In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 546-547-548-549-550

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 546-547-548-549-550

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 546-547-548-549-550

In love, never say never chapter 546

I grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her toward the bedroom on the second floor. “It’s funny how you call me shameless when you’ve been clinging to him for so many years and testing my patience time after time with your petty little tricks. See this bed right here? It’s where we spent countless nights. It’s where I’ve experienced his gentle and passionate side up close and personal. I still remember him telling me how he wished he could die while lying on top of me!”

That pushed her over the edge, and she raised her hand to hit me, but I caught it in time and pointed at the entrance to the wardrobe. “You see the clothes and jewelry in the wardrobe? He handpicked them all for me. In fact, he even went as far as investing in hundreds of jewelry stores and bringing home collections worth millions for me. Has he ever done that for you? I don’t think so!”

Seeing as she was on the verge of breaking down, I sneered and shoved her onto the bed. “Why don’t you lie there and think about what Ashton has ever done for you, hmm? Think about how much love and affection he has shown you!”

“So what? My brother already handed me over to him, so there’s no way he can ever get rid of me! I could haunt you like a phantom all your life if I wish to! If I can’t live a happy life, then neither will you!”

Hearing that from her came as no surprise at all. “You know he doesn’t love you, and yet you stubbornly cling to him? Listen to yourself, Rebecca, and tell me who the shameless one really is! Ten years have passed, and the only thing you’ve managed to accomplish is disgust him further! Nothing happened between you two even during my four years of absence. On the other hand, a single glance at me in R Province was all it took for him to miss me dearly!”

I let out a chuckle at the sight of the increasingly cold look on her face as I continued, “You had plenty of chances to win him over, and yet you’ve failed to do it. Do you realize how much of a failure you are, Rebecca? You lost your dignity and pride as a woman, only to have him find you repulsive! Heck, you

don’t even come close to Nancy, who at least gets to attend events with him! To say he’s practically forgotten all about you wouldn’t be an overstatement.”

“You’re lying!” Rebecca broke into tears. “Nancy is just an escort, so why should I have to compete with her?”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. You know, I would give you a chance if you’re actually confident in winning Ashton over, but that isn’t the case. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come to me countless times just to insult me. Heck, Ashton wouldn’t even have looked at you if it weren’t for Parker’s sake! You’re only coming to me because it makes you feel better about your pathetic self.”

That’s right… Had Ashton developed even the slightest bit of feelings for her, he would’ve at least shown her some signs of affection. However, all Rebecca has achieved is wasting ten years of her life. She’s obviously not too happy about it, but she won’t go to Ashton for fear of the look of disgust he’d give her.

“Okay… Fine…” Rebecca stopped crying all of a sudden and broke into a bitter smile. “Since it has come to this, I might as well get rid of you for good! Since Ashton loves you dearly, losing you would be hell on earth for him! If I can’t have him, then neither can you!”

She then pulled out a knife from her purse and held it up high as she charged at me.

Wait… I wasn’t expecting this. Why does she have a knife on her?

It all happened too quickly, so it was too late for me to move out of the way.

I instinctively closed my eyes and braced myself for the worst, but nothing happened. When I slowly opened my eyes a few seconds later, I saw Ashton standing before me.

He was dressed fully in black and looked as handsome as always, except his forehead was covered in sweat.

He came running all the way here?

He had grabbed Rebecca by the wrist and stopped her from plunging the knife into me. “I told you, your fate would be a hundred times worse if you so much as lay a hand on her!” he shouted coldly, his voice filled with rage.

Ashton then shoved her away and shielded me from her as he gave Joseph a call. “Call the police, Joseph!”

It was obvious that he had already told Joseph to be on standby before coming over.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at me worriedly and asked, “What are you doing here?”

“I brought her over to make her give up on you,” I replied.

In love, never say never chapter 547

He let out a sigh and turned toward Rebecca. “You can choose to either leave K City forever or get arrested for breaking and entering.”

Rebecca went pale and shook her head in disbelief. “You can’t do this to me, Ash! You promised my brother you’d take good care of me!”

Ashton shot her a fierce glare and said coldly, “You mentioning your brother now only disgusts me further. In fact, his biggest failure in life is having a sister like you.”

