In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1361-1362-1363-1364-1365

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1361-1362-1363-1364-1365

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1361-1362-1363-1364-1365

I walked in closer to the couch and saw a picture frame placed upside down on the ground beside the balcony. There were shards of broken glass everywhere. Ashton cherished all his parents’ belongings. There was no reason for such a thing to happen. Didn’t he call for the maids to clean this up?

Driven by my curiosity, I crouched down and put the broken shards away carefully. The photo frame held a wedding picture of Ashton’s parents.

Only Ashton and I were here recently. He was the culprit who broke the frame because I wasn’t here to do it.


To avenge them, Ashton never let his guard down. Not even a second. Hatred followed him wherever he went. It was a constant and painful reminder that he had to seek revenge for his parents. This was one of their few photographs left protected by the frame, but he broke it into pieces.

Right when I was lost in a daze with the picture frame in my hands, a series of footsteps came from behind. They were light, but audible for me to notice someone was approaching me slowly.

I had many enemies in this world, but none would follow me here to the family home.

After calming down my wild thoughts, I turned around slowly.

Ashton’s tall figure blocked my sight. His eyes were cold as though he didn’t recognize me. A suffocating hostility filled the room.

A shiver ran down my spine. He was looking at me like his nemesis.

In midst of panicking, I blurted out, “Why are you here?”

I regretted saying those words the moment they left my mouth. Ashton came to the family home the most, so it wasn’t odd for him to be here.

I, however, shouldn’t be here. Instead of staying in my room at the Stovall residence, I was standing in front of him.

He lowered his gaze. His aloofness intensified by his silence. I finally realized he was looking at the picture frame in my hands.

I handed him the frame. Time froze for a few seconds. He took it and placed it aside without sparing a glance.

“You’re mounting an investigation on me.” He sounded indifferent, yet terrifying.

Deceiving to a genius like him was equivalent to self-deception, so I told the truth.

“Yes.” I didn’t think I was wrong. “Since you refused to tell me the truth, I can only look into it on my own. Was I wrong to do that?”

Ashton furrowed his brows as anger filled his eyes. “I’ve told you before. You only need to take care of yourself; I’ll handle the rest.”

“Yeah. I know you’re omnipotent. But I can’t sit by and watch you risk your life. Ashton, this is not your problem. It’s ours. Why do you always have to shoulder everything yourself?” I released all the pent-up frustration that I had been suppressing at him.

“We promised to be honest with each other. Why won’t you believe me? You teamed up with everyone to deceive me. You thought you had a flawless plan, but I’m no fool. I know you’re hurt. Am I a selfish woman in your heart? Do you think I would accept all your arrangements, knowing how painful it has been for you?”

I really couldn’t comprehend why was he behaving like this. Everything was finally getting better. Even the walls he had built around himself had crumbled.

A deafening silence enveloped the night. I could hear my voice echoing in the room.

Ashton was an unmovable mountain to me. The darkness from the endless abyss residing in his eyes was pushing me away. I couldn’t pick up his emotions at all. The man I loved was hiding himself from me behind an indestructible barrier.

This time, he did it. He locked me outside his formidable fortress successfully.

A few feet separated us, but it felt as if we were living in two different dimensions. And it was as if we were living in different worlds. For a long time, I thought my efforts had paid off, and I was beginning to understand him. In the end, he still pushed me away. We stared at each other in silence for a long time. Suddenly, Ashton had snapped out of his daze. He walked to the cabinet and took the picture frame.

“What will you do if you lose your faith one day?” His voice was laced with a tinge of sorrow.

In love, never say never chapter 1362

His words came out of the blue and I didn’t know how to reply. After being dumbfounded for a few seconds, I tested the waters. “Is this related to your parents’ death?”

He ignored my question. “There will be a charity auction tomorrow at Subis Auction. The philanthropist who has a connection with Armond will show up. I’ve already booked your flight ticket.”

I was confused. “I’m not asking you about this. All I want to know is what is keeping you busy these days. Is there anything else besides business and revenge? Are you really okay? Can I believe the report for your checkup?”

Ashton was way too intelligent and detail. Since he followed me to J City, he would’ve everything planned out. Millie’s friend might be trustworthy, but K City was Ashton’s territory. Altering a medical report was a piece of cake to him.

