In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1382

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1382

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1382

That single statement silenced Herman entirely. At the same time, it had come at the cost of Ashton’s bargaining power.

Fuller Corporation’s withdrawal from the collaboration with Trivett Corporation meant that Ashton would be unable to interfere no matter what evil ends Pitcoin would be used for.

It seemed as if the discovery that his parents were alive had utterly transformed Ashton. The upright, dignified man that George painstakingly raised had vanished.

Ashton’s words thus dropped like a bomb in the living room, scattering the uneasiness that had hung so heavily in the air before.

Thora, who had been observing the scene unfold from the sidelines, chose this moment to speak. “You’re going to withdraw from all collaborations? Ashton, do you really intend to sever all ties with me?” she seethed.

The Ziegler family was no longer Ashton’s target. In fact, from certain perspectives, Ashton had indeed wronged Thora in some aspects.

A flowering career was all well and good for a woman, but her relationships and emotions would always remain her core occupation.

Thora waited in agony for Ashton’s reply. Ashton, however, was in no frame of mind to deal with anything other than the recent tragedy. He merely gazed at her blankly with disinterest, looking absent altogether as if his soul had flown off to another dimension entirely. Wherever it was, it was neither present nor ready to engage with Thora’s demands.

It wasn’t that Ashton wanted to evade her questioning. He didn’t quite possess the capacity to at the moment.

Every second that ticked by threw Thora into a greater frenzy. The expression on her face was growing increasingly desperate. Unable to endure this long-drawn awkwardness, I hastily chipped in, “Ms. Ziegler, allow me to apologize to you on behalf of Ashton. He only hid our marriage from you due to the circumstances. If there’s anything you’re dissatisfied with, we’ll do whatever we can to make amends.”

Thora was an intelligent woman. I truly believed she would know that negotiating a compromise would enable her to achieve the best possible outcome from this catastrophe despite the hurt she’d suffered.

Besides, Ashton and Thora were both victims of the previous generation’s wrongs. There was no real benefit in furthering this resentment.

Thora, however, did not act like the reasonable woman I expected her to be. “I was played for a fool by the two of you. Do you think I’d let you off the hook that easily?” she asked bitterly.

Upon further reflection, I realized that it must have taken a considerable amount of courage and pride for Thora to have arrived at her current position. For her to have cast off the help of the Ziegler family and establish her own business, she must have had an unimaginable amount of perseverance. I knew I should not expect her to back down without a fight, then.

I heaved a sigh. “What does Mr. Ziegler think of this matter?”

At the mention of his name, Thora instinctively started and glanced away. I followed the line of her gaze and realized that she’d been looking at Ashton.

She had her jaw clenched in contemplation. After a while, she said evenly, “I want Ashton to sign a five- year contract. It must clearly state that within the stipulated period, Fuller Corporation will only collaborate with one of Ziegler Corporation’s construction companies.”

I gaped at her. Thora clearly had no qualms about allowing her personal grievances to interfere with professional matters.

Five years of collaboration with the Fuller Corporation was a surefire way for Thora to propel her own company to the top. It was the best maneuver the woman could make from unrequited love.

Ashton, however, had no discernible reaction upon hearing Thora’s demand. He nodded, saying gravely, “As long as the work is legal and reasonable, I have no problem with it.”

Despite such an enormous ask, Thora remained discontent. She piped up again, “Furthermore, this scandal put me in a bad light. Both of you will have to find a way to fix my reputation.”

“Don’t take advantage of their kindness! How do you expect them to clean up your mess? Are you expecting Ashton to divorce Scarlett to pursue you, then let you dump him this time around?” John retorted heatedly.

Thora, however, remained unflappable. She obstinately stuck out her chin at him before saying haughtily, “That’s just what I’m asking him to do. I’m the only one who should be permitted to dump others, not the other way around.”

Her ridiculous statement made John give a snort of incredulity. “Who do you think you are to make such ridiculous demands? You…”

I hurriedly cut in, “Wait, John.” I glanced at Thora thoughtfully, then said, “I think Ms. Ziegler’s request can be met in another way.”

I was certain that Ashton’s and my divorce was not the only option for Ms. Ziegler to recover her standing.

Thora’s features softened upon hearing my attempt at conciliation. The corners of her mouth twitched before she spoke, “I’ve finally seen for myself today that you’re a practical woman. You’re not the spoilt princess I thought you were, but a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You really did put up a good performance all those other times we met.”

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1383

There was nothing Ashton and I could say to justify ourselves, so I kept my peace.

The next day, the country’s biggest financial news station reported that the Fuller Corporation’s high- profile investment had incurred a loss of hundreds of millions due to a decisive managerial failure. The Ziegler Corporation, in defense of their own interests, had cut off all collaboration with Fuller Corporation. Stovall Corporation, on the other hand, had decided to merge with Fuller Corporation to bail the latter out.

This piece of earth-shattering news was immediately lit upon by netizens eager to devour the next piece of gossip. They immediately connected this event with Facebook’s top search.

I’ll be damned. Does this mean Mr. Fuller only reconciled with Ms. Stovall for money?

