In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1236-1237-1238-1239-1240

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1236-1237-1238-1239-1240

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1236-1237-1238-1239-1240

Helga told me she would only put on this outfit when she had a mission, so they must’ve left on orders.

Could their target be Ashton?

They were gone for three days without any news whatsoever.

For the past three days, I couldn’t sleep well. I’d only fall asleep watching Baby on the laptop screen.

It was midnight by the time I fell asleep. Suddenly, I heard the door downstairs creaking open in a daze. I promptly jolted awake and put on a cardigan before rushing downstairs.

When I arrived at the hall, Helga had returned to her room through the other flight of stairs. The bodyguard was also nowhere to be seen. Marcus was the only one in the living room. Clad in a black cloak, he looked worn out as he stared at the religious painting on the wall. I remembered he also did the same thing when I arrived the other day.

Hearing my footsteps, he asked, “It’s late. You aren’t asleep yet? Were you waiting for me?”

There was a hint of delight in his voice.

I refused to answer him and instead said, “Looks like you weren’t successful.”

“Is that what you wish for, Letty?” Marcus returned as he made his way over to me. “Luck won’t always be on Ashton’s side.”

He came to a stop in front of me and leaned forward to scan my figure. There was a menacing air about him.

“It might not be on your side too, right?” I swallowed lightly and remained deadpanned.

Marcus wanted to see me being scared, so I wouldn’t allow him to see that side of me.

In response, Marcus raised a brow and straightened his body. “No one knows,” came his amused reply.

He was very confident of himself, huh?

I was about to pry more information from him when he turned, seemingly disinterested in me.

“You said you’ve only seen your son once. You must miss him dearly, right?”

The change in topic was too abrupt, but I went along with him. “Yes. I can’t stop thinking when I can see him again.”

With his back to me, Marcus turned at his shoulder and told me, “Soon.”

I harrumphed as he couldn’t be trusted. “How long is considered soon? One day? One month? One year? Do you know how torturing this is? You said you love me and wanted me to choose you, but you separated me from my son. Is this love?”

Sensing my bubbling anger, I took a deep breath to calm down before I continued, “You’re going to lock us up, anyway. Why don’t you lock me up with my son? Please, I beg of you. I don’t want to wait for a video that might be fake every day. I want to see my son.”

Marcus stood there, unmoving, as though reminding me my efforts were futile.

After a long silence, he finally uttered, “Letty, you’re too greedy. Don’t push your luck.”

Without waiting for my reply, he strode up the stairs.

Marcus’s mood swings were almost impossible to predict. I couldn’t get through him.

Feeling dejected, I remained rooted to the spot for some time before returning to my room.

I flopped into bed as sleep deserted me.

Marcus seemed relaxed, so they must’ve gained something from their trip. Ashton could be in danger right now.

Nevertheless, I deduced they didn’t gain the upper hands based on what Marcus said earlier. Ashton must’ve retaliated, so there was no telling who would end up the winner.

I was lost in thoughts when a sound jolted me out of my reverie. Thump! I immediately glanced at the creaky window where the sound came from.

The castle was well-preserved, but it was ancient. At night, when the wind started blowing, the windows would need to be closed manually. I’ve only been here for four days but had already encountered this several times.

In love, never say never chapter 1237

Sighing, I rose to my feet to close the windows.

I had barely taken a few steps when a rustling sound was heard outside the window.

Is it the wind? Or is someone out there?

Curious, I carefully made my way toward the window. When I was half a step away from the window, I came to a stop and stood on tiptoes to peek outside.

Right then, a hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the eaves. The person stretched out another hand and proceeded to climb in.

As the person had his back to me, I could only figure out he was a man based on his muscular built. My sixth sense told me he meant no harm as he had risked his life to scale the walls. Hence, I watched as he made his way in, prepared to cover up for him if needed.

Soon, the man jumped in and turned to face me. The moment I saw his face, my eyes lit up as I dashed forward to give him a tight hug.

