard.

Immediately, I clenched my hands into fists as I made my way to the basement. John had no clue what I was doing, but he came after me nonetheless.

Someone had already cleaned the place up, but the stench of blood was unmistakable. The bodyguard was lying on the wooden bed weakly, his upper torso bandaged. Most of John’s subordinates were

gone, and there was only one man guarding the bodyguard.

“Leave us alone,” I commanded.

The man gazed at John and gained his employer’s approval before he walked out.

“John, I want to talk to him alone,” I added.

He said nothing, so I assured him, “He’s almost dead. There’s nothing he can do to me.”

After a brief pause, John caved in and walked out. He closed the door behind him.

Only the both of us were left in the room by now. I stalked to the man and towered above him. “Do you want to leave?” I inquired coolly.

The man’s eyes fluttered open as he struggled to sit up.

As I expected, he was merely pretending to be weak. All the torture he had been through was nothing to him.

“Let’s make a deal,” I offered calmly. “I have one condition, though. How is my child doing?”

In love, never say never chapter 1228

“Ms. Stovall, we might be fearless, but we won’t harm a baby less than a month old,” replied the bodyguard as a menacing smile flitted across his lips.

I couldn’t well believe someone as vicious as him, but with Marcus’ earlier assurance, I heaved a sigh of relief.

I had to trust that they wouldn’t harm my son.

Even so, Baby was too young to be traveling around the world with a bunch of strangers.

At that thought, my heart clenched in agony.

I took a deep breath to calm down before picking up the knife from the earlier fight. I handed it to the bodyguard and asked, “You know what to do, right?”

The bodyguard met my gaze with a frown as he considered the feasibility of this plan.

Soon, he made up his mind.

He struggled to sit up and put on his bloody jacket before grabbing the knife from me. Pressing the edge of the knife against my neck, he led me out.

John was still waiting outside the room. When he saw the bodyguard holding me hostage, his expression darkened.

Meanwhile, his subordinates surrounded the only exit of the basement.

Someone had informed Ashton, as he appeared by another door with Joseph behind him.

I met Ashton’s gaze, but he didn’t seem surprised or anxious. Guiltily, I averted my gaze so he wouldn’t see through me.

Ashton was smart enough to realize the bodyguard couldn’t have held me hostage without my help.

“Scarlett Stovall.” His voice was stern whenever he got mad.

I hesitated for a moment before meeting his gaze again.

We stared at each other for a long while.

We were stuck in a deadlock for some time. Suddenly, the conflict in Ashton’s gaze disappeared as he became calm again.

“Aren’t you nervous? You didn’t yell for help though he held you at knifepoint,” he uttered icily.

My heart sank as I clenched my fists tightly.

Ashton had said that on purpose.

He knew what was going on. Clearly, he was upset because I became the hostage willingly. Now, he was waiting for me to make a choice.

The bodyguard was holding a knife at my neck, but Ashton could save me easily if he wanted to.

By now, even John knew what was going on. He gritted his teeth and declared, “Scarlett, I did just warn you not to do this!”

The bodyguard glanced at them before turning to me and scorned, “Looks like you didn’t discuss with your family beforehand, huh? They seemed terribly upset. Do you think we can make it out of here?”


Realization dawned on me.

Does Ashton think I agreed to be his hostage for my son?

I gazed at Ashton, his sad lonesome figure, who remained rooted to the spot. His trench coat was ruffling in the breeze.

I couldn’t help but hesitate.

Nevertheless, at the thought of my son, everything else paled in comparison.

John had used all means, but we still couldn’t find out what our enemy wanted. Baby was in their hands. No matter what we did, we couldn’t find anything about them.

The fastest way to find out who took Baby away was through this bodyguard.

I was the only one who heard what he said. He was bleeding and holding me roughly. If I moved slightly, the knife would cut into my skin. Hence, it seemed like I was indeed in danger.

In love, never say never chapter 1229

Ashton gazed at me and scowled unhappily.

I parted my lips, but I didn’t know where to start.

It would be a bad idea to talk right now.

I wasn’t about to change my mind. Seeing my reaction, Ashton gave a self-deprecating laugh. “Ha!”

Shortly after, he schooled his expression carefully and commanded, “Move out of their way! Let her get what she wants!”

“Ashton, do you know what you’re doing?” John refused to take the risk. Without his approval, his subordinates didn’t budge at all.

“Joseph!” Ashton raised his hand. Upon receiving his order, Joseph left and soon returned with his men.

The men came in and scattered around John’s men. As Ashton’s men outnumbered John’s men, they soon parted to give us a way out.

It was nighttime by now. The night breeze sent a chill down my spine. When I looked up and met Ashton’s gaze, I promptly froze.

The bodyguard was smart enough to lead me through the crowd. John wanted to come after us, but Ashton stopped him in time.

After we walked out of the garden, I turned back to see Ashton struggling to stop John from coming after us.