I told you all! Thora dumped that jerk because of Fuller Corporation’s investment failure. His ex-wife had mercy on him and bailed him out despite everything that he did to her! Babes, what a tragedy this is for women everywhere!

Yes, I despise Mr. Fuller now! What a beastly man he is!

All I have to say is, poor Scarlett!

Mr. Fuller, if you already have a woman that loves you so much, please cherish her!

I’ve always known that what Thora and Mr. Fuller had was a marriage of convenience! There were never any true feelings involved. I predicted this!

Back in the Stovall residence, we were sitting in the living room when the news reports flowed in, thick and fast. Ashton and I were scrolling through our phones and scanning the news. The only noise interrupting the otherwise dead silence of the room came from the television.

Ashton sat on the sofa, staring ahead of him, his face devoid of any expression. Ever since he’d returned to K City, Ashton seemed to have lost all purpose.

Even though the latest news reports had thoroughly cast Ashton’s name into disrepute, we had managed to resolve the matter with Thora. As for the Pitcoin projects, we’d managed to tie up all the stray ends during the day. Fuller Corporation had thus ceased all involvements in illegal activity that day.

Danger or trouble had always been of little concern to Ashton. Even though we had successfully concluded all of Fuller Corporation’s pressing matters, Ashton did not look overjoyed at all.

I knew then that the Hall family was another burden weighing on Ashton’s mind.

I was about to sit Ashton down for a talk when the maid suddenly dashed into the room. “Mr. Stovall, a guest is currently waiting outside. He gave his name as Bill Young,” she announced.

Something seemed to reawaken within Ashton. His dark eyes smoldered as he glanced towards the doorway where the maid had just entered from.

The rest of us exchanged looks uneasily. Louis then instructed, “Bring him in.”

The Stovall family had always been known for its openness. It wouldn’t have been appropriate for us to have turned away a world-renowned philanthropist from our home.

Bill, the man waiting outside, soon hobbled in on crutches. He was accompanied by Tiffany, who had angered Ashton the day before. The woman leaned towards Bill as she helped him in. The closeness between the two of them suggested that they were on rather intimate terms.

Ashton was evidently incensed by Tiffany’s arrival. His face darkened by a few shades, and his eyes flashed with fury.

Bill was getting on in years, but he was remarkably frank in his manner. The moment he’d settled down into his seat, he immediately declared, “I came here today to convey a message on behalf of a friend.”

Bill paused and surveyed the room. He nodded, pleased that all eyes were fixed attentively on him. Bill then continued, addressing Ashton directly, “Mr. Hall has given the matter some thought. Your entire family can return to the Hall family and be reunited as one again. As long as you’re willing, you’ll be welcomed back anytime.”

Did Christopher suddenly develop a conscience and decide to accept Ashton back into his fold? I mused.

Before anyone else could respond, however, Ashton had erupted in anger. He stood up vehemently and bellowed, “Keep your hypocritical pity to yourself! I don’t need it!”

I had rarely seen Ashton lose control of his emotions. His abrupt, violent rage threw the room in disarray. We gawked at him, all equally aghast.

The tension in the room was so thick that one could cut it with a knife. Ashton took a deep breath, rearranging his features into their previous stoic expression before roughly shoving his way past Bill and storming upstairs.

“Ash-” Appalled, Tiffany turned on her heels to go after him, as if fearful of being discarded by the man a second time. “Ashton!” she called out, a desperate plea.

Ashton ignored her. He refused to dignify her with even a backward glance in her direction and hastened his footsteps.

I lunged forward to restrain Tiffany. “Ms. Hall!”

My outburst got her to halt in her tracks but refused to turn back. Seeing her reluctance, I continued kindly, “Ashton doesn’t want to meet anyone who has anything to do with Christopher. Please respect that.”

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1384

As I spoke, I strode over to the stairs. Shouldering Tiffany brusquely aside, I said as I ascended, “I need to discuss some urgent matters with Ashton. Please go ahead without us.”

Tiffany had been raised in a life of luxury and pampering. She was thus unused to the subtle emotions that undergirded every social interaction. She was unable to recognize the extent of our loathing for her from my simple, placid expression.

It was undeniably rude of Ashton and I to evade our guests in this manner. However, I believed our behavior was not entirely unwarranted. The guests had to be deserving of our respect as well.

The bedroom door was left open, so I entered cautiously, hearing the sound of water running in the bathroom as I walked in.

I closed the door softly behind me as I entered, then tiptoed towards the bathroom. At the door, however, I found my eyes locked with Ashton’s.

His eyes were wild and bloodshot, and his entire face was dripping with water. He looked both embarrassed and intimidating at the same time. Water was still gushing in torrents from the tap. I looked up to see that a huge crack had split the bathroom mirror. A few shards littered the floor.

I looked down and was horrified to see that Ashton’s hand had suffered a few gashes that were bleeding profusely.

Ashton’s forlorn figure tugged at my heartstrings. I whirled around and hurried to fetch the first aid kit to treat his wounds.

