In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1266-1267-1268-1269-1270

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1266-1267-1268-1269-1270

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1266-1267-1268-1269-1270

Hunter tugged at his tie when he saw Emery walk into the elevator. His anxiety was even more palpable now.

“Did you invite her here?” I asked solemnly.

Hunter glanced at me but remained silent, his expression even more somber now.

I had had enough of his aloofness and could no longer control the rage that had been boiling inside me. “I knew you were good at teaching, but now I know you’re even better at breaking promises.” The words came out of my mouth dripping with sarcasm.

Hunter continued to stay silent, though his face had turned red with anger.

“Emery is my best friend, and I hope you don’t forget what you’ve said before, Mr. Zane. I don’t wish to see a repeat of what happened today.”

I knew firsthand how humiliating it was to be provoked by homewreckers. I couldn’t stand aside and let Hunter and Delilah play Emery like a fool.

My words had pushed Hunter over the edge, and he was about to object when the elevator doors opened. Emery lifted her gown and walked out, still as graceful as ever.

Hunter had no choice but to bite his tongue. To prevent Emery from noticing the rage in my eyes, I lowered my head and looked away from her.

The combination of exhaustion and the fact that her guests were long gone meant that Emery no longer needed to keep a smile on her face. “What have you been talking about?” she asked wearily.

“Nothing much,” Hunter said as he walked up to hold her hand. “It’s been a long day. Why don’t we head home early to rest? The staff can clean up the rest.”

“Alright, as you wish. Let’s send Scarlett home first,” Emery replied with a grin.

I dreaded the prospect of being in the same car as them, especially after the tension between Hunter and me. “No need, our family chauffeur is waiting outside. You guys can go on ahead,” I politely declined.

With that, they bade farewell to me and took their leave.

Seeing their retreating figures, I couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh.

They’re perfect for each other, so why did Hunter still go astray despite having such a happy family?

“If you stare anymore, she’s going to know something’s up.”

Ashton showed up so suddenly that it gave me a scare. He cut a dashing figure as always, with his suit unbuttoned and hands in his pockets.

I tried to act threatening and squinted at him. “Oh? So you’ve figured out what I was thinking about?”

Aston loomed over me before sighing. “Your acting skills are terrible. I wonder how Armond even fell for them in the past?” he asked while patting my head.

I pulled away from him immediately, afraid that there might still be reporters lingering around. If anyone realized that our divorce was a farce, the repercussions would be gnarly.

After looking around and confirming that it was just Ashton and me, I finally relaxed a little. “Armond fell for my act because he was afraid of losing me as his bargaining chip. That had nothing to do with my acting skills. Wait, do you mean to say that my actions earlier were very telling?”

Ashton shrugged nonchalantly. “You were pretty much on par with that Delilah woman.”

“Does that mean you saw through her?”

“It wasn’t difficult at all,” Ashton said matter-of-factly.

Seeing him being so sure of himself left me speechless. If even someone like Ashton could see through the act, surely Emery would be able to as well. After all, she was excellent at reading body language.

But if that was the case, why did she act like everything was fine earlier?

Also, if Ashton’s this good at reading people, why wasn’t he like this with Rebecca? Or was it just like the old saying where only the outsider sees most of the game?

I could only hope for that to be true. Otherwise, it would be too cruel to Emery.

“You should go home now. It’s late, and it’s also time for your medication.” Ashton reminded, his voice full of concern.

In love, never say never chapter 1267

I was still steeped in anger, knowing that Hunter had cheated on Emery. And the more I looked at Ashton, the more I was reminded of Rebecca, which only made me even angrier.

“If you could tell, why didn’t you say anything? Are all men alike? Do you all always help one another keep your dirty secrets?”

“You didn’t come clean to Emery either, did you?” Ashton said with a frown.

Fine. He’s right.

“Didn’t you also think that there was nothing more to Rebecca becoming closer to you?” I retorted as a sudden urge to cry came over me.

For two years, I had been so troubled over the affairs of the heart that I never had a good night’s sleep. I continued to be plagued by those memories even to this day.

Ashton’s expression softened as he held my gaze. “If I had known I’d fall for you, I never would have made you sad.”

I bit down on my lip as I saw the sincerity in his eyes. An immeasurable amount of warmth filled my heart and I felt myself even more on the verge of tears.

Even though Ashton had made mistakes in the past, he never went to the extent of going all the way with Rebecca. On the other hand, Hunter had no problem betraying his love when faced with the temptation of the flesh.

