In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 801-802-803-804-805

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 801-802-803-804-805

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 801-802-803-804-805

In love, never say never chapter 801

She had captioned the photos: Treasure the blissful moments in life. Love me truly, madly, deeply!

I frowned and looked at her. “Don’t you think this is too much?”

Nora simply shrugged and replied, “Not at all! I think it perfectly described the essence of these pictures!”

I held my forehand and was speechless. However, I had to admit that it was actually quite appropriate.

My phone vibrated when I was about to put it down and continue enjoying my meal.

I could easily guess who it was without looking at the screen. Nora pouted and said, “Are you going to that shit in front of me again?”

I smiled as I picked up, “Ashton, have you had dinner?”

Ashton’s gentle voice sounded over the phone as he replied, “I’ve already eaten. Are you back at the hotel?”

“Yup,” I answered before taking a bite of salad and continued, “I got back not long ago and was just about to have dinner!”

He was probably still at the office as I could hear him typing. “Seems like you were pretty busy today!” he said.

I nodded and replied, “I learned a lot from Ms. Zimmer today. Level one of the bases is already settled so we spent the whole of today discussing the plan for the second floor. If everything goes well, we should be done by tomorrow.”

He might have heard me munching on my food and said, “Let’s talk later. You should finish your meal properly first!”

After taking a pause, he added, “Finish all your food!”

I pursed my lips upon hearing that. Well, I was still hungry anyway. I hung up after saying just a few more words and continued eating my steak.

Nora looked at me begrudgingly and commented, “How can the both of you be so clingy all the time? Don’t you get sick of it?”

I shrugged, “Is that considered clingy?”

She nodded and replied, “Very. I haven’t seen Armond for a few days already even though he just stays next door. He’s always not around whenever I go over to look for him. He doesn’t pick up my calls as well. He didn’t even call to ask me how I am! I’m starting to feel like I’m in a one-sided relationship.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that…

Forget it. I decided to ignore her and continue eating my steak.

After eating a few more mouthfuls, I suddenly realized that something was amiss. Looking up at her, I asked, “Did you just say you haven’t seen Armond these few days and haven’t been able to get through his phone?”

She nodded and rested her chin on her hand. Feeling frustrated, she replied, “I’m even suspecting that he has forgotten my existence!”

Hmm, what’s Armond busy with these days? Linda and I had been the ones overseeing the Lavelian Village project. By right, he shouldn’t be that occupied. It was indeed baffling that he had not been back to the hotel to rest.

Besides, when I saw Linda in the morning, she looked like she had not slept at all. Could she be busy with other project matters in Lavelian Village?

“Hey, what are you thinking about? It’s not your man who’s missing. Shouldn’t I be the one lost in thought instead?” I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Nora’s voice. I stopped eating after taking a few more bites of my steak as my appetite were gone for some reason.

Perhaps, I wasn’t too hungry in the first place. I paused for a second before looking at her and replied, “Oh, nothing much!”

Nora also stopped eating and lay on her bed as she continued playing with her phone. As such, I called for the waiter to clear up our mess.

A moment later, the woman suddenly exclaimed, “Ahhh! You guys are too much!”

I was startled for a moment before turning towards her, baffled.

She pouted and said, “Look at your Instagram!”

I opened Instagram on my phone and saw that many of my friends had liked the photo Nora just posted on my behalf and some even left comments.

Among them were people from K City. Even Cameron had responded to that photo with a smiley face.

John posted a comment, expressing his disgust, “It’s your first post after what seems like forever. Are you intending to post one picture each day from now on? I can’t believe you two can even show off your love even though you are physically so far apart!” He ended that post with an eye roll emoji.

I rubbed my nose and did not reply to those comments.

Ashton’s reply was simply too attention-seeking. I will always love you truly, madly and deeply! That was his response, completed with a heart-eyes emoji.

I didn’t think much of the comments and looked at Nora, feeling confused. “What’s wrong?”

Sprawling on the bed, she replied dejectedly, “What else? I’m just full of envy! It’s so boring to date Armond. He doesn’t sweet talk, isn’t romantic at all, and has never bought me any gifts. Other men will buy their girlfriends flowers or jewelry. Guess what? The only thing he has given me was sweet nothing! He’s so rich yet he’s so stingy. Why is he like that?”

I smiled faintly and replied, “Maybe he isn’t stingy but it’s just that he doesn’t know what’s expected of him in a relationship. Why don’t you tell him directly what you want?”