Neither of us spoke throughout the entire process. Ashton merely bowed his head. With his unfathomable dark eyes fixed upon me, he seemed oddly contented at last.

After a long while, when I finally lifted my head to dispose of the used cotton swabs, he said hoarsely, “Why do you care so much for a useless castoff like me?”

I froze upon hearing that, my hands arrested in the act of bandaging. I lowered them, then said slowly, “It doesn’t matter to me whether you’re a useless castoff or the epitome of perfection. You’re Ashton. You’re my husband and the father of my children. I chose you because you’re the one I love most. It doesn’t matter what other people think of you.”

I could feel his hands tremble in mine. He suddenly seized me and dragged me into the bedroom.

He proceeded to sit me down on the bed, then walked over to the closet. He pulled out a small plastic bag, then stuffed the pill bottle that had been encapsulated within into my hands.

Vitamin A Supplement Lozenges, the label read. The package looked familiar. Ashton had been taking these since Summer fell ill. He’d reassured me that nothing was wrong with him, and they’d since been relegated to the back of my mind.

“Over the years, my doctor has been trying various methods to increase my intake of Vitamin A. There aren’t many others with a similar condition, so no one, including me, really took it seriously. Recently, however, I compared my medical records to the Hall family’s and realized that this is a hereditary chronic illness. There’s a seventy percent chance that I’ll go blind after the age of forty. That’s also the reason why the Halls cast me out,” Ashton said lightly.

He sounded matter-of-fact as if he had long since accepted the fact, but I could detect a hint of self- degradation in his tone.

He seemed understanding, but I felt a bitter wave of outrage rising within me nonetheless.

If his eyes were the problem, that would explain Ashton’s unusual behavior over the video call. As long as he wasn’t doing a drug trial of any sort on my behalf, I thought there was no need to further worry myself.

However, this hereditary blindness was no fault of his. It wasn’t even a complete guarantee that he would lose his sight. Yet, the Halls had thus decided to forsake their own son because of it. It was an utterly heartless move on their part.

Realization dawned upon me with a flash. The reason for Tiffany’s arrogance was suddenly crystal- clear to me.

As Ashton’s younger sister, she must have scorned what she perceived as her brother’s inferior genes. The fact that Tiffany hadn’t inherited the illness must have convinced her that she was clearly his superior.

What an utterly debased family! I fumed to myself. It was ridiculous that one could despise others for their genetic makeup in this day and age.

Ashton tilted his head and looked at me bemusedly. “What’s wrong? Are you concerned for me?” he teased.

I remained silent. Ashton paused, then continued determinedly, “It’s only a possibility, after all. I’m still holding out for that remaining thirty percent that everything will be fine. Besides, even if I can’t see, Joe is back at the headquarters of the company, and Joseph is a capable, steadfast worker. He’s worthy of

the hopes I’m pinning on him. I’ll only be losing my sight, not my mind. As long as I’m alive, I’ll keep striving. I won’t let you and the children down…”

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1385

“I was thinking,” I said, interrupting Ashton, “that even if Fuller Corporation goes bankrupt, we’ll still have help from John and the Moore family. Besides, I think I’m capable of raising three children. All I’m worried about is letting you down. You can’t enjoy the wealth and influence of being a president any longer. You’ll have to make do with our uneventful, quiet happiness. I suppose I’ll be your sugar mommy… “

I trailed off, noticing Ashton staring at me in bewilderment.

“Are you upset?” I asked timidly.

Any man who took pride in his masculinity usually recoiled at the idea of getting a sugar mommy.

Ashton wrinkled his brow for a moment, then abruptly chuckled. “Are you saying that you’ll raise me as well?”

I hadn’t expected him to respond so jovially. My tentative smile widened into a grin. “Sure, what’s your price?”

At my joke, Ashton burst into peals of genuine laughter. In that instant, the dark shadows that had hung over him seemed to have fled. He finally looked rejuvenated.

I saw my chance. Gently stroking his injured hand, I declared, “You’re mine now! I don’t like people who are constantly putting themselves down. You have to stay positive, or I’ll drop you off my list. There’s a long line waiting after you.”

A wicked gleam appeared in his eyes. He pinched my chin, compelling me to meet his eyes. “Then I’ll have to be a good boy and work hard then, won’t I?”

“You know it…” I nodded playfully.

Ashton dipped his head towards me, and before I realized what he was doing, he stole a kiss from me. “Is this what you’re looking for?”

I felt my cheeks instantly burn crimson. Gritting my teeth, I countered cheekily, “It’s a borderline pass. I’m sure you can do much better than that. I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Ashton’s dark eyes seemed overwhelmed with emotion. He reached out and pulled me over, his arms encircling me in a tight hug. We were so close that I could hear the throb of his heartbeat and feel the rise and fall of his chest with every breath.

At that moment, the world and its worries seemed to fall away. All that remained was Ashton and me, wrapped in our mutual embrace. The two of us sat like this for what felt like an eternity. It was barely a few minutes later, however, when Ashton suddenly sprang up. He ran out of the room with me in tow, saying, “I’ve spent enough time feeling sorry for myself. It’s time to deal with the obstacles getting in my way of being a sugar baby.”