“Ashton, I’m glad to know you’re alright.”

I was afraid to hear of his news through Marcus.

The man relaxed and exhaled sharply. He wrapped his arms around me. “You’ll be the death of me.”

I teared up at his words and looked up. I parted my lips to say something when something occurred to me. Struggling out of his arms, I told him, “Wait for me,” before I ran to the living room.

Ashton tiptoed to the door and made sure no one realized his arrival before returning to me.

“Come here, Ashton.” I held the laptop and sat by the bed. He sat beside me obediently.

I clicked on the video and placed the laptop in his lap. “This is our son. Look, he has your nose.”

I’ve been wanting this to happen for a while. Even though I originally wanted Ashton to see his son face to face, this would suffice.

Ashton glanced at the screen, his gaze darkening. A few seconds later, he flung his arm around me and assured me, “Don’t worry. Baby is a gift from God. I won’t let him be out there, away from us for long.”

I was relieved upon hearing his assurance. Yet, at the thought of Marcus’ attitude, my heart clenched up again. “Did anything happen to you recently? Is our family alright?”

Ashton’s expression fell without warning. He shoved me away and spoke icily. “You’re worried now? When you allowed yourself to be held hostage, didn’t you know they will use you and ruin us?”

He had never spoken this harshly to be before, even when he was jealous of Marcus. I immediately panicked and racked my brains to formulate a response. In the end, I put my pride aside and backed down. “I was too emotional back then. I wanted to help, but as a woman, the only way I could think of was—”

“Oh?” Ashton interjected. “I thought you think of yourself as a man.”

I was reckless, impulsive, and couldn’t be bothered about the consequences of my action. Ashton was right. I was displaying all the common mistakes a man would make.

Completely speechless, I lowered my gaze and fiddled with my fingers.

Seeing my reaction, Ashton pressed on, “Do you know what a good woman should learn?”

I shook my head.

It was difficult enough to be a good person, so I didn’t have time to learn more beyond that.

Feeling exasperated, Ashton let out a sigh and placed the laptop aside. He held my shoulders as we sat across from each other. “A good woman and a good wife should learn how to rely on her husband.”

In love, never say never chapter 1238

His gaze was firm and adoring. I almost lost myself in his eyes.

“Initially, I held back my feelings because I had to take revenge. Gradually, when I got to know the truth, I panicked and dared not reveal the truth to you. We’ve wasted many years before getting back together. Do you want history to repeat itself?”

“I’ve been waiting until you wake up,” he revealed. “But you keep insisting on living in the past. Do you want your irrational feelings to control you forever?”

“Letty, I am the one who’s going to stay by your side forever. Whenever you are in trouble, you must think of me and discuss it with me. Is my request that hard?”

Ashton was trying hard to tamp down his grievance, but in the end, he couldn’t help but grow increasingly frustrated. I thought he was acting like a kid who could finally vent out after suffering in silence.

No, that wasn’t it.

Ashton was a vengeful person and would take revenge on anyone who offended him, so he wasn’t suffering in silence.

Besides, Ashton was partially at fault for my presumptuous actions, too. If he had told me about his plan, I wouldn’t need to find a way out myself.

We were both wrong, so neither of us could blame each other.

Still, I had learned my lesson during the past three days. Instead of refuting his words, I nodded obediently. “No more next time.”

After spending some time alone, I came up with several possibilities.

One, they would use me to threaten Ashton and take his life.

Two, they would use me to get their hands on my newborn baby girl or Summer.

Ashton would agree to either possibility if I wasn’t there.

After all, my safety is of utmost importance to him.

The realization came too late to me, but luckily, Ashton was safe.

Ashton was clearly surprised by how swiftly I caved in. He swallowed his words and frowned at me helplessly.

I squirmed guiltily under his gaze before reaching out to smoothen his frown. “Alright, your troublesome wife had brought trouble to you again. But you were the one who wanted to marry her, so just bear with her.”