“Can we go home now?” Ashton’s voice once again brought me out of my daze.

“You go on first. I feel like going over to Emery’s,” I mumbled, still trying to hold back my tears.

“Emery doesn’t need your pity now,” Ashton replied. “The fact that she could act like nothing was wrong even when her love rival had turned up shows how much she values her pride. Do you want to ruin that for her?”

“I don’t!”

“Then it’s best to leave it be and let her handle it on her own. Go home now. It’s almost time for your injection.”

Even after so long, Ashton still never failed to surprise me. “I thought you’d know Hunter better since you’re both men. Who knew you’d relate with Emery even more,” I remarked.

“Is that weird?”

“What do you think?”

“I don’t think it’s weird at all,” he replied as he pushed the button for the elevator. “You’re my wife, Emery’s your friend, and Hunter’s not. It’s obvious who I would understand more, isn’t it?”

When the elevator doors opened, he was quite the gentleman as he gestured for me to step in. “After you, Mrs. Fuller.”

Back at the Stovall residence, I had barely stepped into the house when I heard Summer and Emma still up and playing.

“Summer, look at the time! Why haven’t you gone to bed?”

As soon as she heard my voice, Summer dashed toward me.

“Look, Mommy! Isn’t this wooden horse cute?” Her smile was big and sweet as she excitedly showed me the toy in her hand.

“Hey Scarlett, your daughter sure is easy to please. She has so many expensive toys to choose from, yet she only likes this little horse figurine,” Emma joked.

I led Summer to the sofa and sat down with her before scrutinizing her favorite toy horse.

I honestly had no idea why she loved this toy so much. There was nothing special about it, and its craftsmanship was shoddy. I wondered why the girl would find something like this fun.

“Summer, where did this wooden horse come from?”

“Mr. Cress from school gave it to me!” she answered in her sweet, saccharine voice.

“Mr. Cress? Which Mr. Cress?”

“He’s our language teacher! He even praised me in class!” Summer said gleefully.

Seeing her so happy made me smile too. I was relieved to know that the school was a good fit for her.

Just then, John appeared on the stairs, dressed in his pajamas. “Summer, say goodbye to your mother. It’s time for bed.”

“I’m coming! Goodnight, Mommy!” Summer planted a kiss on my cheek and ran up the stairs to John.

Emma saw how well John and Summer got along together and felt a twinge of envy. “John will be a good father in the future.”

“That’s only possible if you give him a chance.”

Emma lowered her head and did not say anything.

I was about to probe her further when the nurse came in to administer my injection. I had no doubt it was John who had informed her.

In love, never say never chapter 1268

After my injection, I was so tired that I forgot what I wanted to ask Emma about. I decided to call it a day and went to bed.

The next day, I woke up early so I could send Summer to school. The past few days had been so hectic that I hadn’t been able to spend much time with her.

When the car pulled up in front of the school, Summer excitedly pointed at a man in the distance and shouted, “It’s Mr. Cress! Mommy, look! That’s Mr. Cress!”

I looked in the direction she was pointing at, but from where I was, I could only see the back view of a young man.

When the door opened, Summer immediately jumped out and ran toward Mr. Cress.

I wanted to make sure I looked presentable, so I fixed my makeup in the mirror before joining Summer to meet her new favorite teacher.

I couldn’t have spent more than two minutes on my makeup when I realized it was now a female teacher standing with Summer.

Though a little baffled, I still went over to greet her.

Summer pouted angrily when I finally reached her. “You should have hurried, Mommy! Mr. Cress has already left!”

The female teacher and I exchanged glances and couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“Please don’t get the wrong idea, Mrs. Fuller. Mr. Cress is one of the younger teaching staff in the school and is very highly valued. The principal had just called him away, so please don’t think he’s avoiding you on purpose,” she explained.

“That’s okay. We’ll meet some other time, and then I’ll have a chance to thank him for making school so enjoyable for Summer.”

After exchanging more pleasantries, Summer left with the teacher to get ready for classes.

I stood at the entrance for a while more, trying to see if I could catch a glimpse of this elusive Mr. Cress. Sure enough, Summer bumped into him when she turned a corner and happily held his hand as they walked to class together. Try as I might, I still couldn’t see the face of Mr. Cress.

Summer had always been slow to warm up to outsiders, especially with men. Other than the men in the family, she hardly had any contact with others. I was even more curious about Mr. Cress now, wondering what kind of magic he had over my daughter.