Seeing his renewed vigor, I merely smiled and allowed him to lead me down the stairs.

When we reentered the living room together, Bill and Tiffany were still seated inside.

Tiffany straightened up when she caught sight of Ashton, saying brightly, “Ashton, have you changed your mind? I knew it! I knew you wouldn’t be able to walk away from our family just like that.”

Ashton said nothing, silently leading me over to the sofa. We sat down facing Tiffany, and he took his time to settle down, crossing his legs before replying evenly, “I can rejoin the Hall family but on one

condition. My children will remain with the Stovall family.”

A look of disquiet crossed Tiffany’s face. “You can’t do that. The babies have the blood of the Hall family running through their veins! You can’t leave them in the hands of outsiders.”

“You’re wrong,” Emma finally spoke. There was a tremor in her voice from the state of agitation she was evidently under. Impassionately, she continued, “The Stovall family has always treated any children as their own. Now that Ashton and Scarlett have reconciled, how can you call the Stovalls outsiders? If we’re talking about bringing up children, what do you have to say about a certain family that brutally abandoned its child for ten years, not caring whether it lived or died? What right do you have to decide for Ashton and Scarlett’s children?”

Emma turned to look at John after speaking. There seemed to be a fleeting acknowledgment of mutual agreement between the two. However, it was only a brief flash that quickly faded back into their original stiffness.

Ashton paid no heed to John and Emma’s marital rows. Carelessly, he answered Tiffany, “You’re too late. I’m already part of the Stovall family, and so are my children. Scarlett is the only one who has any say over where we go.”

Ashton paused to direct an intent look at me. “Isn’t that right, Honey?”

Caught off guard, I scrambled to keep up with his theatrical performance. “That’s right! Ashton’s mine. Don’t you use Facebook. Ms. Hall? The entire Fuller family belongs to the Stovall family now.”

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1386

No one would have expected that our plan against Thora yesterday would actually prove to be helpful today. The Hall family only had themselves to blame because they were the ones who were in the wrong.

Tiffany was at a loss for words. Clearly, she had not seen this coming. She darted her agile gaze around, trying to figure out a solution.

I let down my guard when I saw the expression on her face, but Ashton was far from relaxing his vigilance. He nudged me with his elbow and his brows arched subtly, hinting me to corner Tiffany.

Men were always so combative. They went all out when they were faced with threats. Judging from Ashton’s expression, I could tell he would not easily let Tiffany off the hook.

I could not choose to not cooperate with him, so I started speaking again. “Since Mr. Young is Mr. Hall’s representative, please kindly relay our intentions. The deal he offers is tempting, but the Stovall and the Moore family are not in want of anything. We’re not desperate to an extent where we need to sacrifice our children, so I suggest he stop wasting his time before he loses everything.”

I stopped briefly and held Ashton’s hand in mine before continuing, “He might be a nobody to all of you, but to me, he’s everything. I hope the two families can each go their own ways after this. This is how things should have been since the accident happened. If the Hall family stops meddling with us and minds its own business, then the Stovalls will back down. But if your family insists on creating trouble, then you’d better pray that you guys have someone who’s a match for Ashton. The Stovalls live only by one mantra: we will not let any offender walk away unpunished.”

I was fully aware that I might have sounded overconfident and snobbish, but what I said was no exaggeration. I had to stamp the Hall family to the ground and put them in their place.

Ashton might not be in his best state, but I could still take care of him. If he did go blind, the Stovall and Moore family could still be his support. Even in the worst-case scenario, we would have Sally help us. She was one of us, and she was kind-hearted. I was sure she would do everything within her capacity to help.

The point was, Ashton’s life could still go on without the Halls interfering.

My condescending words were obviously no music to Tiffany’s ears. “Don’t be too sure of yourself. You probably have no idea what our family is capable of. Do you think you will be able to keep the kids just because you want to?”

I gave her an indifferent shrug. “Of course. It goes without saying that children should stay with their mothers. It’s the only reasonable way to do things, after all. This is how society works… Unless you mean to tell me this rule doesn’t apply to the Hall family. Come to think of it, I might be wrong to assume the Hall family plays by the rule.”

Without waiting for retaliation from Tiffany, I turned toward Bill. “Mr. Young, you’re a philanthropist yourself. I’d advise you to take a good look at who you’re working with. Associating with people with dubious morality is only going to hurt your good name.”

The first time I heard of Bill Young was when he was involved with Armond. Now that the man was working with Nicolas, I wonder how it would affect his hard-earned reputation.

Gloom settled over Tiffany’s face. “You don’t have to insult our family in such an indirect manner. You can start numbering your days if my father finds out what horrid words just came out of your mouth.”

Before I could say another word, Ashton sprang toward Tiffany and grabbed her, lifting her off the ground in a violent tug. “Your family poisoned her?” he bellowed.