Nora pouted and said, “Don’t you know? It’s no longer meaningful if a girl has to ask for it.”

I shrugged, not knowing how to answer. Ashton and I had not exactly dated and neither had we bought any gifts for each other. Our relationship just seemed so ordinary and plain. I did not expect to be the target of envy just because he left a comment on my post.

After giving it some thought, I said, “Nora, I think every relationship is different as the people involved are different. Everyone expresses love differently, so we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others. I didn’t expect that you would envy something that seems so ordinary to me. Similarly, even though you feel like dating Armond is boring, I might envy the dynamics between you two as well. Actually, I feel that it’s more important to cherish what we have presently. Don’t you agree?”

In love, never say never chapter 802

Still sprawling on the bed, Nora sighed. After some thinking, she replied, “You’ve a point. Fine then, I’ll call him again to ask if he’s around!”

After she said that, she tried to call Armond once more. The man picked up only after a few rings.

Even though he was not speaking very loudly, I could still make out what he was saying as the surroundings were rather quiet.

Armond spoke in a low voice, “Have you eaten?”

“Yup,” Nora answered simply before asking, “Where have you been these few days? I couldn’t find you and couldn’t reach you over the phone as well. Are you trying to worry me to death?” Seeing that the man had finally picked up the phone, she did not waste one moment to throw him all the questions she had.

After Nora finished speaking, Armond let out an affectionate chuckle and replied, “I was busy, so I didn’t go back to the hotel. Don’t worry, I’m alright!”

“But I’m not. We’ve already not seen each other for three days and I really miss you. Let me tell you, if you don’t come back to the hotel right now, you can continue enjoy being single!”

Obviously, the woman was throwing a tantrum. It was amazing how people could say all sorts of ridiculous things in a relationship.

Armond nodded at the other end of the phone before saying, “OK, OK, I’ll be right back!”

Then, Nora sat up on the bed and looked at the time on her phone. “How long would you take?”

“Ten minutes!” The man answered immediately.

“OK,” Nora answered simply before ending the call. Immediately after, she bolted up and dashed into the bathroom.

Knowing that she was probably in a rush to wash up before meeting him, I couldn’t help but smile.

Shortly after, Nora was done. She had already put on makeup and was dressed seductively when she emerged from the bathroom.

After making a 360-degree turn in front of me, she asked, “How do I look? Okay?”

I nodded before crossing my arms in front of my chest. Sizing her up, I asked, “Actually, I’m quite curious. Have you guys… done it?”

Nora lowered her head pretentiously and covered her mouth with her hands. Acting embarrassed, she replied, “I’m such a pure and innocent girl! How could you think of me that way?”

I touched my forehead and was speechless at once. “Please say something I can understand!”

With a sudden change in her mood, she pouted and said, “Not yet. He doesn’t seem to be able to get it up whenever we try. There’s nothing I can do about it either!”

My lips twitched and looked at her. “How many times have that happened?”

Nora sighed and looked almost depressed while she answered, “I didn’t keep track of it, but ever since we started dating, we have never succeeded. Recently, all we have been doing was to cuddle each other to sleep. Apart from that, we haven’t done anything yet.”

I didn’t know what to reply to that. Feeling worried, I suggested, “Shouldn’t you persuade him to see a doctor?”

That wasn’t a joking matter. After all, they would have to think of having children if they got married. It would not be fair for a Nora, a woman in her prime years, to be sexually deprived.

However, she merely shrugged and replied, “Let us try again tonight. Maybe we’ll succeed this time round?”

I was stunned for a moment by her reply and asked, “Have you guys considered using some medication?”

“Yup,” she replied absentmindedly before realizing what I meant. Staring at me wide-eyed, she asked, “What do you mean by using medication?”


Before I could answer, Nora replied to her own question, “Yeah, you’re right. Maybe we should try?”

It seemed like she was starting to panic and was going to try any workable methods. I stopped her and said, “Calm down first. I think you should consult a doctor before trying anything. Didn’t Linda said previously that it might be due to a psychological issue? What if he took the medicine and it still doesn’t work? Besides, it might damage his health instead. That would be a disaster, don’t you think?”

That probably made sense to her as she nodded and said, “You’re right. When we go back to A City, accompany me to look for a doctor.”

After she finished speaking, she took a glance at her phone before saying, “OK, I’m going next door now! Talk again tomorrow!”