The bodyguard soon brought me out of Stovall residence.

Right then, a black vehicle sped toward us and came to an abrupt stop in front of us.

The bodyguard removed the knife and ordered, “Get in the car, Ms. Stovall.”

Without much thought, I stepped forward and pulled the door open.

I thought we would be the only ones in the car, but there was someone else in there.

The person was dressed in a leather jacket and leather boots. Her entire outfit was black. If there wasn’t a ponytail hanging behind her head, I would’ve thought she was a man.

Sensing my gaze, she turned and flashed a strange smile. “Ms. Stovall, finally we meet.”

I was certain that I had never met her in the past thirty years. However, she seemed to know who I was.

The bodyguard gave me a slight shove as he was afraid John’s men would come after us. After I entered the car, he climbed in behind me.

The driver stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

As we took off, an inexplicable feeling rose in my heart. I felt terribly insecure.

Soon, the Stovall residence disappeared from sight. It took us some time before we boarded the last plane to M Country.

The bodyguard and the lady were obviously working together, but strangely, they didn’t even converse throughout our entire journey.

I turned to the woman and inquired, “Did GW send you here?”

The woman wasn’t as unpleasant as her looks suggested. She smiled at me. “Ms. Stovall, you’re a smart woman. You’ll know when we arrive at our destination.”

She didn’t reveal anything to me, so I couldn’t help but stare at her.

Immediately, she realized what I was thinking about. “There’s nothing strange about this. My boss knows you more than you do. He knows you’ll do anything for your child’s sake.”

I couldn’t even force out a smile by now. “Who is your boss?”

Her words gave me goosebumps. Who in the world would know me better than I know myself?

She merely grinned and turned over to rest, leaving me to ponder this matter the entire night.

We finally arrived at M Country in the morning. The black vehicle we were on weaved through the streets effortlessly.

I looked out of the window at the changing sights which showed no hints of where we were.

We were in the city center a minute ago, but now we were in the countryside.

This went on for around one hour before I realized they were going in circles.

Do they seriously think I had a photographic memory?

In love, never say never chapter 1230

I asked the woman. “Where are we going?”

She smirked, but her reply remain vague. “To see your son, of course.”

“But we’ve been going around in circles.”

“Ms. Stovall. No, Mrs. Fuller. You know how difficult it is to shake off your husband. We need to be extra careful,” she revealed confidently.

“Your target isn’t me?” I frowned as strong sense of foreboding rose in my heart.

The woman shook her index finger. “No, of course not. You’re not worth our efforts.”

She didn’t finish her sentence, but I knew what she meant.

Ashton had offended many people so Fuller Corporation could reach new heights, so this must be related to him.

The woman paused and proceeded to scrutinize my face.

Does she think I’ll be afraid?

I had spent a lot of time with Ashton, so I learned how to read minds from him.

I met her gaze and sneered. “Oh, so Ashton is a great threat to you. I didn’t know that. What about Marcus, then? Why did you target him?”

I wanted to know how Marcus got himself involved in this matter.

The woman’s boss must be up to something. I didn’t know what it was, but it must be the reason Marcus was lured to M Country.

If so, I dared not imagine how elaborated their plan was.

However, I needed to talk to Marcus to confirm my speculations. I didn’t want to believe that I had brought bad luck to him again.

At the mention of Marcus’ name, the woman arched a brow. “Him? He’s no one important. Why? Did you risk your life because of him?”

They must’ve investigated me and knew about Marcus and me. Clearly, she was trying to provoke me.

“I just want to know where he is now.”

Suddenly, the woman’s face darkened. “You can’t even save yourself now. I’m not here to answer your questions.”

With that, she looked away and ignored me.

After we went past the last crossroad, the woman ordered, “Enough. Let’s go home.”

The driver nodded and sped up. We soon left the city and went past a few farms before arriving at a desolate area without streetlamps.

It was pitch dark as the dark clouds had covered the moon. The night sky felt like it was about to swallow everything in its path.

I grew increasingly uneasy. These people wouldn’t reveal their reason for capturing me and my son easily.

Finally, we left the desolate area. The car slowed down.

We were about to arrive at our destination.

Shortly after, the car came to a stop in front of an ancient castle.

After I got off the car, besides the car’s headlights, the only light source was from the entrance of the castle. The surrounding darkness seemed to suck everything into its void. As the wind howled in my ears, I stared at the flickering candlelight lighting up the creaky castle.

Through the crack of the door, I saw a familiar figure clad in a black cloak. He was staring at a religious painting on the wall, deep in thought.

Upon hearing the commotion, he turned to face us. I was flabbergasted when our gazes met.

“Marcus?” Did he lure me here on purpose?

One year later, he seemed like an entirely different man with his unshaved jaw and masculine figure.

“Finally, we meet again,” he rasped out while gazing at me. It was as though he was seeing another person in me.


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