Indestructible God King

Chapter 112.1 Life Is Not That Easy (1/2)

Chapter 112.1 Life Is Not That Easy (1/2)

The elevators in God Wang Tower were powered by spirit stones. Such simple devices were too easy to make for craftsmen in the cultivation towns.

Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao were currently taking one.

“Fifty thousand pounds of spirit stones? My commission is fifty thousand pounds? Wang Ke, when did you become so generous?” Zhang Zhengdao was taken by surprise.

Fifty thousand pounds! Never had the man possessed that much money before; not even raiding tombs had given him such profit. Happiness overcame him all of a sudden, making him feel a little dizzy.

Wang Ke patted Zhang Zhengdao’s shoulder and asked, “I, Wang Ke, am always fair in what I do. I will not deprive you of even a single cent if it belongs to you. But, I won’t spare any extra either! Zhang Zhengdao, tell me, do you think I’m still petty?”

“Nope! Not petty at all, of course! Hahaha, this is your first time being so generous to me!” Zhang Zhengdao replied excitedly.

“Work hard and attract more customers; more commissions are waiting for you!” Wang Ke encouraged him with a smile.

“Okay, okay. Hold on, commissions?” Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes widened in a flash. “You told me my commission is zero-point-five percent. You gave me fifty thousand pounds; doesn’t that mean you earned ten million pounds?”

Zhang Zhengdao knew that Wang Ke had made a ton of money this time around. But he didn't expect the amount to be that massive. Ten million pounds?Ten million!

An Astral Infant cultivator may not have that much money!And you’ve earned it in just one morning?

“Most of the money is needed for the insurance pool, in case of claims; I didn’t earn that much. This is hard-earned money! I didn’t make it as easy as you!” said Wang Ke, shaking his head.

“Bullsh*t. When has money ever gotten out of your pockets once it goes in? You can deceive others, but not me!” Zhang Zhengdao said in disbelief.

Wang Ke was surprised by Zhang Zhengdao’s rebuttal. This guy’s becoming smarter?

Zhang Zhengdao grumbled and said, “Wang Ke, I’m the one who pulled all the customers over, everyone! Look, I helped you earn that much money, but you’re only sharing this little? Just a tiny fraction of what you’ve earned? Don’t you think it’s too much!”

“A tiny fraction? You call fifty thousand pounds of spirit stones a small fraction? If you don’t want it, forget about it then!” Wang Ke shook his head.

“Ehh no! No! I want it! I didn’t say anything just now!” Zhang Zhengdao immediately admitted defeat.

“Sigh. Zhang Zhengdao, you’re only considering the things you’ve done, but shouldn’t you also include what others have done? You were only in charge of running around to send invitations, which made you fifty thousand pounds within twenty days; where else can you get such a cushy job?” Wang Ke said, shaking his head.

“I... I also worked in security!” Zhang Zhengdao rebutted.

But Wang Ke replied disapprovingly, “Isn’t fifty thousand pounds enough already? You did so little, yet you have the face to ask for more? I have lots of subordinates who did much more, but which of them received a higher commission than yours? Save for yourself, there are so many people and mouths to feed; each of them has their own family as well, yet they earn less than you. How can you ask for more?”

“But, but…!”

“Right, it’s because you delivered the invitations; that is why the three thousand people are here. But from start to finish, wasn’t it me the one who planned it all? Who would have believed us without my Revered Teacher and the others to back us up? Do you think the customers would have bought the insurance without my heart wrenching speech today? What about the construction of God Wang Tower… Do you think it was made for free? You did so little and yet you made a killing because I take you as a friend, and you have the gall to ask for more? Where is your face? Where is your conscience?” Wang Ke questioned him.

Zhang Zhengdao: “...........................!

Wang Ke, you have the face to say such things?I’m already shameless enough… But compared to you, I’m nothing!What did you do to cultivate such thick skin?

“But, zero-point-five percent is really too little! Can’t you increase it a little bit?” Zhang Zhengdao requested again.

