Indestructible God King

Chapter 164.2 Lost for Words (2/2)

Chapter 164.2 Lost for Words (2/2)

Mo Sanshan's face was black as coal. Do you really think you didn't offend me? Damn it! I'm bursting with anger because of you! Yet you have the gall to say that you didn't offend me in any way?

"Demon Sovereign, please be the judge! Isn't this Mo Sanshan a nutcase? He sabotaged my work the first time I met him! He had agreed to share all the details of his plan when he asked me for help to capture Tong An'an. He didn't fulfill his side of the promise! But I didn't blame him. The second time, when I was at the Zhu Cultivation Town, I didn't know why he released Tong An'an to chase me! I was the one who captured him, yet he released that fellow to deal with me! And then, after I subdued him again, Mo Sanshan went proudly and asked for him! What did I do? I handed Tong An'an over without a second thought! I only asked him to send a message to Zhang Li'er. What did he do, you ask? He fought with Zhang Li'er, making the misunderstanding between her and me even greater! And that's not all! I had yet to do him any harm, and yet he released Tong An'an to go after me once again! How did I ever offend him? Why is he always trying to sabotage my plans and kill me? He released Tong An'an several times to come after me like a rabid dog! Damn it, is it so hard to be a good person nowadays?" Wang Ke raged indignantly.

Mo Sanshan looked irritated, "You’re full of crap! Do you really think of it that way? Weren’t my plans sabotaged by you instead?"

"I sabotaged you? Come, say it! Tell me when and how did I wrong you?" Wang Ke questioned.

When and how? All the time!

"Back at the Zhu Cultivation Town, you were the one who asked me to tell Zhang Li'er…!" Mo Sanshan got stuck mid-sentence.

He suddenly realized something: Wang Ke did ask him to tell Zhang Li'er that he didn't like her! Wang Ke is really innocent! But back them, Zhang Li'er suddenly burst into a rage! How was I supposed to reason with her?

"Demon Sovereign, I made use of Tong An'an to investigate the Parlor Lord working against you. But Tong An'an is nuts! He went after Wang Ke relentlessly; that was beyond our control!" Mo Sanshan tried to explain himself.

"Look! Now you turn and denounce that other people are crazy! If what he did is none of your business, why were you chasing me and trying to kill me? If there's anything I did wrong, you can always report me to the Demon Sovereign!" said Wang Ke.

Mo Sanshan stared at Wang Ke with bloodshot eyes. You did everything wrong! But damn! Somehow reason just stands on your side! Why?!

"Mo Sanshan, why are you after Wang Ke's life?" the Demon Sovereign asked.

"Demon Sovereign, I apologize!" That was the old expert’s last resort; he could only admit to it.

Damn! There's no way to outwit Wang Ke in this debate! Forget it! Wang Ke is too hard to deal with. Most importantly, there are a lot of things I need to keep to myself. How frustrating!

"Humph! And you’re admitting your mistake now? If I weren’t here today, you would have killed Wang Ke, right?" asked the Demon Sovereign with a chilling voice.josei

After admitting his fault, he stopped trying to defend himself and the admonishment washed all over him.

The Demon Sovereign commanded, "Without my approval, you must not go against Wang Ke again!"

The young man lifted his head proudly.

"Understood!" Mo Sanshan acknowledged with a black face.

"Both of you serve me. You can have different opinions, but you can't start killing each other! The mistake is yours, but I can let this go and forget if you apologize to Wang Ke!" said the Demon Sovereign.

"What? Apologize to him?" Mo Sanshan asked, showing aversion.

"Demon Sovereign, can I request a different punishment?" Wang Ke also spoke up.

"Hmm?" The Demon Sovereign looked at Wang Ke.

I am on your side, and now you ask for another one?

"Yeah, I'm actually very practical. Mo Sanshan's pride will never allow him to apologize to me! Do you think you can make it claimable?" Wang Ke asked.

The Demon Sovereign: ".......................!"

Mo Sanshan: "…………!"

Claimable? What does that mean?

Of course it’s to convert the apology into money! Why would I want this sly old guy to bow and apologize to me? What a joke! Am I such a vain person? There would be nothing to be gained, while Mo Sanshan would hate my guts forever because of the humiliation. This will only make him scheme some more against me. I would easily trade the niceties for something more practical.

"Mo Sanshan is an Astral Infant after all; to make him kowtow to me and apologize would be too harsh for someone like him. Why not do this? Mo Sanshan, how much do you think one kowtow of yours is worth? Just give me the money and this matter can be easily resolved. How about that?" Wang Ke asked with a smile.

Mo Sanshan had an annoyed look on his face. Damn, who said I'm going to kowtow to you?

The Demon Sovereign also gave Wang Ke a strange look. I only asked Mo Sanshan to apologize. It wasn't for your sake; I also wanted to teach him a lesson so that he becomes more obedient towards me. Why else would you think I'm asking an Astral Infant for such a respectful salute? How did you reach that conclusion! Where is your face?

"Mo Sanshan, look, I'm giving you face! But why the long face, though? At least show some sincerity. Is that humble salute worth nothing at all? Come, come. The Demon Sovereign is looking at us; we can't just stand here and look at each other all day long, can we? I can do it myself if you’re too embarrassed!" said Wang Ke as he walked up with his palms stretched out.

"What... What are you doing?" Mo Sanshan stepped back in shock.

Damn, you would have taken my storage bangle if I was late for one second. You really don't see yourself as an outsider, huh?

"Uhh, I thought you preferred that I do it myself! Fine, I won’t move an inch. Take the money out of your pockets, quick!" Wang Ke urged.

Mo Sanshan looked at Wang Ke in great frustration and then saw their leader glancing his way. The Demon Sovereign was stunned by what he saw. This Wang Ke! Not only is he shameless! He reaches out for a yard after taking an inch. This…!

Black-faced, Mo Sanshan took out a storage bangle. After some manipulation, he handed it over to Wang Ke. "Take it! A hundred thousand pounds of spirit stones. Let this work as compensation for my past mistakes!"

"Only a hundred thousand pounds? That’s how much your kowtow is worth?" Wang Ke questioned angrily.

"If you don’t want it, forget it…!" Mo Sanshan was about to pull back the storage bangle.

However, Wang Ke's hands were too fast for that. I was just trying to raise the price, but I'm not going to let this money go! There's no way I would let you take it back! Wang Ke snatched the storage bangle with lightning speed and then stuffed it in his pocket.

"Haiya, forget it. It's not a lot, but I have to give the Demon Sovereign face. This counts as your compensation to me. Now all our debts are cleared!" Wang Ke said with a laugh.

Mo Sanshan: ".....................!"

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The Demon Sovereign: ".......................!"

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