In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 961-962-963-964-965

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 961-962-963-964-965

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 961-962-963-964-965

She suddenly laughed. However, the next moment, tears started streaming down her face as she said, “So what? It has been so many years. I’ve already let go of my dignity in order to be with him. It doesn’t matter whether he has any feelings for me, as long as I love him. Since he had already promised to marry me, he will not go back on his words. How can you blame me for what went wrong between John and Hannah? Sometimes, fate just works in funny ways. Regardless of whether they still love each other, the time has already come for them to part ways. Some people are just meant to be passerby in our lives. I’ll be the one who will be walking this journey with John from now onward.”

I merely looked at her and didn’t know what to make of that. As such, I shrugged and replied, “I’ve already said my piece. It’s up to you whatever you want to do!”

Just as I was about to go outside and wait for Hannah, Yvonne stopped me and said, “I just don’t understand. Why is it that you can accept Hannah but not me? We’re both tainted, but why is it that I’m the one despised by everyone instead?”

I wasn’t going to say anything, but since she had asked, I had no choice but to tell her. After a moment of silence, I spoke, “Please don’t compare yourself to Hannah. Honestly, you are not even on the same level. We don’t just assess someone based on looks or status, character also comes into play. You should know very well that Hannah is way prettier than you but talking about looks is too superficial. So let’s examine your characters instead. Hannah knows her boundaries. She would never get involved with a married man with kids. She’s also not a hypocritical woman who would shamelessly covet something that belongs to someone else and achieve her aims through despicable means. Yvonne, if you are an honorable person, you would not have schemed to sleep with John. You would also not have threatened Hannah multiple times. That is the difference between the both of you.”

Yvonne’s face turned purple as I spoke. She must be trying really hard to suppress her rage. After a while, she looked at me and asked, “Did you hear all of those from Hannah?”

I let out a faint smile and shook my head, before replying, “You’re thinking too much. I’m just too familiar with such unscrupulous methods as they have been used countless times by women who tried to seduce Ashton.”

Just then, Hannah and Chandler came out. Hannah had changed back into her own clothes. When she saw the pale look on Yvonne’s face, she was stunned for a moment before looking at me and said, “It’s quite late already. Are you hungry? Let’s go get something to eat!”

I nodded and left the bridal shop with Hannah and Chandler. After Chandler went to get the car, Hannah tugged at my arm and asked, “Did you agitate her just now?”

I shrugged and replied, “Not really. I merely stated facts. Anyway, I’m not against John getting married. I’m just thinking that if he wants to settle down seriously, he should find someone who is decent and would make a good partner to him. He can be really irritating sometimes, but he’s still my brother after all. I know that he’s insecure and fears loneliness. Perhaps he desires to have a stable family of his own more than anyone else. I had thought that you would be the one for him but he did not cherish you. Yvonne is definitely not the woman for him, neither will she make a good addition to the Stovall family. As such, I played the role of a bad guy.”

Hannah tilted her head up slightly and took a deep breath. With a smile, she replied, “Maybe compatibility is never the most important factor when it comes to relationships. If John truly loves Yvonne, even if everyone else is against her, he will still feel blissful to be with her. Scarlett, I know you want the best for your brother, but sometimes, only the two people involved in a relationship know it best.”

I was stunned by her reply as I had expected her to agree with me. I looked at her with a slightly shocked expression on my face and paused for a moment before asking, “So, Hannah, are you really over John?”

Letting out a bitter smile, she looked at me and replied, “It’s not that easy to get over a man I loved for so many years. Rather than that, maybe I’ve just become more rational. After meeting Chandler, I finally know what I want. I’ve been too stubborn all along. Even though all the signs were there, I was still not willing to let go. John and I have argued and fought multiple times. We’ve also driven each other to the brink of insanity, but after much thinking, I feel like I can finally let go now. There’s still a long journey ahead of me and I wouldn’t be fair to myself if I continue to trap myself in darkness. Life’s too short to ill-treat ourselves. We should live every moment to the fullest.”

She paused and looked at me before continuing with a faint smile, “Actually, I really envy you and Ashton. After going through trials and tribulations, the two of you still ended up together. Moving forward, the both of you will have each other to depend on and will be building a future together. That’s so wonderful. Everyone’s experiences are not the same and some have better luck than the rest. You and Ashton are really fortunate to have each other and it’s something you should cherish.”

Just then, Chandler drove over and Hannah and I got into the car. However, I was still thinking about what she just said. Many of us could spend our whole lives figuring out what we really wanted and what was most important to us, but still unable to get an answer.

