Indestructible God King

Chapter 100.2 Empty, Cold, and Lonely (2/2)

Chapter 100.2 Empty, Cold, and Lonely (2/2)

The skeleton monster won three rounds in a row. Everyone willingly listened to Wang Ke’s hints about which tiles to move and lost money to the skeleton monster.

But during the fourth round—the demon who sat opposite the skeleton demon suddenly slammed the table.

“I won!” shouted the demon in excitement and was about to collect money from everyone—

But Wang Ke and Bai Jin looked at that demon with shock and disbelief. Do you want to die? Don’t you know who the boss is here? How dare you beat him?

“I’m aiming for a Pure Suit! And I’m only lacking one tile! How dare you stop me with your worthless winning combination? Die!” said the skeleton monster with a chilling voice.


A bone spike emerged from the earth and skewered the demon who had won, before sending him into the skeleton demon’s mouth.

“Krak, kraak, kraak!”

And so, the second demon was eaten.

Wang Ke: “.......................!”

Bai Jin and the others: “........................!”

“Mahjong is interesting indeed; but I’m more interested in tasting flesh! Who’s next? I will eat someone every time I win. Come!” the skeleton demon roared.

Eat one of us whenever you win?

But you lost just now, and you still ate someone!

So you mean that, whether you win or lose, you will eat someone?

Who would dare play Mahjong at this point?

“Please don’t, senior! We all belong to the Demonic Sect! If you’re going to eat someone, it should be Wang Ke. He’s not with us, he belongs to the righteous sect. He is your enemy! The Heavenly Wolf Sect Lord is his revered teacher! He’s your enemy!” Bai Jin said fearfully.

“The Sect Lord’s own disciple?” The skeleton monster stared at Wang Ke coldly.

A murderous aura was emanating from the monster, seemingly lowering the temperature of the entire place. He apparently had an irreconcilable grudge against the Heavenly Wolf Sect.

“Senior, don’t listen to all that blabbering. I have a token to prove my identity, look!” Wang Ke took out a token and threw it over.

The skeleton monster caught the token in his hand.

“I, the Great Yin Demonic Sect’s Divine Dragon Branch Lord Wang Ke greets you, Senior!” Wang Ke greeted the other respectfully.

The skeleton monster looked at the token carefully for a while.

“Senior, don’t listen to Wang Ke’s lies! He’s a liar! He’s lying to you!” Bai Jin said anxiously.

“The token is real; I can smell his scent. I can also smell Wang Ke’s blood, which was used to activate the token. He is the divine Dragon Branch Lord indeed,” the skeleton monster said.

By “his,” the skeleton monster was referring to the Demon Sovereign.

Wang Ke understood what he meant, and his eyes glistened.

“That’s right. The Demon Sovereign’s smell. Senior, how fortunate that you’re acquainted with the Demon Sovereign! He was the one who personally assigned me as the divine Dragon Branch Lord!” Wang Ke quickly took advantage of the relationship.

“Fake, he’s a fake! He’s a righteous disciple! How could he be a branch lord of the demonic sect? Impossible!” Bai Jin protested, unable to believe it.

Only the day before did Bai Jin test Wang Ke with the Righteous-Qi Sword. He certainly is a righteous disciple! How did he become a demonic branch lord? It’s a lie! It’s all a lie!

The skeleton monster glanced at Bai Jin before looking back at Wang Ke. He appeared to have suddenly noticed something of interest in him.

“What’s that on your wrist?” the skeleton monster asked coldly.

“Ah?” Wang Ke was surprised by the question.

It’s the storage bangle on my wrist! It’s filled with my possessions… Don’t tell me you’re going to rob me!

“I... This is...!” Wang Ke didn’t know how to answer—

But the skeleton monster ignored him and summoned with his hand.


Wang Ke’s storage bangle immediately flew up toward the monster.

“Senior, that bone bangle was gifted to me by a good friend of mine. You can take a look, but please return it to me!” Wang Ke urged.

That was the bangle the Sacred Child had made with an offshoot from his bones, offered as a parting gift to Wang Ke.

“A good friend gave it to you?” the skeleton monster asked with a chilling voice; the bone bangle seemed to be of great importance to him.josei

“Yeah!” Wang Ke nodded with a frown.

“Humph!” The skeleton monster snorted coldly.

He tapped the bone bangle as he spoke.


The bone bangle chimed, and then a voice resounded.

“I noticed that you have a lot of storage bangles; you obviously don’t have enough storage space. I can’t think of anything else to give you other than this. The storage space of this bangle is a hundred times larger in comparison to the ordinary ones. You rescued me twice, so I hope this can help you!”

It was the Sacred Child’s voice, produced by the bone bangle.

“The bone bangle is a voice recorder?” Wang Ke muttered to himself in shock.

The bone bangle played the Sacred Child’s last words when they parted.

The skeleton monster trembled upon hearing that voice. In the next moment, his murderous aura intensified, chilling the entire subterranean cavern a few degrees more, as though it were snowing.

“Wang Ke! You angered this honored Senior! We are all going to die!” Bai Jin berated Wang Ke.

The skeleton monster is releasing such a powerful murderous aura; he seems about to burst in anger! We are goners!

“Who! Who is it that tries to kill my son!” the skeleton monster asked gravely.

Your son?

Everyone was stunned. Where did you get a son?

Wang Ke also looked at the skeleton monster’s lower body, clearly confused. You are just bones... Can you really reproduce?

Eh? Wang Ke came to a sudden realization, and felt elated the next moment; he seemed to have made some connections.

“You rescued my son twice?” the skeleton monster asked Wang Ke all of a sudden.

The murderous aura around Wang Ke had disappeared at the moment.

Wang Ke was exhilarated; that came completely out of the blue! Every cloud has a silver lining!

“Senior, are you referring to my good friend, the Sacred Child?” Wang Ke asked, barely holding his excitement. Even his tone became firmer.

Bai Jin and the others looked at Wang Ke in disbelief. Your good friend, the Sacred Child?How shameless of you to say that! Aren’t you aware of your own social status?A friend of the Sacred Child?Who do you think you are?”

The skeleton monster nodded and said, “Your good friend? Right, you saved my son twice; it’s no surprise he would recognize you as a friend!”

Bai Jin and the others looked at the skeleton monster in shock. You believed him?

“Senior, so you are the Sacred Child’s father? Awesome!” Wang Ke said with emotion, “ Next time I see the Sacred Child feeling sad, I can tell him he has a father waiting for him. I will encourage him to become stronger! The Sacred Child often cries in the middle of the night, muttering that he misses his father. How fortunate! The person he so misses is right here!”

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