After she left in a hurry, I couldn’t help but sigh. Her situation reminded me of my own previously. It seemed to be a psychological issue as well. Since the doctor did not have any solution, we had to figure out ways to solve the issues ourselves.

That was a problem only Armond himself could solve. If he was not able to cross his psychological barrier, seeing a doctor wouldn’t help either.

Just then, Ashton called again. I answered the phone and heard Summer’s sweet voice. “Mommy, are you sleeping already?” she asked.

I couldn’t help but smile, feeling happy. “Not yet, but soon. You? You can’t stay up too late yeah? If not, you won’t be able to wake up early tomorrow. Understand?”

“Yup!” she replied. Then, the girl continued in her sugary voice, “Can I just talk to Mommy for a while before going to bed?”

I nodded and lay down on the bed. After standing for almost the entire day, my legs were aching so badly. “What does Summer want to tell Mommy?”

“I saw Mommy’s photos. You look so pretty! Mr. Fuller said that when you’re back, the three of us can go and take more pretty photos together!” The little girl was being very chatty.

I just listened to her quietly and responded intermittently. She shared with me every detail of her life, including miscellaneous events at home and punishments her classmates received from their teacher for fighting with each other.

In love, never say never chapter 803

I nodded and smiled bleakly. After another thirty minutes of conversation, the voice on the other end of the line got softer and softer. She was probably getting sleepier by the minute.

A while later, I heard Ashton’s deep, low voice over the phone. “She has fallen asleep. I’ll send her back to her room first—wait for me to come back!”

I nodded. “Alright.”

I couldn’t help but yawn too—it had been a very long day. Five minutes later, I heard Ashton’s voice again. “Are you very tired today?”

I nodded and replied miserably, “Just a little!” I had been working from morning till night, and my entire body was wracked with fatigue.

“Have you washed up yet?”

I shut my eyes and nodded my head hastily. “Of course, I have.”

An odd thought floated into my head that very moment, and I found myself thinking about Armond and Nora. Rather hesitatingly, I ventured, “Ashton, what happens when you men can’t…you know…”

I heard him suck in a deep breath on the other end of the line. After a short pause, he asked, “Can’t what?”

Hearing his suggestive tone, I knew he was thinking all sorts of rubbish again. I opened my mouth and said, “It’s like this. Armond and Nora are in a relationship now, aren’t they? But Armond seems to have some sort of trauma regarding intimacy. I think it stems from something that happened to him in the past. What do you think he should do?”

After all, who could understand a man better than another man?

Ashton laughed lightly. “That’s their own business, I suppose. Why are you poking your nose into it? Stop thinking so much and go to sleep!”

I pouted and replied in a dissatisfied voice, “Gosh, you’re no fun!”

Ashton laughed again. “I’ll be coming over to A City tomorrow. What do you want to eat?”

Almost immediately, I replied, “Korean barbeque and Japanese cuisine! I’m absolutely craving them right now,”

I only had Nora to thank for that—she kept talking about them last night, and now I wanted to eat them too.

Ashton chuckled softly and said, “Alright then, sleep earlier. Make sure to shut the door and windows properly—double-check the locks, do you hear me?”

Getting tired of his nagging, I said consolingly, “Alright, alright, I got it! You should get some sleep too. See you tomorrow!”

After hanging up the call, I flipped myself out of bed and went to lock the door, after which I headed into the bathroom to wash up. Perhaps it was because work had tired me out too much, but I fell asleep almost as soon as my head touched the pillow.

I woke up early the next morning. September in A City meant lots and lots of sunlight—the dews on green leaves on the trees glistened in the morning sun like precious gems on a string of pearls.

I had slept very well indeed, so I felt very relaxed when I woke up.

We finalized matters regarding the details on the second floor of the base that morning. Since there was nothing going on that afternoon, everyone returned to the hotel for a short debrief.

The collaboration between the Fuller and Murphy Corporations was coming to an end in the next few days, and we would be turning our attentions to other projects. The completion of the base construction marked the end of the project.

As we left the hotel, Rachel let me on the details about the next project. Although both of us were like fire and ice in some aspects, she was flawless when it came to her job, and I thoroughly enjoyed working with her.

Suddenly, she stopped speaking, and a smile broke out on her face. It wasn’t a polite smile—rather, she looked as though she had just seen something she liked. It was a genuine smile, and one that came straight from the heart.