All my life, I took every step with caution, like treading on ice. I dealt with Armond’s schemes and Ezra’s endless and deliberate attempts to make my life a living hell. Never in my wildest imagination did I expect the man I loved would keep secrets from me. I couldn’t even figure out when he was telling the truth or lying to me.

In the face of my confrontation, Ashton remained calm. A moment later, he whispered, “I’m just carrying out my fate.”

With his back against me, he drooped his head and stared at the photo in his hand.

He took in a deep breath and placed the frame back on the cabinet.

While watching his every move, it shocked me to see red gushing out from his palm. The blood was dripping onto the floor.

“Ashton!” I grabbed his hand and flipped it over. My heart sunk when I saw the deep cut on his palm.

Has he been holding the broken shards from the frame all this time?

He stared lifelessly at the red in his palm as if he didn’t feel the pain at all.

“Silas!” I shouted at the top of my lungs without a care about my image. “Silas, quick, get the medical kit here!”

It pained the people who cared for us more than the ones who were wounded.

After seeing Ashton in this state, I couldn’t bring myself to question him anymore and pushed my doubts aside.

I was expressionless when I bandaged his wound. Sitting face to face with him, I avoided eye contact with him.

I understood how agonizing it was to suppress emotions. Without an outlet to release the unbearable intensity one was experiencing, one would resort to self-harm to minimize the agony.

The pain Ashton was suffering was way worse than losing his parents.

Silas was scared out of his wits when he heard Ashton was injured. He waited outside the room with the maids and refused to leave.

The room was so silent that I could hear our breaths. I fell into a daze, staring at the bandage.

He was human, too. His ice-icy heart would warm up one day.

Perhaps his heart was cold before he met me in this room. However, he couldn’t bear to see me in tears after I showed him my pain.

He reached out and took me into his arms. I stayed in his warm embrace for the entire night and he didn’t let go.

To board the earliest flight back to K City, we woke up before dawn.

When we left the bedroom, I glanced back and saw the picture frame being placed upside down again.

After an hour, the plane landed. We split up at the airport and went back to make preparations.

The charity auction was a high-profile event, and even those slightly popular media in K City posted articles about this. It was said that only the wealthy and the elites of the world could take part.

I really didn’t know how Ashton got his hands on two invitations.

When I reached the Stovall residence, I placed the flight ticket and invitation card on the coffee table in my bedroom. The flight was scheduled at seven in the evening, so I had the entire day to get ready.

In love, never say never chapter 1363

Initially, I planned to spend the weekend with Summer. However, ever since she realized she was gifted in mathematics, she would shut herself in the study all day, and I felt bad to disturb.

Jackson and Lydia came in the afternoon. They planned to immigrate to M Country and wanted to meet Summer for the last time before their departure.

I led Jackson to the study and opened the door slowly. We tiptoed into the room to avoid disturbing Summer. Then, he halted in his tracks and stood a metre away from Summer and looked at the child.

After some time, she finally our presence in the room and turned around.

When she saw Jackson, her face lit up with a wide grin. Putting away her pen, she walked toward us slowly to greet him politely. “Mr. Jackson, you’re here.”

He smiled and ruffled her hair gently. “I’m here. Did I disturb you when you’re studying?”

Summer glanced at her homework before turning to us with a smile plastered on her face. “No worries. I’ve done the questions thrice and I’m just doing some revisions today. Mr. Cress said he will arrange a new study plan for me tomorrow, so I can rest tonight.”

I smiled faintly at her words. She was intelligent and hardworking at such a young age, which was a relief to me. “Summer, Mr. Jackson and Ms. Alder are going to M Country, so they can’t visit you that often from now on. Spend some time with Mr. Jackson tonight and leave your studies aside temporarily.”

Upon hearing my words, Summer furrowed her brows and looked at me. The child seemed to be lost in thoughts, but soon after, she relaxed and smiled.

I missed the change in her expression, but Jackson saw everything.

Realizing that the child was hesitant, Jackson knew what to do. “It’s okay. Summer, do whatever you want. Alright?”

Her smile grew wider. “Yeah! Thank you, Mr. Jackson.”

What was supposed to be a long conservation ended in less than five minutes.

After exiting the room, Jackson and I strolled along the corridors. When we stepped out of the room, the man couldn’t help but whisper, “Don’t you think that Summer’s changed a lot?”

“Yeah. After getting in touch with Jared, she is more reserved now. Maybe Jared’s changed for the good too?”

