In Love, Never Say Never

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 981-982-983-984-985

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 981-982-983-984-985

In Love, Never Say Never Chapter 981-982-983-984-985

Naturally, this eighteen-hour car ride was exhausting.

Boris prepared water and bread for Brandon. I started to eat next to the car, and Brandon followed suit. “There are about twenty-seven families in this village. However, the population is considerably higher. Every family has seven or eight children. I’ll bring you around later. If there aren’t any problems, I’ll contact a doctor as soon as possible to start the surgery,” he said.

I was slightly confused and frowned. “The surgery can take place so soon? It isn’t easy to find a suitable bone marrow and kidney donor,” I said in surprise.

He ignored me and gobbled up the rest of the bread and gulped down a few mouthfuls of water before proclaiming, “Let’s go!”

The villagers stayed on the hillside. Perhaps it was because of the recent rain, but the roads were flooded with mud and water. One step in and our shoe would sink in, making it really difficult to walk. Soon, our pants were also covered with dirt.

Brandon was used to it. When he saw Boris and me struggling, he frowned and said, “Don’t walk clumsily. Find places where there are rocks or where people walked before you and step there.”

I nodded and raised my head. There were still a few hundred meters to walk. We were not driving because it was impossible for the car to move in the mud. On such rainy days, only bullock carts were used.

Boris and I followed him for a while. We noticed that the sky was darkening. Luckily, our phones still had battery and we used the flashlights to light our way.

We arrived after much difficulty. Both Boris and I were covered in mud to our knees and our shoes were full of water and dirt. It was extremely uncomfortable. Brandon stood outside a house and shouted, “Is

there anyone home?”

A black stray dog was leashed to the door. When it heard someone coming, it started to bark fiercely. A rope was tied around its neck but I was still frightened as I stood next to Boris.

The house they were standing in front of was built with red bricks and some parts were covered in black tiles. It was built in a slipshod manner and from afar, it looked like it was going to collapse at any moment. There was a patch of concrete floor in front of the house with a black coal stove on top. There was also a thin weather-worn film on top. When the wind blew, one corner of the film that had been stained black would flap and produce noise.

A hunchbacked man walked out of the house. He had probably heard someone shouting outside. He pushed the old wooden door open and stuck his head out to see. When he saw who had come, he smiled to reveal a row of yellowed teeth and said, “It’s you, Mr. Dumphy.”

He rushed to greet us. He was wearing black clothes that gleamed with an oily sheen. I peered closer at it and noticed that the clothes were originally grey and had fur. They were dirty from constant wearing and all the fur had become matted and coated by layers of dirt which was the source of the oily sheen.

“I brought friends with me to visit your house. Are you done working?” Brandon spoke to the man in the local dialect. The man nodded hastily.

He replied gruffly in the local dialect, “Yes, we’re done. Come in and sit. It’s freezing outside.”

Brandon led us into the house. When we went in, I was immediately stunned. The house was only about twenty square meters, but there were seven or eight children and a frail woman huddled around a coal stove. They were cooking something on the stove.

The fifteen-watt lightbulb provided a dim glow. I could barely make out the contents in the steaming pot. It was some vegetables and a few slices of meat.

A few children noticed that there were guests. They quickly stood up. When they realized that they were lining up against the wall, they scattered.

Brandon was accustomed to this. He spoke to the children in the local dialect. I could not understand what he was saying and took a seat next to the stove. I placed my hands near the stove to warm them up. His stocky legs stood in front of the fire and took up most of the space.

The man shot the woman a look and she stood up. She looked at me and spoke stiffly in the local dialect, “Sit next to the fire here and warm yourself.”

I hastily tried to reject her but she had already stood up and spoken to the children. They gathered at a small wooden table nearby. The woman scooped out some vegetables from the pot into chipped bowls and placed them in the middle of the table. The youngest child looked to be about three or four years old while the oldest seemed to be about ten years old. They held up their bowls and scooped rice in before digging in.