Rebecca had barely steadied herself after getting up from the floor when his words hit her like a sledgehammer and sent her falling back down again.

Ashton stared down at her as he continued, “For Parker’s sake, I’m willing to pay you any sum of money as compensation, but you tried to hurt my wife today, and I will not let it slide. You’re looking at three years in prison for first-degree burglary. Of course, you do have the option to take the money and leave K City, under the condition that you disappear from our sight forever!”

The murderous intent in his cold voice was palpable.

Rebecca had broken down completely and sat motionless on the floor while Joseph arrived with the police shortly after.

There were no security cameras in the villa, but Rebecca still had the knife in her hand when the police came in. Given Ashton’s power and influence, getting her jailed for burglary was no problem at all.

However, he didn’t say a word, and the police simply took Rebecca in for interrogation as per the normal procedure.

We were both quiet on the drive home. As I stared blankly out the window, I thought about what happened earlier. When did he get there? How much of our conversation did he overhear? Oh, this reminds me… He once told Rebecca that she could only give but not ask for love. That makes sense… After all, love that you only receive by asking isn’t worth anything.

Right then, he stopped the car by the side of the road, snapping me out of my train of thoughts. I looked at him in confusion and asked, “We’re not home yet?”

Ashton nodded, got out of the car, and disappeared behind a corner on the street.

A while later, he came back with a box of chocolates in hand. “Here, try it!” he offered while holding it out to me, but I just stared blankly at the box without responding.

He then took my hand and whispered into my ear, “You can scold me all you like. Don’t keep quiet like this.”

His hand feels so warm… Maybe it’s because mine is icy-cold…

I looked up at him and said in a hoarse voice, “She didn’t break into the house. I was the one who brought her in.”

He started the engine and nodded as he placed the box of chocolates into my hand. “I know.”

“Why’d you let the police take her away?” I had no appetite for anything at all.

He let out a sigh and looked at me. “She has to learn her lesson, Scarlett. I won’t always be around to protect you, you know? What do you think would’ve happened if I wasn’t around earlier?”

“I would’ve gotten stabbed,” I replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

He raised an eyebrow at me. “Is that all?”

“And I might have died.”

He let out another sigh. “I’ve waited four years for you, and this is what I get in return? Having to live a life where you only exist in my memories?”

Upon hearing that, I kept quiet.

“I have to do something to prevent her from hurting you again, Scarlett. I can’t guarantee that I’ll always be able to save you in the nick of time if she comes after you, nor can I predict when such an incident will occur again. The only thing I can do is get rid of her completely.”

“What do you plan to do next?” I asked after a brief pause.

He had a cold look in his eyes as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “Either have her leave K City forever, or sue her and have her spend three years in prison.”

I frowned. “The hatred and resentment in her will only build up and give rise to new conflict. We can’t punish her for something she hasn’t done.”

“That’s why I’m planning on forcing her to leave instead,” he said with a stern look on his face.

I… Fine, I guess this is the best possible solution…

It was quite late when we got back to the villa. I had eaten while I was in the mall earlier, so I wasn’t really hungry.

Summer was munching on a slice of cake that Flora had baked. “I want some chocolates too, Mommy!” she said while staring at the box in my hand with those innocent-looking eyes of hers.

I let out a sigh and handed her the box. “You mustn’t eat too much of it or you’ll get cavities, okay?”

Summer nodded with a huge smile on her face.

Ashton shot me a glance and said with a chuckle, “Looks like I’ve got some competition for your affection.”

Ignoring his comment, I sat down on the sofa as I asked, “How much of my conversation with Rebecca did you overhear?”

There is no such thing as a pure and beautiful soul, and anyone who appears that way is simply putting on a facade. When you get to know them, you’ll eventually see their hideous side.

He sat down on the sofa in front of me. “Just a little.”

“You must think I’m pretty evil, huh?”

He flashed me a grin and edged closer toward me. “Do you want to let her bully and humiliate you, then?”

In love, never say never chapter 548

I shook my head. “No, I don’t.”

He nodded. “So why would you be bothered about that when you were simply defending yourself? Black and white are not the only colors in this world, you know? It is impossible to classify someone as good or bad based on their actions alone.”

Hmm… That is indeed true. Fine, I’ll admit that he’s right.