After thinking for a while, I decided to call Emery.

“Hello…” Emery’s voice was hoarse like she had either just woken up or was nursing a hangover from the previous night.

“Emery, are you okay?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? I had to head out again last night for an appointment, and I’m barely awake now. What’s up?” she replied curtly.

I was reminded of Ashton’s words and changed my mind. “It’s nothing. We’ll talk again when you’re awake.”

Her voice sounded faintly annoyed when she answered, “Don’t beat around the bush. I might not be free to answer my phone later, so just say what you want right now.”

“Alright then. I wanted to get your help to check on a Mr. Cress in Summer’s school. There’s something weird about him.”

“Mr. Cress? Okay, I got it. Go home and wait for my news. If there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up now.”

Less than a second later, I heard the dial tone on the other end. She had hung up before I could say anything else.

The next time I met Emery again was two days later. We had planned to meet at a café near her office. When she arrived, she was her usual energetic self, turning heads wherever she went.

She had only just sat down when she suddenly said, “I’m getting a divorce.”

For one full minute, I frowned at her, speechless.

Emery looked very relaxed as she stirred her coffee. “I’m sure you’ve noticed it as well. This past year, Hunter and I haven’t been together as much. Our problems started very early on, and ever since, we found our personalities clashing more and more. We’re still young. There’s no need to drag this out any further. So, a divorce it is.”

The more she tried to be nonchalant, the more I could tell she was upset.

Ashton was right about Emery having a lot of pride in herself. Once she saw through Hunter and Delilah, she decided to end her marriage to protect her dignity. She chose not to reveal the ugly truth about the divorce, blaming it on personality differences instead. After all, there was no way someone as strong as Emery would let herself lose to another woman.

In love, never say never chapter 1269

To this day, I could still remember Emery’s words to me, “If I ever meet such a person, I’ll make sure they never have another day of peace in their life!”

Perhaps she already had her suspicions then that her marriage wouldn’t last long.

When she saw that I was quiet, Emery decided to change the subject. “By the way, I got someone to check out that Mr. Cress you were talking about. He seems all right. He’s from K City and has been teaching at Summer’s school for four years now. Kids love him because he’s young and good-looking.”

“Oh, thank you.” I nodded, my face devoid of expressions.

Emery suddenly stopped stirring her coffee and dropped the spoon. “Hey, don’t be like this. You’re divorced too, and now that I’m in the same boat as you, you should be happy for me. From now on, we’ll have each other for support. Men can all go to hell.”

Now that she had brought up my divorce, I knew I couldn’t keep the truth from her anymore. I had to come clean to her, and it was now or never.

After hearing the truth, Emery was surprisingly quiet. All she did was stare at me oddly.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I finally asked as her stare was starting to make me uncomfortable.

“It’s nothing,” she quickly replied. She didn’t seem all too surprised by this news as she looked away and sipped her coffee.

The more relaxed she seemed, the more anxious I got. “That’s all? Aren’t you going to ask me anything else?”

“What’s there to ask?” She pushed her coffee away and held my gaze. “I’ve noticed the way you look at each other. Even if the divorce was real, I figured you’d get back together sooner or later. That’s not much different from a fake divorce.”

“Ha… your eyes are really sharp.”

“It’s the two of you… oh, no, it’s just your bad acting skills.”

Again with my acting skills? How dare they!

As I sipped my hot cocoa, I decided to tell her everything I knew about Delilah. “Emery, actually Emma and I had seen Hunter going shopping with Delilah. But we were afraid you might not take it too well, so we kept it from you. I’m sorry.”

Emery’s expression was calm as she glanced at me. “No wonder Emma has been avoiding me like the plague.”

“You know how bad Emma is at keeping secrets, so she had to…”

“Forget it,” Emery announced with a wave of her hand. “Tell her it’s all over now. She doesn’t have to keep coming up with excuses to avoid meeting me.”

“Do you really not blame us?” I asked warily. Even though I knew her well, I still needed to make sure.

Emery let out a deep sigh, put down her coffee, and looked at me with a calm and composed demeanor. “The two of you could have told me the truth earlier and saved yourself all this trouble. I had known about Hunter and Delilah for a while now.”

The fact that she had found out about it even before the ribbon-cutting ceremony should come as a surprise to no one.

After all, Emery had such acute senses that nothing her partner did could ever escape her. Besides, the harder one tried to fake being in love with another, the easier it was to give it away.

