Indestructible God King

Chapter 137.2 Product Endorsement (2/2)

Chapter 137.2 Product Endorsement (2/2)

“Enough!” Zhu Hongyi shouted, “I will deal with you later!”

Zhu Yan: “..........................!”

Damn it. Why am I always the one with bad luck?

“You guys don’t need to feel guilty; tying him up was the right thing to do!” Zhu Hongyi shook his head and said to Wang Ke and the demons.

“Thank you for understanding!” they replied courteously.

Zhu Hongyi looked at Wang Ke and asked, “Wang Ke, Zhu Yan said you are the Heavenly Wolf Sect’s East Wolf Deputy Hall Lord… Is that true? Also, why did I hear that you opened a business called ‘God Wang Company’?”

Zhu Yan’s eyes glistened with hope. It’s coming! My uncle still loves me! He’s going to vindicate me! Wang Ke, I shall see how you defend yourself!

The demons looked at Wang Ke too.

“Yeah! Parlor Lord Zhu, I’m sure you know! Back on the Demon Sect, when the Demon Sovereign was around! Didn’t I tell all of you? I’m Chen Tianyuan’s disciple! I intentionally released prisoners on Divine Dragon Island so I could stabilize my footing in the Heavenly Wolf Sect. Thanks to the opportunity, I was promoted to become Deputy Hall Lord!” Wang Ke explained.

“Uhh? You... Why are you being so frank?” Zhu Yan was baffled.

How is it that you dare to confess so readily?Aren’t you afraid of getting killed?

“The Demon Sovereign?” Zhu Hongyi frowned.

“Yeah? Weren’t you there too? The Demon Sovereign himself agreed to let me do this! And so I did!” Wang Ke said it as a matter of course.

Zhu Hongyi had an awkward expression on his face. I was there! But we thought you were only bluffing!Who would have thought you would become so successful in the Heavenly Wolf Sect. I’m sure that even the Demon Sovereign would be surprised!

“Let’s put this aside for now. Tell me, what’s with your God Wang Company?” Zhu Hongyi asked.

“Ancestral uncle, you bought what he said just like that? Shouldn’t you be asking more questions? Shouldn’t you be questioning how he entered the righteous sect? Why aren’t you asking him!” Zhu Yan urged anxiously.

A demon chided him with a stare, “Shut up. The Parlor Lord won’t question this further. The Demon Sovereign himself knows about his actions. Don’t you understand? Brother Wang is there working undercover! You are so dumb! How did you even become emperor of the Great Qing!”

Zhu Yan: “.................!”

Wang Ke looked toward Zhu Hongyi and explained, “The God Wang Company? It’s a business unrelated to the righteous faction; it’s my own side hustle! Parlor Lord Zhu, you should know how things work. Although I was indeed appointed as the Divine Dragon Branch Lord, it’s nothing but a name; I only have She Qingqing running the Divine Dragon Branch. I still need to feed myself, and recruit disciples! How can I do all that without money?”

“Hmm?” Zhu Hongyi was doubtful.

“That’s why,” Wang Ke continued, “I thought of opening the God Wang Company to profit from the righteous disciples’ money! It’s an additional source of income to help me cope with expenses!”

“You’re taking money from the righteous disciples to empower our sect’s Divine Dragon Branch? Brother Wang, you are indeed bold and courageous. A true role model for us all!” The demons sighed in amazement.

Zhu Yan still objected while gritting his teeth, “Wang Ke’s God Wang Company is helping the righteous faction with insurance! He’s providing support for those who die fighting us! He did it for the righteous faction! I heard it all, crystal clear! I even took a gander at his insurance plan!”

Although Zhu Yan knew full well that Wang Ke only cared about money, he tried everything to lay blame on the latter, no matter what it took.

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“Is the God Wang Company only aiming at making money?” Zhu Hongyi asked.

“Here, this is the insurance plan Zhu Yan mentioned. This is what I’m selling!” Wang Ke took out an insurance plan and handed it over.

Zhu Hongyi was a little stunned; he took the document and started reading carefully.

A demon said with a smile, “Brother Wang, you are really good at making money. I heard about it; to think you can sell that useless piece of paper for five thousand pounds of spirit stones. How about teaching us how to make that much money?”

“You guys want to sell insurance plans too? For sure! You sell it, and I will give you a commission. It’s not easy to sell them to righteous cultivators; why not start with our fellow demonic disciples! Come guys, why don’t you take a look?” Wang Ke took out more insurance plans so that the others could see.