In love, never say never chapter 962

Suddenly, my palms felt warm. To my surprise, Hannah had shoved a hand warmer into my hand without me realizing it. She chuckled and said, “Chandler was worried that we would be cold, so he got these for us. It’s cold outside so it’s better to keep warm!”

I nodded and looked at Chandler, who was at the driver’s seat. “Thank you!” I said to him.

Chandler smiled candidly and replied, “You’re welcome. Hannah has cold hands and feet all the time. You girls seem to have colder body temperatures than men, so it’s better to pay more attention to keeping warm.”

Feeling amused, Hannah said, “Chandler, how many girlfriends have you had in order for you to come to such a conclusion? Am I supposed to be thankful to all your ex-girlfriends?”

Upon hearing that, Chandler immediately parked his car at the roadside and turned around to look at Hannah. With a serious expression on his face, he said, “Hannah, I swear that you’re my first girlfriend. I know that you’re afraid of the cold because it was April when we met. Even though the weather was already getting warmer, you always carried a hand warmer with you. You would also keep a blanket and mittens in your car. I know that you are capable of taking care of yourself, but I still hope that I can take care of you in my own ways. I want you to know that you can always rely on me. I pay attention to every detail of your life because I’m constantly learning to be a better partner to you. I didn’t acquire all these knowledges because of other women!”

What a way to confess. Hannah was momentarily stunned by the man’s speech. A moment later, she burst out laughing while hugging her hand warmer. Fixing her gaze on Chandler, she replied, “Chandler, what was that all about? Can’t you see that my friend is here too? You should have controlled yourself and told me in private.”

Feeling embarrassed, Chandler scratched his head. With his face flushed red, he said, “I just didn’t want you to misunderstand so I was in a rush to clarify!”

Controlling her urge to laugh, Hannah looked at him and replied, “Just drive. We’re so hungry!”

Observing the lovey-dovey interaction between those two, I suddenly realized that it was true that to care about someone meant giving her enough affection and reassurance such that she would have a sense of security, just like how Chandler treated Hannah. If a man loved a woman, he would do anything for her and protect her from any harm. No excuses.

After we arrived at a restaurant in town, Hannah looked at me and said, “It’s almost time for Ashton to knock off. Do you want to give him a call to ask if he wants to join us for dinner?”

I had almost forgotten that my phone was kept in my bag and in silent mode all these whiles. When I took it out, I saw a few messages from Hailey. But first, I rang Ashton.

The call went through after a few rings, but it was Stella who picked up. In a polite tone, she said, “Mrs. Fuller, Mr. Fuller is in a meeting right now. It will be ending soon. I’ll let him know that you called. Or would you prefer me to pass on a message for you?”

“It’s OK. Just ask him to call me back!” I said simply and hung up.

Hannah looked at me with a quizzical look and asked, “Is he still occupied with work?”

With a faint smile, I nodded and replied, “He’s still in a meeting.”

I only opened the messages from Hailey after we found a seat and sat down in the restaurant.

I’m busy handling the company’s matters!

After this busy period, let’s find a time to catch up.

A while after she sent those two messages, she texted me again.

Is your daughter still looking for a suitable kidney?

How old is your daughter?

Are you guys intending to seek Armond’s help?

After I finished reading all her messages, I replied: Do you know something about Armond?

Hannah passed me the menu and said cheerfully, “Just order anything you like! It’s Chandler’s treat. You don’t have to feel bad for him!”

I smiled and put down my phone. I wasn’t very familiar with Koandria cuisine. As such, I just chose a random dish. When I was passing the menu back to Hannah, I noticed that she was staring at the direction of the entrance. “Scarlett, isn’t that Ashton’s aunt, Sally?” She asked.

I followed the direction of her gaze and froze for a moment. It was Sally indeed. Perhaps it had been such a long time since I last saw her that she seemed to have changed so much. She was dressed in a pink coat and had tied her hair into a ponytail, looking extremely youthful.

Hannah looked at me and asked curiously, “Do you know the man she’s with?”

I shook my head. That man looked around fifty years old and was donned in branded clothing. He was tall and skinny. That, together with the black-framed glasses he was wearing, he looked like someone who dabbled in the arts.

“I think I know who he is!” Chandler, who was looking at the menu a moment ago, suddenly spoke. “He’s Jim, a professor from K University. He’s also an author and had written several books. He was even nominated for the No*el Prize when I was in school. However, he was also known for being a nerd and not interested in romance. He was never married and the word was it that he’s quite rich. If I’m not wrong, gardening is his only hobby.”

I was actually quite surprised. I remembered Cameron telling me that she had previously bumped into Sally at the hospital and saw her with a man. I thought she had seen wrongly at that time. But judging by the way the both of them were behaving, they did seem quite intimate.