I stood up and said, “I’ve already eaten with Aunt Sally in the mall earlier, so you can have dinner with Summer instead.”

“That was in the afternoon. You will join us for dinner later,” he said in a firm and commanding tone.

I glared at him. “Are you ordering me around?”

He paused for a moment before reaching out and pulling me back toward the sofa. “I mean… Dinner just isn’t complete without the whole family at the table, right?”

What kind of logic is that?

I pouted at him and repeated, “Hmph! You were ordering me around!”

“How about you do the same to me, and we’ll call it even?” he asked with a smile.

I rolled my eyes at him. “No, thank you!”

“What will you have me do, then?”

“You’re not allowed to sleep in the bedroom tonight,” I said after giving it some thought.

He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, “But that’s a little too much for me to handle… Can you come up with something else instead, hmm?”

His deep voice sounded incredibly sexy, but I shook my head firmly and said, “Nope!”

At that moment, Summer had chocolate all over her face as she climbed onto Ashton’s lap and said, “You can’t just hug Mommy, Mr. Fuller! You need to hug me too!”

As I moved a little bit to the side to make space for Summer who had just interrupted us, I cleared my throat before changing the topic. “Ahem… So, New Year’s Eve is just around the corner. When will you get off work?”

Ashton grabbed a piece of tissue and wiped the chocolate off Summer’s face. “After we conclude the end-of-year meeting, I guess.”

I nodded and kept quiet after that.

Summer seemed to have grown quite attached to Ashton after spending a lot of time with him.

“Dinner is ready, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller!” Flora called out to us while setting the table and serving up the food.

Summer ran over the moment she heard that. Seeing the scrumptious dishes on the table, her mouth watered as she called out to Flora in a sweet voice.

Flora picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek before assisting her with the dishes. “Mr. Fuller, I noticed that the snow in the yard out back has begun to melt, and the flowers have all wilted. Shall we grow some vegetables there? You’ll be able to enjoy the harvest come spring.”

Ashton nodded and replied, “I’ll leave that to you, so do as you see fit.”

The yard in the main house was filled with all sorts of flowers and plants, which would be replaced each season for the sake of aesthetics. On the other hand, the yard in the rear house was kept empty so they could plant anything they wanted whenever they pleased.

Ashton topped up my plate when he saw me staring into space. “Don’t space out while eating. You’re not a kid anymore, you know?”

“Mommy is a big kid, and I’m a little kid! Poor Mr. Fuller, you have to look after two kids!” Summer said with a giggle.

I felt my face burn up a little but could only shoot Ashton a glare with Summer around. Damn it, I know he said that on purpose!

“Yup! Your mommy will always be my kid!” Ashton told Summer with a smile.

Summer looked at us both and asked, “Is Mr. Fuller my daddy as well? My classmates say their parents live together, and you two are staying in the same room too! Does that mean you’re my parents?”

Oh, the innocence of children sure is beautiful…

I tensed up slightly and glanced at Ashton.

“Do you want me to be your daddy, Summer?” he asked while topping up her dish.

Summer was a little confused but nodded seriously anyway. “I do!”

After giving it some thought, she continued, “Are you my biological father too?”

“I’ve always been your daddy, Summer. It’s just that… I did something wrong which made your mommy really angry, so she brought you with her all the way to R Province. That’s why you’ve been living there with her for so many years and only returned home now.”

“Then why didn’t you come to look for us, Mr. Fuller?” Summer asked.

Children sure are capable of coming up with all sorts of weird questions… I quickly replied while adding more food to her plate, “There is no why, Summer. Didn’t I tell you not to talk when eating?”

“Oh, right!” Summer winked mischievously at Ashton and finished the rest of her meal in silence.

After tucking Summer in, I saw Ashton come out of the shower when I returned to our bedroom.

“We’re good to go today,” he said in a deep voice.

After staring blankly at him for a few seconds, I realized what he meant when I noticed the weird look in his eyes.

In love, never say never chapter 549

“T-The doctor said I shouldn’t move about too much before I fully recover!” I stammered while blushing.

With his hand on the wall behind me, he trapped me between him and the wall. “But you’ve been recovering for a really long time now.”

He then leaned in and nibbled on my ear, giving me goosebumps all over.