I felt a little surprised. Following her gaze, I saw a man emerge from a black Bentley at the door of the hotel. He was in pressed western suit, and every inch of him screamed nobility and finesse.

I got it at once!

As the man walked towards me, I couldn’t help but laugh. I ran over to him at once and jumped into his arms. “Didn’t you say you were only going to arrive tonight? When did you get here?”

He nudged my nose with his knuckle and said, smiling, “Are you really going to have both Korean barbeque and Japanese food for dinner? We might as well split it into two meals.”

I shook my head. “Of course not.”

A coquettish voice sounded from within the Bentley. “Ash, can you help carry this for me?”

I turned to look curiously at the car and saw a familiar face. It was Rebecca. Judging by the trench coat that was wrapped tightly around her, she had probably just gotten off the plane. Because it was too hot under the sun, she removed her trench coat the moment she stepped out of the car, revealing her alluring figure.

Ashton shot a glance at her. He turned back to me and said, “Wait for me. We’ll be going to the Korean barbeque place in a minute!”

I pursed my lips and tried to hide the growing annoyance in me. “Alright, then.”

Although I had no idea what Rebecca was doing here, I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrows at the two suitcases she was holding. Is she moving house, by any chance?

Ashton called the bellboys over, and they helped Rebecca move her suitcases into the hotel. Afterward, he helped her book a room, and after passing her the card and giving her a few instructions, he left her to her own devices.

Presently, Ashton returned to my side. Taking me by the hand, he asked, “What do you want to eat first?”

“Why did you have to bring her here, too?” I asked, my eyes furrowing in displeasure.

Ashton smiled gently. “Joe was the one who brought her along. He had something on, so he told me to bring her over first.”

I nodded, feeling my appetite vanish suddenly. “Since you just got off a long-haul flight, you must be pretty tired now. Why don’t we rest in our room for a while before having a meal later?”

He raised his brows. “Alright, then. We can eat in the afternoon. Where’s the room card?”

We were still standing at the entrance of the hotel. If I refused to give it to him, he would probably kick up a huge, embarrassing fuss. I had no choice but to hand it over to him. Gritting my teeth slightly, I said, “Go and have some rest first. I’ll come back and wake you up once I’m done with my work!”

In love, never say never chapter 804

He nodded, blinking his eyes, which were ringed with dark circles. He probably hadn’t been sleeping well lately.

As I watched him leave, Rachel, who had been standing silently next to me the whole time, snorted loudly. “Scarlett, my dear, you sure are a generous one. He had the audacity to bring the other woman here, and your expression hasn’t changed a bit. It looks like you are used to it.”

I frowned, too tired to listen to her scathing words. Blandly, I said, “They’re just friends. If I can’t even accept his female friends, do you think that I am fit to be his wife?”

Rachel spluttered with laughter. “Gosh, you have really surprised me. Every day, the tabloids in K City are full of rumors about Mr. Fuller and Ms. Larson. One of them is the chairperson of Fuller

Corporation, while the other one is a young lady of the Moore family. The two of them were practically born to be together. Scarlett, my dear, don’t you feel ashamed about coming between them?”

I looked at her and tried to hold back my temper. “Ms. Zimmer, if you want to gossip about them with me, why don’t we go to a coffeeshop and do it over a cup of coffee?”

She looked rather exasperated that her words didn’t manage to irk me. Mockingly, she replied, “You sound so satisfied with yourself. Honestly speaking, you can’t hold a candle to Rebecca. Who do you think you are?”

“What about you?” I retorted. “What do you think you are? A blood-sucking mosquito or a grain of rice that keeps sticking?”

Rachel’s face turned red as she struggled to make a comeback. “Ms. Zimmer,” I continued, “everyone needs a little bit of self-awareness. There’s nothing wrong with having a crush on someone, but when that person already has a wife and kids, you should keep your hands off him no matter how wonderful he is.”

There was no way we could continue talking about work in this awkward atmosphere. Rachel was so angry that her neck was completely red. I wondered if she was going to strangle me to death on the spot.

I shrugged and headed back into the lobby. I got the spare room card from the front desk and went upstairs.

Ashton had already showered, and he was preparing to go to sleep. When he saw me, he raised his eyebrows and asked, “Are you done with your work?”

I rolled my eyes at him and said crossly, “Thanks to you, she stomped off before we had a chance to talk about work!”

He looked rather stunned. Shoving a towel into my hands, he asked, “Can you help me to dry my hair?”