When they entered the restaurant, Hannah asked, “Did they just get into a relationship at this age?”

In love, never say never chapter 963

I smiled and shook my head. “I’m not sure but let’s stop gossiping about them. At her age, if Aunt Sally manages to find someone suitable for her and have a partner for her remaining years, that’s a good


“That’s right!” Hannah nodded and continued seriously, “I suddenly believe that destiny really exists. We all have our own predetermined paths to walk. Some people get to enjoy a smooth life with fame and riches but die young. There are others who have it rougher but remain in good health until they die of old age. There are also some who have a difficult start in life but work hard and ultimately get to enjoy the fruits of their labor. It’s the same when it comes to relationships. True love might only come to some at a later stage after experiencing trials and tribulations.”

I nodded, agreeing with her views. Chandler ordered a few of Hannah’s favorite dishes and said, “What about us? It was also not easy for us to be together, right?”

Hannah looked at the man and replied, “We just met each other at the right time.”

Seeing that they are showing off their love again, I looked down at my phone. Hailey texted again. It’s difficult to explain over the phone. Let’s find some time to meet up!

She was right. That issue was too complicated to be properly communicated over the phone.

Just then, I saw an incoming call from Ashton and answered it at once. “Has your meeting ended?”

He replied in a hoarse voice, “Yup, just ended. Where are you now?”

“I’m in town having dinner with Hannah and Chandler right now. Do you want to join us?”


After I hung up, Hannah looked at me and asked, “Is that Ashton?”

I nodded and she asked worriedly, “Have you been resting well these days? I already noticed that you looked quite pale when I saw you this morning. Are you losing sleep feeling troubled over Summer?”

I froze for a moment and let out a bitter smile before replying, “She’s Macy’s only child. I… “

I sighed and did not finish my sentence. Not wanting to discuss that topic, I looked at Hannah and said, “Ashton will be coming later. I should go say hi to Aunt Sally first.”

Talking about Summer’s situation was pointless. I could only hope that a suitable kidney for her would be available soon.

Hannah understood that I did not want to continue talking about it and nodded. “Sure, go ahead. There should be still a while before our food is served,” she said.

Sally and Jim were sitting by the window. The middle-aged couple was behaving just like teenagers in love. One of them was talking animatedly while the other listened quietly and responded with smiles intermittently. One could tell from the look in their eyes how much they adored each other.

I must have arrived at an inopportune moment. When Sally saw me, she was obviously startled and had an awkward expression on her face. “Scarlett, why… why are you here?”

“I just happened to be having dinner with my friends at this restaurant and I saw you. I thought I should come over and say hi. Aunt Sally, who’s this gentleman?” I asked, beaming.

A blush of embarrassment spread across Sally’s cheeks. Jim, who had seen much in life, remained composed and answered instead. “Hi, I’m Jim. Sally and I are dating. I guess you must be her niece? Please have a seat.”

His candidness surprised me. I joined them at their table and introduced myself to Jim. I could not help but smile when I saw the blush on Sally’s face. “Aunt Sally, Ashton and I are quite busy lately. Are you angry that we haven’t had time to visit you?”

Still feeling a little awkward, Sally smiled at me and replied, “I’ve heard about Fuller Corporation’s situation and understand that Ashton is occupied with work. Anyway, you youngsters have your own matters to attend to. I’m already feeling bad that I can’t be of any help to you. The only thing I can do is not to be a burden and worry you guys.”

I nodded and thought about Summer. I realized Aunt Sally was still unaware of that. With a smile, I replied, “Aunt Sally, we should have a gathering after this busy period. You have to bring Uncle Jim along, yeah?

Sally nodded. I could see that her cheeks were still in a shade of pink. Since I had already greeted her, I should get going in order not to disrupt their date.

Just when I stood up and was about to leave, I saw Ashton walking towards us. I was rather stunned at how speedily he arrived.

“Oh, Ashton is here too,” Sally said as she noticed Ashton as well.

I walked towards him and asked, “How did you reach so quickly?”

He pulled me closer towards him and frowned. “Why is your hand so cold?” He asked, while at the same time holding my hand in his, warming it. “The office is quite nearby and the traffic was smooth. That’s how I’m here so fast!”

“Oh,” I simply replied before whispering into his ear, “I forgot to tell you just now. Aunt Sally is here too.”

While we were talking, Jim had already stood up and approached Ashton. After the two men exchanged greetings, Ashton asked me, “Aren’t you with Hannah?”

I nodded and we said goodbye to Sally before joining Hannah and Chandler again. The dishes were served the same time we arrived back at the table.