I instinctively grabbed onto his bathrobe and said, “I’m going to take a shower first…”

“You can do that later!”

Before I knew it, Ashton scooped me into his arms and placed me on the bed.

I found myself spacing out a little when I felt his familiar scent and domineering aura.

“Still spacing out at a time like this? Looks like you really are dissatisfied with my performance, eh?”

“No, I… Mmph…” He smothered me with a barrage of passionate kisses before I could finish.

Had I not cried and begged him for mercy, I probably wouldn’t have gotten any sleep that night.

When I saw Ashton the next morning, I tried to run away, but he was faster and pinned me against the wall. “Why are you running from me?”

I swallowed nervously and hesitated for a bit before saying, “Ashton… I think we should sleep in separate bedrooms…”

I won’t survive sleeping with him every night…

He arched an eyebrow at me. “What kind of married couple would do such a thing?”

“There are lots of them who do that, actually.”

He pulled me into his arms and said with a smile, “Well, not us.”

“It’s time for you to go to work,” I reminded him, closing my eyes.

“Oh, I’ve still got some time for a quick one…” He began running his hands over my body as he said that.

I was dumbfounded.

“But I’m a little tired, Ashton…” I said while brushing his hand off, but he simply ignored me and hit me with another wave of kisses.

With our warm bodies firmly pressed against each other, the temperature in the room rose and formed a great contrast with the cold winter outside.

I sometimes wondered if I would literally die in bed if he weren’t able to control himself.

Fortunately, this one didn’t last very long as he had to leave for work in a bit.

“Will you be heading out in the afternoon?” he asked with a satisfied smile as he came out of the bathroom, wiping himself dry with a towel.

“Hannah is done with her postnatal care, so we’re going shopping,” I replied while lying on the bed, feeling somewhat tired.

He nodded. “I’ll have Joseph give you two a ride, then.”

While he continued to dry his hair, I couldn’t help but notice his chiseled abdominal muscles, which made him look incredibly sexy. Man, he probably would’ve made a fortune being a model if he weren’t the chairperson of Fuller Corporation!

I was snapped out of my trance when he tossed his towel at me and asked, “What, you haven’t had enough?”

Did he catch me staring?

I climbed out of bed and shot him a glare. “That’s it! We’re sleeping in separate beds, Ashton!”

I then stormed into the bathroom without waiting for his response, only to hear his devilish laughter outside the door.

By the time we came downstairs, Summer had already been sent to school. Flora noticed the cheeky smiles on our faces and said, “I made you two some beef stew. It’ll help to replenish your strength!”

For some reason, I found myself blushing hard when I heard her say that.

As I cleared my throat awkwardly, I shot Ashton a glance, and he simply flashed me a gentle smile in response.

After breakfast, he left for work immediately as things were pretty hectic in the company. “Make sure to come back early for dinner, okay?”

I nodded in response and saw him off at the front door.

Meanwhile, Joseph stayed behind and looked at me as he said, “I’ll give you a ride afterward, Mrs. Fuller.”

I shook my head and declined his offer politely, “It’s okay, I can drive there myself later. Don’t worry about me. Just go on ahead!”

“But Mr. Fuller has specifically instructed me to take you there.”

“I know, but I think I can manage this one on my own. A talented personal assistant like yourself shouldn’t be wasting your time on something like this. Now then, off you go!”

Seeing as he was still hesitant to leave, I grabbed some broccoli from the refrigerator and handed it to him. “Here, you can tell Mr. Fuller that I had you bring this to him.”

Joseph stared at me in confusion. “Broccoli?”

I nodded. “Yes, now get going!”

There weren’t any flowers at home right then, so that was the closest I could get my hands on. I mean… It is technically a flower, after all!

Joseph hesitated for a little while before leaving with the broccoli in hand.

I then got myself a change of clothes and tidied up the bedroom before driving out of the garage.

Hannah and I were supposed to meet up at noon. It was still a little early when I arrived, so I decided to kill some time in a nearby restaurant.

As I had appeared on television several times before, the waiter who attended to me was able to recognize me.

In love, never say never chapter 550

At first, he looked a little shocked but was quick to regain his composure and smiled politely at me as he asked, “Good day, Miss. What can I get you?”

I shook my head and smiled back at him. “I’ll just have a glass of water for now. I’ll order the food when my friend gets here.”