I couldn’t remember the last time I acted coy in front of him. Have I ever done so?

We would forget a lot of things as time went by. To me, if something was easily forgettable, it wasn’t important enough. I was truly in love with Ashton as I could act coy in front of him under the circumstances.

When I touched Ashton, he froze at once. Soon, his eyes crinkled up as he laughed, but it immediately faded away. He held my hand in a serious manner. “Can you promise me that this is the last time?”

I wanted to give him my word, but anxiety took over me as I retorted, “Don’t you know a woman’s promise is worthless?”

“Mm?” Ashton cocked his brow, seemingly pondering the credibility of my words. He nodded thoughtfully. “Yes. The prettier a woman is, the craftier she is. That was what you told me.”

As he had relented, I plucked up my courage and flung my arms around Ashton to show my sincerity. “Don’t worry. I will try my best not to act behind your back for our children’s sake.”

A person could act freely when he was independent, but as soon as he got attached, he could no longer act freely. By then, he had to protect his loved one so she wouldn’t be in danger.

When Ashton had to make a choice, I dreamt about making different choices at night, too. Every time, I’d jolt awake, bathed with cold sweat.

In love, never say never chapter 1239

Right now, I could only try my best to make sure my dreams wouldn’t come true.

Ashton snorted. “Try your best?”

He was obviously angry. I met his gaze and realized he was about to take action. Instinctively, I tried to escape. Before I could leave, Ashton pulled me against him tightly.

When I returned to my senses, I found myself drowning in Ashton’s passionate kiss. Feeling breathless, I patted his hand a few times so he could release me, but the man ignored my silent pleas.

Left with no choice, I made some protesting sounds before Ashton got enough of me and let me go.

“This is your punishment for not trying your best, get it?”

My breathing was uneven as I glared at him furiously.

Ashton gazed at me in amusement. It didn’t seem like he had just scaled the walls just to sneak in earlier.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in the crack underneath the door. Someone was here. I immediately placed a hand on Ashton’s thigh, signaling him to be quiet.

Yet, the shadow sensed something was wrong and came to a stop outside my door. As it remained unmoving, it might be eavesdropping on us.

That wasn’t a good sign.

Besides the bed and a coffee table, there wasn’t any other furniture in the room. There was nowhere for Ashton to hide in the toilet, too. If that person outside barged in, Ashton would be discovered at once.

The only choice left was for Ashton to leave now.

We exchanged looks. Ashton’s expression darkened as he made his way to the window. I tiptoed to the door in case the person came in. That way, I would be able to stall him or her.

The door was the only obstacle between us. My heart leaped to my throat as I glanced at the shadow through the crack while keeping an eye on Ashton.

When Ashton was about to climb out of the window, Marcus’ hoarse voice rang out. “Letty, let’s talk. I know you’re still awake.”


Didn’t he refuse to talk to me earlier? Why did he suddenly change his mind?

I stepped back and lowered my voice. “I’m asleep. Let’s talk tomorrow.”

After I answered him, he fell silent for a long while. If I wasn’t staring at his shadow underneath the door, I would’ve thought he had left by now.

As we waited, Ashton changed his mind and walked toward me carefully. I only realized it when he came to a stop next to me. At once, I leaned into his embrace.

We were only separated by a door, but it seemed like a bridge we could never cross.

It took some time before Marcus replied, “Have a good rest. Your wish will come true tomorrow.”

With that, the shadow under the door moved toward the direction of Marcus’ room and disappeared from sight.

I waited until the sound of his footsteps faded away before I heaved a sigh of relief. “My wish will come true tomorrow?” I muttered. “Is Marcus bringing me to see Baby tomorrow?”

Ashton’s deep voice rang out above me. “Do you still think he’s your Santa Claus?”

His voice seemed odd.

“Did you realize something was wrong with Marcus ages ago?” I inquired.

Ashton didn’t reply to my question. Instead, he stalked to the window and lit up a cigarette. He puffed away, seemingly reluctant to share it with me.