And so, all of them began to examine the insurance plans.

It was their key to riches, so the demons looked at it freely.

Only Zhu Hongyi saw the implications.

“Wang Ke, I’ve read the document. Although you said it’s just to make money, it has indeed resolved some of the righteous disciples’ concerns and boosted their morale! This is harmful for our demonic sect!” Zhu Hongyi said with a chilling voice.

“Yeah, that’s right! Ancestral uncle, Wang Ke’s plan is to sabotage our demonic sect!” Zhu Yan said at the top of his lungs.

“Parlor Lord Zhu, what you’re saying is inaccurate,” Wang Ke defended himself and said hopefully, “My God Wang Company is impartial toward the righteous and demonic factions! It’s merely established as a business! It does not involve itself in the battle between the two factions! You heard it just now. I’m selling this to the righteous disciples, but I’m also planning on selling it to our demonic brothers! God Wang Company has barely started operations; I haven’t gotten the time to pave the path into the future yet! But, I can start selling now! Why don’t you, Parlor Lord Zhu, help me advertise a little and get the demonic disciples to buy plans from me. Consider it as a means to boost their morale. What do you say?”

Zhu Hongyi’s face froze. Damn. You are asking me to promote your business?This bullsh*t insurance is a scam! I figured it out the moment I saw it!Five thousand pounds of spirit stones for a mere five-year coverage?How many demons could die within five years?

“You wouldn’t be doing it for nothing!” Wang Ke continued by saying expectantly, “I will pay for publicity! As long as Parlor Lord Zhu supports my business and cooperates with our company’s publicity, I’m willing to pay a million pounds of spirit stones as an endorsement fee!”

The demons opened their eyes wide, while sucking cold air between their teeth.

A million pounds?Is Wang Ke crazy?That much money?

Even Zhu Yan’s eyes were round as saucers. He could not understand what Wang Ke was thinking.

“You want me to endorse and publicize your insurance plan? How should I do that?” Zhu Yan asked doubtfully.

Wang Ke answered, “With advertisements, of course. I will hire the best painter to do a full-body portrait of yours, which will be later added in our insurance brochures; I will also hang your posters in all the cultivation towns. I will also hire some craftsmen to forge voice-recording artifacts to register your words of endorsement, which will be played on repeat all across the entire Ten-thousand Great Mountains! Of course, all depending on Parlor Lord Zhu’s willingness to participate. If that is the case, I can also write a few awesome songs to accompany your handsome and energetic appearance. I will make sure you become the idol of all the girls! All the ladies will be mesmerized by you!” Wang Ke was getting more and more excited as he spoke.

“Nonsense!” Zhu Hongyi stared at him.josei

But Wang Ke kept on persuading, his excitement rising, “Parlor Lord Zhu, calm down. A million pounds is just the start; once we set up our company’s packaging, we can later renegotiate your compensation if you become famous! Parlor Lord Zhu, give it a try, for the sake of the demonic sect disciples’ future! You will have the chance to become the bond uniting all the demonic disciples. You will also become everyone’s idol!”

Right beside them—the demons and Zhu Yan widened their eyes in disbelief. What is Wang Ke saying?Why does he sound stranger by the minute?He wants the Parlor Lord to become popular all over the Ten-thousand Great Mountains?And to sing too?Why don’t you ask him to dance while you’re at it!

“Bullsh*t!” Zhu Hongyi shot him a stare.

“Parlor Lord Zhu, my suggestion benefits you a ton and brings you no harm! You really can give it a try!” Wang Ke kept on trying.

Black faced, Zhu Hongyi looked at Wang Ke and said, “Why did the Demon Sovereign choose someone like you to be the Divine Dragon Branch Lord!”

“Why? Is there anything wrong?” Wang Ke said in frustration, “I only wanted to make the Divine Dragon Branch flourish; that is why I created this side hustle to make money and recruit disciples. Parlor Lord, She Qingqing is also working in my branch. Do you know how difficult it is to have no money? She Qingqing won’t have to worry about money if I earn more! Parlor Lord Zhu, you really should support me and help me publicize my insurance!”

“Humph. I will help if you can get the Demon Sovereign to help you publicize. How about that?” Zhu Hongyi said coldly.

“You’re serious? I will take your word for it!” Wang Ke’s eyes glistened.

Zhu Hongyi: “..............................!”

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