In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1574-1575-1576

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1574-1575-1576

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1574-1575-1576

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1574

“What? You’re at my door? How could you show up uninvited? Do the Fullers not know about basic manners at all?”

The shrill voice from the other end made me take my ear away from the phone. I furrowed my brows, feeling utterly displeased.

She sounded like a different person from my first impression of Yuna. Is she truly the university professor that we’ve met?

“What’s going on?” Emery asked with concern upon noticing my scrunched-up face.

“Nothing…” I took a deep breath, trying to recollect myself.

I guess it is my fault for not informing them before I come. Perhaps she doesn’t want to let others see her house in an unprepared state. That’s why she lost her temper.

A few seconds later, I put the phone back to my ear.

It seemed that Yuna had realized her misbehavior, as she had passed the phone to her husband, James. “Mrs. Fuller, I’m so sorry. My wife’s having a difficult time at work recently, so she’s in a bad mood. Please forgive her. You’re welcome to visit us anytime. But, what Yuna failed to mention was that we’re currently at our house in Jazona, as our parents wanted to see Shaun. We’ll be here for quite a time. I’m sorry for having you come so far for nothing…”

With that, I was left with no choice but to appoint for the next visit and end the call.

Fortunately, Audrey did not make a fuss out of it. She figured it was just a matter of time for her to meet Shaun. At that moment, all she wanted was to get back to the air-conditioned car.

Just when we were about to leave, a loud thud came from inside the door.

What’s going on? I thought there isn’t anyone at home? Thinking that I had misheard, I turned to Emery and Gregory only to see them showing the same befuddled look like mine.

At that instant, I could not help but suspect what James had told me.

Are they really away from home? Or could it be that they’re afraid to let us in the house since we’ve made a surprise visit?

As we exchanged looks and wondered what the hell was going on, we heard some noises coming from the other side of the door again.

Click… Click… Click…

It was a slow and rhythmic tapping sound. It was as if something was hitting the ground.

Joseph leaned his ear against the door cautiously. After a while, he turned to us with a stern look. “There’s someone inside!”

Something’s wrong. Even though Shaun is quite a mysterious person, he’s still Audrey’s saver. With that in mind, I immediately instructed Joseph, “Kick the door down!”

I pulled Audrey aside while Emery pulled Gregory to the other corner. After that, Joseph threw a heavy kick on the door.


The door did not budge at all.

Feeling insulted by it, Joseph took a few steps back and got ready to charge again.


The door was knocked out of its frame, causing both Joseph and the door to slam onto the smooth tiles inside the house.

He was indeed Ashton’s most excellent assistant. Despite suffering such a huge impact, he did not even make a peep. Instead, he stood up after a few seconds as though nothing had happened. He picked up the door and placed it aside effortlessly before making way for us to enter.

The moment we stepped into the house, the clicking sounds rang out again from the kitchen at the left.

Joseph immediately followed the sound and went behind the cooking table.

The next second, he bent down. When he got up again, he was carrying Shaun in his arms. The latter was barely breathing.

Shaun was not wearing any shirt, and his bone structure could be seen clearly due to his skinny body. However, the most mind-blowing part was the fact that his body was covered in countless wounds. In just a week, he had turned into a different person, looking like someone on the brink of death.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1575

Despite the fact that he was already looking so frail, someone had still tied his small, thin hands together with a white nylon rope. The red marks and blood-stained rope were a gruesome sight to behold.

Shaun’s legs had also been tied, but he had somehow managed to break free from them. We could see where the rope had dug deep into his flesh.

Still dazed and confused, he croaked weakly, “Water…”

Joseph quickly placed him on the couch and untied the ropes around his wrist. To appease my feelings of guilt, I seized the opportunity to pour him a glass of water.

Recognizing Shaun, Audrey walked over to the couch in horror and started sobbing. Soon, her face was damp with tears. “Shaun… Shaun… Don’t die…”

“It’s okay. Shaun is going to be fine. Be a good girl now. Don’t cry…” Joseph said soothingly. After placing Shaun on the couch, he hurried off to call the paramedics. I pulled Shaun gently into my arms and held the glass of water to his lips. There was no time for me to comfort Audrey.

Unable to stand Audrey’s crying any longer, Emery gave a resigned sigh. She placed her hands on Audrey’s shoulders and spun her around, forcing the girl to meet her gaze. Wagging a finger at Audrey, Emery said, “Audrey, I’m only going to say this once, so listen carefully. The louder you cry, the more painful it is for Shaun. Do you want to see him die from the pain? If you do, then keep on crying. The louder you cry, the faster he dies. Go on then, keep crying!”

The mention of death frightened Audrey so much that she quickly clasped a hand over her mouth, not daring to make another noise.

Emery’s method of dealing with the matter is questionable but effective. If it had been me, I wouldn’t have had the heart to scare a child just to shut them up. I suppose it does take a person of action to get things done quickly.

Emery seemed to read my mind. She straightened up and shrugged. “See that? Certain teaching methods work on both genders.”

I shook my head. Poor Xavier. How many of Emery’s threats and scares has he had to endure these past six years? It’s a good thing boys are tough. If it had been a girl, she would’ve had a rough time.

Nonetheless, it was not the right time to be making jokes, so I did not answer Emery.

After about ten minutes, Shaun finally slowly opened his eyes and looked around weakly.

It was different from the first time I met him. Now, I could see the desire to live blazing in his eyes.

The moment he regained consciousness, he stubbornly struggled to sit up, avoiding my embrace and leaning against the back of the couch.

As his body twisted, it tugged at the injuries on his body. He hissed in pain and clenched his jaw.