I refused to take it from him. Still glaring at him, I snapped, “Do it yourself. Don’t you have hands for a reason?”

Ashton laughed, looking rather amused. “You’re mad, aren’t you? Are you angry that Rebecca came along with me this time?”

I shook my head vehemently. “No!”

He snorted loudly. “Well, then, what is it?”

Pouting, I replied, “The stupid minxes you’ve been flirting with.”

Immediately, I heard a loud, exaggerated bark of laughter next to my ear. It sounded carefree and extremely happy.

He pulled me against his chest and grinned widely. “Joe told me to bring her over first while he settled some matters. There’s nothing going on between the two of us, so don’t take it to heart, alright?”

I rolled my eyes at him again and grumbled, “Who said I was angry because of her?” Although that was what I said, I grabbed the towel from his hands and forced him into a chair, whereupon I began to dry his hair with the towel.

I could still hear his amused laughter ringing in my ears.

He had spent a long time on the road today and had just gotten off the plane a few hours before. After I finished drying his hair, he let go of me and collapsed onto the bed. Because I wasn’t particularly tired, I leaned against his chest for a while, willing myself to nod off.

That didn’t work. Instead, I stared up at the ceiling and zoned out. Eventually, I noticed that something wasn’t quite right. I turned my head around and looked at Ashton—his eyes were shut, and he seemed to be sleeping very soundly.

However, I knew that something was up. I opened my mouth and asked in a low voice, “Ashton, are you really asleep?”

He didn’t reply to me, but his fluttering eyelashes told me all I needed to know. He wasn’t fast asleep yet—in fact, he probably wasn’t asleep at all.

Seeing this, I narrowed my eyes and kicked him lightly in the shin. He opened his eyes and looked at me, the black orbs flashing dangerously in the dark.

He took a deep, shuddering breath. Parting his lips slightly, he asked, “You don’t want to sleep?”

I was a grown-up woman, so I understood the salacious intentions behind those words. Pursing my lips, I hissed, “Stop fooling around and go to sleep!”

He laughed hoarsely. A naughty hand found its way to my nether regions as he raised his eyebrow and said, “It’s been three days since I last touched myself.”

My face turned red almost immediately. Glaring at him in embarrassment, I hissed, “Ashton, you’re completely shameless.”

He pulled me into his arms as he wriggled his eyebrows again. “If I wasn’t, how would I be able to get my fill?”

With that, he rolled on top of me and pressed a kiss to my lips. Instantly, my senses were gripped by the strong smell of tobacco smoke and shower gel.

After a long, passionate session of lovemaking, I finally ran out of energy and fell asleep in his arms.

Falling asleep in the middle of the day always messed with my sense of time. I didn’t know how long I slept for, but when I finally opened my eyes, the sky was already dark outside.

Ashton was already awake, and he was making a call on the balcony. From the sound of it, he was in the middle of a work discussion. I turned around in bed and stared at him on the balcony. His tall, slender silhouette was a feast for the eyes.

He probably felt my eyes on him. Turning around abruptly, he caught me staring at him from the bed and smiled. He spoke into the phone, “Alright, then. If anything happens, just contact Joseph directly!”

He hung up the phone immediately and walked towards me. There was only a towel wrapped around his hips, and he was naked from the waist up. This made him look even more alluring than if he was completely naked.

Watching me laugh foolishly, he narrowed his eyes at me in suspicion. Raising his eyebrows, he asked, “What sort of nonsense are you thinking about now?”

In love, never say never chapter 805

As he spoke, he pulled me against his chest and pressed another kiss to my lips.

I pushed him away and said, giggling, “You know, if you ever have to stop working, you could always become a model to support Summer and me. After all, you certainly have the looks for it!”

His lips curled into a smile that looked a little sinister. “Was that supposed to be a compliment?”

I shrugged, nonplussed. “You can think of it as one?”

He wriggled closer to me, his voice sounding even deeper now. “Well, since you think that way, I think you can find out how this male model performs for yourself. What do you think, hmm?”

I froze for a second. Before I could react, he had already pinned me under him again…

I finally woke up at seven in the evening. Dusk had already fallen outside. I took a shower and came back outside, and Ashton helped me to dry my hair. After that, he handed me a particularly thick piece of clothing and told me to put it on.

Seeing the reluctance on my face, he said, “It’s autumn. It gets very cold at night around here, and you might catch a cold if you don’t dress warmly. Put this on!”