When Hannah saw Ashton and I, she smiled and said, “I was just about to go over and get you.” Then, she introduced Chandler to Ashton and all of us sat down.

In love, never say never chapter 964

I looked at Ashton and Chandler; one is reserved and arrogant, the latter kind and down-to-earth. It was not surprising that the two of them had very little in common to talk about. Hannah and I, on the other hand, were busy chattering away.

Hannah looked at the shrimps Ashton peeled for me and said, “You know what, I’m actually quite jealous of the way you two interact with each other. It’s not sickeningly sweet, but one that seems very natural.”

I smiled in return and watched quietly as Chandler carefully fed a shrimp to Hannah. “I’m the one who’s envious of you. Look at how thoughtful and gentle Mr. Coleman is to you. You must cherish him.”

She nodded in assent. “That’s for sure. I wish the best for you and Ashton too.”

It was already quite late by the time we finished dinner and returned to the villa.

Back to our bedroom, Ashton seemed already tuckered out, so I decided to keep the questions I had to myself. After taking a shower and finally lying in bed together, Ashton’s voice was a little croaky when he asked, “Is John going to do anything now that Hannah is getting married?”

I was mildly surprised by his sudden interest in this matter and shook my head. “I’m not sure. All I know is that he also plans to marry Yvonne. God knows what’s going on in his head.”

Now that he brought up this matter, I asked curiously, “Ashton, what would you do if I married another person?”

The man opened his eyes and fixed steadily at mine. His voice was low and solemn when he replied, “Will you?”

I rolled my eyes at him and said, “Why not? Life is so unpredictable, anything is possible. Case in point, years ago, John wouldn’t have thought that Hannah was going to bear his child. And now, when John finally falls in love with Hannah, she has decided to become someone else’s bride. We can’t bet on things to remain the same forever.”

Instead of answering my hypothetical question, his dark eyes continued to glare at me intently. I grew impatient and started to pester him, “Why are you looking at me like this? Just answer my question!”

“I will never let you go, or allow you to fall in love with another person, much less letting you marrying someone else other than me. So, your question is invalid.” His demeanor was so overbearing I had to forego all other follow-up questions at the back of my mind.

I sighed. “It’s just an innocent question. I don’t understand why you are taking it so seriously.” Feeling a little stirred up, I turned my back against him.

Ashton then moved closer to me, his chest was so close against my back I could feel his strong heartbeats. His big hand rested on my belly as he assumed a dulcet tone, “Scarlett, I believe that many things in life are achievable when you put your minds to it. I can’t predict my future, but one thing I know for sure is that, as long as I live, I will not let you go. I never buy the saying that if you love someone you should set her free. I’m just an ordinary guy who wants to be with my wife and can’t bear to see you live with anyone else. So, don’t you ever think of such a thing again, okay?”

I wasn’t sure if it was his bold profession of love or his steady heartbeat against my body, the fog in my mind suddenly lifted and I could see things clearly as they were. I finally conceded, “Alright, I won’t ask such a stupid question again.” My head rested on his shoulder and my fingers intertwined with his.

“Ashton, when Summer gets better, we will start afresh as a family.” The man then held me tightly in his arms.

All my life, I was never able to fully grasp the concept of happiness. But at that moment, I finally understood that happiness could just be as simple as spending the night holding onto someone you love who also loved you back.

“Ashton, you…” Realizing what he was about to do, my eyes widened in the next instant. “What are you doing? I’m pregnant, we can’t do that!”

He turned me around so that I was now facing him. Our eyes locked and he said in a coarse voice, “Scarlett, it’s been a while since we…”

I hesitated for a brief moment before I replied in a soft voice, “But, but it’s inconvenient now that I’m pregnant.”

Ashton leaned his head against mine and I could feel his humid and heavy breaths inches away. I held my breath and dared not utter another word.

After a few seconds, the man took a deep breath and finally said, “Alright, let’s go to sleep.”

Ashton still held onto me, but his hands finally stopped moving around. I stole a sigh of relief and recalled what happened during the day. “By the way, are you not allowed to bring a phone during meetings lately?”

“No, why is that?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just that I’ve tried calling you a few times and they all went to voicemail. So, I was wondering if there was a no-phone rule instated in your office.”

“My office is very close to the conference room. So, sometimes I’ll leave my phone in my office during meetings. It won’t happen again.”

I let out a faint smile. “Okay.”

Maybe it was just a coincident that Stella picked up his phone today.

The next day, I rushed to the hospital after being informed that Summer and Jared’s bone marrows were not compatible. I arrived at the hospital and met with Cameron and Zachary, who looked like they hadn’t slept all night.

