In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 736-737-738-739-740

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 736-737-738-739-740

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 736-737-738-739-740

In love, never say never chapter 736

The crowd which gathered around was perplexed, but I could anticipate Ashton’s next move.

He held on to Rachel, but his gaze was on me, cold and with disappointment.

“Ms. Fuller…” Rachel looked at him in bewilderment. The woeful look in her eyes could melt most hearts.

“This is yours, so wear it,” Ashton indulgently insisted in his deep, mellow voice. He put the bracelet on Rachel’s wrist, held on to her hand, and spoke tenderly, “This is a gift for you, so it’s yours. You don’t have to remove it if you don’t wish to.”

Rachel was caught off-guard by Ashton’s loving behavior. Her anger dissipated immediately, and she blushed girlishly. She was overjoyed.

“Ashton Fuller, you…” Nora was speechless with anger.

Armond, who had been quietly setting up the grill, walked over and pulled her away. “Don’t you want to watch the stars tonight? If you delay any further and it starts to rain, then all you get to watch will be cloud and lightning.” He took the knife from her and handed it to me. “Solve your own problem,” he solemnly uttered.

Me? What?

I looked around and felt everyone seemed to think I instigated Nora to create this scene. I wanted to defend myself, but on second thought, I kept my peace. I will only come across as being guilty if I try to defend myself.

I looked at Ashton blankly. Rachel arrogantly gave me the eye, showing off her bracelet triumphantly.

I pursed my lips, kept quiet, and went back to cut the remaining vegetables.

Everyone also resumed what they were doing. with the earlier incident weighing on their mind.

Laurel finished washing her vegetables and brought them to me. “Scarlett, did you not told us you are married? How did you get into this entanglement with Mr. Fuller?” she whispered.

She stole a glance at Armond and Nora. “Also, I always thought Armond was interested in you. When did he become so close to Nora? What has happened?” she probed.

Her curiosity amused me. “You bombarded me with so many questions. Which am I supposed to answer first?” I jested.

She thought about it and decided, “First, tell me, what is your relationship with Ashton Fuller?”

“Yes! Yes! I noticed the way he gazed at you was different. Don’t tell me you were once lovers!” Tabitha poked her head over for gossips.

Indeed, women can never resist juicy gossips.

“Lover, my foot. She is his legitimate wife. That man has been bewitched!” Nora joined us, still fuming with anger.

“What? You are Ashton Fuller’s wife?” the two girls exclaimed, wide-eyed.

“Ex-wife. We are divorced.” I stopped whatever I was doing and corrected them. I was worried more misunderstandings will arise if I don’t.

“Bllsht. You initiated the divorce, but Ashton has not agreed to it yet,” Nora countered.

“So, how are you related now? And what is with Ms. Zimmer?” Tabitha grimaced.

“That’s right, the three of you have such complex relationships. How awkward for an ex-wife to meet up with the current girlfriend. At first, I thought they were a couple, so sharing a tent seems normal. Scarlett, you must be so ill at ease with them spending the night together,” Laurel added.

“Not to worry, I am not bothered. It is actually quite nice to see them together,” I replied, unconcerned.

“My gosh! You drove away such a catch! Are you out of your mind, Scarlett?”

“I agree!”

Tabitha and Laurel chipped in animatedly, and they seemed astounded.

“You would be the ones out of your mind if you decide to continue with this gossip. It may start to rain and this beautiful starry night will turn into a cold rainy night instead,” I interrupted them.

“Don’t worry, I checked the weather forecast. No rain expected,” Nora declared confidently.

“Well, you never know. These are ready. Start grilling them.” I thrust the cut potatoes and vegetables into her hands and hurried her on.

Tabitha was called away by her fiancé. Laurel stooped next to me and continued her tattle. “I heard Ashton’s company is based in K City, so you came from K City too, right?. You have always said you lived in A City, so I thought you were from there. I’m curious, did you two break up because of Rachel?”

“Very often, a couple breaks up due to personal differences, not because of a third party.” I shook my head and continued skewering the cut potatoes.

In love, never say never chapter 737

She nodded in agreement. Her face appeared a little forlorn. “You’re right. The future is unpredictable. Back then, I married him with so much joy and anticipation. Never had I expected that every single day

of my married life would be like hell to me. I can’t even run away.”

Turning to look at her, I smiled faintly and asked, “Let’s stop talking about me. Why don’t you tell me about yourself?”

The woman shrugged. A helpless look crossed her round face. “A book I’ve read says that all the happy families are similar, but the unhappy ones are all different from one another. I totally agree with it.”