The waiter returned moments later and handed me a glass of water. “Here you go, Miss. Just let me know if you ever need anything.”

With a nod, I thanked him in response.

He began whispering with his colleagues upon returning to the till, and I noticed them occasionally glancing in my direction. Huh… So they’re talking about me…

I pursed my lips and sipped on the water while staring out the window. Ever since Ashton came down hard on White Corporation, everyone’s focus had been on their stock prices which could fall at any time.

I knew that very well, and yet I couldn’t do much about it as Marcus was consumed by his hatred and resentment that had been amplified by the traumatic incident years ago. Although I hoped that he would learn to let go of the past, I had no right to say anything about it.

There’s no way of telling who’s right or wrong in life. It doesn’t matter if Rebecca’s feelings toward Ashton are that of obsession or true love because there’s no going back anymore. Devotion and undying loyalty won’t work on everyone. With certain people, it’s best to just let go instead…

I was snapped out of my train of thoughts when I realized I had finished the glass of water. Then I glanced at my phone and saw that it was already noon, but there was still no sign of Hannah.

Right as I was about to put my phone away, Hannah’s call came in all of a sudden.

She apologized profusely the moment I answered the phone, “I’m so sorry, Scarlett! The baby’s got a fever, and I’m at the hospital right now. I’m afraid I won’t be able to go shopping with you today. I’ll treat you to something next time, okay?”

I nodded. “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

After hanging up the phone, I glanced at the empty glass on the table and decided to order some food now that I was already there.

My phone began ringing again halfway through the meal. It was an unknown number which was calling from K City.

I answered it politely and asked, “Hello, may I know who’s calling?”

“Hey, Letty! It’s me!” The loud and husky voice of a middle-aged man sounded from the other end of the line.

I recognized it as Zachary’s voice almost immediately.

“Oh, hello there!”

Zachary seemed to be finding the right words to say as there was a moment of silence before he continued, “Are you busy? It’s New Year’s Eve tomorrow. Your mother and I are planning on visiting you and Summer so we could do the countdown together!”

This middle-aged man used to be a ruthless business magnate, and yet here he was being extremely cautious when talking to his own daughter. Somehow, this made me feel kind of sad.

I took another sip of my water and said, “Sure, that’d be great!”

He breathed a sigh of relief, sounding like a happy child as he said, “Okay! Your mom and I will come over a little earlier tomorrow. What do you like to eat? We’ll shop for the ingredients and whip up your favorite dish! Oh, and what does Summer like? Should we get her a Barbie Doll? Or maybe…”

He’s being a little too enthusiastic about this… This isn’t like him at all…

I cut him off, “That won’t be necessary. We have everything we need at home, so you two can just come over.”

“No, that simply won’t do! Go ask Summer what she likes to eat, and I’ll make some for her tomorrow.” That was Cameron’s voice, which meant they were right next to each other at the time.

“Like I said, that really isn’t necessary. If we really need anything, Ashton can just get someone to buy it for us.”

I then heard a beep from my phone and saw that it was the low battery reminder. “Anyway, my phone is about to die, so I have to go now!”

After hanging up, I let my mind wander for a bit as I sat there, staring into space.

When we were younger, Macy and I used to swear that we would never get married and that we would both work hard to buy a house of our own where we could both live happily ever after. Well, I suppose

we all change as we grow up… When you reach a certain age, having a family is all that matters to you.

For some reason, those thoughts reminded me of Sally, and I quickly texted Ashton to invite her over tomorrow as well.

My phone died right after the text was sent, and the waiter came over with the food I ordered.

When I heard a commotion at the restaurant entrance, I looked up to see Marcus coming in through the door with a group of men following behind him.

He seemed a little pale and worn out, which was probably due to the crisis that White Corporation was facing.

Marcus had always been an aloof person in general, and his slender figure made him stand out from the crowd even more.

Someone must have told him I was here, as he looked right at me shortly after entering the restaurant.

Ugh… It’s probably the restaurant manager standing next to him. Oh, well… We were both victims of scandals, so people tend to talk about us whenever they see us. I should’ve left sooner…

After meeting his gaze, I lowered mine and carried on eating my food.

Thankfully, he just sat down with his group of people without coming over.


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