I pursed my lips, unsure of what to say.

Emery had a look of sorrow as she gazed out the window and into the distance. “I hate betrayals the most. Sadly, I’m the product of my father’s betrayal, and maybe that’s why I have to pay the price of my mother’s mistake.”

“That’s not your fault!” Emery’s words had made me emotional, and I felt like I was choking back tears.

She shook her head sadly as she continued, “It’s over now, and I’ve made concessions. Since Hunter has made his choice, I’ll respect it. There’s no need to end this on a bad note. I’ll just cherish whatever good had come out of this one true love of mine.”

“There’s still a long way to go in life. You just haven’t met the right person yet.”

“It’s not that easy,” Emery retorted. “Scarlett, there are billions of men in the world. A man like Ashton is one in ten million. Not everyone is as lucky as you.”

After a brief pause, her expression turned even more serious. “You need two hands to clap in any relationship. Many women can’t wait to snatch Ashton from you. So my advice to you is don’t go down the same route as I had.”

In love, never say never chapter 1270

If this were in the past, I would have said she was exaggerating. But after having gone through so much, I do believe in Emery’s foresight.

Even though one couldn’t have smoke without fire, no one could ever live their lives without having faced temptations. Knowing self-control and when to let go would prevent one from going astray. But that would only work for those who played by the rules.

I knew who Emery was hinting at, and it piqued my interest. “Emery, your company is still new and young. You’re going to need to improve on the management and planning. Will you be interested in going somewhere to learn more?”

“Where to?”

“To the company where my stakes lie. Where else?” I replied with a raised eyebrow. “Let’s go, Ms. Moore.”

Emery caught my hint and smirked. The plan was in motion.

Emery’s office was in the prime business district of K City, so it took less than ten minutes since we left the café to arrive at Fuller Corporation.

It happened to be lunchtime, so most of the employees had left for lunch. When Emery and I walked in, the office area was mostly empty.

“How can that be? Even if Ms. Collins has the ability, she isn’t qualified!”

“That’s not necessarily true. Haven’t you heard the saying when there’s a will, there’s a way? She could still become the next Mrs. Fuller. And when that happens, you’re going to have to start buttering up to her!”

The babble and gossip in the pantry rang out especially clearly in the empty office. I had deliberately quietened my footsteps as I tiptoed my way toward the pantry. When I got to the door, I slowly peeked in to see who was inside.

I counted a total of six people in the pantry. They were all sat on the sofa with their backs facing the door as they continued with their gossip.

“Maybe Mr. Fuller might really fall for Ms. Collins. He has had so many other secretaries, but none stayed on for as long as Ms. Collins has. And I’ve heard from others that Ms. Collins packed daily lunches for Mr. Fuller, rain or shine. You know what they say about a woman capturing a man’s heart through his stomach. I’m pretty sure she’s going to capture his heart soon!”

“I don’t think so. I’m sure Mr. Fuller has had his fill of good food. How can he be so easily bought over by just a few lunches? You’re in the Planning Department, for goodness’ sake. You have to think more creatively. No wonder you haven’t had a promotion in such a long time… “

“Hey, we’re talking about Mr. Fuller here. Why do you have to make it about me now… “

There was a lot of back and forth in the pantry, and I listened on in enthusiasm. Emery, on the other hand, was probably upset by their gossip as her face darkened.

If I let them carry on, I was afraid she might start the next world war.

I cleared my throat to get their attention and waited to see their reactions upon seeing us.

The pantry fell into silence as soon as they heard my cough. When the employees saw Emery and me, fear and panic immediately registered in their eyes.

A voice suddenly rang out from behind me. “Ms. Stovall?”

I turned and came face to face with Stella looking at me in bewilderment. She had a lunchbox in one hand and a stack of documents in the other.

Ashton and I had signed the divorce agreement only a month ago, and she was already reminding me of it. She didn’t hesitate when she called me “Ms. Stovall” instead of “Mrs. Fuller.”

Emery was enraged as soon as she saw Stella. She was about to march up to her when I grabbed her hand and shot her a look, letting her know that I had the situation under control.

I turned to Stella and put on my best manners. “Ms. Collins, are you free to help with something?”

Stella was taken aback and seemed to ponder about it. “I’m sorry, Ms. Stovall. But Mr. Fuller needs these documents urgently. Can I get someone else to help you instead?”

Before I could reply, she had turned to the handful of employees in the office. “Who doesn’t have anything to work on now?”


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