Jackson shook his head. “I’m not talking about this. Didn’t you notice how fast her maturity rate is? She wanted to voice her objection to your plans just now, but she kept her dissatisfaction to herself. I’m worried that she’ll inherit Jared’s personality with her tendency to hide her emotions.”

His wild guess made me anxious. I immediately stopped walking and turned to him. “You’re saying that Summer’s becoming more and more like Jared?”

I knew what Jackson meant. Summer was Jared’s biological daughter, so it was normal for them to share some resemblance. However, if she became someone scheming like her father, she wouldn’t be able to enjoy her life.

In fact, she would see Jared as her salvation and distant herself from others. That might not seem to be the case on the surface, but it could be possible that she had built walls surrounding her heart and

shutting others away while harboring hatred toward the entire community.

If Macy was a warm light, Jared would be the darkness from hell, while Summer was the fruit of their love. Deep down, I wished the child would inherit Macy’s traits.

Jackson assured, “Don’t worry. Perhaps it is as what Jared said, Summer is talented and progresses rather quickly learning new stuffs. It’s normal for her to be matured at such a young age.”

After saying his words, he glanced in the study’s direction and seemed to be lost in thought.

Then, he started explaining his plan to me in detail. “We mustn’t trust Jared fully and don’t entrust Summer to him. One year is enough for him to change her completely. After going to M Country, I’ll video call her every week. Make sure she answers the calls so I can observe her condition.”

In love, never say never chapter 1364

I couldn’t drive Jared away because he had Ashton to vouch for him. Besides, Summer had developed a dependency on him. Except for Jackson’s suggestion, we had no other way.

I nodded in agreement. “That’s the only thing we can do. You studied psychology in M Country. If you meet any professionals in this field, please let me know.”

“I understand. I think of Macy’s child as mine, and I love Summer as much as you do.” Jackson smiled and sounded relax. It seemed that his hostility had disappeared with his illness.

Everything felt like a dream. Back then, he was fixated on fighting for the child’s custody that he even laid his hands on Ashton.

Now that the nightmares were gone, the journey would be smooth for the rest of the days.

After sending Jackson off, I packed my stuffs and left for the airport.

However, right when I reached the door, a car from the Moore family drove here and parked by the roadside. Soon after, Emery got off the car hurriedly.

“You’re going on a business trip, right?” She didn’t care about pleasantries and went straight to the point.

“Yeah.” I looked at her in bewilderment.

Ashton gave me the invitation card in J City last night. How did she know about this?

“Good. Let’s go together.” She quickly got into my car and sat in the seat furthest away from the door. Seeing how I was still confused, she urged, “Quick! If not, I’m going to get caught.”

Upon saying her words, she pulled me into the car.

“Drive!” Emery instructed the chauffeur and gripped my arm tightly, as if I would kick her out of the car.

As the chauffeur drove, she kept checking the rearview mirror now and then.

She heaved a long sigh of relief and let go of my arm after we drove for a distance.

I glanced at her sideways and tidied up my clothes before teasing her. “It seems you still have your charm. Your luck in love follows you everywhere.”

Emery rolled her eyes in disgust at me. “What nonsense are you spouting?”

I pursed my lips and kept my mouth shut before I exposed her.

Ashton booked my flight ticket. He also got one for Millie for my protection. Since Emery was traveling with us, she had to spend some money to buy herself a ticket from the business class, too.

To her, it was money well spent. Listening to the blaring engines when the airplane took off, she narrowed her eyes and relaxed in the seat from the business class cabin in absolute bliss.

She seemed like a person going on a vacation.

I was dying of boredom, so I started a conversation with her. “Come to think of it, what happened to you and that guy? Are you hiding from him?”

Emery was usually loud and carefree. It would be hilarious if my guess was right.

Although she was in her thirties, she led a dazzling life and was rather popular with men. However, a woman with her success had no choice but to hide away from the Cupid’s arrow.

Her suitor, Alexander, was more formidable than the gods. He made her vulnerable emotionally all in one day. She felt like a coward.

However, Emery refused to admit. “Don’t talk nonsense. I have nothing to do with that guy. I was too bored in K City when Hunter was clinging onto me, so I went overseas for a vacation. Men are really troublesome.” She continued with her denial.

“Yeah…” I looked at her meaningfully before cracking a joke. “Then, who’s more troublesome, Hunter or Alexander?”

Speechless at my mockery, Emery closed her eyes to ignore me. “I’ve had enough worries for these two days, so give me some peace.”

