In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 228 - Ch228. Morning with Tsunade

Chapter 228 - Ch228. Morning with Tsunade

Chapter 228 - Ch228. Morning with Tsunade

Rei stood in the kitchen and busied himself with cooking for himself and Tsunade who sat behind a table, completely nude, with her b.r.e.a.s.ts resting on it as she supported her chin with her hands, nothing concealing her silly but happy grin and tomato-like blush while her eyes contently rested on Rei's back.

It was one of those mornings where she could simply let go of every worry and focus only on herself and Rei, basking in her beloved's sweet satisfying calming presence as he calmly cooked for her while she tried to put herself together after yet another mind-blowing night full of senjutsu enhanced s.e.x. She really needed a few calm hours to make sure her shivering and twitching ceased. A few hours of bliss that Rei promptly made even better by cooking her his nature energy-filled food that did nothing but put her that much closer to yet another o.r.g.a.s.m. Oh... Tsunade already knew what they will be doing after the anticipated mouth-watering breakfast.

After all, ever since they returned from visiting the Fire Capital, this little morning ritual of having the 'breakfast' together was quickly becoming one of Tsunade's sinful enjoyments she really, really didn't want to stop. Rei just had to find yet another way to make her completely addicted to him, didn't he? A well-rested body and slack, still half-asleep mind, post-coital bliss that simply won't cease for hours, and food that could melt her with sheer deliciousness and the incredible aroma... It was simply torture by p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e!

Tsunade shivered yet again, her fingers slightly digging into her cheek and her legs clamping together while her toes curled as her still s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e body reacted to her thoughts. Gritting her teeth as she tried to prevent herself from becoming a fleshy puddle of goo on the table by having a thought-induced o.r.g.a.s.m, Tsunade recognized her immediate need for distraction. She couldn't bask in the soothing presence Rei was purposefully excluding while her body was still so s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e and the rich aroma of his food was making her mind wander into places where her back was pressed into the soft bed while his body pressed on hers and his strong arms...

'Agrhrrrr!' Tsunade mentally shook herself when her mind again wandered while outwardly it came out as a soft self-conscious whimper. 'Gotta talk about something or... quickly!' Tsunade contently closed her eyes to calm down a bit so she can at least think straight for a second before uttering the first thing on her mind and embarrassing herself more. Oh, how she both loved and hated these moments.

"Any news from Konoha? They still have no clue what happened during the Uchiha massacre?" Tsunade finally found a topic they both had in common. Honestly, it was a bit awkward the first time she started ranting about advanced medic-ninja stuff and she only after two hours realized Rei didn't have a foggiest what she was spouting. Then again, it was cute how he still listened despite...

"Yeah," Rei replied, making Tsunade's wandering mind focus on him, "I am checking on them daily since the Massacre. No change these two months, to be honest. From what Konan's information network and my observations tell me, nobody who is not in our village but Obito and Itachi knows what really happened. Even then, these two have no real clue who interrupted their mission." Rei carelessly shrugged, "Konoha was briefly in an uproar when the bodies dissolved in their morgue but honestly, there was simply no evidence to follow so they reluctantly gave up. I gotta say, good job with that, Tsunade."

Blushing slightly, Tsunade grinned, "Thanks."

"How is the Sasuke kid?" Rei asked Tsunade.

That was yet another shock for Rei. He honestly thought he would get all the Uchihas only to miss Sasuke for whatever reason. The kid was not in the compound during the attack. This little fact somehow eluded Rei which somewhat messed his plans up. Rei really wasn't about to try kidnapping the kid. Not when he was so sure lil' Sasuke would have a non-stop ANBU guard on his a.s.s. As such, Sasuke was still the last Uchiha in Konoha. Funny how fate worked. josei

"Ah... broody as heck, gloomy as f.u.c.k, and quiet too. At least Anko is happy he is not complaining when she put him through his paces. According to her, Naruto has enough decibels for both of them. Frankly, I have no idea how did this even happen." Tsunade amusedly shook her head.

About a month after the Massacre, Tsunade got a message from Anko that Naruto Uzumaki made Sasuke his rival. Naturally, Naruto trashed Sasuke in every way imaginable since he was trained by Anko. To Rei's surprise, however, Sasuke wasn't the cold jerk he remembered from the show. It took Rei only a few seconds to realize that because of him, Itachi had no time or energy to subject Sasuke to Tsukuyomi of his clan being massacred again and again. The brat was still a broody and dark-ish emo creature of grief and hurt but he was not THAT bad yet. Clearly, Naruto did some talk-no-jutsu when he met him in the academy and voila, Anko found herself having two brats running around in the Senju compound while the ANBU following Sasuke could only witlessly stand on the edge of the said compound, not knowing what to do.