I held his arm at once to help him sit up. “Don’t push yourself.”

Shaun did not respond. He did not even dare to meet my gaze. Instead, he stared fixedly at the floor.

His behavior clearly indicated that the Fullers’ rules were still fresh in his mind. He had to respect me and was not allowed to get too close to me.

I reached out a hand to comfort him, but he shrank away immediately. I could only give up on the thought and withdraw my hand. Then, I moved to another couch so that he could sit more comfortably without trying to keep his distance from me.

Shaun was quick to notice my kind intentions. As soon as I moved away, he shifted into a more comfortable position, and the pained look on his face faded slightly.

Nonetheless, his eyes darted around uneasily as if he was still on his guard.

He looked like a little frightened mouse that would be startled by even the slightest movement and sound.

Although the children in the orphanage had no one to rely on, they were calm and steady toward strangers. Whatever it is, we’re partially responsible for the state he’s in now.

As the thought crossed my mind, I began to worry about alarming him once again. Hence, I lowered my voice and said softly, “Shaun, can you tell me how you got those injuries?”

Shaun stared at the floor and was silent for a long time.

I heaved a heavy sigh. Subconsciously, I treated him as an adult. It’s my fault for not carefully thinking things through. In truth, he’s still a child who’s just a little taller than Audrey. We should count our lucky stars that he hasn’t broken down after going through so much. It’d be a torment to ask him to relive the painful ordeal of how he got injured. If an impatient person like Emery can restrain herself from pressing a child for answers, I shouldn’t question him either. We should wait for the paramedics to arrive and get him treated at the hospital first.

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 1576

After a while, Audrey approached Shaun again. His hand was resting on the edge of the couch, so she gently turned his hand over and pushed the lollipop she had prepared earlier into his palm. In a solemn tone, she said, “Eat this, Shaun. It’ll make the pain go away. Eat it…”

Shaun still did not say a word. However, his eyes gave an almost imperceptible flick toward Audrey after she retracted her hand. There was tenderness in his gaze, just like how he used to look at her.

Soon, the familiar sound of an ambulance’s siren cut through the air. It was coming from downstairs. The paramedics rushed up and wheeled Shaun away in a wheelchair.

As soon as they were outside, they bumped into Yuna and James.

Yuna lunged toward Shaun when she spotted him and fell into a half-kneeling position in front of the wheelchair. With tears rolling down her face, she wailed, “My dearest son, what happened? It’s all my fault! I didn’t take good care of you!”

Sobbing, she forcefully pulled Shaun into her embrace without giving him a chance to say anything.

She put on such a convincing act that if we did not know better, we would have fallen for it.

Instead, we merely watched the scene with indifference.

Emery did not hold back as she said in a tone dripping with sarcasm, “That’s right. Hug him harder so that he passes out. It’d be so convenient if he were to die now.”

When Yuna heard that, she scrambled to her feet and stood aside, wiping her tears away. “How could you say something so mean? Is it wrong for parents to be heartbroken at their child’s pain?”

Emery folded her arms, tapping her fingers against her arm. As sharp-tongued as ever, she replied, “I didn’t say that. You don’t have to be so sensitive about it if it isn’t true.”

Emery had always been the best at making snide comebacks. Combined with her fearlessness, Yuna was no match for Emery at all. Emery’s aura was so imposing that Yuna was rendered speechless.

Sensing that things were getting out of hand, James hurriedly grabbed Yuna’s arm and stepped aside to let the paramedics carry Shaun into the ambulance.

An awkward atmosphere hung in the air after the ambulance left, but since Shaun was the top priority at the moment, we all got into our cars and rushed to the hospital.

By the time the nurse finished tending to Shaun’s injuries, he had already fallen asleep. Audrey refused to leave, afraid that she would not see Shaun again if she left. Hence, we stayed and waited in the ward.

Yuna and James pestered the attending doctor, bombarding the doctor with a barrage of questions about Shaun’s follow-up treatment. They make it look like Shaun truly is the apple of their eye, but it’s probably just an attempt to put on a perfect front.

It was almost dark when Shaun finally woke up. Audrey fed him some chicken soup, and he gradually regained some color in his cheeks.

“Mrs. Fuller… Please take Ms. Audrey home. I’ll be fine by myself,” Shaun said slowly. It was still difficult for him to speak.

“I’m not going back! I want to stay here with Shaun!” Audrey protested.

Before I could even say anything, Audrey had already thrown a tantrum. She puffed out her cheeks furiously and turned her back to me, sulking.

I haven’t even done anything, yet she already thinks of me as her ‘enemy.’ She’s even siding with an outsider instead of her mother at such a young age. Gosh, what’s it going to be like when she grows up?

I could not help but sigh as those thoughts crossed my mind. At that moment, Ashton appeared at the door and walked in with an impassive expression.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“You were the one who took something of mine with you when you left the house,” he replied. By the time he finished his sentence, he had already strode over to the hospital bed.

I was puzzled. “What did I take?”

For convenience’s sake, I had only taken a small handbag that could store my phone and bank card.

He answered solemnly, “You took my soul. You were out for so long that I’m feeling rather weak now.”

I shot him an exasperated look. Honestly, read the room before you crack a joke like that!

Ashton understood the meaning behind the look I gave him, but he did not respond. He looked around the room and saw Audrey. She was still fuming silently.

“Audrey Stovall, didn’t you notice that I’ve just arrived?” Ashton asked, feigning a stern attitude.

Audrey seemed to be even more infuriated. She replied coldly, “I did, but I’m going to ignore you. You’re a liar, Daddy. And so is Mommy!”


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