I nodded my head. Afterward, Nora scampered over to me with a plate in her hand. “Hey, try this. I grilled some meat for you two.”

Staring at the few slices of grilled meat on the plate, Laurel asked, “Didn’t we bring enough meat this time?”

Nora shook her head. “No, we brought quite a lot of them. We segregated the jobs and asked Rachel to marinate the meat, but she didn’t even touch it, so Tabitha only started to marinate them just now. These are all we have for now. Come on, try it.”

Laurel pursed her lips with displeasure. “I knew it. It takes time to find out someone’s true colors. At first, I felt that she’s quite outgoing and generous, but now I’m starting to hate her.”

Nora nodded in agreement. Looking at us, she asked, “What did both of you talk about? It seems you’re having a good time.”

“We’re only talking about our family affairs.” Putting some food on another plate, I handed it to her. “These are ready to be grilled now. Pass it to them.”

Taking the plate, Nora asked with an inquisitive expression. “What family affairs did you guys talk about? Share with me, please.”

With that said, her eager gaze was riveted on Laurel, as if she wasn’t going to leave if the latter didn’t tell her something.

Having no other choice, Laurel finally told her, “It’s about the frustrations that the married women like us have. You’ve never been in a relationship, so you can’t understand our feelings.”

Nora clicked her tongue and said exasperatedly, “What do you mean by I can’t understand your feelings? I’ve heard people talking about it before. By the way, I heard that you’re going to get a divorce. What happened?”

At Nora’s words, I turned to look at Laurel, as I didn’t know much about her marriage.

Laurel heaved a sigh. “We’ve been arguing for months. In our six years of marriage, all our child’s expenses are on me. I know I’ve no right to complain. After all, the child is mine. But I live like a widow now. I almost lost my life in Venria and lost contact with him for a long time. Yet, he didn’t even call or text me. What’s the point of being with someone like him? When I came back from Venria, he left our child with my mother-in-law and went outstation. In the name of starting a business, he took all our savings with him. I can hardly see him now. I’ve lost faith in him, so I’m thinking of getting a divorce.”

Nora nodded and let out a sigh. “Yeah, it’s pointless to stay in this kind of marriage. You’re better off single.”

She then turned to look at me. “Scarlett, your case is different from hers. Ashton is a rare gem. He’s rich and loves you deeply. No matter how severe the conflict is between you and him, you both should talk it out and solve it calmly. Afterward, you can be happy ever after. Why don’t you give him another chance?”

As the conversation was directed back to my relationship with Ashton, I stood up, took the plate of food from her, and suggested, “Let’s go and grill some meat.”

Trailing behind me, she rattled on, “Scarlett, what’s the use of running away from it?”

I ignored her and ambled over to the barbecue stand. The others were grilling their food while chatting away.

Glancing at the woman behind me, Tabitha passed me some grilled sausages. “Why are you babbling?”

Nora pressed her lips together. “I’m teaching her about politics.”

All of a sudden, she turned to look at Rachel and said, “You know nothing but how to flirt with men. Instead of joining us, you should just check into a hotel with your man.”

For a moment, the atmosphere became awkward. Rachel’s face turned pale. She even stopped chewing the meat in her mouth.

“Okay, okay, let’s bring the cushions out. The moon and the stars look so beautiful tonight. This is perfect for stargazing. Don’t be a party pooper.”

Laurel pulled Nora along to take the cushions. Armond and Tabitha’s fiancé followed them. With the help of the two men, they could carry the cushions without difficulty.

Leaning closer to me, Tabitha asked suspiciously, “Don’t you feel awkward?”

Puzzled, I asked her back, “Why should I feel awkward?”

“Your ex-husband and his new girlfriend are around. Don’t tell me that you don’t care at all. That’s bulls**t.”

With a faint smile, I gazed up at the starry night sky. “I think the moon and the stars are more worthy of our attention now.”

I changed the topic, and she pursed her lips. Right then, they brought the cushions to us. Everyone lay on a cushion while stargazing.

Tabitha was with her fiancé, while Armond was by Nora’s side, and Ashton was next to Rachel. All the couples looked so sweet together.

Thank God that Laurel and Tessa kept me company, so I felt at ease. Only when I lay down did I realize Ashton was lying right next to me, with Rachel by his other side.

In love, never say never chapter 738

For a moment, I actually felt slightly uneasy. Fortunately, Laurel was here to chat with me.

“I remember we loved camping and hiking when I was still in university. Looking back, I really miss those good old days.” She sighed. “In just the blink of an eye, ten years have whizzed past.”