Really, both Rei and Tsunade found that as funny as it was jaw-dropping. This was a total coincidence as Anko and Naruto didn't have even an inkling of what really happened during the massacre and the fact their agents in Konoha still helped their schemes along without even knowing it made Rei and Tsunade their day.

Rei finished the food and put two plates on the table, one in front of Tsunade who slightly m.o.a.n.e.d when she smelled it, and one in front of himself as he sat down and briefly enjoyed Tsunade's nude c.h.e.s.t laying on display on the table, her still hard, showing just how horny she still was. Not for a second did Rei doubt she did that on purpose... and damn was it working!

"I heard you joined the Uchiha Re-training Program as an instructor." Rei spoke, trying to divert his attention from Tsunade's b.r.e.a.s.ts and the tight feeling in his pants, "One Senju against the entire clan? That must have been... humbling."

Tsunade smirked in glee at how reluctantly Rei tried to lift his eyes from her c.h.e.s.t. This feeling was only enhanced as she relished in the knowledge he failed! She could still see how his pupils were slightly lower than they should be. A normal person wouldn't even notice but she was both medic and ninja. It was easy to note that Rei's eyes were positioned to look at her face but he was still staring at her b.r.e.a.s.ts!

'Heh, there is no better feeling than knowing my man me.' Tsunade basked in Rei's attention, straightening her back which pushed her b.r.e.a.s.t slightly forward, made them that much more tempting.

"That's the entire point of the program, isn't it?" She almost purred. "Beat the arrogance out of them."

Rei took a long breath and finally tore his eyes from Tsunade's c.h.e.s.t, centering himself and slightly smiling at his victory when he saw her lips curl into a small frown. "Yeah, I am just happy Isamu did his job and nobody tried to run away. Now that would be awkward."

"Well, you do have Silencing seals on them. It's not like they could go blabbing around about the existence of our village. Uchihas are arrogant ponces. They are not stupid. I am sure most of them actually realizes their situation in full and see this chance you provided for what it is. A chance at survival. It really helps you are offering them additional benefits. Once my research is done... I really don't think the Uchiha clan will ever leave the village even if you tried to remove them kicking and screaming. Their bloodline is simply that important to them." Tsunade hummed and started eating.

Rei nodded. Tsunade was researching how to awaken Sharingan in every single Uchiha kid. She was actually almost done with it and yesterday's night of wild s.e.x was a celebration of the partial completion of her research. Rei assigned her that task and so she felt she was entitled to certain... rewards. Not that Rei would argue that point with her. It was as much rewarding for him as it was for her, after all.

In any case, Tsunade found a way to help awaken Sharingan and m.a.t.u.r.e it in a few years without all that near-death-situation crap. By the time the Uchiha clan kids leave the academy in their village, they will all have fully m.a.t.u.r.ed Sharingan and actually know how to use it. In hindsight... yeah, Rei could see how the Uchiha clan would never leave. Especially since the method will be one of the village secrets locked behind so many secrecy seals it would spook even Danzo.

"Well, I still think subjecting kids to traumatizing genjutsu of their parents being slaughtered and tortured in front of their eyes on the starting day is a bit too brutal." Rei pondered aloud. "But I can see the benefits. It will just require quite a bit of psychological help."

Tsunade rolled her eyes, "Leave that to me. That's the job for my department." She dismissed his concerns. "This way our little ninjas will be prepared for the day when they find themselves in the kill or be killed situation. If they complain about it or can't put themselves together after the experience, they are not fit to be a ninja." She shrugged. "My Sharingan Awakening Serum can only do so much. It can only grant the kids who would otherwise never be able to awaken the bloodline a chance to do precisely that. I am afraid, the trauma still has to be administered in proper amounts for it to work. Leave the academy to me and Konan. We both know our methods are brutal but I would rather encourage our academy students to explore their mental and physical limits in a controlled environment rather than die somewhere in a ditch because they overestimated themselves."

Rei snorted but let it go. He knew she was right. There was nothing to argue about. He decided to attack his food with a newfound vigor to vent his slight frustration.

Tsunade watched as Rei chomped on his food and the feeling of contentment again spread through her body. The first stage of her surprise plan was finished thanks to the Uchiha Massacre. Since she and Rei came back from the visit to the Fire Capital, she wondered how she could be useful to Rei. With the recent events and their... consequences, Tsunade finally found an answer and pulled together a plan. From what happened recently, she was sure Rei would be pleased and she couldn't wait to see his shock and delight once he found out!

Briefly, Tsunade pondered if she should tell him about her plan but then again, that would take away the whole point of surprise. In the end, she decided against it. After all... 'What could go wrong?'

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