The man told Brandon that we should sit and eat alongside the children. Brandon turned him down and said, “We’ve come for a reason. When the children received their check-ups, the doctor realized that one of your children has a compatible blood type with my friend’s daughter. She’s sick and needs a bone marrow and kidney transplant. We discussed it with you previously and if you’re okay with the price we’re offering, let’s make the arrangements. The little girl is waiting for the surgery!”

In love, never say never chapter 982

I was taken aback by how direct Brandon was. However, I did not expect the man to reply without much hesitation, “Fine, we’ll accept whatever price you’re offering. Although this child is young, she will finally be of some use. She wasn’t born for nothing after all. My wife is pregnant again and we need money

badly. Please help us to spread the word. My house is also old and needs to be fixed. It’s been leaking recently and it’s extremely uncomfortable to live here. If anyone else has similar needs and has money to pay us, please bring them here.”

I instinctively clenched my hands together. I looked at him and choked out, “Hello mister, we are talking about getting your daughter to provide bone marrow and a kidney for my daughter’s transplant.”

The man nodded and smiled without surprise. “I’m aware. There have been people like you who’ve come before. Don’t worry, it’s my daughter’s honor to be of service to you. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

I found it difficult to breathe, and I thought that it was due to the small size and intense fumes of the coal stove. For a moment, I could not say anything.

They did not care about the child’s body or health at all.

Brandon seemed used to this situation. “Fine. Ms. Stovall will get to know your daughter. Once they’re comfortable, you’ll pay you tomorrow. In order for your daughter to undergo the surgery, we’ll have to take her to the city for a few days. Are you okay with this?”

The man shook his head and said with a smile, “No problem. You can take her anywhere.”

The woman looked at us silently. It was clear who wore the pants in this family.

Boris had been quiet the entire time. After hearing what they said, he said to the man, “Can I trouble you for a clean set of female clothes?”

The man was slightly stunned. He quickly nodded his head and quipped, “Yes, I’ll go right now!” He turned to the woman and barked, “Go find some clothes for them.”

The woman stood up and went through a door. Brandon chatted with the man. I scanned the group of children eating around the table.

They were wearing ill-fitting clothes. Some were wearing layers of dirty t-shirts while others wore thin fur clothes. They were trying to dress warmly as best as they could. It seemed that they had put on all the clothes they could find, but it was evident that it was not enough for them to stay warm.

My eyes landed on a small girl who was squeezed in the corner. She looked to be about three years old and her face was flushed due to the cold. She was busy chewing on food. Due to the cold weather, her nose was running and she wiped her mucus away with her sleeve. However, she did not wipe it all away, and it was spread all over the sides of her mouth and the utensils in front of her.

I could not help but frown. The woman walked out holding a set of clothes and said to me, “Try it on.”

I nodded and thanked her before asking, “Can I borrow a dry pair of shoes from you?” My shoes and pants had been completely ruined on my way here. Moreover, it was extremely uncomfortable to wear drenched shoes in such freezing weather.

The woman nodded and rummaged through a cabinet. She took out a pair of new cloth shoes. From its design, l guessed that she had made it herself.

Boris frowned at how thin the shoes were and asked, “Do you have anything thicker?”

The woman paused before shaking her head. “They’re all like this!”

I smiled and received the shoes with thanks. I put them on and sat down next to the fire. Ashton had called me, but the poor signal had prevented me from picking up. I could only text him to say that I was not returning home tonight.

The seven-hour journey was too long.

Brandon spoke to the man for a while. He turned to me and said, “Take a look at the child, Ms. Stovall. If all is well, we’ll return to A City. Your daughter can be transferred over too. This child doesn’t have any identification documents at the moment. Thus, we can only hold the surgery in A City.”

I was slightly shocked. I looked at the man walking over to the smallest girl and wiped her mucus away with his sleeve. He grinned at me and said, “Take a look, Ms. Stovall. She might be young but she’s obedient. She’s not afraid of pain either. I think she meets the requirement?”