Everyone present was suddenly alarmed. Many were originally here to see how Ashton and I would teach Tiffany a lesson, but when they heard Ashton’s sharp question, all of their curiosity was piqued. I could see John’s tightly clenched fists quivering as anger burned in his eyes. Even Emma was looking at Tiffany in terror after she got a grasp of what was going on.

I myself could not believe Ashton’s very own father was the one who poisoned me.

When Tiffany realized she blundered, she tried deviating from the topic. “What poison? I don’t know what you’re talking about!” she cried out as she struggled to free herself.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1387

Unfortunately, Tiffany was too late. Rage was already spreading in Ashton’s bloodshot eyes like a wildfire. No one could say for sure what he would do at this rate. “I’m asking you one last time. Did Nicolas do it?” he roared.

His shout reverberated in the living room, his booming voice bouncing off the walls. Even I was shaken.

I could imagine the shock for Ashton. The Halls abandoned him when he was a kid, and now they even targeted the people he loved the most. I could not help but wonder if they took Ashton as their son or as their enemy.

Tiffany’s usually well-composed face turned estranged. Her neckline stiffened as she swallowed hard. “Yes… But.. I didn’t do anything! I only overheard dad talking about it when he was in his study,” Tiffany explained, her lips shaking in fear.

“Ah! You jer…”

Ashton flung his fist toward her before she could even say the word “jerk.”

But instead of dealing her a square blow, Ashton’s arm froze in the air for a good ten seconds before it landed on the couch beside Tiffany. By the time everyone came back to their senses, there was a huge dent in the couch because of the impact.

Tiffany was one of the few women on the Forbes list. Despite her shriek and her trembling body, she still managed to feign composure, acting indifferent. “Dad is in charge of all decisions at home. I’m just

his puppet. I didn’t get much say of my own for the past twenty years either, so you can’t blame me, Ashton,” she said, tidying up her clothes in an attempt to conceal her nerves.

“As for the poison in Scarlett’s body, only Dad has the antidote. You should calm down and think things through clearly. Since he’s willing to listen to me and accept you, don’t you think going back with your children is the best option now? Try being a good son to him. Who knows, maybe he’ll soften his heart. You’re a businessman yourself. You should know there are times when we need to lose the battle to win the war.”

Although Ashton was on the verge of going berserk, Tiffany was still able to talk to him calmly, showcasing just how strong her will was. But as strong as she may seem, her evasive gaze soon landed on Bill, and the two took it upon themselves to leave immediately after.

Once they were gone, the whole living room fell into dead silence. Ashton’s head drooped low in devastation, and he stood motionless for a long time.

As I expected, Nicolas had been watching his every move. Everything that happened was within his calculation.

Ashton’s every move from J City to K City, including his career, his family, and the child we lost, were all under his supervision. Nicolas had the opportunity to save our first child, but he had not done so. Since he saw Ashton’s child as a shameful stain to his family, there was no reason for him to save that child, and neither would he accept me as Ashton’s wife.

However, Nicolas had no choice but to back down now. He realized that Ashton and the Stovall family were not people he could mess with anymore. If he wanted the children, he had no other option but to accept me and Ashton, no matter how much the Hall family despised us.

To put it plainly, both of us were necessary evil he had to bear because he wanted the children.

“There’s nothing we can do now. Both of you only have one option. That’s to go back to the Hall family and try to get the cure for Letty. As for our next step, we will play by ear.” John’s apathetic voice cut through the silence, but I could still sense a hint of anger in his tone.

The surrounding air suddenly turned solemn.

Everyone had heard what Tiffany said clearly—I was poisoned because of Ashton. Although it was not his fault per se, everyone was still exasperated.

Ashton did not reply to John. Seeing him seemingly unmoved, the latter’s fists tightened as he got ready to speak again.

“Give us some time to discuss this,” I intervened before John could open his mouth to say another word.

John might not know what Ashton was thinking, but I knew. His parents had made his life a living hell for the past twenty-plus years. It would not be easy to welcome his parents with open arms overnight.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1388

Louis shot John a glare, hinting him to give Ashton and me some time alone. The others did not say a word after that.

Ashton’s furrowed brows did not relax even after he and I had headed upstairs.

Since he was not in a good mood, I dragged him from our room to the baby room next door.

The nanny stopped playing with the babies when we entered. “Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, the kids are very playful today.”

“That’s great. Thanks for attending to them. We’ll take over from here,” I said.

“Of course,” the nanny replied and left the room promptly.

Gregory held out his hands when he felt I was close. I picked him up and carried him in my arms.

After a few months of diligent care, both children looked healthy and strong.

When I looked at Ashton again, the frown on his face had disappeared, and he was holding Audrey securely in his arms. There was love and gentleness written all over his face as he looked at our daughter.

I let out a sigh of relief at the sight.

Children were the purest beings on earth. They could certainly heal any pain and hurt in the world.

“Ashton,” I called out to him softly. He cast his gaze on me, and our eyes met. “I’m fine,” I continued.

It took him a while to finally understand what I meant.

“I don’t want you to make your life miserable for my sake. Life has already been hard enough for you. I don’t care about the poison, so you don’t have to worry about it. I’m happy to simply have you and the kids by my side. I only want to spend the rest of my life with you and our children.”