“I won’t ask questions if you don’t feel like saying it.” I went to him and closed the windows. Turning at my shoulder, I reminded him. “Smoking is already bad for your health. Why are you taking in the second-hand smoke, too?”

Ashton was taken aback by my outburst. He put out his cigarette and threw the almost intact cigarette out.

“You won’t smoke anymore?” I was surprised. “You don’t have to worry about being caught. I’ll open the window and ventilate my room.”

“No,” came Ashton’s reply. He changed the topic abruptly by asking, “If you were to choose between me and our son, who will you pick?” He seemed intrigued.

That was the worst-case scenario, so I didn’t expect Ashton to ask me about it. Initially, I was stunned into silence. However, after seeing how serious he was, I burst into laughter. “Ashton, do you know you look like a jealous man in a relationship? You’re worse because you’re even jealous of your own son.”

In love, never say never chapter 1240

After getting rebuffed, Ashton looked away and smiled wryly. “I know the answer. It is no surprise to me.”

I smirked. “Who do you think I will pick?”

“I know you won’t pick me.” Ashton shrugged as disappointment flashed across his face. “But Scarlett, you’ll be my only choice no matter what.”

It seemed like he was joking, so I didn’t know how to react.

Without waiting for my response, he climbed out of the window deftly. “See you tomorrow.”

He then jumped and disappeared into the night.

I went to the window and looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen. I waited a while longer before closing the windows.

The next morning, I woke up early.

Eager to see my son, I dressed up for the occasion.

After breakfast, Marcus brought me out.

I thought it was going to be a long ride, but ten minutes after we entered the city, our car came to a stop.

Marcus opened the door and left, so I hurriedly followed him. We entered a shop selling watches and clocks.

The shop had an old signboard hanging above the entrance. There were twelve clocks, each showing different time zones, on display.

We walked past the counter, where an elderly gentleman was examining an old watch using professional equipment carefully. He didn’t seem surprised at our arrival.

Marcus ignored the elderly man and went into the inner space. As he took long strides, I had to dash to catch up to him.

After taking a few turns in the house full of clocks, we finally arrived in a vast room. Bottles of red wine were lined up on both sides of the walls, and there was a velvet couch in the middle of the room.

Marcus went to the wine cabinet and took out one bottle of wine. After a momentary silence, the wall right in front of me move aside and revealed a door behind it.

My lips parted in surprise when I realized the red wine wasn’t a decoration but the key to the hidden door.

There were two wine racks and hundreds of bottles of red wine. It would take hundreds of attempts for someone to get the right key. Besides, no one would pay attention to the red wine as there were too many bottles of them.

“Come with me.” I was still in a daze when Marcus stepped into the secret space. I scurried after him at once while peeking at the wine bottle he picked up earlier.

I couldn’t remember which bottle exactly that Marcus picked up as he was too fast, but I forced myself to remember the direction. If I were to come here again, at least I wouldn’t be wandering around cluelessly.

I thought I would see my son as soon as I entered, but an underground factory appeared in my sight instead.

We were on the second floor, and below us was an assembly line. There were workers dressed in silver protective suits handling unknown bottles on the conveyor belt. I was too far to see what was inside the bottles.

“This way.”

Marcus’ voice snapped me out of my train of thoughts. I was still curious, but I followed behind him nonetheless.

Finally, after making a few turns, I heard a child wailing in the distance.

Just when I was about to get excited, something occurred to me.

I could hear children, plural, wailing.

The nearer we got, the more I was sure that there was more than one child here.

Indeed, when Marcus pushed the door open, I was greeted by the sight of over a dozen incubators.

Inside the incubators were newborn babies wailing at the top of their lungs as their mothers weren’t with them. It was a chaotic but heart-wrenching sight.

I immediately rushed in to find my son. Alas, after circling the room, I realized he wasn’t there.

Standing amidst the incubators, I demanded, “What is this?


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