The child had no clue why the adults were talking in such a manner. She stared dazedly at me in befuddlement. She probably had not had enough food as she stole a look at her father, then stuffed some vegetables into her mouth. The sauce on the vegetables dribbled all over her.

In love, never say never chapter 983

I nodded. My mind was still a wreck.

By the time the children finished eating, the sun had long disappeared below the horizon. The matriarch lay down some mats in the small house. Brandon explained that this situation could not be helped and urge us to make do. We were going to return the next day.

Boris was afraid that I could catch a cold at night. He forced the woman to bring out all the blankets in the house. Alas, it was still not warm enough and I snuggled next to the children.

In the middle of the night, my freezing feet kept sleep at bay. I curled into a ball. At this moment, a young girl’s voice called out. “Ma’am!”

I wondered if my mind was playing tricks on me and did not react immediately. But I soon heard the little girl’s voice again. “Are you asleep, Ma’am?”

This time, I was sure that the child was addressing me. I got over my astonishment and replied, “No. What’s up?”

I sat up and noticed that the little girl was squatted next to me. “Mommy told me that I have to go with you tomorrow. She said we’ll have delicious food in the city. Can you bring my sister too? She also wants to go to the city,” she said.

Her words took me off guard. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped her cold body with a blanket. “Why do you want your sister to come with us?”

The child did not move. Although she felt frightened, she responded, “Ma’am, you smell so good. You smell much better than Mommy.”

I could not help but smile as I waited for her reply.

However, she seemed wholly distracted by my scent. I asked again, “Little girl, why does your sister want to go to the city? How old is she?”

She focused on my question this time. “She’s seventeen years old. Mommy says that she’s old enough to get married. She buried herself in her education, but Daddy won’t let her study anymore. He wants her to get married but she doesn’t want to. Mommy locked her up in the barn because of this. I feel so sad for my sister. She hasn’t eaten in days. But, Mommy will starve her to death if she continues to reject the marriage proposal.”

The child’s words stunned me and I did not know how to respond. Soon, I collected myself and asked, “Can you take me to see your sister?”

She nodded and stood up. Despite being barefooted, she seemed ready to walk out. I pulled her back and whispered, “It’s cold outside. You should put on more clothes and wear shoes.”

She seemed blasé as she replied, “It’s fine. I’m not cold. My siblings and I have gone barefoot in colder winters than this. Mommy says that we won’t be cold once we get used to it.”

I pursed my lips but did not comment further. I followed her out and she pulled me towards a door. She removed the lock and whispered, “Are you asleep?”

Sounds of rustling could be heard from within, followed by the voice of a young girl. “Not yet.”

The little girl pushed open the door. It was pitch dark inside but she stepped in without hesitation. I was slightly hesitant, and she turned to say to me in hushed tones, “Don’t come in. It’s very dirty in here and is full of poop.”

She turned back and said into the darkness, “I brought the lady as you wanted. Beg her to take you to the city too. Then, you won’t have to get married.”

I fished out my phone and turned on its flashlight. I swept the room with the light and was stupefied. It was just as the little girl had said. The small hut was full of poop and hay. Puddles of rainwater could not be discerned from puddles of urine.

The girl that was locked inside was dressed in thin clothes. All she had on was a short-sleeved shirt and black track pants. She must have worn it for years because the knee area had been patched up multiple times. The pants were too short as they rose above her angles. The girl was leaning against a cow but when she saw us, she retreated even further. She shielded her eyes against the light and whimpered, “Don’t force me anymore, Mom. I’ll die!”

The little girl next to me hastily said, “She’s not Mommy. She’s the lady that came to our house and said that she’s going to take me to the city. She’s really pretty!”

The captive girl narrowed her eyes. Her youthful face was pale and her lips were chapped from dehydration. She gaped at me and said with unexpected composure, “Are you the one who wants to take my sister to the city so she can sacrifice her organs for your daughter?”