“You’re right. I can’t believe I’m going to be thirty soon!” Nora sighed. “I feel like I’m still young and free. How did I grow old so fast?”

Gazing at the night sky full of shimmering stars, I took a deep breath. “There’s no need to dwell on the past. People just have to do what they’re supposed to do in due courses like studying, getting married, and giving birth. Our ancestors had lived for thousands of years, yet they followed the same routine. It’s not that they hadn’t thought of living their ideal lives. Perhaps they had experienced the freedom which we all long for, but in the end, they found it even more unbearable than being married and having kids.”

Nodding her head, Nora turned to glance at Tessa. “Tessa, aren’t you into philosophy? What do you think about life?”

Pressing her lips together, the woman looked intently at the night sky for a few seconds before saying indifferently, “Life and death have been fated from the start. It’s an endless cycle of torment.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Nora mumbled and pouted her lips. She then turned to Armond and asked with a sweet smile, “Mr. Murphy, do you have anything to say?”

“No,” Armond replied. His icy gaze was fixed on the night sky.

“Ouch!” All of a sudden, Rachel jumped to her feet with her hands over her stomach, and her face contorted with agony. “My stomach hurts.”

Ashton furrowed his brows. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. I’m having a stomach-ache. Maybe I ate something bad. Excuse me, I need to relieve myself.” Immediately, she scurried away while holding her tummy.

Watching the woman sprinting toward the end of the enormous field, everyone tried to stifle a laugh. There was no undergrowth or trees that could act as a cover across the field, so she had to run further away.

None of them had thought of this issue before camping.

Nora let out a half-suppressed giggle, moving closer to me. “I bet she’ll not be able to enjoy the stargazing tonight.”

“Why did you say so?” Staring at her enigmatic face, I couldn’t help but ask.

The woman flashed me a sly smile and said impishly, “That’s the consequence of acting all high and mighty when she knows nothing at all. I had no other way to vent my frustrations.”

Glancing at her sneaky expression, I made a wild guess. “Did you put something in her food?”

She shrugged noncommittally. “I only added a little chocolate in the glass of milk she drank just now.”

Bewildered, I asked, “Can milk and chocolate cause diarrhoea?”

She nodded her head. “Yes. Don’t worry, she won’t die. She’ll only have the runs.”

I see.

“Look! A shooting star!” someone screamed in delight. In an instant, everyone looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, a few dazzling shooting stars glided through the night sky.

“Hurry and make a wish!” Nora closed her eyes and clasped her hands together at once, wishing solemnly upon the star.

A smile spread across my face. Instinctively, I turned to the other side. I was stunned when I locked eyes with Ashton unexpectedly.

Never had I thought that he was looking at me at the same time. His dark, gleaming eyes appeared slightly distant and aloof.

In a split second, I swiftly averted my gaze. Like Nora, I closed my eyes and acted as though I was making a wish as well. Under his steady gaze, the rhythm of my heartbeat became frantic.

“What did you wish for?” After the shooting stars vanished, Nora asked enthusiastically, staring at me.

“I wish for peace, joy, and health,” I answered impassively.

She gave me a sniff of disapproval. “How boring. Why did you wish for those things? You might as well just wish that you’ll come to your senses.”

Afterward, she looked at Armond and asked curiously, “Mr. Murphy, what did you wish for?”

Glancing at her coldly, the man answered indifferently, “I don’t believe in this.”

Then, he closed his eyes to take a rest.

Finding the two of us lame and unexciting, she clambered over to Laurel and Tessa to ask them the same question.

Staring at the breath-taking starry night sky, I spaced out. I truly loved such an environment. It was so relaxing and soothing. My mind was clear of unwanted thoughts.

With my eyes closed, I drifted off and felt like I was no longer on earth but in heaven.

After a while, someone suddenly spoke. “Ms. Zimmer has been away for quite some time. Why isn’t she back yet?”

Opening my eyes, I glanced around the campsite. Rachel was nowhere to be seen.

In the meantime, Nora was chatting with Laurel. “Don’t worry, she’s so good at playing innocent and pitiful. She’ll be alright even if she runs into any wild animal.”

It was already 11 p.m., and Rachel had been gone for an hour.

Turning to glance at Ashton, I couldn’t help but urge him. “Mr. Fuller, you should check on her. After all, she’s a woman. It’ll be dangerous if she runs into any problem.”

“Yeah, Mr. Fuller. Hurry and look for her.” Everyone followed suit. It was about time to sleep, since we had finished eating and been stargazing for a while.