A frown played on Ashton’s brows again, but he remained silent.

I avoided his gaze and looked at our children. “You don’t have to take what John said to heart. We can go and live in a place where no one can find us. I’ve already thought about it. None of us owe each other anything, so we should just put all this behind us and live a happy life.”

If we could not face it head-on, we could always run away. There must be a place on earth where Nicolas could not find us. That would be our home.

I might not have much time left, but Gregory and Audrey could still keep Ashton company. They would love him and take care of him.

Both of us had been so busy for the past ten years. We never really had time to slow down and enjoy life.

Just as we were deep in thoughts, the baby girl in Ashton’s arms began mumbling.

Both of our gazes turned towards Audrey simultaneously. Ashton met her gaze, and she broke out in a wide smile, snuggling in his embrace.

This elicited a smile on Ashton’s face, and he held her closer to his face. “I’m here, Audrey. I’ll stay with you and Mommy forever,” he told her in an endearing tone as if Audrey could understand what he was saying.

“You’d better keep your word,” I teased with a smile.

Ashton looked up at me in a determined manner. “When have I ever broken a promise to you? Let’s get ready. We’re going to see the Hall family.”

“What? Why? Aren’t we going into hiding? Are you sure you want to go to the Hall residence?”

“I’m sure,” Ashton said with a warm smile on his face, “You can’t always expect me to be the bigger man. I want to be selfish and greedy this time around. I can’t just go and hide somewhere. I want to keep you by my side for as long as I can. I want to stay with you and the kids. I’m not letting anyone go.”

He drilled his gaze through me, and his tone turned commanding. “Scarlett, you’re not ditching me and running away this time. I’ve endured the past twenty years, and I don’t want to lose you at the end of

this journey. I will make sure all the suffering I went through is worth it, so let’s go to the Halls and reclaim the life we’re supposed to have.”

Three days later, we brought the kids and the nanny along to the Halls’ private island.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1389

After we arrived at M Country from K City, we took a private jet and landed on the coastline of international waters. The propellers spun furiously, causing turbulent ripples on the water surface. A foreboding shadow eclipsed our hearts as we landed on the mysterious and dangerous island.

A castle-like frontage came into sight the moment we got off the jet. Greeneries covered the places where seawater could not reach the structure. A pebble-paved path parted the grass, leading all the way up to the top of the hill. Walking through the island of tropical plants felt as if we were meandering through a tropical rain forest, save for the slimy swamps.

The sequestered island made it a good hiding place for Nicolas for the past twenty years.

I busied myself with observing the surroundings, failing to notice the accessorial rock on the path. If Ashton had not caught me by the waist in time, I would have tripped and fell.

“Thanks,” I said, trying to fake a smile to calm myself down.

Being in a foreign environment was disconcerting.

“Be careful,” Ashton chided, holding my hand tight. “Don’t be nervous. The Halls are only interested in the kids. They don’t care who we are, so relax and treat this as a vacation.”

His words indeed rang true, but I could not help but recall Nicolas’ threatening words when he said he would make Ashton disappear from the surface of the earth the first time we confronted him.

Although I should have assured Ashton, I still felt I needed to caution him a little. “This island is on international waters. It does not fall under the jurisdiction of any country. Who knows what he’s gonna do. It’s better we stay wary.”

At my statement, Ashton’s footsteps fell short, and his piercing gaze landed on my face. “Remember, I’m your husband. I’ll protect you no matter what. Promise me you’ll trust me no matter what happens.”

My brows stitched together as I reciprocated his gaze. If Nicolas were a loving parent like Cameron, I could well let Ashton face him up on his own, but that was not the case. Nicolas and his wife did not love Ashton.

Thoughts raced through my mind, and I let go of his hand, taking a step back to look at him sternly, right into his eyes. “Since you married into the Stovall family, you’re now one of us. I will do everything I can to make sure you’re safe.”

I might have acted too dramatically, but I meant every word I said.

The Hall family did not take Ashton seriously, but they could not treat me the same way. They could not ignore the Moore and the Stovall family. I needed to use my family background in our favor.

A resigned smile broke out on my husband’s face as he looked at me, trying to maintain a serious expression. He thought I was trying to be funny, but I was not playing around at that moment. I went over and held him by his arm. “I know you’re always rational, but your loved ones are at stake here. It’s difficult to be sure that you’ll be able to keep your cool, so leave everything to me. All you need to do is to keep quiet.”

Before Ashton could disagree with anything I said, I pulled him toward the huge door.

“Mr. and Mrs. Fuller.”

A neat line of immaculately dressed servants greeted us the moment they saw us. Seeing them all dressed in black and white, I could not help but feel as if I had just time-traveled back to the past century.

I stole a quick glance of Ashton and was pleasantly surprised to see him calm and composed. We walked down the spacious hallway before we arrived at the hall.

The interior decor of the hall echoed the outer appearance of the castle. It was lavishly furnished, and every detail of the hall exuded elegance and class.