She put on her sleeping mask, covered herself with a blanket, and pretended to be asleep.

I didn’t have a good rest in J City last night. As the other passengers in the cabin were resting, I made myself comfortable and drifted off to sleep.

In love, never say never chapter 1365

When I woke up again, the flight attendant was making an inflight announcement. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll arrive at our destination, the international airport of M Country in approximately…”

At the same time, one of the cabin crew asked me courteously, “Madam, would you like to have any drinks?”

Somehow, his voice sounded familiar to me. I guessed he must have served me on my previous flights.

“Just give me a cup of water, thank you.” I removed my sleep mask, rubbed my eyes groggily, and gave him a smile. When the smartly dressed cabin crew came into view, I gaped at him and almost let out a shout.

Only then did I realize why his voice sounded familiar. Only Alexander could look this handsome and cheerful with his signature bright smile.

“How did you end up here?” I whispered and stole a glance at Emery, who sat next to me. It would be chaotic if she knew he was onboard our flight.

He shrugged his shoulders triumphantly and took a cup from the trolley to pour some water for me. After that, he poured another and placed it on Emery’s seat table before pushing the trolley back to the pantry.

She woke up as soon as he vanished into the pantry. She removed her sleep mask and stretched her arms. At the sight of the cup of water on her seat table, she took a big sip immediately. Oblivious to the dramatic moment a while ago, Emery continued to drink the water as she asked inquisitively, “Ah! If I’m not mistaken, the flight attendant who served you earlier was a good-looking young man, right? I can judge based on his attractive voice! Did you exchange contact numbers with him?”

Raising my eyebrows instinctively, my heart skipped a beat at her words.

If Emery knows she didn’t get rid of Alexander and he has been tagging along with us secretively, how would she react. Moreover, she just drank the water he left for her! I bet she would choke on it if I told her about it!

Fearing she would lose control and lash out in anger, I decided to zip my mouth about Alexander. “I think it’s better if you go and get his contact number yourself. He might be more interested in you!”

Emery gave me a puzzled look, yet she did not sense the hidden meaning in my words. After finishing her drink in one gulp, she lay down and closed her eyes again.

She apparently looked more exhausted than me. It’s definitely mentally and physically exhausting for her to deal with such a clingy young guy. I could not stop myself from chuckling silently at the thought.

The plane touched down at the airport on the dot.

When we were getting off the plane, Emery finally bumped into Alexander at the cabin door.

The look of disbelief on her face was priceless. It would stay in my memory for a very long time. She looked as if it was the end of the world.

In the cab, she unleashed the frustration. “Is he nuts? My goodness! He’s following me closely wherever I go! Are all the young ones so persistent in pursuing love like him? How could he tag along so shamelessly, even after I rejected him firmly?”

She rolled her eyes and raised her voice in agitation. “He even told me yesterday that he wanted to be Xavier’s stepfather! What kind of joke is that? He’s practically a kid himself. How can he be a father?”

Although her plight deserved my sympathy, I was also amused to see her this anxious.

Suffocating hatred and undying love were obvious contributing factors that caused a woman to lose control and behave hysterically. Emery was apparently experiencing the latter situation.

When the cab pulled up at the hotel’s drop off point, we got out with our luggage.

A familiar, clear voice called out from behind us when we were about to enter the hotel through the revolving door.

“Honey! Wait for me!”

Alexander was nowhere in sight, but I was sure it was him. Emery made a dart toward the front desk manager hastily without looking back.

“K-Key Card! Just give me any!” She was panting and speaking incoherently.

The front desk manager couldn’t understand her at all. “Sorry, madam. I didn’t catch that.”

Emery stomped anxiously and explained impatiently, “I’m running out of time. Can you arrange a room for me? Any room would do and give me the key card now? This is my credit card. Just swipe it and give me the key card at once! Do you understand me?”

The manager’s eyes lit up when he saw her platinum card. Without hesitation, he handed her the key card for the VIP room with a smile. “Enjoy your…”

Emery snatched the card from him and dashed into the elevator before he could finish talking.

Alexander made a dash for the elevator, but the door was already closed. He stood there and panted breathlessly, with his hands on his hips. Emery’s reaction was beyond exasperation.

I wasn’t getting myself involved in their cat-and-mouse chase. After the manager made some necessary arrangements, I made my way to the elevator slowly with my luggage.


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