In love, never say never chapter 739

After all, Ashton was the one who brought Rachel here. Without a word, he stood up and headed in the direction which Rachel had left.

Standing behind me, Nora poked fun at me. “To be honest, you’re the most magnanimous woman I’ve ever met, pushing your husband to another woman. You’re really a genius!”

Meanwhile, Armond had sauntered toward the tent. I tilted my head and stared at her. “Shouldn’t you go to bed now?”

Her brows drew together as she glanced at Armond. At the same time, the man was looking right back at us with a solemn gaze.

Nora’s face flushed scarlet immediately. “How about sleeping in the same tent? I’m sure you won’t be able to fall asleep alone. Let me keep you company, okay?”

I broke into a fit of giggles. Giving her a sideways glance, I said nothing.

Her cheeks turned beet red as I eyed her suspiciously. “Stop overthinking. We’ve never done it before. Our relationship is as pure as it can be,” she explained hurriedly.

“I didn’t say anything. Why are you in such a hurry to explain yourself? Besides, didn’t Armond end up bleeding the last time?” I shrugged and said with a grin.

Pausing briefly, I raised my voice. “Could it be that Armond couldn’t get it up?”

“Cut the nonsense and go to sleep.” With that, she ran into a tent.

I chuckled at her reaction. Looking in the direction which Ashton left, I became a little worried.

If anything happened to Rachel out in the wild, Ashton had to be responsible for it.

After standing there in silence for a moment, I heaved a sigh and went back to my tent. Nora had already arranged the sleeping bags and hid herself under a blanket. “Hey pretty, spend the night with me.”

Amused, I went speechless for a second. “In this state, you need Armond more than ever. It’ll be romantic and thrilling under such a beautiful night sky.”

The woman tried to hold back a laugh while looking at me. “Scarlett, you’re so dirty-minded.”

With an innocent look, I asked, “How am I dirty-minded? I did nothing at all.”

The woman under the blanket stopped bantering with me and asked, “Honestly, aren’t you worried about Ashton now?”

I froze for a second before asking, “Why should I be worried?”

Blinking her eyes a few times, she added, “Right now, Rachel and Ashton are alone in the wild. The man is dashing, while the woman looks charming. Aren’t you worried that they might give in to the temptation?”

I laughed. “I think I should worry about their safety instead.”

“Hmph!” She nestled in the sleeping bag to find a comfortable spot to sleep.

Just then, Armond’s voice sounded outside the tent. “Scarlett! Nora!”

“What’s the matter?” Hearing his voice, Nora sat up and unzipped the tent instantly.

Armond glanced at me and said with a stern face. “Ashton and Rachel have left for a very long time. They might be in trouble.”

“How is that possible?” Nora’s brows knitted together. “We’re surrounded by grasslands. How dangerous could it be? There are no wild animals around.”

“It’s not because of the wild animals. Beyond this field, there’s a tea farm. Landslides could happen during rainy season,” Tabitha said.

“That’s right. If they’re unlucky and get caught in a landslide, they might lose their lives,” Laurel added.

Appalled, I put on my jacket and scrambled out of the tent. “Let’s go and look for them.”

“Sure.” Nora came out of the tent as well. “The two are quite troublesome.”

All of us headed out to look for Ashton and Rachel. Just as Tabitha said, a tea farm came into view as we strode toward the end of the field.

Luckily, the moonlight was bright enough for us to see the way. After walking for some time, there were no signs of the two or a landslide.

“Could it be that they’ve left?” Nora asked.

“I don’t think so,” Laurel said.

I checked out the area once more, but I didn’t see Rachel and Ashton. “Shall we split up?”

“What? I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Nora’s forehead creased. “There’re only a few of us. What should we do if anyone of us lost the way? I’ve suffered once on a mountain in Venria. I don’t want to go through the same thing again.”

“Don’t worry. We won’t go too far. This hill isn’t that big. We have our phones with us, so call someone right away if you ever get lost. Is that okay?” Only then I thought of calling Ashton. However, the call didn’t get through even after a long while.

Staring at me, Armond said, “He left his phone in the tent.”

I froze at his words. “How do you know that?”

“I went to his tent just now.”


Later, we split up and continued searching for them. Laurel and Tessa were with me, while the others went away together.

The search wasn’t as frightening as expected. It wasn’t difficult to move about when the moonlight was shining brightly on our path.

“Do you think that Ms. Zimmer did this on purpose? Why did she run so far away? It’s just a diarrhoea. Is she trying to get Mr. Fuller to spend time with her in the wild and seduce him?”