I grunted in reply, too lazy to continue arguing with him.

The moment we stepped out of the room, I found Rebecca standing at the door in a thin, figure-hugging dress. She looked at Ashton with a rather pitiful expression and said, smiling awkwardly, “Ash, you’re finally done resting!”

Ashton nodded and looked at her. “What’s up?”

Rebecca bowed her head and said in a pretentious voice, “I didn’t eat anything before I arrived this morning, so I’m feeling a little peckish. I didn’t want to bother you, but it’s my first time here, and I’m not familiar with the area. Joe told me not to run around by myself, so I thought maybe we could go for dinner together?”

Her voice was soft and gentle, and she sounded as though she genuinely didn’t want to create trouble for him.

Still, she said it in a way that made Ashton feel very guilty for not taking good care of her. As she had hoped, Ashton frowned slightly and replied, “Next time, just give me a call immediately. That will be

alright with me. Also, you’re wearing too few clothes for an autumn evening—go back and put on a coat. It’s very cold outside!”

Rebecca smiled slightly and said, still in that aggravatingly gentle tone, “It’s alright. I’m not that cold!” Even as she said that she wrapped an arm around herself, making herself look small and vulnerable.

One of Ashton’s weaknesses was that he was too compassionate. Seeing this, he knitted his brows together and said again, “It’s even colder outside than in here! You’re going to get sick if you don’t put on a coat. Go and put it on right now!”

He said this very kindly, and I could even detect a hint of adoration in his tone. It wasn’t something he could help—he tried to sound stern and firm in his words, but his heart was still weak for this girl.

Rebecca gazed up at him with her puppy-dog eyes, looking a little pathetic. After a short pause, she replied, “I only brought along a windbreaker when I came. Joe said the climate here is very nice, and that I wouldn’t have to bring any thick clothing. I accidentally dirtied that windbreaker just now, so I washed it and put it out to dry. It’s still a little wet, and I don’t think I can put it on now.”

Ashton frowned again. This time, he turned to me and signaled with his eyes that I should go fetch her a coat. I sighed and returned to a room, emerging with a random coat in my hand. Shoving it into Ashton’s hands, I said coldly, “Here, take it!”

I wasn’t exactly angry, but I couldn’t help but be a little exasperated at Rebecca. She was milking this for all it was worth, and worse still, Ashton was falling for her pretentious tricks completely.

I knew I should be more generous to her, but my heart burned with a fit of secret jealousy as I looked at both of them.

Rebecca turned to me and put on an obsequious expression. “Thank you, Ms. Stovall!”

I pursed my lips. That was definitely a calculated move on her part. She kept calling Ashton by that infuriating nickname, ‘Ash’, but when it was my turn to be addressed, she insisted on calling me by my maiden’s name!

Trying to dispel the unhappiness in me, I snapped, “It’s alright. Let’s go!”

With that, I ignored them and walked straight into the lift.

When we got to the lobby, Nora and Armond were already there. When she spotted us, Nora flew over and took my hand immediately. “I knew all of you were still in the hotel, so I suggested to Armond that we come here and wait for you guys.”

I felt a little perplexed. “Is something the matter? You could have just given me a call, you know.”

Nora snorted loudly. “It’s nothing important, to be honest. Besides, didn’t Mr. Fuller just get off a long- haul flight just a few hours ago? We had to let him rest first before bothering him again.”

“Well, is there something going on?”

Nora nodded and replied, “Yes, there is something going on, in fact. However, it isn’t a private matter— it has to do with company affairs. I’ll be tagging along for dinner tonight!”

At that moment, Linda walked in carrying a huge bag of items. Seeing that everyone was here, she smiled and said, “Since everyone has arrived, let’s make our way to the restaurant now!”

Armond turned to Ashton and said, “Mr. Fuller, we’re done with the preliminary plans for the base project. It’s a little sudden, but why don’t we all go out for a meal today? It’s my treat. It’ll be a good opportunity to relax—care to join us?”

Ashton smiled. “I’m afraid you might have to ask my wife first. I’ve already agreed to bring her for Korean barbeque tonight.”

Nora and Linda ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’, cooing over how sweet this was.

Armond turned and looked at me. “Mrs. Fuller, Korean barbeque will be served at tonight’s gathering too. Why don’t you join us?”

Nora clung onto me and tried to act cute. “Babe, come on! It’ll be more fun with more people around.”

I nodded and replied, “Alright, then. The more the merrier!”


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