“You really don’t know about the hardships of making money. You only see me enjoying the fruits, but you’ve never seen how I struggle for it! Do you know how difficult it is to earn this money?” Wang Ke asked with a black face.

Zhang Zhengdao: “............................!”

Damn... You call this difficult?Then what about the things I’ve gone through, all those years while trying to earn money?

“What’s with that expression of yours? You don’t believe me?” Wang Ke asked before offering another suggestion, “Why not do this? Don’t say I’m being heartless to an old friend. All the people that bought insurance and are currently staying in the tower’s guest rooms, you are free to go and invite them to buy some more. I’ll multiply your commission tenfold as long as you convince them! How about that?”

“Really? Ten times?” Zhang Zhengdao was moved by the offer.

“That’s right. But you must not mistreat my customers. You can only use persuasion to create a win-win situation. Remember, win-win!” Wang Ke warned him seriously.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. I promise I’ll get them to buy more policies!” Zhang Zhengdao said with excitement.


The lift reached the top floor.

Zhang Zhengdao and Wang Ke parted ways.josei

Wang Ke entered his office.

“Ten times? It was my speech that swayed them in the assembly hall. I raised the overall atmosphere to the top and everyone bought the insurance out of impulse and herd mentality. Many of my ‘touters’ helped in making it happen. But now? Many of the buyers have calmed down by now and are regretting the purchase. They might even be cursing and swearing in their guest rooms. Some are probably thinking about getting a refund! It’s a pity though, their money won’t leave my pockets once it goes in! And there’s the ‘negligence clause’ in the contract! As for Zhang Zhengdao? Uhh, it’ll be good enough if he’s not scolded by all of them,” Wang Ke muttered, then shrugged before closing the office door.

Wang Ke scanned his surroundings and became serious. Why does my office feel so shady? Don’t tell me something bad is going to happen. Hmm, this doesn’t feel good. Fortunately, I have a backup plan!

Meanwhile—Zhang Zhengdao plastered a friendly smile on his face and knocked on one of the guest rooms.

“Elder Chen, what did you think about the insurance? Are you interested in buying one more?” Zhang Zhengdao said with an eager smile.


The door was swung shut forcefully, fracturing Zhang Zhengdao’s nose along the way.

The latter covered his nose and tried to stop the bleeding, “Damn it. It’s OK if you don’t want it, but why be so rough about it? My nose! Ouch!”

Zhang Zhengdao thought about disputing the matter with Elder Chen, but he remembered Wang Ke’s conditions, which included not mistreating customers. And so, he could only leave in pain.

He walked to the next door and knocked; another familiar cultivator opened.

“My fellow cultivator, are you interested…!” Zhang Zhengdao asked with a smile.


Another door was shut. Zhang Zhengdao covered his nose and squatted down in pain.

“Damn it! I hadn’t even finished my sentence. Why’d you fling your door shut like that!” Zhang Zhengdao complained in great frustration.

The poor man’s nose turned extremely red after knocking on the doors of a few more acquaintances.

I get it. Fifty thousand pounds of spirit stones is not just the sales commission! It’s also payment for taking the blame! All those who regret buying insurance think they were swindled by me! Wang Ke, you bast*rd! I became a scapegoat! Zhang Zhengdao felt despair.

But, would he give up just like that? Zhang Zhengdao was unwilling!

Ten times? Ten times the commission! I can’t let it go just like that. Some are unwilling to buy, but what if others are willing? Hardships will eventually pay off! I believe I can find at least one person willing to buy more! Oh yeah, the ones who just bought one insurance are basically hobos; they wouldn’t buy more. I should go after suckers with a lot of money; those who buy ten or more policies in one go! Zhang Zhengdao thought to himself.

He kept on walking as he thought of a plan, then reached the pink lady’s door, since she had been the center of attention during the product launch.

That pink lady bought ten insurance plans! Zhang Zhengdao had also heard she didn’t even look at the contract; she went straight to the Prized Customers Zone and bought ten shares without batting an eye. Some of the bald men next to her were short on funds and she also paid on their behalf. She didn’t even want the free gifts. Talk about a wealthy person!

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