Over on the leather couch, the owners of the castle sat unperturbed as we walked in. That was the first time I ever saw Ashton’s mother, Simone.

She sat beside Nicolas, wearing a faint smile on her face as if she was waiting for a photograph to be taken. Her dark hair flowed smoothly down her fair shoulders as she watched us approach.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1390

“It’s nice to see you guys. Do make yourself at home,” Simone said, gesturing at us to take a seat.

Although she did not look a lot older than Ashton and me, her voice sounded frazzled.

Ashton was clearly taken aback by her voice as well. He stood right in front of them without moving an inch. The air grew tense with every passing moment.

Nicolas buried himself in his newspapers, not bothering to look up. Simone sat slightly apart, and the two seemed not to have much interaction.

I guessed Simone was probably the more expressive one between the two. I shook off Ashton’s hand, trying to snap him back to reality. When he finally looked at me, I pulled him toward the seats.

Now that everyone was seated, we were anticipating the patriarch to speak.

Silence ensued for about two to three minutes before Nicolas showed his face behind the newspapers. His cold glance swept across Ashton before finally stopping at me.

“Scarlett Stovall. You’re certainly a brave one. I still remember how you lectured me at the hotel,” he stated without betraying the slightest hint of emotion. His tone and demeanor made me feel as if he was interrogating a criminal.

Is he raking up old grievances?

I pursed my lips and smiled. “Birds of the same feather flock together. This is why I got together with your son. I need to live up to my title as his wife. You and Simone must be honored to have a son like Ashton.”

Nicolas scoffed without replying, allowing Simone an opportunity to interject and speak instead. “Mom and Dad,” she corrected how I addressed them.

I was stunned for a while but quickly repeated after her, “Dad, Mom.”

Although we had our differences, some things still had to be done for cordiality’s sake. Civility was the basis of negotiation.

“That’s right,” Nicolas spoke again, giving me a curt nod. His brown eyes darted toward Ashton, waiting for him to address him in the same manner.

Calling someone “Dad” or “Mom” might be an easy task for many, but not for Ashton, especially after so many years of neglect.

Ashton had already put aside his pride and trauma for the sake of obtaining the antidote. I could not bring myself to ask him to make any further compromises.

Noticing the dissatisfaction budding on his face, I quickly patted him on the back and spoke on his behalf. “Ashton caught a cold after he fell asleep beside the kids’ bed while he was reading them bedtime stories. He’s having a sore throat, so I hope both of you don’t mind me doing it in his stead. Dad, Mom, I hope you guys can be understanding towards this matter.”

Ashton cleared his throat right after I finished talking.

“Dad, Mom,” he said, his hoarse voice sounding across the room. It did sound as if he was really sick.

I turned to look at him, but his provocative gaze was fixated on Nicolas, waiting for his reaction.

Ultimately, Ashton still could not bear to let me deal with them on my own. He still backed down.

I could not imagine how his heart felt, after having to call the people who caused him so much hurt and pain his parents.

Before either of them could speak, a series of footsteps echoed down the staircase. A familiar female voice followed. “Ashton, Scarlett! Let me have a look at the kids,” Tiffany exclaimed.

Her voice and her hasty footsteps relayed the joy she felt upon seeing us. A man wearing a champagne-colored suit came into our line of sight after her. Underneath his neatly combed hair was a fine and chiseled face, accentuating his debonair outfit that would otherwise be bourgeois.

I trailed my gaze to him. He must be Nathaniel, Tiffany’s second elder brother.

Tiffany dashed toward the children, but Ashton blocked her way. “The kids are still the same. There’s not a need to see them.”

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1391

His sharp words caused Tiffany’s expression to turn sour. “They’re my niece and nephew. Why can’t I see them? Do you have to behave like this, Ashton? We’re a family!”

I wondered if Nicolas would say the same. After all, the man was so cold-blooded. Simone looked at the kids in anticipation, and all of a sudden, all eyes were on Ashton, waiting for a satisfactory answer.

I knew I had to act quickly before they did anything to him.

Simone would be my best bet.

“It’s not like that, Tiffany. Ashton is just worried about the babies.”

I plastered a smile on my face as I headed over to the nanny. I took Gregory, who had started crying the moment he realized he was in a new environment, into my arms. I coaxed the child gently, and he soon quietened down.

“Gregory was abducted right after he was born, so he’s always on edge and very sensitive to his surroundings. He feels safe when he’s close to someone familiar. That’s why Ashton hopes we can all take things slow, but of course, we’re more than happy to let Dad and Mom carry them.”

My words put everyone present in a tight spot because the Hall family members were accountable for what had happened to Gregory. There was no way they could deny what they did.

I carried my child over to Simone’s side, allowing her to look at him. “Mom, meet Gregory.”

As expected, Gregory burst into tears the moment he saw Simone, eliciting a frown on the old couple’s faces.

“It’s okay. You can carry him.” Nicolas quickly added impatiently, “How annoying. Ask the servants to bring them around the house. They should get familiar with this place.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly handed Gregory back to the nanny before I gestured to Joseph to bring the children out for a walk.

