In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 71 - Ch71. Gathering Important Research Material

Chapter 71 - Ch71. Gathering Important Research Material

Chapter 71 - Ch71. Gathering Important Research Material

Onoki rammed into a rock monkey, crushing it with the impact. His face instantly turned into a frown as he realized that it would be him on the floor if he didn't harden his body with earth chakra. The hardness of these nuisances was really on a different level. He could now understand why his ninja had so many problems with dispatching them. They were hard, small, and nimble enough to weave through attacks. Hitting them was a chore and then one had to be sufficiently strong to break through the hardening. The most annoying part for Iwa forces was the inability of using destructive Jutsu since they were inside of their own village.

"Really, their only redeeming part is the likeness to the Hokage... They are all so hilarious." Onoki mumbled under his nose. The monkeys were actually really molded to look like a smaller, more furry version of old Hiruzen Sarutobi wearing the Hokage robes. Onoki kicked away another monkey, making it crumble into a pile of rock. His eyes narrowed as he noted twenty other monkeys turn to him, preparing to engage. This part, he was confused about it. Every time he defeated one, another would jump at him. Never two or three. Always only one. Always in one versus one in taijutsu. The other monkeys either prevented his ninja from intervening or plainly waited. He ordered most of his subordinates to go clean important spots so he didn't have many of them but it was still mind-boggling that the ones that were being suppressed enough to be unable to help. ​​

By now, Onoki had quite a clear picture of what was happening. "They are stalling for time." He gruffly stated. "I don't like this... not one bit." Onoki gritted his teeth as he continued fighting. As he was about to finish his 15th monkey, he suddenly heard 'it'. The village shook with the deafening roar that reverberated through it. His eyes went wide. "Gobi!"

Steam suddenly burst out and covered the eastern part of the village.


A few moments earlier, Konan and Rei stood in front of a shabby house with a few holes in it. It was made out of wood and located in the eastern part of the village. The part that could be called slums and mostly used to house 'slaves' or those of low societal status. It was also a part that was completely undisturbed by the current commotion as there was just nothing of note there. This also conveniently meant that no ninja was as of now there as every stationed patrol went to help with the disturbance in the village.

"Are you sure this is it?" Konan asked skeptically. The house, if it could be called that, was something she would never imagine belonged to such a precious thing as a jinchuuriki. They were supposed to be quite valuable to their respective villages, no?

"Yes, I am positive." Rei nodded and opened the door. Walking inside, he saw the only room of the entire house. It was quite a clean and tidy place. Despite the shabby and battered furniture, it had kind of a cozy atmosphere signifying that someone clearly cared for it. In the corner of the room was an old bed and on it, a twelve-year-old boy was currently happily sleeping. "Well, wouldn't you look at that? Looks like we are quite lucky. Since he is sleeping, the next part will be quite peaceful." Rei quietly said and approached the snoring boy.

He was a big one for his age. Not due to fat since the boy was obviously under-fed. No, he was tall and wide... it was obvious he would grow up to be quite physically strong. Rei was quite baffled. This under-fed large boy who was most likely lacking any form of affection would grow up to be a terror on the battlefield. The strongest steam user. All due to the beast inside of him. The boy was Han. The jinchuuriki of the Gobi.

Rei approached his body and put his hand on the boy's belly all the while Konan vigilantly watched for any unnatural movement. Even now, she was making sure many of her paper slices were left behind for various purposes. Rei might be able to see more into what future reactions would people have if he did this or that. She didn't understand that but it was fine. What she understood was that being prepared was important and since she had an opportunity, she took it. After all, since she was in Iwa now, why not fill it to the brim with explosive tags?

Rei's hand reached towards the seal on the boy. Not unlike when he did this with Kushina, Rei put a paper with his chakra storage seal onto the boy's belly and pushed his chakra into it, making it reach the boy's seal. His eyes snapped open even though he didn't remember closing them and Rei found himself inside of the seal. He saw a cage... not. Rei blinked and groaned. "Don't you tell me this is some bull-shit willpower seal." He facepalmed only to freeze when he got an answer.