The way she put it was distasteful. However, upon further pondering, she was right. I pursed my lips and nodded. “Yes. Please don’t worry. I’ll take good care of her.”

She sneered at me. “Of course, you should. They might not be aware, but I am. Amy is only five years old, but you’re making her give up her organs. She might even die under the knife. Since you’re spending tens of thousands to trade her life for your daughter’s, taking care of her is the least you should do.”

In love, never say never chapter 984

The girl’s words cut deep. I pressed my lips together silently. I did not see a point in rebuking her. Initially, I was confused as to why Brandon would bring us here. But now, I was starting to see the light.

After a while, the girl looked at me and continued, “I know my sister can save your daughter. So, let’s make a deal. I want you to promise me something.”

I knitted my brow and replied, “I’ll consider it if it’s reasonable. Otherwise, I’ll have to refuse.”

“Take me along with my sister. I can’t wait for my death here. My mother wants to marry me off to a moron and I don’t want to live a life like that. I don’t need you to do anything for me. As long as you take me to the city, I’ll leave you alone and you won’t have to see me ever again. I just want to get out of here. I don’t want to spend my life here.”

There was ambition and earnestness in the girl’s eyes. I could tell that she was truly desperate. My younger self would have pitied her and immediately agreed.

But, I hesitated. After all, this place was utterly alien to me, and so was this girl. I had no idea what went on between she and her parents. Before I could figure out why they were keeping her prisoner, I could not interfere recklessly as an outsider. The consequences could be dire.

I looked at her and said calmly, “I can take you. But, I have to know why do you want to leave this place and why are you being locked inside here? One more thing, will your parent allow you to go off like this. Without your parents’ permission, I could be causing trouble for myself by taking you with me. If you really care for your sister, you shouldn’t use her as a bargaining chip. You know that we’ll pay for your sister’s sacrifice. This is a fair transaction. However, you have requested my help and my moral side would likely oblige. If everything is in check, I’ll agree to that!”

She hugged her bony body and smiled coldly as she scoffed. “You city folk sure know how to extol morals. You disregarded a life once you ascertained that it’ll be able to save your daughter. How cruel is that! Fine, drawing the lines clearly shows that you’re a rational person. I’ll tell you everything.”

I was not an unreasonable person. However, once I finished hearing what the girl had to say, I was rather shocked. Her name was Ann and she was the eldest daughter in her family.

In this remote mountain village, there were not many other ways to earn money other than tending to the fields. However, four or five years ago, the country’s plan to increase led the villagers to come up with a new way to earn money. They would pad their pockets by having more children.

At some point in time, a few outsiders came to take some children away. In return, they paid the parents tens of thousands in living expenses. Since they were all village children, many did not have identification documents. However, some children were sent back, while others were not.

Those that came back were considered lucky. Even though their health had deteriorated, at least they were back. The families of those that did not return would receive a few hundred thousand. It was as though they were paying for the life of that child, but the fate of that child remained a mystery.

Every family had about seven or eight children. Hence, the loss of one or two did not make much of an impact because they could always give birth to more. As such, no one cared about the children if they returned and fell sick or found out from them about what they had been through.

Several families moved away from the village after they made more money from this trade. The families that stayed either had not met a generous buyer or the wives could no longer give birth anymore and they did not have the heart to trade in their healthy children for money. Thus, it was easier to spend their days tending the field.

As I listened to her explanation, my heart went out to her. She sneered at me and derided, “Don’t you think those people are ridiculous? You saw for yourself. My mother had nine children and I’m the oldest of the lot. The older ones like me are of no use for the trade, which is why she wants to marry me off and gain a small sum of dowry. She served me up to a moron for a measly amount of money. If I hadn’t gone to school and seen how children from other places lived, I might have resigned myself to my fate. But, I have seen how the other children of my age live, and the kind of families they have. I can’t stand it. It’s not fair that she gets to decide how the rest of my life goes and seal my fate by sending me to my doom. I want to leave this place and never come back.”


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