Since Nicolas had spoken, Tiffany could only sit down on the couch without playing with the children. Nathaniel, who had been silent all this while, came forward and held out his hand toward Ashton. “Welcome home, Ashton.”

Ashton took a brief look at him and shook his hand grimly.

Their first encounter was rather peaceful. Perhaps what Tiffany said was true. The whole family actually looked forward to Ashton’s homecoming; everyone except for Nicolas, of course.

Just as I was deep in thought, Nathaniel stepped forward. “Dad, since Ashton is back, why not I bring him over to the company to take a look around?”

“Forget it.” Nicolas turned down his second son’s offer crudely as he walked toward the dining hall. “Let’s eat first.”

Nathaniel did not seem even a little disturbed by his father’s attitude. He shrugged his shoulders and followed after the older man. He must have gotten used to Nicolas’ behavior.

I looked at them begrudgingly, wondering how everyone would dine together with this thick tension going on.

Ashton had already calmed himself down when he clasped my hand and pulled me over to the dining room.

The chemistry around the table was awkward beyond measure. Nicolas sat at the host’s seat with his emotionless face while Simone asked the servants to set up the table with a small smile on her face, giving me the impression that she was forcing it.

I stole a look at Ashton, but he did not return my gaze. Instead, he tapped the back of my hand lightly, signaling me to relax.

After some time, Nicolas finally gestured for everyone to start dining.

Nicolas placed a piece of cut steak in his mouth the moment the food was served. Everyone else began digging in at his command without any intention of striking a conversation.

Halfway through the meal, Simone suddenly lifted her head and looked at me with a smile. “Letty, I made you soup earlier on. It will help you strengthen your body. Let me go get it for you.”

Although she was smiling, I was sure she was just putting up a front.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1392

I quickly got to my feet upon seeing Simone getting up. “It’s okay, Mom. I’ll help myself.”

Although I doubted her sincerity, she was still Ashton’s mother. I knew better than to let her get the soup on my behalf.

I followed her over into the kitchen and saw her turn off the stove. She grabbed a ladle and poured me a bowl of soup carefully. Her hands moved adroitly as she worked, and I could not help but think she must be a good cook herself.

I noticed her fit figure as she bustled about in her kitchen. It must not be easy to maintain such a body at her age.

I walked over to get the bowl of soup from her, but she dodged my hand and put the bowl on the kitchen table forcefully instead.

My hand froze in the air before I realized the smile on her face had long faded away. She looked cold and cruel now.

Although such a change was not totally unexpected, the speed at which her expression changed still caught me by surprise.

“Since it already spilled, I guess I won’t get to try it anymore,” I said, turning to leave.

“What’s the rush? There’s still some soup left. I spent a long time preparing it. You should really try,” her dry voice rang behind me immediately.

Her lofty tone made her live up to her name of a true Hall.

“Let’s cut straight to the point. There’s no use wasting time here. Ashton is a smart man. He will know something’s going on. I know you’re just trying to leave a good impression on him by being nice to me out there. If you don’t want him to be suspicious of you, you’d better cut to the chase with whatever it is you want to tell me. Out with it now.”

It was at this moment that I thought Simone must have had a hand in poisoning me.

“I admire your honesty, and I guess I could say you have some brains too. Perhaps that’s why Ashton likes you, but don’t expect the Hall family to treat you like he does. Since you’re already here, you’d better follow our house rules and behave properly.”

Simone came from a good family. She was an amiable person before the accident, but it seemed like I had got ahead of myself. I thought too highly of her.

After all, she had spent such a long time with Nicolas. There was no way she would stay the same woman.

I glared at her coldly for a few seconds before talking. For a split moment, I felt a surge of pity for her. “You must really miss your son after such a long time, but sadly, there’s nothing you can do because there’s no way Nicolas will let you keep in touch with someone he loathes. You did nothing to save your own son when he planned the accident. But look at you now. You’re pretending like you’re his mother when he comes back after all these years. You have no moral ground to lecture the person he loves the most. Do you think this is how you show your love for him? Or do you think this will appease the guilt in your heart?”

I could roughly understand how Simone felt as the words tumbled out of my mouth. I took up the half- filled bowl as I looked at her from the corner of my eyes. “All you can see is me being domineering toward Ashton, but have you ever thought that his heart is bleeding because of you? I might not be the best wife for him in your eyes, but at least I won’t ever leave him to suffer alone.”

A smirk curved on my lips as I turned to leave with the bowl of soup in my hand. But just as I was going out of the kitchen, I bumped into Ashton.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

Ashton blocked the kitchen entrance and glanced at Simone before looking at me. “What took you so long?” he uttered softly.

“We got carried away talking with one another. You have nothing to worry about. It’s not like I’ll do anything to her,” Simone interrupted with a bitter smile on her face.

Women had their own struggles when transitioning from being mothers to mothers-in-law. It was understandable that they might feel jealous because they thought they lost their sons to their sons’ wives.

“It’s difficult to say you won’t do anything to her,” Ashton said reproachfully, not bothering to try treating his mother nicely.


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