There was discernible sorrow in Cameron’s voice as she spoke, “My dear, the doctor has confirmed that their bone marrows do not match. We’re going to have to search for one that’s compatible with Summer’s.”

In love, never say never chapter 965

I was puzzled. “Why not? Summer is his biological daughter. How is that possible?”

“It turns out they have different blood types, so it doesn’t matter that Jared is Summer’s biological father. If we perform the surgery anyway, it’ll be like a bad organ transplant, which will make Summer’s condition worse,” Cameron tried to explain the situation to me in her limited medical terms.

My mind went momentarily blank. I had hoped that in the scenario where their bone marrows didn’t match, he could at least donate his kidney to Summer. But now, it seemed that my last hope was also squashed.

As though being sucked out of all energy, I slumped into a chair and was lost in thoughts.

It wasn’t until the doctor came out from Summer’s ward that I snapped out from my daze when he said, “Can we all please proceed to my office?”

As Cameron helped me up, I noticed that Zachary’s expression was rather grim and appeared deep in thought.

As we all took a seat in the doctor’s office, Cameron asked anxiously, “Doctor, what are we going to do now that we can’t find suitable bone marrow for Summer?”

He looked at us and slowly explained, “Bone marrow transplant is a major operation, therefore it’s imperative that we find a compatible donor, or we will risk dangerous level of organ rejection post- operation. There are increasing numbers of acute leukemia patients for the past two years, but suitable bone marrow donors are still very rare. I can understand your concerns, however, the only thing we can do for Summer right now is to continue her chemotherapy. In the meantime, we will keep searching for matching bone marrow.”

Zachary asked, “Let’s say we have no luck in finding her a suitable donor, how long does she have?”

The doctor was a little rattled by the stone-faced Zachary and had chosen his words carefully when he replied, “If we stick to our current treatment plan, her prognosis is actually quite positive. She will have at least three more years.”

“Alright. I understand.” Zachary nodded before he stood up abruptly and left the room without uttering another word.

Cameron was panic-stricken and she quickly turned to me. “Letty, quick! You have to stop your father. We haven’t gotten to that stage yet!”

Despite being puzzled by what she said, considering the urgency in her tone, I stood up and hurried after him. Zachary was dialling on his phone as he waited in front of an elevator.

I called after him, “Dad, what’s going on? Where are you going?”

He turned to me with a self-reproach look on his face. “Scarlett, I know you can’t forgive us for what we did to your baby years ago. But don’t you worry now. I won’t let anything happen to another child of yours. I’ll do whatever it takes to save Summer.”

I was still as a loss of what he was planning to do as he was about to take off in a grave manner.

I grabbed onto his arm before he could leave. “Dad, hold on for a second. Ashton is already working on ways to save Summer too. Don’t you worry, she’ll be okay.”

Nonetheless, my words seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. Just then, the elevator door opened. Zachary stepped into the elevator and stopped me from following suit. “Stay here and look after your mother. I’m just going to look for a better doctor and I’ll be back soon.”

Right after the elevator door was shut before me, Cameron hurried over and her expression grew more desperate when she didn’t see Zachary. “Scarlett, where’s your father? You should have stopped him. He’s onto something dangerous!”

“He said he was going to look for another doctor and asked me to stay back.”

Cameron was frantically pressing at the elevator button and her voice was choking up as she said, “If he really was looking for another doctor, couldn’t he just do it through the phone? I can’t let him do this, not after he’s finally decided to settle down and live a normal life with us. If we let him do this, there’ll be no turning back for all of us.”

Sensing that something was off, I looked at her and my jaw was tightening. “Mom, there’s no way I can catch up to him now. But I’ll get Ashton to stop him. While I’m on the phone, you’re gonna have to get yourself together, and then tell me what really is going on, okay?”

With tears rolling down her cheeks, she finally nodded. After I contacted Ashton and told him to get in touch with Zachary, I helped Cameron sit down on a bench in the corridor.

After the woman finally collected herself, she slowly spoke, “My dear, have you heard of organ trading?

I was stunned by her revelation as cold sweats started to form on my forehead. Shaking my head, I continued to ask, “Mom, what’s going on?”

Wiping the tears away from her eyes, the woman slowly explained, “Scarlett, there’s nothing in this world you can’t buy with enough money and power, including human organs. Your father started thinking about it when Summer started falling sick. He used to work with mafia, so he knows his way around this black market. I tried to talk him out of this, but he wouldn’t listen to me. Now that our lives are finally back to normal, and you are expecting another child, it’s just too much risk to involve both our families in this business.”

I took a few moments to calm my racing heart. “Mom, has Dad found one?”


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