"Yes... human. This is exactly one of these." A calm voice resounded through the seal. Rei's shoulders sagged at that and he turned around with a peeved feeling inside of him. As his turn was finished, his eyes landed on the owner of the voice.

"Gobi..." His lips twitched. "Never thought a tailed beast would be willingly spending its time in its host." Rei amusedly stated, raising his eyebrow at the beast who was lazily lying in front of him with its eyes closed. The Gobi just raised his right eyelid up, boredly looking at Rei.

"You know what you just caused, don't you?" He asked, ignoring Rei's previous statement.

Rei sighed in exasperation. Of course, he did know... "Due to this being a freaking will-power seal, the second I leave, the boy will go on a rampage." He gruffed out. "I mean, how should I know the boy would have such a seal on himself?" Rei started ranting. "Which IDIOT actually puts this sort of seal on a KID?" Much to Kokuo's amusement, he wildly gestured with his hands in agitation. "How could anyone able making such a seal not understand the simple truth that a kid can't suppress a tailed beast with willpower?" Rei shook his head. "What kind of willpower could a kid have anyway!" He huffed.

Kokuo snorted. "Yes... I totally agree. If I wanted, I could be out this instant."

"But you don't. You know Han won't be always a kid, don't you? One of these days, his willpower actually will be enough to keep you sealed away." Rei told Kokuo who just shrugged uncaringly. The beast was clearly unhappy with the fact it was sealed but didn't mind being secluded and the sealing actually did help him with that.

"Well, this was a nice talk but I think your goal in coming here is fulfilled. It's time for you to go." Kokuo politely said, making Rei smile.

"Thank you for giving me your chakra." He slightly bowed towards the beast. He could feel that Kokuo clearly knew what was going on around its host and didn't mind sharing his chakra. Rei felt his chakra storage seal filling up too quickly for it to be forceful. After relaying his gratitude, he left the seal.josei

The second he was out, he grabbed the chakra storing paper, twisted on his heel, and jumped towards Konan, grabbing her around her waist and heaving her up on his shoulder. He then used Kawarimi to gain distance from the boy who was now almost bathing in red chakra.

He knew Han would go on a rampage but it was not his problem. Most importantly, it was not him who applied such a half-assed and stupid seal on the boy. Rei could have stopped Han. Sure. But why should he? He didn't owe Iwa nor its people anything. There just wasn't a benefit in it. But there definitely was a benefit in having the boy rampage!

Rei entered a side-alley and ran through the back streets until he was at least a few hundred meters away from the boy's position. It took him only a moment and after he deemed his distance sufficient, he jumped up onto the roof, still holding Konan like a sack of potatoes. Konan's face was impassive throughout the entire experience but it was obvious to Rei she didn't appreciate the way he carried her. He put her down on her own feet when he landed on the roof, just in time to see a huge cloud of superheated smoke go off in the distance.

"The boy will massacre the people." Konan stoically stated. It wasn't that she cared about Iwa people but she didn't like seeing kids killed. That, however, didn't mean she would not activate the numerous exploding tags and wipe the entire village off if it was needed. That only meant it would at best leave a sour taste in her mouth. She didn't even finish her sentence and Rei could already see her using her papers to evacuate many kids from the streets. Konan made sure to use small amounts despite it being slower. She prioritized being unseen but she nevertheless helped the people.

"Yes... I already mentally ordered the closest rock monkeys to come and help to drag the people away." Rei said while he intently stared towards the place with the rampaging boy. It wouldn't be bad to make Iwagakure remember his help during this 'sudden' rampage. It would probably win him some brownie points in the future when his identity comes to the light.

That's the reason why he dropped a paper with a seal that would create a small barrier when he was running away. This barrier wouldn't hold the boy. Not when he already sported three new tails and a red chakra cloak. But it would give the necessary time for someone strong to come. And that was what Rei was waiting for. He knew exactly who would be the best candidate to stop the rampage.

'Now wouldn't it be awesome if Yonbi jinchuuriki showed up and leaked some chakra for me to study?'

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