In love, never say never chapter 740

Laurel made jokes while flashing the torch onto the ground. I chuckled without commenting on it. Judging from the landscape around us, Rachel couldn’t have found a secluded spot here, but I’m certain she wouldn’t go too far away. Did something happen to her?

Meanwhile, Tessa seemed to be in a foul mood tonight. “She has always been a loose woman. Why does she have to have a diarrhoea now? I’m sure she has an ulterior motive,” she said in a frigid tone.

Clueless about what Nora had done earlier, Laurel asked, “Tessa, I can tell that you dislike Ms. Zimmer too.”

Tessa snorted coldly. “Only men love a woman like her. I bet any other woman will hate her too.”

I stopped listening to their gossips. Afterward, I spotted a darker zone in the middle of the tea farm. Out of curiosity, I marched toward it.

“Ah!” Taking a few steps forward, I fell downward.

“Scarlett!” Laurel shouted in a panic.

I fell into a pit. Unable to judge my current situation, I said, “Laurel, call Nora now. This pit is quite deep.”

“Okay, don’t be afraid. I’m calling them now!” she consoled me.

Reaching into my pockets, I couldn’t find my phone. Perhaps it dropped out of my pocket when I fell.

I squatted down and explored around, trying to look for my phone, but all I could touch was the soil. It was pitch-black all around me, so I could see nothing at all.

Fear grew in my heart. Afraid that I might accidentally touch a snake or an insect, I squatted on the ground and dared not do anything.

“Don’t fret, Scarlett. Nora and the others are coming over. Hold on, I’ll look for them. I’ll be right back!” Laurel said from above. She then added, “Tessa, talk to Scarlett and keep her company. I’ll get the others here.”

Tessa remained silent for a while. “Let me look for them. My stamina is better than yours, so I can walk faster.”

Nodding her head, Laurel stayed here after the woman left. Sprawling beside the pit, she turned on the flashlight of her phone and shone it downward. “Scarlett, can you hear me?”

I saw a glimpse of light over my head. “Yes, I can hear you. Don’t worry, I’m fine. It’s just that it’s too dark down here.”

The woman attempted to drop her phone to me, but I stopped her promptly. “Don’t throw it down. What if I lose it too? I can’t see anything here. Just chat with me.”

Laurel nodded in agreement. Her voice sounded worried as she said, “My phone is running out of battery. Hopefully Tessa will be back soon. We’re not familiar with this hill, so I’m afraid she might lose

her way. That’ll make things worse.”

That was totally possible. Though I felt troubled, I reassured her. “We’ll be fine. Don’t think too much. This place is near to the city. If worse comes to worst, we’ll have to wait till the next morning for someone to come to our rescue. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

Despite my assurance, the woman was still anxious. “But didn’t Tabitha say that landslide will probably happen? What if it rains?”

Exasperated, I have no choice but to comfort her. “No, no, that won’t happen. Nora checked the weather forecast, and it’s not going to rain today.”

She hummed in response for several times. Overwhelmed with anxiety, she chatted with me unceasingly. “Scarlett, won’t you regret giving up on an outstanding man like Ashton?”

Giving it some thoughts, I answered solemnly, “Yes, I’ll regret it. But isn’t it inevitable to have regrets in life?”

“You’re right.” The woman nodded her head in agreement, letting out a sigh. “Rachel is…”

Rumble, rumble. Unexpectedly, a low rumbling of a thunder sounded.

Laurel’s voice trailed off in mid-sentence. She sounded desolate when she asked in a quivering voice, “Is it going to rain?”

Trepidation shot through me at her words. Due to the darkness in the pit, I couldn’t see the situation outside. In case of raining, the water would flow into the pit. Once the rainwater accumulated to become deep enough, I would get drowned.

Lifting my head, I asked, “Laurel, take a look at the sky. Maybe it’s only a dry thunderstorm. It won’t rain as long as there’s no dark cloud.”

The woman was on the verge of crying. I could tell that she was trying to choke back her tears as she whimpered, “Yes, there are dark clouds in the sky now. They appear out of nowhere. It’s drizzling now. Why is Tessa taking so long? Where’s she now?”

Pressing my lips together tightly, I couldn’t deny that I was freaking out. Nevertheless, there was no way out other than trying to save myself now.

Otherwise, not only would I be drowned, but I might also be buried alive if the rain grew heavier and caused a landslide.

Glancing up, I asked, “Laurel, calm down. Try to look around for a thick and long vine or branches and throw them down.”

The woman nodded and hummed in response before she went away.


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